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Chapter 7

Jason felt relieved. The three menacing amazons had just left the room. And right before he got injured, or suffered the consequences. This wasn´t fair, he did nothing, they all picked on him. He was about to get his ass kicked by the tallest of them. But he got out of it in one piece.

This is one of the things he doesn´t like about this new world. Why do all women have to abuse their positions and sizes? They said he had some mouth, but he wasn´t the one who started it.

Part of him was relieved, but now, there´s something else, someone else is still in the room…

“Well, it seems all three have left the room. Believe me, they´ll hear from me.” Said the gigantic woman. Jason was worried about what will happen next.

This woman was huge! Much bigger than the other three who had just left. Totally dwarfing all seven-footers. Treating them as if they were puny, inferior. And maybe dumb. But, wasn´t that the way they all treat him? They do deserve that.

His question is, what will she say to him? She seems as the type of woman who likes to have everything under control. To have an office working as a clock. Now, after this, let´s call it, incident, what will be the resolution?

Jason´s concerned as the giantess turns at him. She´s so big! Certainly above nine-feet-tall, that´s for sure. And her body, he won´t dare look at her in a luscious, or inappropriate way but, she´s thick!

In all of the right places. With breasts so enormous. Hips so wide. And legs, legs to thick and fleshy, he could easily mistake them for tree trunks! She´s a mature woman, superior in size, height, weight. Overall, she´s a giantess! Now, his main worry, is she going to fire him?

She turned at him, looking down at him, silently. For a moment, she seemed to be scanning him, looking at his whole body with attention. With a serious look on her face, not mad, just quiet, denoting the superiority she clearly had.

Jason swallowed. This woman was simply enormous. Nataly´s mom was a very big woman, standing at 8´5”, but this woman, she seems to be a full head taller!

“Are you ok, honey?” Said the executive as she put her hand over his head. Smiling.

She had finally broken the silence, she bent over, looking so intimidating. Approaching at him, but she meant no threat. She just asked, with a nice, gentle tone, if he was ok.

“I… I think so…” He replied, still concerned her last words were for him to pick his stuff and leave.

How good of an asset can he be at the office if they can manhandle him that way? Anyone could have their way with him. After all, he´s a 5´10” man living in a world of giantesses! Even the shortest women there are half-a-foot-taller than him.

“I´m glad they didn´t hurt you. Did they? Because if they have, just tell me, I assure you it´ll be confidential.” They didn´t, but they were about to, and this woman knows it.

“I… I think you got here just in time, ma´am.” He replied.

“Aww, how sweet. You´re so polite. But you don´t need to call me “ma´am”, I´m Henrietta, Henrietta Braxton. Or Ms. Braxton. But you can call me Ettie, honey. Just make sure no one´s looking.” She winked at him.

For the first time, since he works there, a superior´s treating him like… well maybe too sweet, but nice. She´s friendly. Polite. Respectful. It´s amusing!

This is also the first time a woman stands for him at the office. But she was not just any woman. She was an executive! And HUGE!

He just can´t get over how big she is. How is it possible that she cares for a man as insignificant as him? She´s like, twice as tall! And probably ten times bigger.

“I apologize for that, Jason. But you know, women are just… they don´t know how to treat a man properly. Once they reach a certain size, they think of themselves as mighty beings who use men as their… property, sometimes. And it´s often seen in women of a middle age.” Ms. Braxton said.

Was she… apologizing? What´s going on in here?!

“Don´t… don´t worry about that, Ms. Braxton. I´m… used to it.” He said. He lives in a world filled with women standing big, he knows how things are.

“You see, that´s the main problem. I truly don´t understand why you should be used to it. No one should be used to it. For what I can see, most women here seem to think that way. Treating men as if they were inferior, other than seeing them as coworkers. But that´s one of the things I´ll work on.” He was a bit confused as to where this was all going.

But it had to make sense. After all, Ms. Braxton was an executive, and her job there was to look for a way to make sure this office becomes more productive.

Perhaps, she noticed that these three were fooling around while they were supposed to be at their desks. And maybe that´s one of the reasons why the numbers at the office haven´t increased as they should´ve.

Ms. Braxton was thinking out loud. Jason wasn´t sure what to say, he simply stood there, paying attention to this woman. Right now, she was his savior, and a kind woman, but she was still his superior. With a higher position than anyone else in the whole building. He must be respectful, and careful to what he does.

“As far as I understand, you´re our copy guy, right?” She asked, turning her attention back at him for a moment.

“Yes, ma´am!” He replied, standing straight and making eye contact with the giantess.

“Oh, don´t call me ma´am. There´s no need to be so formal, dear. But you´re a polite man, I like that. In fact…” and so, she pulled this card from her pocket. “Here. This is my card. It´s got my number in it. Now, if any of those three ever come to bother you again, just give me a call and I assure you, you won´t have any more problems with them, ok? I´m sure you do a great job here. Keep it that way, ok honey? Now, I´ll leave, I still have a lot of work to do. But, maybe we can meet another time, ok?” that sounds… nice?

She waved goodbye and left. Once again, Jason´s work day was back to normal. Or, was it?

In his hands, he held a presentation card. One with the name and phone number of Henrietta Braxton. A really powerful woman at the office.

He was a bit curious as to why she was that way with him. For the most, he can tell she doesn´t like women who bully men. She said it, she hates it when women use their size against innocent men. Like him.

Jason was also a bit concerned, why was she so attentive with him? And why did she gave him her card? Is she concerned? Or… is there something else he´s not seeing?

Well, at least he should take things easy. It seems Mrs. Braxton has already done the inspection at the copy room. She said it, he seems to be doing a good job. Now, does she really mean it or, maybe the copy guy doesn´t deserve as much attention as someone else?

Perhaps, his job was too easy, not a reason why they should have losses at the office. He felt safe, knowing he was not one of the people who was getting fired. Still, something else told him this might not be the last time he sees Mrs. Braxton…

Jason was thoughtful during the rest of the day. And he was also keeping an eye on his back. Worried any of those three would come back for revenge. But things shouldn´t be that way, right? They received a warning, it would be smart of them to stay away from him. The thing is, are they smart enough?

Jason found himself at home hours later. Back at his place, having dinner with the woman he loves.

Nataly might be a 6´4” lady, but compared to all giantesses at the office, she´s more his size.

“How was work?” She asked.

“Everything was fine. Pretty regular. Well, except for… do you remember that woman… Jen?” He started.

“The annoying woman who thinks she´s above everyone at the office? Sure, what about her?”

“Well…” And so, he explained Nataly all that had happened. She was amazed, mad too for what she wanted to do to him, but also pretty happy someone took care of it.

“Wow, so she just came to your rescue? That was nice.” Nataly cheered.

“It sure was. Who knows what Jen might´ve done if Mrs. Braxton hadn´t showed up.” He said.

“Well, I´m sure it was better this way. Else, they could´ve fired that bitch for what she might´ve done to you.” Nataly was mad for what had happened, but there´s nothing she can do. The office had already given a resolution, and it was quite fitting, however, part of her can´t help but to desire kicking Jen´s ass, plus the other two women as well…

“Yeah. But there´s something that´s been bothering me…” He started.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Well… the way this executive woman was acting… don´t you think she might´ve… liked me?”

“PFFFFTT! Hahaha, liked you? That gigantic woman liking you? Hahaha!” Nataly cracked up in laughter.

“Hey! Why wouldn´t she? I… I´m handsome.” He protested.

“Yes, you are. But tell me, why do you think she “liked” you?” Nataly said.

“Well… she was just… so kind. And… she smiled a lot to me and, well, she called me, you know…”

“How did she call you? Nataly asked.

“You know, honey, and dear and… stuff like that.” He felt awkward. But he was being honest. He didn´t want Nataly to think there was something going on, he felt as if there was, at least the beginning of something. But Nataly, well…

“So, you think that, only because that woman spoke to you like my mom does, that means she´s into you? Jason, don´t be silly. She´s just talking to you like any other older woman does.” Nataly explained.

“Are you sure? Because she seemed so attentive, and… almost too sweet. She even told me to call her… Ettie.” He explained, hoping Nataly will understand what he´s trying to tell her.

“So? My mom also told you to call her Emily. And she´s VERY sweet around you. Jason, all older woman are sweet around young men. It´s like, I don´t know, nature? Believe me, if she wanted to take you to bed, she would´ve done it. Women like her don´t like to wait.” Nataly stated.

“Are you sure?” He was still concerned.

“Totally. Besides, if you had a chance to have an affair with her, at least you could get a nice bonus. Or a promotion!”

“Nataly! This isn´t fun!” He knows she´s just teasing him.

“Haha, ok, ok. But honestly, I don´t think she´s into you. Perhaps… maybe those were just her maternal instincts kicking in. Like every time we visit my mom and she hugs you off the floor. Older women can´t help it. It´s like… their nature.” Nataly explained, which seemed to make sense.

“Are you sure?”

“Totally, the punier you look to them, the least they can resist being all… sweet and lovely. It´s part of the way they are. Believe me, sometimes I can´t help but to “aww”, when you can´t reach for something. It´s like… involuntary.” Nataly seems to be taking care of this quite nicely. Jason´s starting to feel relieved.

“Oh, ok… wait, did you say puny?!”

“Chill, it´s just a way to call it. I´m not insulting you…” Well, it seems things are ok. That gigantic woman was just caring for him. Maybe it´s like Nataly says, big women can´t help it.

But it still bothers him a little, will things be the same way he meets her? Will this woman, Mrs. Braxton, act the same way? Maybe she does, maybe she doesn´t. All that matters is, she won´t try to seduce him. Hopefully…


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