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Chapter 1

The sound of the wind, a cool breeze on this chilly evening. Maybe a bit later than the evening, perhaps, past the late evening, right before it´s officially night.

The sky´s painted with these vibrant colors; darkness taking over most of the sky, but still, you´re able to catch a few remaining shades of red, orange and yellow at the horizon. But shades of pink and purple have taken over most of the remaining light in the sky.

All the lights, except for the stars. Those distant, shinning stars.

Right now, as our main guy here walks his way home, he turns at the sky. At the stars. He looks at the distant, open space. He took a moment to appreciate the peaceful sky. Made a pause in the middle of the sidewalk and simply looked at the sky.

As he stared into the darkness filled with stars, he wondered, how would it feel to be a star? Just floating in the cold, outer space. Taking care of nothing, but mostly, worried about nothing…

This guy right here is a young man. At 21 years of age, in his very last year of college. He´s wondering, when does life get good?

His name is Jesse. And he feels like life just isn´t as good as it should. Believing some are luckier than him, that some have all the luck while life is just passing him by. And why is that?

Well, mostly because he´s feeling lonely. As if he hadn´t achieved what he should´ve so far. He knows there´s still a whole life ahead of him, a whole world of new things that will soon come his way. But sometimes, sometimes he´s not sure if he´s on the right way.

What´s mostly haunting his mind right now are two things. The first one, for which he´s got a ton of reasons, life has been so unfair to him. And two, he should´ve been home about an hour ago, but that´s not the main deal about it.

The main thing is, he´s a 21-year-old-man. He should get back home whenever he feels like it, not having a designated curfew. But his life isn´t just as regular as it should…

For starters, and this is one of the things he feels have been unfair to him, is his height. He´s not one of those guys who were a tat too short to reach the six-foot-mark. Those guys who were so close at 5´11”, or 5´10”, Jesse is… shorter.

Being a 5´9” man would´ve been… better. Standing at 5´8” could´ve left him as an average man, for what he wouldn´t complaint. But things were not that way. 5´7” could´ve been nice, or even 5´6”, but no. The universe had other plans for him.

And what kind of plans were those? To make him settle at 5´5”. Jesse was an average built man, who stood at five-feet-five-inches. And what´s the main deal about being a short guy? Well, there´s a few…

For starters, women chose taller men. He´s not entirely sure why, but women do prefer tall guys over other guys. And, in his case, this doesn´t left him as one of the tall guys. Not even on the average-height guys. At best, he´s taller, not by much, than a couple women.

And there´s a lot more things he complaints about. A few he blames on his height. For example, a couple. Why is he single? He´s good looking! He knows it, it might be a bit narcissist from him, but he knows his looks ain´t bad.

But you might be wondering, why is he so focused on his height? Well, he´s aware people come in different sizes. Different heights. There´s an average, but that´s not a standard. There might be a very tall guy in the same room as a really short guy. And that´s totally fine.

Jesse doesn´t blame tall people for being tall, he mostly… hates himself for being short. One would think it´s genetics but… it might be a bit more complicated than that.

Now, he´s finally walking through his front yard. Making his way to his home. Noting how lights are on inside and how it´s dark outside. Right now, he´s an hour and a half late! Past the time he usually makes it home.

Normally, he should´ve called. He should´ve texted. He should´ve told them he was going to be home late. But he chose not to. And why is that? Well… he´s tired.

Tired of having to give explanations. Tired of curfews, asking for permission, overall, tired of not being an adult. An independent man who takes care of his own decisions. One who´s able to tell where and when to go. Tired of a particular aspect in his life, and that aspect, well, you´ll see it soon…

“What the?” He turned the knob, only to realize the door was locked. He wasn´t totally sure, so he tried again, and got the same result. “Why is it locked?” He whispered as he searched for his keys on his pocket.

He jumped into his wallet and a few change before he hit the keys. And just as he thought: “here they are.” The door got open, not on it´s own, of course, but by someone from the inside…

“Well, well, well, look who´s finally home…” Said the mocking voice of a woman. But not any woman. An amazon!

She was tall, she was sexy, she was blonde and she was… his sister.

Standing at 6´6”, this amazon´s name was Mavis. And yes, she´s his biological sister. You can tell because they have the same hair color. However, she´s a whole foot taller…

You can see the contrast between them, easily. Basically, she´s an amazon and he´s a short guy. But there´s a few more things.

For starters, Mavis is a tall lady who goes to the gym. She´s not massive, but she´s got abs. But, on top of that, she´s got some big boobs and some wide hips. Plus, a big, round bootie and some strong thighs she´s been molding through the years. She´s hot, lean and curvaceous.

Jesse calls her Mae, and she´s a couple years older than him, 23-years-old. And there´s also a little something, she just likes to mess with Jesse.

“What?” He complaint while looking at the smile on her face. He knows that smile, and that only means one thing, she´s making fun of him.

“Nothing. It´s just that, well… someone didn´t tell anybody he was coming home late, that´s all…” she said.

“So?” He replied, looking up at the annoying amazon at the door.

“So? Well, someone here´s been worried about you…” Jesse knows who Mavis is talking about.

You see, Jesse is a grown man who still lives at home. He never had a father, and his mother passed away when he was too young. At that time, they decided to leave him in the care of his oldest sister, who promised she´ll take care of him.

Now, his eldest sister is a 26-year-old woman, who´s about to come to the door…

“Mae, is someone at… Jesse! Oh, I´m glad you´re here!” Then, right after he met his annoying sister, who´s the middle one, someone else has come to the door. Corrie, who, unlike Mavis, rushed to the door as soon as she spotted him there, and then, the even taller amazon hugged him.

“I was SO worried!” She said, easily lifting him off the ground. Jesse doesn´t like it, he feels so… puny!

Corrie, or Cora as they call her, is the tallest at the house. Standing at an impressive 6´8” on her bare feet, she´s the oldest. At 26-years-of-age, Corrie´s the one who takes care of most things around the house. Bills, maintenance, and, as always, taking care of her younger brothers. Mavis is almost as tall as her, she can take care of herself, but Jesse… well, he´s the baby brother so…

“Why didn´t you call!” Corrie said, breaking up the hug and letting him fall back on his feet.

“I didn´t feel like it…” He replied, with an upset tone.

Mavis was enjoying this little show. She knows how Corrie gets whenever they don´t follow the rules. Sometimes they are dumb rules, but she says they are meant to know everyone´s fine and stuff like that. She´s not quite a controlling woman, but whenever things don´t go her way, she can get upset.

Corrie drove her hands to her hips, and looking down at Jesse with a frown on her face, she said: “You didn´t FEEL like it? That´s no excuse for getting home almost TWO hours late.”

“Come on, I´m a grown man, I can take care of myself…” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

“Haha! Grown? You´re a whole foot shorter than us.” Mavis said, laughing at him.

“She´s right, Jesse, don´t you think it´s a bit… dangerous for you to be out at this hour?” Corrie added.

And it all just added up to the fact that he was already tired. And what was he tired about? Of this precise thing! For both his older sisters to bug him about the same thing. So what if they are tall, that doesn´t make him weak, or vulnerable. Just because he´s not as tall as them, that doesn´t mean he can´t look after himself.

“Dangerous? Are you serious! I´m 21! I go to college, I have a part-time job! Don´t tell me what´s dangerous! It´s… it´s always the same shit! Why can´t you see I don´t need, you two, to take care of me! I can take care of myself!”

“Chill, dude, we´re not saying you´ll go to bed without dinner.” Mavis teased.

“That´s exactly what I´m talking about! What makes you think you can tell that? Huh? Why do you think you have some sort of… power over me! Only because you´re tall? Older? That doesn´t mean a thing!” He wanted to leave, find his way in and lock himself in his room. But it won´t be that easy.

“Hey, relax, Jesse, I think you´re stressed. Listen, why don´t we all sit at the couch and discuss it. Something´s bothering you, I can tell. Now, why don´t we all calm down and talk about this, like adults.” He took a deep breath, but if he wanted to prove he was mature enough, then he must do as Corrie says. After all, she´s always been the most mature.

Jesse´s life has always been this way. With his two bigger sisters always taking the lead. Mavis is so annoying, always making fun of him, teasing him, messing with him. She´s exhausting! Corrie´s nicer, but she´s often underestimating him, belittling him. He´s a man, he can take care of his business. He´s not weak, or frail as she thinks.

But there´s an aspect that bothers him the most, something that upsets him. And that is, why are they so tall! The three of them are siblings, and still, the only thing he´s got in common with them are Mavis´s hair color, and Corrie´s eye color. He´s a whole foot shorter! Why is that?

Both of them are tall, statuesque amazons. They stand out everywhere they go. Imposing, dominant, mighty even. Why is he so short?

Things have always been this way, but now, after he turned 21, he just came to realize one thing, will things always be like this?

“Tell me, Jesse, are you stressed?” Corrie asked. “Is it college? Or maybe, is it at work?” She´s kind, she cares. Unlike Mavis who´s sitting there, waiting for a chance to insert a mocking comment.

“No.” He dryly replied.

“Are you sure? You know that, anything you need, we´re here to help you, right?” Corrie said.

Mavis was just sitting there, looking at how his sister´s attempt to handle things were slowly failing.

“I´m sure. Everything´s fine at college, everything´s fine at work.” You could tell by the look on his face something´s not right.

“Come on, bro, tell us what´s the matter. Listen, it´s obvious you´re mad, we just want to know what it is, that´s all.” Mavis said, rushing things a bit. Corrie said they wouldn´t have dinner until her was home, and now he´s home. Mavis is starving!

“I said everything´s fine!” He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Are you…” Corrie started, but Mavis interrupted. As always, saying the truth, in her own slightly harsh way.

“Listen, we can´t have dinner until you speak up. Now, I´m hungry! And you know how I can get when I´m hungry. So, you can either tell us what´s the matter or… maybe I can find my way into it…” And with that, she means getting the truth out, using any means to get to it.

He knows, it might hurt.

Both his amazonic sisters were looking at him. Corrie with a face of concern, and Mavis, well, upset, hungry upset. Jesse had no other choice.

“Ugh, fine! I´ll tell you what´s the matter… the thing is… why am I so short? Tell me! I… You two are fucking giantesses! And me, I… I´m a shrimp!” Both of them thought: “Ohh”, while nodding their heads.

So far things had been fine, why is it suddenly bothering him? Well, the thing is…

“And… and it´s all messed up, you know. I… how am I supposed to date women if they all want a tall handsome man!” And there´s when they realized it, he´s mad because he wants to date a woman. Which makes sense…

“Awww, are you mad because you don´t have a girlfriend?” Corrie said.

“Haha, what a loser. Are you seriously throwing a tantrum for that?” Mavis added.

“I, no I…” He already admitted it, he knows there´s no turning back. “Fuck, yes! But that´s only the result of… of being short! I… if I was taller, then…” He tried to blame it all on his height.

“No, it´s the result of being shy. You hardly go out, women don´t talk to you because you don´t talk to them.” Mavis said.

“That´s…” he started.

“Mae´s right, Jesse. No offense but, you´re a bit… shy.” So now this is all his fault? He wondered, how can he throw the ball back at them? How can he blame them for that?

“No! I… I´m not shy! I just… I…”

“You´re afraid of women?” Mavis teased.

“Hey! Mae, stop that. Listen, Jesse, it´s ok. You´re not obligated to have a girlfriend. But I think you might want one. Is that why you´re upset? Maybe you needed some time alone, and that´s why you didn´t call?” Corrie explained.

“No, I didn´t call because… because I´m tired! Why do I have to tell you where I am? And… at what time I´m coming home. Shouldn´t I be allowed to… to have my own schedule? I…” It´s not so attractive for a woman if the guy´s, well, sort of… pampered?

This conversation wasn´t going his way. He thought it was all their fault. That his lack of confidence was, well, the result of living with two amazonic sisters. And, the way they treat him, always being underestimated, watched for, that it kind of ruined him.

But the truth is, maybe, just maybe, this might be kind of his fault.

He truly needed some time alone to think on that, that´s why he just wandered downtown for a while before he came back home. He needed a moment, outside of his house, to think about it. And during that time, all he could think of was on blaming them. But really, can they be blamed? Maybe he´s just trying not to blame himself…

After the conversation ended, he just went upstairs to his room. He felt so dumb. A bit relieved, maybe, but still, like an idiot.

“What do you think?” Asked Corrie, now at the kitchen.

Mavis was truly hungry, and since Jesse said he´ll come down whenever he gets hungry, well, that´s a sign for her to eat. Now, she´s got a mouth full of pasta. “Wha-?” Mavis asked.

“Ugh, don´t talk with your mouth full! Seriously, you can´t be that hungry…” Corrie said.

Mavis, after she swallowed the whole pasta, said: “Hey, I need my carbs. I did a lot of cardio today, I earned shoving food up my face. Besides, you know him, he won´t come down until… like an hour.”

“Yeah, he needs some time alone. But, I´m worried. Do you think we´re… a bit overprotective?” She knows that´s one of the reasons that might´ve upset him.

“Pfft, he´s just trying to blame us for his lack of luck with women. Relax, he only wants a girlfriend, that´s all. And, for some reason, he thinks we have… interfered on that.” Mavis explained.

“But, have we? I mean, is that possible?” Corrie seemed concerned.

“I don´t think so. I mean, how many guys have I dated without your, or his, permission. Hmm? He´s just shy, like you.” Mavis pointed out.

“Hey! I´m not shy! I just…”

“What? You´re just waiting for prince charming or something? Corrie, you´re not good at dating, but that´s fine. You´re a strong, independent woman, and you know it. The thing is… he might not be feeling as strong, or independent as he should, that´s why he´s mad. Because he feels like… he´s got nothing, I guess…”

“Wow, you know, when you put some effort, you do drop some good conclusions.” Corrie commented.

“Thank you. Now, can I continue with my dinner?” Mavis asked.

“Not yet, now we must figure something out, how can we help him out?”

“Ugh, looks like this will get cold before I get to it…” It seems both of them had a few things to do before dinner. But what could their answer be?

Jesse complaint about a lot of things, but the main deal was the same one. He´s single. And for what they could see, he´s not liking it.

Now, how can his two big sisters help him out on that? Well, the answer´s simple. If he´s struggling with women, there´s a couple reasons for it. First of all, maybe he´s bad on finding a date. So, how can they help? Well, maybe they can get him a date, right?

Perhaps, they could introduce him to someone. If the first step is something he struggles with, then they can help him with it. Hopefully, that´s not part of the things he complaint about.

They will literally set up a date for him, would that be bad? Maybe they should ask first, right?


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