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Chapter 3

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, or what seemed to be one, Thursday came. One day before they meet Nataly´s mom. Emily.

“So… you sure we can´t skip this visit?” Jason joked as they both were sitting on the couch, chilling while they watched some series.

Nataly turned at him, frowned a little and smacked her hand on his shoulder.

“Owww!” He complaint.

“No, we can´t! I promised her we´ll be there tomorrow. What, do you want to play sick and don´t go? She expects us BOTH to be there.” She said.

“I don´t get it, why should I go? I mean, why does she want to see me?”

“You already know why…”

“I know, I know, we´re a couple, and as a couple we should maintain a good relationship with the other´s family…” He replied, in a not so happy tone.

“Even if you say it that way, yes, you´re right. Besides, you know my mom likes you. The last time you couldn´t make it because of a last-minute meeting, she asked me for you, FIVE times.”

“That sounds… a bit weird.”

“Don´t say that, she just cares about us, she´s not weird.”

“Fine.” He will go, unless… “So… if we suddenly had a little accident…” Anything to skip that visit.

“Then she´ll be here in a second, and trust me, if she´s worried, it will be WORSE. Just have some patience, we´ll be there for an hour… two hours tops.”

“Sure, because she never finds the way to make us stay until it´s night already…” Nataly´s mom, Emily, was very persistent sometimes.

“I promise, it´s a quick visit.” Nataly said.

“Sure… quick…” It´s not that he doesn´t like Emily, but… she just likes him a bit… too much. “But, do you think she´s aware we´re going tomorrow? I mean, if he forgot…”

“She never does…” It´s true, she never does, however…

Emily lived nearby, close, but not as much as she´d want to. She lived on the neighborhood designed for women on their late forties, or early fifties. Emily was a single woman, however, she wasn´t a lonely one…

“Oh, Connor, you´re amazing!” Emily moaned as she had some intense sex with a man. Like her, he was on his forties, and quite a strong guy, standing at six-foot-three, he was quite a hunk. But he wasn´t so big compared with the amazon.

“Who´s Connor?” He said, still thrusting his hips forward, inserting his hard member deeper and deeper inside the milf´s cunt.

“Oops, sorry, Kyle.” Emily, was a divorced woman, but she was sexually active.

Connor´s actually the guy Emily meets on Thursdays, but he was sick. However, Kyle, well, he wasn´t doing anything so…

“I… I must´ve made a mistake, oopsie…” Emily was a pretty woman, and curvaceous too. But in the hottest and sexiest of ways.

Her hairs were golden, her skin was a little pale. She had some gargantuan tits, and an equally impressive butt. Her hips were wide, and her thighs were plump. She had the mature body of a woman her age, oh, and she stood above eight-feet-tall.

Even if she´s a really active woman, she only has two lovers, which is more than enough. At least for her…

Kyle couldn´t complaint that much, he knows they are not exclusive. And, truth is, he´s also seen someone else… but any of those ladies is as tall as Emily! She´s taller, thicker, and her boobs are bigger.

As she lays beneath him, he can feel the heat coming out of her sensuous body. Her moans confirm how much she likes, how much she appreciates his carnal efforts.

It´s not easy to please a woman of such size, but Kyle doesn´t mind giving the extra mile. He gets to fondle with such huge breasts. To touch such thick thighs. To play, to tease, to caress a woman of her proportions.

Emily´s a sensuous woman, and she´s pretty. Just like wine, the older the woman, the prettier, the hotter. She doesn´t look her age, she looks more like a woman on her early thirties, just as all women nowadays. Her face, so pretty, her high cheekbones, her pretty eyes. Her long, messy hairs.

Emily´s hot, she´s pretty, and she´s sexy…

Lust fills his mind; passion fuels his body as he tries to satisfy the amazon woman. But her moans prove he´s going through the right path. As always.

He gives some gentle squeezes to her breasts, teasing her. He can feel her large, hard nipples as he fondles with her tits. Her body, the one of a muse, and her breasts, as big as ever.

Her body is firm, yet, she´s soft to the touch. She´s voracious, still, she´s a gentle lover. Kind, hot, passionate. When he first met her, he had no idea it would end up in such a way. But he met her at a bar, and by the looks of her, she was looking for something more than just a drink.

When their eyes met that one time, he knew, she needed some of him. And as he ogled down her sensuous curves, he was certain he needed some of her…

“Oh, that was… wow…” He said, falling right next to the amazon´s large body.

“It sure was, my lover… you deserve a kiss…” she rolled over, and in a sweet, gentle way, she kissed him. Her lips tasted like cherry, and her skin, above the sweat of passion, her fragrance was sweet.

“Mmm, my, what a sweet kisser you are…” Kyle said.

“Well, I give my best…”

“So,” He started, taking a glimpse at her huge, naked tit. “Are you free tomorrow?” Round two?

“Oh, no. Sorry, dear. My daughter and her boyfriend will come visit. Which means, no lovers on the house…”

“Oh, come on. I don´t think they´ll be here all night long, right?”

“Hmmm… it wouldn´t be such a bad idea…” She gave it some thought, but even if she insisted, they wouldn´t.

Tomorrow´s a big day. To Emily, it´s a HAPPY day. And to Nataly and Jason, well… it´s not as pleasant…

Like every other night, Kyle left her place. He would´ve loved to stay the night, but Emily insisted she was having a busy morning. Which also means, no lovers on the house.

Kyle often gets annoyed by her silly rules, but a woman with a body like hers. So sweet, so tender, and so sensuous. She gets away with a lot of things. At least from him.

“I´ll see you later. Unless…” He gave her a look as if he was saying, just say the word and I´ll stay the night.

“Later it´ll be.” Said Emily as she stood in the door. Emily was colossal. Even compared with a 6´3” guy like Kyle, she was huge! He was below her shoulder level. And he looked tiny compared to her sensuous, voluminous body.

She had the hips, the butt, and the boobs of a mature woman. Thick, and also, tall. Proportionally, she has some sensuous curves; from Kyle´s perspective, her butt was enormous! But that´s the norm for mature women these days.

Kyle hopped inside his sports car. That´s right, he´s got money. He´s a single man in his forties. He already reached a nice position, earns a sweet salary, and lives comfortably with some luxuries.

And so does Emily. She´s an executive, on a different company. Receiving a juicy paycheck every month. She can´t complaint, she owns a big house, even for a woman her scale, drives a nice car, gets to treat herself with some vacations every now and then. Overall, she´s a successful divorced woman. Just like many other women.

But she´s not so eager to spend the night alone. She wouldn´t mind some company. But not from one of her lovers…

The next day, on the early morning, Emily was at the store. Right before work. She was already dressed on her usual work attire. A skirt, very tight, with stretchy materials. Capable of containing her big curves, and short enough to display her plump, sensuous legs.

She had a blouse and a blazer, according to her position as an executive. However, her blouse had some lose buttons. Enough to show a sensuous, deep, and juicy line of cleavage.

Now, the big, sexy woman was at the store. Looking for the ingredients for tonight´s dinner. She´s so thrilled to have Nataly and Jason coming over.

“Excuse me, dear, where can I find the sour cream?” She asked to a stock boy. A guy on his early twenties who happened to be accommodating some cans on the shelve.

The guy wasn´t much taller than six-feet-tall. He turned at her, and then looked up and up.

“Sour cream?” He asked, a bit confused.

Usually, women who pass the eight-foot-mark, don´t go grocery shopping. It´s really strange to see a woman Emily´s size at the store. They are either too busy, or have someone running this kind of errands for them.

Emily usually orders her groceries to be delivered at her house, but today, it was a special day. She wanted to make sure to pick the best ingredients for the meal. She even searched for some new recipes, and now, she needs sour cream.

“Yes, honey, sour cream. I´m sorry, I just couldn´t find it.” She chuckled, looking down at the guy.

“Uhm, well, they are on the fridges by aisle ten…” He said, a bit overwhelmed by the huge rack that stood before his eyes.

From his point of view, Emily´s massive breasts seemed to be about to smother him. So big, so firm, he felt a bit hot.

“Oh, I was there, but I just didn´t find them. Hmm, would you be a dear and help me?”

“I… I…” I´m busy? They are surely there? I found you impossibly attractive, ma´am? What could he say?

“Aww, don´t be shy. It´s just that, sometimes I miss a thing or two, I think it would be really kind of you to come help me, dear.” She said, not demanding, but kindly enough to make him feel forced to it.

She really didn´t like to abuse of her size to make people do things for her. Mostly men, she knows that, if one´s kind enough, they can get anything. And, in this case, it worked.

The guy walked her to the fridge, in the search for the sour cream. As he walked, he could feel Emily´s enormous presence behind him.

He wasn´t used to women so colossal. Even if the store was prepared for a woman her size, and even bigger, they are not customers that appear so often. He can hear her steps behind him. Heavy steps.

He was concerned if she´ll stomp him. Step on one of his feet and just broke it. Compared to her, his steps are too short.

“H-here they are, ma´am.” He said, pointing at the sour cream buckets at the bottom of the fridge.

“Oh my, no wonder why I couldn´t find them. They are almost at the floor, haha.” She chuckled.

“Yeah, I… I guess they are, uhm… below your eye… level.”

“Much too low. But, as you said, here they are. Thank you dear, you´re such a kind man…” She wanted to pinch his cheek, but she´ll resist it.

“You´re… welcome, ma´am.”

Emily was the tallest woman at the store today. Using one of the biggest carts there were. The amazon kept wandering as she searched for the last things on her list.

“Ok, now, six-pounds of beef, and a large bottle of wine. And we should be good to go…” She´s planning on a succulent meal for tonight. She can barely hold herself. She´s so excited!

And, what gets her more excited is to meet Jason. She´s holding herself, but once he shows up, she won´t resist putting her hands on him…


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