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Part 2

The couple wouldn´t stay mad forever, not even for five minutes. From time to time, it´s nice to get some relieve. To speak about their problems.

Things were back to normal a couple minutes later. But tomorrow morning, they will find out what will happen…

The next morning, when the alarm went on, Dave was the first one to wake up. He woke up at 6:00 am, a bit tired, but he was used to it. One of these days, he´ll find a way to get a better sleep. Getting to bed by midnight and waking up after a six-hour sleep, well, that wasn´t the ideal.

But he never does. At best, he gets to sleep seven hours, or a little more. Dave woke up. His eyes were tired. He struggled to keep them open.

The dim light that came into the room by the window wasn´t enough. The room was still kind of dark. Usually, Kiara wakes up at 5:00 am, gets her morning run and comes back. Of course, she opens the windows and the door, to make sure he´s aware it´s morning already. Even if he gets to sleep one more hour.

However, today, something was different.

In fact, Kiara missing that particular step of her day wasn´t just it. Dave could tell something was off. He could feel it in his… body? He felt strange. Not sick, but something was off…

He rubbed his eyes while he sat and turned over the mattress, and when he attempted to stand up, that´s when it hit him…

“Oh! Wha…?” He was still half-asleep, but he was never so clumsy, he almost fell from the bed. How?

A big guy like him could never actually fall from bed, unless he´s drunk. But, for some reason, his feet didn´t touch the floor as he expected. Usually, it´s easier for him to have his feet hanging from the bed than to have to move some more to the edge and redo the whole thing.

He instinctively moved forwards, but when he stood up, that´s when it hit him, more like… they fell.

“Wow!” He said as his shorts fell, feeling the light breeze on his naked butt. Shorts, boxers, both were on the floor. The only thing covering his crotch was his shirt. Which shouldn´t hang so low. Was he still covered by the sheets?

He knew something wasn´t right. The first thing he did was to pull up his clothes. But when he tried to put them on, he realized they were far too big, how? And what about the shirt? It feels like a short dress, what´s happening?

As he looked at his hands, he realized what was going on.

They look so skinny. His hands are big and meaty. Strong hands, manly hands, with big knuckles, thick fingers, thick wrists. But the pair of hands that were holding his shorts, they look so… thin?

His wrists were kind of boney, his forearms weren´t full of muscle, they were slender.

Dave let the shorts fall on the floor once more, he was concerned. How? His arms were so thin! Can anyone lose this much weight overnight? He put his hands on his waist, only to find out it was so thin, he could feel his hip bones, it´s been a while since he was able to do so.

But it wasn´t just that, his arms, his legs, his shoulders. All of his bulking muscles, together with quite some fat, were gone. He felt so slender, a little weak. But he wasn´t weak-looking, he was just thin. As thin as…

“K-Kiara, honey, are you up?” He asked as he turned back. Maybe Kiara knows what´s going on? Even if she doesn´t, it would be better if she was awake.

But, as he turned, he didn´t find his tiny girlfriend sleeping in bed, instead, he found something bigger….

“Mmmm…” Came her voice, sounding huskier, deeper. She rapidly sat on the edge of the bed and stood up. And up. And up! That wasn´t his five-foot-girlfriend, that was a giantess!

Kiara felt drowsy, she could barely keep her eyes open. But Dave, he was so concerned that no trace of sleepiness remained inside his body. He could see Kiara, clearly, as she stood up, taller, and taller.

In fact, she wasn´t just taller, she seemed a bit… husky?

“Wha- *yaaaAAAAAWWWWwwwwnnn* what´s the matter, Dave?” She asked, turning at him. Revealing her enlarged body.

Kiara was… bigger! Thicker, massive! And her clothes were not loose as his were. She always wore this fancy pajamas. A buttoned top and pants, that matched. However, they were comfortably lose when she went to bed, but now, the enlarged body of this woman ripped the whole thing down!

Well, all buttons had popped, revealing her massive, fleshy body…

Dave had to crane his neck to look up and up at Kiara´s taller and larger form. His eyes were widely open, he couldn´t believe it! His once petit girlfriend had turned into a giantess!

Kiara wasn´t small anymore, not even thin! Her boobs, they were enormous, her hips were much wider. Her whole body was fleshier, huskier. Her shoulders were wider, and a bit puffy, and so was her stomach. Not so flat anymore, Dave could see a bit of a belly, under the dark shadow of her enlarged cleavage.

Kiara was now big, and husky, but she was still gorgeous. Her body had filler up, surely, but in just the right places, and maybe some more…

Her body resembles the one of a big, beautiful woman. A plus size amazon, a thick lady. Full figured.

The couple hasn´t realized this yet, but there´s been a change. All that arguing about who´s got it harder, well, now they get the chance to see.

Dave´s body had shrunken, just the size of Kiara, well, the former Kiara. And Her body had changed, enlarged to meet Dave´s bigger frame. However, there were some changes.

He´s a short, slim guy, maybe a bit too skinny. And now, she´s a big, voluptuous woman. Her body´s not squared-shaped like Dave´s used to be. Kiara´s got some massive hips, huge breasts, and her waist, even if a bit chubby, is slimmer in comparison with her boobs above and the massive ass beneath. She´s got a thick, fleshy hourglass figure. Surely making her curvy, not fat, but sensuously thick.

“K-Kiara, you´re HUGE!” Dave said, looking at Kiara with some horror. What the fuck?

“Hmmm?” She said, looking for him, but he wasn´t above, as she expected. In fact, he wasn´t even in sight. She had to follow his voice, and set her gaze down, and down. When she was awake enough, she realized Dave wasn´t so… well, Dave. “What the… Dave? Is that… you? How… how did you lost so much weight, and… what are you doing down there?”

Was he on his knees? Was she standing higher? On an uneven ground? Well, it´s not like that…

“Shit! What happened to my clothes?! And… what happened to my body?” She said as she pinched her new self. Kiara was taller, much taller, and also much thicker.

Her body, once firm and stiff, was now… soft. Squishy. She first noticed her thicker arms, and immediately spotted the immense bosom she was carrying.

“Why…” Kiara started, running her hands over her almost naked, larger body. She noticed her new softness, her heavier body as she grabbed her immense tits. She was bigger, heavier, and… “Why am I so big? And… why are you so small?”

She felt the clothes sinking on her flesh. She felt she was too big for this new, enlarged body of hers. So big, so soft, so… much like his?

Dave had no idea what had happened. While they struggled with the barely fitting clothes, Kiara had an idea. As if it was a sign. A premonition. As if someone had whispered into her ear the reason for this change. Dave was shorter, thinner, and she, well, she was huge! Thick, simply… bigger!

The thought she had was: “What if… this is a way to teach him? Show him how it´s like to live with someone bigger?”

He said she had things easy. Well, this is her chance to find out. Is it easier to be bigger? Or to be smaller? As she tries to measure him with her eyes, she feels he´s just as tall as she was. Well, at least compared with were she reached her in comparison to where she used to reach him. With the top of his head below her shoulder level, just as she used to be.

Maybe it was time to teach Dave a lesson. How did this happen? Why? She´s unsure, but she´ll take advantage of the situation. But, first of all, clothes…

“Kiara, what… what´s happening?” He asked, pulling his clothes so that she could see they were huge on him.

“Uhm… I don´t know, it´s so strange. But, why don´t we get change? Hmm?” She replied.

“Change? I mean, no offense but, you already noticed this clothes I´m wearing are too… big, right?”

“Sure, on you, but how would they look on me?”


“I mean, it seems I´m, for some reason, bigger. And you, well, you´re smaller. Maybe… maybe we could try and… trade clothes?” She was eager to see if she was right.

The way his short fit his new body, it was kind of the way it fit on hers. Sure, she´s got feminine curves, so the fit is not the same. But if she´s right, then she might be his size, and him, well, he might be down to her size…

A few moments later, they were changed. Clothed. Kiara was wearing his clothes, and he was wearing hers, however, there was a bit of a contrast on their sizes…

Dave had to wear her least feminine clothes. Lucky him, they were very neutral. Some jeans, which had plenty of room on the butt, and a white-shirt. No waist-cut, no feminine touches, just a plain shirt. The fit was, well, perfect. The waist, the shoulders, the length, everything was surprisingly accurate. Which got him thinking, is he her… size?

Meanwhile, Kiara didn´t have such an easy time. Her hips were much wider than his used to be. The waist was no problem, but the hips. She had to take the baggiest pants he had. And still, her ass filled them up, and so did her thighs. Butt and thighs had a glove-like fit. With the fabric tightly wrapped around her fleshy body.

The shirt was ok, sure, it was really tight on the boob area, but it fit just fine. What she needs is a bra for her new, massive, assets.

“I think this fits just fine… what do you think?” What does he think? Well, part of him is concerned. How can she be so big? As big as he was!

However, another part of his brain, as he scans her body, has gotten a bit aroused. Her thighs, that ass, and those boobs. She doesn´t have a bra that fits those immense breasts. He can see her nipples, poking through the fabric of the shirt. So round, firm, sexy.

And the way her legs are so thick. Those pants were baggy on him, but her legs fill them up so nicely. Every inch of the fabric seems to be stretched over her long, thick, shapely legs.

“Nice…” He replied.

Kiara noticed the, sort of stupid, look on his face. As she moves, she can feel her breasts bounce. Their weight, they are just so big! And, she can tell, he likes it.

Isn´t he concerned? She´s concerned! How is it possible for her to get so big? How? She´s not swollen, she´s a big, thick amazon! The feminine equivalent to what Dave used to be.

But, now that she comes to notice it, again. Maybe it´s time for them to check on their sizes…


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