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Chapter 29

“Shit, she´s coming… well, at least we´re already done, right?” Kelsey said to Trevor as he laid in the couch. With a big smile drawn in his face.

Kelsey worked fast. She jerked him off. Then, cleaned the small mess with some paper towels. Put his member back in his pants. Zip him up, and all before Pam came back from the doctor´s office. Even before the receptionist came back.

This wasn´t much of a fair play. But it can´t be denied that Pam would´ve done the same thing…

“Everything cool back there?” Kelsey asked as Pam stood next to her.

“Yes, everything´s perfect…” Pam said, smiling. Kelsey might stand taller, but it´s only a matter of time before Pam´s the one who stands above.

She´s still bigger, well heavier; and she could certainly stand much taller than Kelsey if she wore heels, but that´s not just it. The main deal is to be the tallest. On her bare feet, that way, Trevor will be all over the moon for her…

Pam didn´t say a word to Kelsey about the offer Dr. Glasshow made. Why would she? There´s no need to help her rival.


“So, you´re telling me you´re willing to… sponsor me?” Kelsey asked.

“For sure! Our associates would love to have such a pretty, muscular woman like you in our team. What a better way to show them the results than with the size of such muscles? I´m sure you don´t work as hard and you still have some nice results, right?” Dr. Glasshow said.

“Well… I work out, but not as much as professionals do…” Kelsey replied, blushing a little.

“And you look just as good. I´ve got the papers right here, would you like to sign? I´m sure you could use this as an… incentive. Besides, they are giving away free clothes for you to try. What do you think?” Oh, she´s in!

Both women were now part of a special program at the clinic. Nothing would really change, except for a few things. Like food, supplies, clothes.

This isn´t offered to just anyone. But their results have been so good, their growth has been so nice that they just needed to use them as ambassadors.

Plus, the difference on their body types shows off the diversity the growth can have. Depending on your habits, you can grow muscular, or just grow thicker.

There´s some other patients involved as well, but most are the standard. Hourglass figures. Wide hips, thin waists. But there two, Pam and Kelsey, they are one of a kind.

Dr. Glasshow knows they have potential. And investors LOVE potential…

With the recent incentive, it was only a matter of time before they grew taller, and bigger! But it´ll take time. However, not that much time…

Since they already had their information filed at the clinic, there was no need to rewrite their addresses. Kelsey and Pam received several boxes with several different items.

Food, supplements, vitamins, things to nourish their growing bodies. They also received clothes, but the tags were not as the ones they were used to. Instead of reading XXXL, they had a medium written.

There was also an explanation. Due to the standard being big, tall women, the tags were meant to fit their new standards. Not the regular ones. Both of them were happy, knowing these were clothes for women near the seven-foot-mark. Even if they were still to get there. But they were not too far.

And, on top of that, there was a check there. They were curious, so, now they get paychecks? Yes! The answer´s yes. Plus, the treatment´s free from now on.

There seemed to be so many good things about signing the contract. Now, they are free to grow as much as they like. Well, as much as they need. The main goal´s the same, to win Trevor´s heart. Which, with the help of the clinic and their partners, will be easier…

Things moved on, both women still had a life, after all. They were not just obligated to keep working on their growth. The treatment does that on it´s own. What they really had to work on was… seducing Trevor.

Today, more like tonight. Pam chose to invite Trevor at her place. Eager to show him her latest growth…

Pam was so excited. She´s been doing so good this last week! And Trevor has noticed. Yes, he has.

It´s hard not to tell when a growing woman like Pam´s, well, growing. Although there wasn´t that much of a difference, he could definitely tell she had changed.

*ding* *dong*

He rand her bell, surrounded by the cool of the night. Today it was actually chilly. He had to put a hoodie on. But he knows he´ll be warm inside. Not only by the cozy insides, but by the warm love of Pam…

“Welcome, dear…” Pam said as she opened the door. She was so gorgeous. Standing now at 6´7”, with a total weight of 315-pounds.

He smiled, immediately delighted by her beauty. She was so gorgeous. His eyes were set barely above her chin. And her body was just so voluptuous.

Pam´s breasts were so big, heavy-looking. He could see them because she was wearing this tight tank-top. And her legs were at full display. Covered only by a pair of tiny shorts. She was dressed as if it was summer. Is it because she turned the heat on? Not quite.

The amazon´s got such a voluptuous body. So thick, and fleshy, she´s now able to resist lower temperatures. Even if he´s cold, she might just be the warmth source he needs…

The voluptuous amazon invited him in. He could barely hold himself as he saw her walking. Her bigger, sexier butt, swaying firmly from side to side. Her big, round glutes, teasing him.

Pam´s glad she´s growing, she´s happy there´s been some progress.

The clinic sent her a lot of stuff, and promised to send her more every week. Inside the box, there were several items. But the most important ones, were food. Not exactly food, like meats or veggies, but different vitamins, supplements. Even some “superior” cocoa. They packed some sweets for the sweet lady.

There were boxes of cake. Instant flower. Supposedly, it was sweet, healthy, and full of vitamins. Designed to satisfy the hunger of a growing woman like her.

They were aware of Pam´s intention at the clinic. Her goal to grow larger, softer. Overall, to gain weight and develop the tall body of a big, beautiful woman. Thick, with some alluring curves. And the clinic won´t hesitate to comply.

They doted her with a large variety of new products. And yes, she´ll be the one who tests them. In fact, she must fill up a brief survey at the end. And make sure to send all the information to the clinic.

So far, the meals are great! And surprisingly satisfying. But it made sense, she´s been doted with high calorie meals. Thousands of calories on every portion. Why? Because they are meant to satisfy an amazon woman.

You can tell by how fast she gained weight. Over ten-pounds in a week. That´s fast! But Pam´s goal is to get even bigger.

The inch she grew in height pairs her up with Kelsey, or at least with last week´s Kelsey. However, she´s not here to compare sizes. BUT, Trevor´s there… there to enjoy her body…

He wasn´t exactly invited over for dinner. Pam´s basically eating seven times a day. Sometimes it´s just a snack, and some others, well, she treats herself. Right now, food can wait, all she wants is to take Trevor to bed, as fast as possible…

The way he looks at her body. How he glares at her curves. How he naturally goes on and compares her size with his. She likes it. In fact, it turns her on.

To have his attention, for him to be focused on her. She knows that, right now, he´s hers and hers alone. All of his thoughts are focused on her, all of his ideas are based on Pam. And, all he wants, is a piece of that sexy, giant woman before him. And she´s more than happy to give him what he wants…

“Go on, feel me. Touch my body, Trevor…” Pam said, now laying over him in her bedroom.

She was not going to waste any time. She wanted to take him to bed, and that´s exactly what she did.

They kissed, her thicker lips all over his. Her huge breasts, all over his chest. Trevor could feel her, she was hot. Her body radiated heat, and not just that, he could almost smell her desire in the air.

Trevor liked this feeling. To have a big, luscious amazon over him. For her to desire him, just as much as he desires her. To touch her body, to feel the soft enormity of her breasts. To caress the fleshiness of her hips.

Not even Trevor could tell what he liked more about taller women. Was it their height? Their size? The fact that their boobs and butts are much bigger? Did he like longer, fleshier legs? Maybe, there was something else, or it could be all of the above.

Whatever the reason is, there´s one thing for sure. He couldn´t be any harder!

The thought of Pam growing more and more elevated his arousal. She was so big already! And there´s no stopping her yet. As soon as he says the words, the competition will end, and either woman he picks will settle at the size she is. Or will she?

He´s not so sure about it. Maybe they do like to keep growing. Who knows, maybe after all this is done, they will still keep adding inches to their frames.

Whichever the result is, there´s one thing for sure; right now, he wouldn´t wish to be anywhere else.

Pam´s flesh was so soft, her skin was so smooth. Her body has expanded so sensuously. So softly, as she wanted. He can feel the warmth coming out of her body. The soft sensation of her body. The large, long enormity of hers. She´s seven inches taller than him. She´s grown over a foot in height, and already doubled her weight!

He can´t help but to have one last thought, how will things be when she´s a whole foot taller than him?


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