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Chapter 16

“Noah, please, come out!” Steph begged, but Noah won´t do as she´s asking.

“No! Go away!” The door to their bedroom´s closed. Locked.

Inside, there´s a guy who, not only feels betrayed, but sad. Lonely. Without love. And outside, there´s an amazon who, surely knows, she can bring down the door. Very easy.

But that will only make things worse. She can´t force him to open, and even if she could, she can´t force him to talk to her. Steph messed up, now she really did.

There´s a voice inside her head that screams: “Bring down the fucking door!!!”, but that´s the old Steph. Right now, there´s another voice, a smoother one. A more easy-going one. Which says: “Just walk off and give him some time. He´ll come out…” Eventually, that´s for sure. But when?

And when he does come out, will he be in the mood to speak to her?

Now that Noah knows she´s been reading his diary, she wonders, for how long has he known? And why hasn´t he said a thing before? If it was so easy to tell she´s been invading his privacy, his private thoughts written on those pages, why didn´t he stormed, erratically, and complaint?

Most likely, because that´s not the type of person he is…

Steph sighed. Turned away and left him alone. She knows he must be devastated. He tried to make a surprise for her, and she did. Surprised to find out that, not only he knew she was reading his diary, but that he wasn´t having an affair, just a friend coming by to help with a surprise.

“I bet the cake´s delicious… he knows me too well…” The amazon thought as she walked into the living room. Decided to wait until he comes out. In the meantime, he owes someone an apology…

“I… listen, I´m sorry, Molly. I know you´re… surely nice. And I didn´t mean to be such a… brute. I´m just, he´s my man and… you know how this is…” To pick someone off the floor and then start making false accusations, well, that doesn´t sound like a good enough apology, does it?

Molly was waiting at the living room. Not sure if it was a good idea to leave, or to stay. What if he needs some help? Or, what if she´s the one who should walk away before this amazon gets furious? Either way, she chose to stay. And be supportive, for whoever needs it.

“It´s ok, I… we all make mistakes.” Molly said, as if there were no hard feelings. Although, the 5´7” lady was concerned about what could happen if she doesn´t accept the apology of the 7´3” amazon.

“Are you sure? Cause I… wasn´t I too rough?” Steph feels, once more, as the huge bully who always hurts someone by mistake.

“Nah, I´m fine. Really. It was… scary, but Noah warned me so… don´t worry.” She giggled, trying to forgive and forget.

“You´re so nice, just like him. All so nice, and me? I´m just a giant who always screws up!” And so, Steph just let herself fall on the couch. Her cheering weight making the floor shake just a little as she landed.

“Hey, don´t be so hard on yourself. Listen, I know him… maybe not as much as you, but I´m sure he´ll forgive you…” Molly started. Taking a sit next to Steph, showing support. Even if this was the same person who wanted to rip her head off just a moment ago.

“I know he will. He´s nice. The thing is, do I deserve his forgiveness? Because, if it was me the one who decided, I wouldn´t forgive myself…” Steph seems to regret what she´s done. She messed up, that´s for sure, but…

“We all deserve a second chance. Listen, I don´t, personally, know you. But Noah´s talked so much about you at the office. And trust me, his eyes just… they kind of glow whenever he speaks about you.” Molly started.

“They do?” Wow, does she have such an effect on him?

“Yes! I can tell he loves you. With all of his heart. And, sometimes, lovers… they fight. But it´s not forever.”

“I wish it was forever. I even wish he came out of that room and slapped me in the face for being such a nasty girlfriend. But he´s not that way.” And even if he does slap her, which he never would, wouldn´t he hurt himself more?

“I… I think he´ll…” Molly tried to speak, but Steph´s despair cut her off.

“It´s just, he´s so nice. And I´m just the big, mean girlfriend. I´m a mess, and he´s the one who… cleans everything up. But now, my mess has hurt the man I love. And, if I´m honest, it would hurt less if he doesn´t forgive me. That way, I´ll be surely deserving what I deserve. If he had read my diary, I would´ve slapped him in the face.” Probably to unconsciousness. And, she doesn´t have a diary.

“I don´t… I don´t think you mean that. Listen, why don´t we give him some time. I´ll wait here with you. In the meantime, why don´t we… chat? Get to know each other?” Molly stated.

“It´s so nice you still want to be friends with me. Even after all I did to you…” Noah did warn Molly. He even told her that this wasn´t the best idea. A surprise wasn´t Steph´s forte. And, honestly, it doesn´t seem to be.

Still, Steph and Molly chatted for a while. And their chatting was mostly about Noah. How he is at the office. How he´s always talking about Steph. She seems to be the world to him. But his lovely lady was no more than a big nosy who invaded his privacy and read all of his intimate notes.

She read his diary, as if she was reading the news. Page after page, knowing it was wrong. But he left her no choice.

“I didn´t mean to read it, it´s just… he´s so quiet. I´m sure you know. I, sometimes, I don´t know what to think, he´s just… so mysterious.” Steph said.

“Well, I think you should tell him that. If he knows you didn´t read the diary, meaning wrong, maybe… maybe he´ll understand.”

“You think so?” Steph asked.

“I´m sure!” Molly reassured. And the plan seemed good. However, it took quite a while before she had the chance to put it in action.

An hour flew by, and then another, and another. Noah had been locked on his room for about four hours! Molly had to leave. Now, the only one outside waiting was Steph, and she waited, and waited, and waited…

It was dark outside before he came out. Right now, it was about 9:00 pm. A bit past that time, but now, finally, he decided to come out.

Steph was tired of waiting. But she must be there. Else, how can he know she cares? She knew he was coming out of the room when she heard the bolt of the knob, when she heard the knob turning and the door cracking open. And then, she heard his steps, making it out of the room.

Steph rose from the couch, looking right at their bedroom, but not seeing the door. She walked past that wall, slowly, in the need to see him. With a desperate need to make amends. She´s messed up, such nice things he´s been trying to do, and she always messes things up.

She walked, a step after the other, and finally, she could see him. She smiled, but he didn´t smile back.

Noah´s eyes were red. Had he been crying? She hurt his feelings. She knows it. A life where you´ve been bullied by your sister; a life where your own mother doesn´t seem to care for you; and now, he´s with a woman who just decided to do what she wanted without considering his feelings?

“I… I´m sorry. Noah, I…” She felt the need to speak first.

“Why? Just tell me, why would you think I´d do such a thing to you? And, at our own place? How dumb should I be to do so? How… tell me, how stupid do you think I am? Because, surely, you thought I was dumb enough not to tell you were reading my diary.” He frowned. Noah seems upset, and he´s in all of his right to be.

“I, listen, I didn´t mean to…” He cut her off.

“To what? Read my diary? Give yourself the freedom to go on and sneak, behind my back, and take a look at my personal stuff? Is that… is that the reason why my mother and sister came here? You invited them, didn´t you?” He had a lot of time to think about it. And drop several, and accurate conclusions.

“Noah, I…”

“Why did you do that? You surely could tell they are not… lovely. I´m sure you noticed the way they treat me. And still, you invited them over? Why? Did you wanted to see me suffer?”

“No, I…”

“OR, maybe, you wanted to share ideas with them? Did you want to know how to give me hell? Maybe… maybe that´s your goal. To make me miserable. To date me, make me fall in love with you, and then, at the very last, make my life a living hell. In which, you´ll have the upper hand. You´ll be there, putting your hands into work to make sure I´m unhappy.”

“It´s not like that. Noah, I…”

“Not like that? Then what?! What´s your reason to go on and, not only read my diary, but to bring here the worse people I wrote about!”

Steph was getting mad, she´s not the type of lady who likes being interrupted. And he´s been dropping so many false accusations. That´s not what she did. That´s not what she meant. And he´s not allowing her to explain!

“SHUT UP! Noah, shut up and listen to what I´m trying to say!” He shut his mouth, took a step back. His heart skipped a beat as the amazon before him seemed furious. Loud and clear, she shut him up. But he was not going to give away so easily.

“Don´t… don´t talk to me that way…” He said, a bit scared, but standing as the man he is. Even if Steph´s almost two whole feet taller.

“You´re right. I… sorry, but you wouldn´t let me speak.” Now, it seems she´s got his attention. “Listen, I didn´t mean to hurt you. To be mean, that´s not my goal. And I´m not trying to make you miserable.”

“Then why are you doing this? Why did you, invited my family over? Why have you been reading my diary? And… why did you ruin this! I thought it would be nice to give you a surprise but… the one who received a surprise was me. And Molly, poor Molly. Did you even apologize to her?” He asked.

“I did, trust me. And we chatted for a while too… Noah, listen, I didn´t do those things to hurt you. I love you!” She said.

“Then why? Why are you doing this?” It was a fair question. One she must answer.

Steph wasn´t sure if she should admit it. Will he trust her? No, that wasn´t what she was worried about. Deep down, she´s worried all of the things she did could´ve been avoided with a simple question.

Instead of speaking to him, as the adults they are, she chose to sneak behind his back and, little by little, try to clear her doubts.

“Because… I love you.” She admitted. Unsure if this was the first time she´s said those words before.

The room was so quiet, Noah was looking straight at her face as she spoke. His frown faded in a second, and for a moment, he was listening, truly listening. Steph knew it was now or never. Maybe Molly was right, she should say the truth and speak from the heart.

“Noah, I… I don´t feel like I know a lot about you. You´re so attentive, you´re a guy who notices stuff. Who can tell what´s my favorite color, my favorite meal, even my favorite season. But me? I´m… I´m not that way. Trust me, I wasn´t trying to hurt you by reading your diary, I was just… trying to know you better. Trying to understand what´s in that beautiful mind of yours. Trying to comprehend how to be… to be a better girlfriend for the man I love…” Truth, the truth will set her free.

Now, she feels a lot of weight has been taken off her back. And it feels so nice! Relieve, finally!

“You… are you being serious about that?” Between all the sorrow he feels, a small window of light has been open.

“One-hundredth-percent!” She approached, cutting the distance between them, slowly wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him in for a warm, gentle hug.

He was a bit smothered by her enormous breasts. But that´s not the main thing here, the main deal is, things seem to be working here. He seems to be accepting her apology. But there´s a lot more she must explain.

“I invited your mother and sister because… I wanted to know more about you. But your mom´s a bitch. No offense. And your sister doesn´t seem to be so… as helpful as I thought.” Still, his sister Faith gave Steph some advice. But not as good as she thought.

“I understand. But, why did you… how could you believe I was cheating on you?” He can forgive a few things, some were things no one would actually forgive, but Steph doubting on the love he feels for her? That´s not one of those things.

“I just… listen, I… I…” Steph felt worried for what she was about to say. But he wanted the truth, and that´s exactly what she´s going to tell him. “I´m afraid you´ll break up with me.” She? Afraid of that?

“Me? Break up with you?” He couldn´t believe it.

“I know. But listen! I just… I don´t know what you see in me. I´m too tall. I wasn´t nice with you when we first met. I eat up all of the food around. I´m mean sometimes. I get jealous. I take over most of the space in bed. Plus, I´m surprised you haven´t complaint about my figure! For real, I´ve gained a TON of weight. And still, you´re as sweet as the first day I met you. I was… unsure if you´d notice you can do better than me.” All of those reasons, and still, she´s so wrong.

“Aww, Steph, I wouldn´t break up with you. You´re… the best thing that´s happened to me!” He admitted.

“For real?” She asked.

“Well, I´m sure I´ve written that down on the diary you´ve already read. But yeah. You´re the first woman who ever, who I ever loved, and who´s loved me back. I´d be a fool if I let you go.”

“Aww, that´s so sweet. But I´m a mess! I… I don’t have a job, I didn´t even trust you enough to believe you were faithful to me. I just stormed out here and… and tried to teach you a lesson, when it´s actually me the one who needs to be taught a lesson…” She feels bad, he can tell.

“I know, you have big feelings. As big as you. But that´s fine. You´re mature enough to know when to stop and, and when to make amends.”

“Amends I shouldn´t need to. I should´ve trusted you, it´s just… I can´t believe you love me that way. After all I´ve done. My first impression with you wasn´t the best, you know…”

“Maybe, but look, now, you and I are together, and that´s all that matters, right? That our relationship grew, and it´s constantly growing. And that, our love, the flame that powers our love is burning and will always will.”

“You´re just so sweet… but really, what made you fall for a giantess like me?”

He was a bit shy about it, but he had to admit it now that they are so sincere. And in the mood to forgive.

“Listen, I… there´s another reason. And I don´t want you to get mad about it.” He said.

“I promise I wont.” Steph was curious.

“Well… I didn’t wrote this one down because, eventually, I knew you´d find the diary, so… I kept it out of it. Another reason why I first fell for you is… your boobs.” That was quite a surprise.

“Is that so?” She leaned closer.

“I, sorry but, they were HUGE! And, after the weight you gained, they just ballooned! Like, for real! They are so enormous now!” Well, it´s nice to know he appreciates that aspect of hers.

Steph had wondered why he didn´t complaint about her weight gain. Not that he should, but he never said a word. And now, she can see it.

He´s sweet, there´s no doubt about it. And he surely didn´t just fell for her because of her body. But knowing which aspect of her body he likes the most…

“Listen,” Steph said from above as she had an idea, a quite naughty one. “I know we still need to work on this. And trust me, I´ll do my best to be a better girlfriend from now on. In the meantime,” she bent over, and with a sensuous voice, she said: “how about I give you a little extra, as an apology…” He knows where things are going…

Next thing he knows, they are both in bed. Naked. Steph´s laying down, with her thick, large sensuous body looking at the ceiling, while Noah´s all over her. She wanted to treat him so she told him he could fondle with her breasts all he wanted.

He´s done it before, but he always held back because he didn´t want her to think he was a boob-monkey. But now…

“Ohhhh… Mmmmm!” She moaned. Now that he had all the freedom he wanted, he went a bit further this time.

Squeezing her huge, soft breasts. Which, to her, felt like a massage. But when he pinched at her perky nipples. She couldn´t hold herself, and she started moaning. Her pussy was starting to become wet.

Then, without the will to stop himself, he just bent over. He had been looking at her big, fat nipple for a moment now, and he wondered… how does it taste?

Noah sucked on her nipple. Sending quivers all over Steph´s body, making her moan, making her legs feel weak. For the first time, she knew he was driven by lust. He was finally doing as his desires told him. And she was fine with that.

Noah´s a fairly passionate lover. And now that she´s allowed him to go as far as he wants, now that there´s no self-restrains on what he allows himself to do. Steph comes to think that, she likes this intense Noah more…

The things that they can achieve when they speak up. This has been for the best. Steph knew she shouldn´t have doubted on him. There´s a lot she still needs to do for him. Not only to completely apologize, but to thank him for all he´s done.

But this might be a good start…



Yes! Make up sex is the best!