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Chapter 55

Lillian didn´t exactly liked his reply. She thought he´d say yes immediately, and then, fall over her. Hugging her, loving her. As if she was his big, voluptuous savior. But things didn´t went on like that.

His proposal, even if it was a bit unexpected at the time, she can´t deny she didn´t see it coming.

Even she wondered for how long this would go on. How much longer before he feels intimidated by her size, if he ever will. Being an eight-feet-tall amazon´s nice, but some people look at her with concern.

And Colin´s a man who´s shrinking, would he, eventually, look at her with concern? Will there come the day when she´s too big? Too colossal? Monstruous even?

Lillian has always been worried about his shrinking. If he found out it was all because of the milk coming out of her tits, he would most likely run away. But not before blaming it all on her, showing how much he hates her for taking so much from him. And then, she´d be left alone, with sorrow in her heart.

But things didn’t go on that way. Instead, he made his proposal. He went on and made things official with her. Colin wanted Lillian as his girlfriend! Who would´ve thought so?

Well, it was sort of inevitable. He´s often lured by her big, luscious body. Her curves are quite hypnotizing. But when she wanted to play his game, when she offered him to move in with her, he said no?

Why? Shouldn´t that be for the best? Wouldn´t that make this much more special? She literally opened the doors to her house to him, and what´s his answer? “I´ll think about it”?

“Did I rush things?” Lillian wondered. The amazon woman, standing alone in the kitchen. Washing the dishes. Worried she might have gone too fast. “I did, didn´t I? Ugh, why do I always take things too far?”

She was wearing a huge robe, which exposed a deep line of cleavage from her big breasts. And beneath the robe, with was a tat shorter than it should, you could see her plump calves, and a nice portion of her thick thighs.

Lillian was an amazon, a big, sexy amazon. And she knew it. However, she also knew she could often take things too far too fast. But, is this one of those cases?

If she comes to think about it, Colin was the one who came to her door. He was the one who found the milk. And he´s the one who chose to stay. Now, he hasn´t decided to move in with her. Which will be for the best. At this pace, it´s inevitable he´ll need someone to help him out, and Lillian´s perfect for that.

“Maybe… maybe he just needs a little… push.” She thought, looking at how tight her boobs seemed inside this now tiny robe. She knew she had a body that could allure him, and it´s been proven he desires her. Now, it´s only up to her to use this at her favor.

“I mean, of course he´ll chose to move in. He loves me! And I love him!!! But, if I was to… persuade him…” He´s already lured by her curves, the size of her massive breasts. All of her! Now, if she was to use that, maybe he´ll speed up his thinking process.

After all, he only said he needed time to think. Lillian´s sure he´ll say yes. But, he shouldn´t find out her milk´s the cause of his shrinking. And he often seems concerned about that. If he took the decision before, then she´ll have a chance to show him why it´s not such a bad thing…

Colin was struggling with the changes. Day after day, how the perspective of things, the height, the distances. Everything has changed to him. Right now, he stands as a 4´9” man, ignorant as to why he´s shrinking.

If only he was aware that it´s Lillian´s nectar the one that´s causing him so much trouble. But the chances are, he won´t realize. Not until it´s too late, which, by now, seems to be far late.

Colin has lost over a foot in height. He went from a fairly tall 6´2” man, to an insignificant 4´9”. Why insignificant? Because that´s how he feels.

Everyone knows, by now, everyone´s aware of his shrinking. He went from being amongst the tall guys to being a shoulder-level guy. Now, instead of stretching to reach for something, he finds himself in the need of climbing on a step; or, sometimes, he just needs to ask someone around to reach an item for him.

People were not rude about it, still, things feel off. Strange. Different. And, sometimes, even humiliating. But he´s taking things in a positive way.

He might be shrinking, but there´s a woman out there who cares for him. Lillian! She´s gentle, sweet, kind, attentive. She´s everything he needs right now!

She might be a giantess, but she´s a gentle one. She might tower above him, making his shrinking seem more exponential, but she´s just so sweet.

Lillian´s not mean, she understands. She´s not rude, she´s polite. She´s not bad, she´s sweet, tender, comprehensive. That´s what he thinks, unaware on the fact that she´s also the root of his size changes.

He made a proposal, which took a lot of courage. He wanted to make things official with her. And he did! Part of him was terrified she might say no. Or just cut him off and set him away from her. He´s not even sure if this is contagious.

However, Lillian accepted. She´s now his girlfriend! Who can say they are in a relationship with a gorgeous eight-feet-tall goddess? Certainly, no one he knows.

Lillian was so kind, so sweet. But there´s something she said, something that´s been bothering him a bit. Move in? She really asked him to move in?

Colin´s worried. For starters, in his life, he´s never lived with a lady! Sure, he´s shared an apartment and so, but never with a woman he was dating! He´s unsure as to what to think. Maybe she was just being polite? Perhaps, she´s too ahead of him and, since she´s more mature, this is what people her age do? Or, maybe, things are fine and he´s just too scared to say yes.

She´s a sweet woman, all of her reasons must come from the heart. Sweet, pure intentions coming from a lady like her. However, in his mind, deep inside his thoughts, he´s unsure if he should say yes.

“Why is it so hard?” He thought, unable to focus all of his attention at work. He spends about five minutes working, and then this question just pops up again. Does he want to move in?

He´s thought about it; even list down all of the good and bad things. For starters, home cooked meals, someone who reaches stuff for him. To share shores. And, most importantly, he´ll live with the person he loves. To share a home with a woman who loves him, and whom he loves.

But the thing is, isn´t this like, going too fast? Couples move in when they have some time dating. Colin just made the proposal, and Lillian immediately offered him to move in. Is that normal? Isn´t she speeding up? What´s the right thing to do?

If he accepts, then he´ll know what it is to live with such a sweet woman. But, what if things are not as nice as they seem? What if this only makes her get tired of him? What if she realizes he´s too much of a burden? What if this ruins their relationship!

On the other hand, what if he rejects her offer. Would she think he doesn´t love her? Or that he´s not taking thins seriously? That he´s a bit careless about their relationship? There´s so many things he can do wrong, and that´s only on a “yes or no” question.

The answer´s supposed to be simple, yet, it´s so hard to choose! The good thing is, he got himself some extra time. But the deal remains, eventually, he´s going to have to give her an answer.

Maybe he can play it cool, avoid the topic for a while. Perhaps, she might forget. But, what if she doesn´t? What if she brings it out one of these days, and it´s impossible for him to find a way to take things somewhere else.

Or worse! What if this is the key. That one thing she needs to know so that she can tell Colin´s the one!

“Shit… maybe, maybe I should get back to work…” He thought, uncapable of telling what to do. He´s an adult, shouldn´t things be easier?

A mere: “I´d love to, but there´s so much going on at the moment.”, or maybe, “I´d love to!” Either way, he´s in between two paths he cannot take.

Part of him knows she´ll be of real help as he goes through this strange shrinking. But another part of him wonders if he´ll lose his independency. He´s got an apartment, a job, a life; will he give any of those things if he moves in with her?

For sure, the apartment will be lost. She won´t chose to move into his tiny apartment. Which, by the way, seems bigger now. But that´s to him. He´s certain Lillian won´t be comfortable on his tiny place when she´s got her own house. Suited for a woman of her great stature.

But what about the job? He can still work. That´s fine. The thing is, will there come a day when he can´t? He´s got a place and a job, what if he loses both? Will she see him as less of a man? Will he appear to be a lazy, unemployed man? She´s not that way, right?

Part of him thinks she just wants to become his sugar mommy. Giving him everything; a place to live, food, things, all in exchange of love. Love making, but mere love too.

Lillian´s offering so much, and he´s not sure what he´s putting on the table. Love, for sure, he´ll love her with all of his power. He´ll care, he´ll be attentive. He´s always going to be there. But the thing is, is that enough?

He could cook, clean, do everything she doesn´t want to around the house. But, for how long? Moving in and being a helpful couple is one thing, but how can he achieve that if he´s shrinking? If regular things are so close to being impossible.

Colin´s scared, concerned. He´s not sure on what to do, or what to say. But he´s also unaware she´s already got something in mind…

Colin was on his way to Lillian´s place. She offered him to pick him up at her place, but he wanted to avoid her the unnecessary struggle. He took a cab and, within a couple minutes, was walking right to her door.

He was nervous. She invited him over. But the thing is, was this a casual invitation? Just like any other day? Or, was this a formal invitation in which he´ll give her his final answer?

Seriously, is it possible to tell your, recently official, girlfriend that you don´t want to move in? The question was meant for him to say yes, to agree and fill the air with bliss. With affection, with happiness, with joy! Where both will make out as their new lives together are just starting! But he knows he was afraid of giving the first step.

He felt stupid as this idea came to his mind. He disappointed her. His answer wasn´t the one she was expecting. She seemed to understand, but there was some sadness on her expression. Her smile lost part of it´s joy, and then, he knew, he screwed up.

Things had seemed to be going so well with his proposal; but that was until he decided to let her down. She made her own question, surely thinking it was for the best, but all he did was bring her down. He feels so stupid.

And now, as he rings the bell, he wonders. Is this a regular visit? Or is it not? The answer? Of course it´s not! But not for what he might think…

As soon as the door was open, his jaw dropped!

“Welcome, dear…” Came her sweet, deep, velvety voice. With such a sensuality on her tone. Colin stood before the amazon. A woman standing over three-feet taller than him.

She was imposing, even if she was full of sweet tenderness. However, this looks on her. This was much more than the dress she wore to their first official date.

Lillian stood there, standing so tall, wearing clothes so tight! A top, tight. One that exposed her bare shoulders, and with that, it also showed off the top of her gargantuan breasts.

Her bottoms were the exact same color as her top. Maybe they were leggings, yoga pants, or something else, but they were wrapped all over her long, thick, shapely legs like a glove. Sinking within each of her sensuous curves.

And her hair, it was done in such a way. Kind of messy, but also done. It was hard to tell, but it looked so pretty. Even her eyes had a deeper look. As if they were looking right through him. Colin felt so… aroused!

Lillian immediately noticed. She didn´t dress like this just because she could. She knew she needed to persuade him a little if she wanted him to accept her offer. Seriously, why didn´t he say yes back then?

Part of her blames it on karma. Maybe the fact that she´s the one who´s been shrinking him, it could be the universe saying she doesn´t deserve him. Or maybe he´s just not sure on what to do. A man who thinks before he makes a decision, she respects that.

Hopefully, this can help him make the right choice…

“So, honey, would you like to come in?” She said, doing her best to stick her chest out. Making her most sensuous pose. Alluring him with all of her body.

“I… yeah…" He answered, without taking his eyes off of her sensuous curves. Exactly what she wanted…

Lillian made her best to walk in front of him. So that he could see her big, round, heavy butt swaying sensuously from one side to the other. Her clothes were so tight he could see the clear shape of that tremendous butt. Teasing his mind as he looked at it.

It was inevitable for Colin not to stare, she was so tall, her butt was practically on his face! Lillian was a muse, one of colossal proportions. She was simply gigantesque! A mesmerizingly tall beauty!

Every inch of hers, every singe one on her tall, sensuous anatomy, it was meant to arouse him. Her curves, her size, and those immense mounds on her chest. Colin´s uncertain if this was meant for something. She always looks hot in whatever she wears, but today, it seems she went the extra mile.

An extra, sensuous, fleshy, teasing extra mile…

She was attentive, looking at him with attention every time she could. Smiling, even biting her lower lip. She posed, stuck out those massive breasts. Walked slowly so that he could catch a glimpse of her tremendous trunk as she left the room. Making sure to sway her hips as she made her way back.

Lillian was teasing him, he had no doubt about it. His question was, why?

He didn´t dare ask her if there´s something she wants. What could it be that she needs from him? Other than an answer, of course. So, he very casually asked her the reason why she´s dressed so… sexily.

Her answer was simple, she just wanted to look good for his “BOYFRIEND.” For him to be called in such a way, he can´t deny that sent some quivers down his spine.

Lillian was clever, she knew that if she rewarded him; if she teased him enough, then he won´t want to leave her side. If this plan of hers works as she intends to, then he´ll be moving in with her within a week.

With her sensuous voice, her lovely words, and her gentle touch, things escalated quite fast. Colin was aroused since the second he spotted her. It only took her a couple minutes to start with the make-out session.

They were kissing, right at the couch. Colin couldn´t resist the charms of the amazon. She was so hot, so sexy, and just so sweet. He felt more than invited to kiss those thick lips of hers. Which was easier if they were sitting, still, she had to bent for him to reach.

Lillian knew she held some power over him. Not that she intended to rule over him, but to know he´ll follow her wishes, that it´s easy to make him do as she says, that felt nice.

She´s still uncertain if he´s going to agree. She didn´t want to ruin the mood and ask. She´ll give him some time. Maybe, a week, as she thought. She´ll use this whole week to show him how good things can he if he moves in. What she can give, how generous she can be…

Plus, during all that time, Lillian´s going to make sure to display her sensuous body for him. Today, it was kind of a mild day. Sure, her clothes are tight, she´s showing off some cleavage. Overall, she´s a sexy giantess. But, she can do better than that…


Sizeking Dom

She’s so sexy. I hope she decides to try some of her own milk again and grow more…


Wow great entry! :)


Can´t deny I´ve been thinking about it! But I´m unsure... we´ll see ;D