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Part 4

Dave had quite a different look on the mirror. For starters, he wasn´t looking at a 6´6” dude anymore, instead, he was looking right at a 5´ guy. And skinny!

He´s never been skinny, but today, well… he shrank down to be Kiara´s size. Her old size. And, with a similar complexion, which, now that he looks at it…

“I got abs?” Sure, he´s thin, therefore, he´s shredded. With a very low fat-percentage on his smaller body. He can see quite a six-pack. Not a built, massive one, but he can see his abdominal muscles.

“Well, that´s nice…” He was a big, bulky guy. Tall, strong, simply massive! And now, he´s standing on the short side.

And now that he´s picking up clothes…

“Small´s too big? Shit, I thought it´ll fit nice. Well, at least it fits better than a medium.” The former 2XL guy, and sometimes 3XL, was down to the small clothes. The “there´s no way I can fit on those!” size.

Part of him hates this. He lost his size, however, he´s never been a guy who´s clothes felt baggy. Sometimes it´s nice to see you´ve lost a size. Unless your intention´s to bulk, or get bigger. However, Dave can see a different perspective now.

Maybe he comes to like it… or not.

Heading back home as the amazon and her short boyfriend, that felt different. Now, Dave seems to be under Kiara´s shadow. Sure no one can see him as he walks next to his 6´6”, thick girlfriend.

For the first time ever, he feels small compared to Kiara. And the feeling won´t stop here…

She wanted to teach him a lesson, and it has just begun. To shove food up her face, well, that was only one way to show him who´s the big one now. Even if she wasn´t truly trying, a big lady like hers, she´s got quite an appetite.

Then, she went for the “am I taking up too much space?” sitting right next to him on the couch. Letting a few of her fleshy pounds push him to the side. She could lie saying she wasn´t used to being a big lady, but she can surely feel her current enormity pinning him down.

And the couch wasn´t the only place where she had a chance to take over.

While sleeping, Kiara´s large frame took over most of the bed. And, sometimes not on purpose. The amazon rolled over and pushed him. And that was when she wasn´t squashing him.

Now, he gets to feel how it is to share the bed with a giant. A giantess. Things were different nowadays. Sometimes, her large, thick, heavy arm landed on his chest. Not striking him, but he felt uncomfortable with that weight over his chest. But sometimes, it was worse!

Sometimes she rolled over, way more! And ended up squashing him. With her thick body pinning him down. With her enormous breasts smothering his face. He struggled between a pair of big, heavy tits. Smooth, sexy, yet, dangerously big!

And that wasn´t the only thing that had changed. There´s a few other things…

People were shocked when they met them! No one could believe the giant dude became a shrimp! In a weekend, he went from being a big, imposing guy, to a short dude. Some people got concerned, others laughed. Truth to be told, everyone cared, however, as soon as they got he was fine, there´s where the small jokes started.

“Can you help me reach… nevermind.”

“How´s the weather down there?”

“Dave, have you lost weight?”

They were gentle jokes. Not messing with him, just pointing some things up. To break the ice, not much to hurt his feelings. Still, he didn´t like it.

And someone else who didn´t love it was Kiara. Sure, she was big, imposing, even a big intimidating. But there´s some people at work who just can´t act as mature as they should.

“Whoa! Someone gained a few pounds, didn´t she?”

“My, super-sized Kiara, look at that!”

“I had no idea you could get a growth spurt on your mid-twenties…”

“Has spending so much time with Dave turned you into him?”

That last one was right. She´s definitely turned into him. Sort of, but deep down, to show Dave what is it to love with him, that´s still her main goal…

Kiara won´t admit she feels too heavy to exercise. And, at her size, she knows that dieting could definitely help her lose weight. So, she used her free time, which she used to work out, to tease Dave.

Things were so simple. Sometimes, she just drank up the full gallon of milk. Amazed she could do it in less than ten minutes. Then, she went on and ate up all of her snacks.

Now he´ll learn what it is when the big one gets “hungry”. And has no consideration for the smaller partner´s needs.

“What happened with all the food?” Dave asked. To what she replied: “Oh, sorry, I had the munchies…”

But finishing up all the food was just part of it. Aside of squashing him too. Kiara had to show him what it´s like so, she also teased him with a few words…

“Hey, short stuff.”

“My TINY lover, can you pick us up some dinner? I´m starving!”

“Hey there, leave this to your BIG girlfriend, ok?”

And then, when she was on the mood, she slapped his butt, just a little. “My, look at this butt, so tight! Momma likes it!” She teases a bit too much.

And that´s starting to make Dave tired…

He´s tired of it. It´s been almost TWO WEEKS since things changed. Almost two weeks of standing small next to Kiara. Almost two weeks of living with an amazon of a girlfriend.

And Kiara has changed so much! She´s careless. She teases him! She became lazy! Messy! She, she…

“She´s acting like… me?” It took him a while to realize what she was doing. It´s not that she´s naturally that way, she´s doing this so that he can see how it is to live with a selfish giantess.

At first, he was mad. How could she do this to him? Can´t she tell how things are for him? But he had to see this from her point of view too. How are things for her? Who says she wanted to stand so tall, to be so thick. Things are also different to her.

And, instead of showing the support he should, he´s been selfish, still, and only being worried for what has changed to him, and not for what has changed to her. Maybe he should actually apologize, swallow all of his pride and recognize he was a mess. But he can change! Hopefully, she can see it.

Kiara was busy at her room. Getting ready, well, sort of…

“Fuck! I just… I just bought there jeans! There´s no way… they got tighter? Had they shrunk? Or… did I… grew?” Has she gained weight? Well, her plans of eating everything at the house before Dave arrives had certainly done some damage.

But it´s not that much of a gain. Still, those jeans won´t fit…

Kiara also had to recognize a couple things, being the big one is not that easy.

She feels clumsy. Everyone´s so small to her now. Things are so low, she´s bumped things with her head she never thought she could! She almost walked over her boss this morning! She takes over much more space. She even needed a new chair at the office. It was kind of demeaning, but not all chairs can carry a woman her size.

She stopped to think that, maybe it wasn´t Dave´s fault sometimes. He surely could´ve been more careful, but some other times, well, it´s nearly impossible.

“K-Kiara, may I… chat with you?” He said, entering the room as she struggled to button her jeans up.

“Uhm… sure.” He came out of nowhere. It used to be easier to hear him coming, but it seems that his current size makes him sneaky.

“Kiara I… I think you´re right…” He seemed worried. Concerned. As if he was about to tell her something important. Something from the bottom of his heart…

“I´m sorry!” He wasn´t the best with emotions, or speaking about his feelings. Sometimes, it was easier to start with it than to elaborate more into it. He wasn´t sure how to put it to her, so he just said it. “I´m sorry for… the mess I was.”

She was listening. Has he realized what she´s been doing? Probably, and she likes it! She stood straight, and crossed her arms under her big, heavy chest. Then, she looked down at him, expecting to listen to the right words.

“I… now I know how hard it was to… live with a big guy like me. Well, the big guy I used to be. I can, see what you´re doing. And even thought I find it very rude, the truth is… you´re on your right to do it. It seems… I didn´t make it easy for you.” Regret, he does seem to regret it.

“And?” She said. He may be forgiven, but only after a good enough apology. Things are going well, but she feels like she deserves more.

“And,” He looked at her in the eye, what else can he say? “And I should… I could´ve paid more attention to what I was doing. I should´ve put myself in your shoes before. But now, well, now I truly am in those shoes. And I can see it´s… it´s not nice when the other person doesn´t seem to care.” Was that good enough? Hopefully. He knows there´s more he can say. Things he can promise, but he just doesn´t know how to put it.

Kiara looked down at him. Without saying a word for a moment. Without changing the slightly stern expression on her face. But she couldn´t stay mad with him. At least, even if things aren´t going her way, at the very least, it seems he´s learned.

Kiara smiled, bent over to be at his level, and then, she said: “You´re forgiven.” And a kiss. A sweet kiss.

“F-for real!”  He couldn´t believe it!

“Yes. I mean, there´s no chance you can be that way again. At this size, there´s too… little of a chance for that. BUT, you can be sure your BIG girlfriend knows you regret it. And, now I that I can tell you´ll be more considerate… maybe you deserve some… sugar.” She winked.

Truth to be told, it´s been two long weeks without sex. Who knows how things can be at these sizes. But, is she offering that right now?

“You… you wanna?” He said.

“Yes. I do. I mean, my pants are already unbuttoned, and trust me, it´ll be for the best to lose them. Plus, I like men who know how to say sorry…” AND, she´s been horny for a while now…

This was the first time, ever, he´s taken the clothes off a woman Kiara´s size. Of a woman that stands a foot and a half taller. A woman so much bigger than him. A woman as thick, as big, as sexy!

He leered at her curves, there´s no denying on that. He´s ogled her larger figure. Desired those smooth, big curves on her. To touch her enlarged, smooth body.

To take her clothes of was harder than he remembers. Mostly because he couldn´t get her shirt over her head. But, once she was naked, he was already aware of how heavy she is…

Definitely, if she´s on top, she must put some effort not to let all of her weight all over him. Else, he´ll be more squashed than pleased. But there´s something that must be said. Her curves, they are softer than he thought, the feeling´s arousing him more than he expected. And her body, her body´s hotter than he anticipated.

He´s used to being the big one, but sex with a bigger woman. Taller, thicker, amazonic! That´s a treat! A bit threatening due to the size difference, but a woman like her, she´s allowed to do as she wants to him…

Dave could feel her soft body, soft all over. Touch her larger body. Squeezed her enormous breasts. Dave was having sex with a bigger woman. Getting laid with an amazon. A big, heavy, thick and sexy amazon.

A woman who stood at 6´6”, shy over 400-pounds. With breasts much bigger than his head. Much heavier than his head. The only word that comes to his lusty brain right now is, enormous!

She´s an enormous hottie. An amazonic beauty. A beautifully big threat! A tease, arousing, desirable. And now, now this woman he never thought would be this big, is giving his body a stimulation, he never had!

To have sex with such a big woman. To insert his member deep into her fleshy crotch. Sink it into her enormous pussy. He´s not aware of his own size, right now, he´s only aware of her delightful enormity.

He´s on top now, she decided to give him a break. Well, she decided to take a break and just let him engorge in all of her curves. To fondle with this body of hers that seems to arouse him so much. Kiara was laying down, moaning as this man´s stamina seems to push him more than ever!

He seems so eager to touch her. Each squeeze, each touch, each time he feels her, it seems to drive his libido higher!

Kiara likes it. She truly does. Maybe this bigger body of hers has more benefits she could tell.

Who knows if they will ever go back to normal. But if they don´t, would it be so bad? There´s some disadvantages on each other´s sizes. But some advantages too. Maybe now, maybe, life will truly change for the best.

After all, size doesn´t matter when you´ve got love, right? And these two, this passionate couple, they can feel the love right now…



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