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Chapter 15

Steph´s mind was set on this. She didn´t have that much time, but during those few days, she made a plan.

Things were a bit difficult, her first problem, how could she hide? Just imagine, how can the 7´3”, thick woman, how could she hide?

The place where Molly and Noah will meet was their place. That´s right, Noah will cheat on Steph under their OWN roof! He´ll cheat on her on their own apartment! That wasn´t clever, in fact, that was nasty!

And why did he pick that day? Well, Steph had an appointment that Sunday, and, thinking a bit more about it, he´s the reason why she has that appointment.

It was something regular, a visit to the dentist. A mere check-up, some clean-up, nothing outstanding. Still, it was one of those things he, so-casually, suggested. Planting a seed that soon would flourish into his chance to have some time alone for him to betray her!

“Ugh! I swear, as soon as I put my hands on that tiny bitch´s neck!” Steph said, clenching her hands on the steering wheel. Of course, she was looking right at the door by now. Right at their front door, just waiting for Molly to show up.

Steph had enough time to make a good-enough plan. First of all, the disguise, she was not going to use anything, but she needed a way to hide. So, the best thing she came up with, was to rent a car and park it somewhere close enough to see.

Sure, she was watching their door. Yes, it was kind of creepy. But she had a good reason!

Yes, she may be spying at her own house. Sure, she´s stalking her own boyfriend, but he´s cheating on her! And the woman he´s cheating on her with is about to come…

“Is that her? Shit, could that be her car?” Steph thought as a blue sedan parked in front of her apartment. Could that be the car?

She´s got no idea what car she drives. However, the car parked on their driveway, it´s sort of the time when she´s supposed to show up. Well, a bit too early, but if Molly´s as nerdy as Noah, then she´s a very punctual person. To the point where she arrives too early.

“Thirty minutes early, Molly, do you want to fuck Noah so bad? Slut!” She thought. Just waiting for the perfect chance to spawn herself right on her face. The question was, when?

Steph decided to wait, not just storm her way out of the car, run into Molly, probably tackle her, and bring her down. No, first, she must confirm she´s right.

And sure, that was Molly. As soon as the car was parked, she came out of the car. Molly, wearing Jeans, and a purple blouse. Compared with Steph, Molly wasn´t outstanding, but according to Steph…

“Just look at her. That top´s WAY too tight, I´m sure you want to seduce my Noah, don´t you, bitch? Ugh, and those jeans, come on, that butt´s way too tight…” She wanted to bite the steering wheel. Steph was furious. But she chose to wait just a bit longer…

Steph stood there for a moment, just waiting for the right chance. She wouldn´t want to come out too soon…

She waited, not so patiently, as Molly made her way to the door. She looked at her with disgust, after all, this woman was trying to steal her man! And she was giving those happy steps, one in front of the other as she walked from her car to the door. Then, while she rang the bell, Steph wondered, how can she?

How can a woman try to steal another woman´s man? And a coworker? How come Steph never saw this coming? She could trust Noah, that´s for sure, however, she can´t trust people around him, so it seems…

“You bitch, I bet she rejected you at first, but you kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing!” Steph chose to blame it all, at least most, on Molly. How could a man as shy as Noah, as quiet, kind, a guy like him, how could he do something like this!

Cheat on Steph, betray her. Lie to her. Keep a secret relationship with another woman. For a moment, Steph wondered, what does Molly have that Steph doesn´t? The answer, nothing!

Steph´s bigger on every single department. Boobs so big they can smother his entire skull. An ass so great she can squash him with it. Gorgeous thighs, she´s so tall, and… could that be the problem?

What if, Steph wondered as she took a look at Molly´s complexion. What if Noah got tired of a gal as big as Steph?

That´s the only explanation, at least on the physical aspect. Steph completely dwarves her, compared to her, Molly´s got nothing! However, what if Noah suddenly had the need for a woman more his… size? Molly´s not two feet taller than Noah, she´s barely three-inches taller. And she doesn´t weight like four times what he does, she may be just a couple pounds above him.

For a moment, Steph wondered if Noah got tired of Steph´s enormity and just decided to pick a lady who was closer to his frame. A more matching couple. Someone as delicate as him, someone shorter, thin, perhaps… kind?

Has Steph been too much? Is he tired of her, not only because of her size, but because of the way she is? Has she become too… dominant?

All those thoughts ran through her mind as Molly rand the bell and waited in the front door. And then, Noah came out of the house.

Steph could read his lips, “Hi!”, was the first thing he said, timidly waving at Molly, but she didn´t just waved back. Molly gave a step forward and hugged him.

Steph almost ripped off the steering wheel. Her face turned red! How dare she hug him before her eyes!!!

Steph was ready to burst out of the car, and smack that woman right on the face. Probably make her fly a couple yards in the air before she landed. But she waited…

Part of Steph wanted to believe Noah wasn´t the one to blame. That Molly, the probably fake kind-looking, was truly a harpy who forced him into this. There´s no way Noah didn´t mention he had a girlfriend. Unless… there´s a side of him she doesn´t know…

So many things went through her mind as they chatted and then, walked towards the car.

Steph couldn´t hear a word of what they were saying, but they seemed to be having quite a conversation.

“Will they take things into a motel? Nah, they would´ve met there. Unless… Noah really doesn´t care about me…” She felt like crying, but every time her eyes met Molly, she felt a burning, enraging fire in her heart.

Molly opened the trunk and then, she bent. Then, she pulled out a white box from behind. What could it be? It was not so big, perhaps, a little bigger than a shoe-box. Or at least Steph´s shoe-box. A big lady like her uses big shoes.

Then, she handed the box to Noah, and seemed to be giving him some instructions.

“So what, bitch? You brought some toys? I bet you have a whole set of slutty things there, you slut!”

Steph was getting tired of waiting. Should she storm out of the car and scream the shit out of both? Or, as she´d like to, maybe she should just catch Molly alone, and kick her ass while Noah´s not there. And when he comes back to check, it would be too late, since Steph would´ve turned her into pulp! That´s how Steph would like to do it, and that´s how she´s going to!

As she expected, Noah walked into their place, leaving Molly alone. There seemed to be a few more things in the car. While Molly grabbed that stuff, Steph walked out of the car…

For someone who´s 7´3” and weights, well, enough to be qualified as curvy, she was quite sneaky. The car´s door, even if she wanted to slam it, didn´t made a sound as she closed it. She was able to cross the street and make it to her car without being spotted.

She didn´t want Molly to see her until it was late, too late!

Suddenly, a large shadow was casted behind Molly as she was bent on the car´s trunk. She thought it was cloudy, until she heard a voice…

“What the fuck are you doing at my place?” Steph´s voice was unfamiliar to Molly. Yet, she could tell two things, one, that´s the voice of a BIG woman, and two, she doesn´t sound so happy…

Molly pulled her head out of the trunk and turned. Only to meet the, not-so-pleased, woman who was talking to her.

As she turned, the first thing she saw was an immense bosom. Steph´s enormous rack was right on her face. Was she intimidated by a colossal woman with such huge breasts? Well, it´s too soon to know, still, she´s not feeling quite confident.

“Uhm… pardon?” Molly asked, trying not to upset Steph even more. Now that she can see her, well, now that she can see her enraged face from below, she knows who this is.

Molly´s not ignorant about Steph´s existence. In fact, she knows very well who she is. But Steph shouldn´t know that. Actually, now that she knows who this is, Molly´s a bit uneasy as to where this will go. And, about how much she should explain to her.

“I said, what THE. FUCK! Are you doing here?! And I won´t repeat myself, bitch, so start talking!” Her tone, so mad, her words were not mere words, but commands. Molly must explain to her the motive as to why she´s there, but, should she?

“Uhm… well…” She didn´t want to talk, but Steph´s temper´s all messed up now. If she does as not to answer, Steph´s taking action. Which will cause her some serious pain. “I was… just…”

She had zero patience by now. Steph just grabbed her and pulled her up.

Molly felt Steph´s big hands seizing her body, and as if she weighed nothing, she pulled her up. Molly met her stern, enraged frown as she found a way to explain what she was doing there.

“My… heh, you… picked me up… just like he said…” Molly started.

“He? You mean Noah? So he talked to you about me, huh? Didn´t he mention I was his, I don´t know… GIRLFRIEND!” Steph was wondering, get more information? Or just… smack her face on the ground? Scare the shit out of her or beat her into pulp? Not so many options, yet, kicking her ass to teach her a lesson was clearly the winner.

“Yes! He did! He´s told me so many things about you… and he said this could happen…” She didn´t dare say because Steph was the jealous kind.

Molly wasn´t terrified, sure she was concerned, but she was trying to stay calm.

“So cynical, aren´t you? Well, how do you want to do this? You can lie to me and tell me you´re not here to lay your dirty hands on my Noah, and then I´ll kick your ass. OR, I can kick your ass without the explanation?” Molly swallowed, it seems her ass will get kicked either way, doesn´t it?

“W-wait! I´m… there´s a misunderstanding! I´m not laying my hands on him, I…”

“If he lays hands on you, that´s the same. Listen, I don´t fucking care! You´re going to need a doctor by the time I´m done with you. Believe me, you won´t be the first one…”

There´s no denial, Steph´s strong, big, intimidating. And her words, oh, her words are true! But there´s someone who´s about to save Molly´s ass, right before Steph shreds the poor lady into pieces.

“Steph! What are you doing?!” Came Noah´s concerned voice.

Steph made a pause, moved Molly to the side as if she was some piece of laundry, and turned at the door as Noah made his way to them.

“What am I doing? I don´t know… what are you TWO doing? Oh, forget it, I know!”

“No, you don´t! Listen, put her down, ok?” Noah was trying to negotiate with her, using a calm voice in order for Steph not to hurt Molly.

“Why? You wanna kiss her? Hmm? Am I hurting your little lover? You don´t want me to harm her, right? I mean, you wouldn´t like it if I put some bruises on her pretty face. Then she wouldn´t be so pretty…” Steph said, wishing to throw all of Molly´s teeth with a single blow.

“No! Steph, you don´t understand! Please, put her down!” Noah was scared, will she make a scene? Not just a scene, was she actually going to hurt Molly? He already saw this coming, but he wasn´t hoping for it to actually happen.

“I don´t? Oh, but it´s so clear. You wanted to fuck her while I´m away. That´s right, I know you two were planning this. Slowly, secretly, you´ll change me for her! You´ll fuck this pretty lady while I´m away. You´ll stab a knife on my back! You, after all I´ve done, all this time and… you never spoke about her because you knew I´ll find out! You have a lover! And now, you´re scared I´ll break her down!” Steph´s eyes went teary. She was mad, enraged, but she felt so bad. So sad, so lonely…

“No, Steph, it´s not like that…” Noah replied, feeling her, his eyes went teary too. How could she feel this way? Maybe his plan was a mess, just as he thought in the first place, there´s no way this was going to work. But now that everything´s ruined, before someone gets hurt, why not showing her. “Come… come with me…” Noah said.

Steph had no choice but to put Molly down. More like let her fall down. And then, as the last show of appreciation for him, she followed Noah inside.

What was he going to show her? Had he packed his things? Was he breaking up with her? Was this… goodbye?

Soon, all three of them were at the living room, looking at the white box Molly brought.

“Open it…” Noah said, his voice sounded a bit empty. He was sad, he didn´t want things to go this way, but she left him no choice.

Steph did as he said, what was it in there? What could fit inside that box?

The answer? A cake. But not any cake. It was a picture, a picture printed with eatable ink, a picture of both. Steph and Noah, smiling together. Hugging. It was an old picture, yet, it captured such a happy moment. A picture they took after a date. A date when he proposed to her. When he made the question, took things to a new lever. When he said: “Would you be my girlfriend?”

At the bottom, there was something written with fine frosting letters. “Happy anniversary!”

“No, nah-ah, this… it can´t be!” Steph said, feeling regret. But, for the most, concern. This wasn´t the date, she couldn´t have forgotten the date!

“I know you would forget, but that´s ok, you never really remember dates. And I´m fine with that. But… how?” He changed his tone, now, he was mad. “How did you find out?!” He knows there´s only one way.

Steph´s mood changed. From enraged into regretful. From a menace into someone who doesn´t know what´s going on, yet, can´t help but to feel vulnerable.

“Steph, tell me, have you been… reading my diary?” Uh oh…

“What?” She said, but it sounded so fake.

“I know it! Steph, you leave prints on everything you read, why? Because you always eat chips while you read. Chips covered with cheese-powder. And some pages have prints, the size of your thumbs on them!” Now, Noah´s the mad one, but he´s not as dangerous as Steph can be, however…

“That´s how you found out about my sister, didn´t you? And about my mother. I don´t know what you´re trying to do. Tell me, do you want to hurt me? Are you trying to punish me?”

“Noah, I…” She tried to speak, but he didn´t gave her a chance.

“And now, I asked Molly for some help with our anniversary, I thought I needed to show you some more love, but the truth is… you don´t deserve it!” He was so mad tears ran down his face. “I´ve been good, I´ve been kind, I´ve always tried to… to be the nice one. To forgive, and forget…” His voice was kind of shaking now, “I never truly complaint, but today, today, you don´t deserve my nice side…” She thought he was going to burst.

To get so mad he´ll start to throw things at her. Kick her out of the house, or at least try. But he was so overwhelmed, to mad he didn´t even knew what to do. Disappointment was all he could feel, as he turned at Steph, all he felt was betrayal.

“I´ve been good, I´ve always blamed some things on me, tried to change. But, maybe, you´re the one who… who doesn´t understand.” He was holding the tears.

Trying not to cry, but tears ran down either way. Then, he turned at Molly and said: “I´m sorry, Molly. I thought this was going to be a nice surprise, but… it just wasn´t… I´ll be in my room… thank you for coming…” And so, Noah left the room and walked towards his.

Closing the door behind him. Steph´s never seen him like this. Did she just… broke him?



Now THIS is a make-up scene I’m looking forward too!