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Chapter 16

“No fucking way!” Said Kevin, looking way up to his gigantic mother.

“Aww, honey, don´t get mad.” Gene said with a soft tone, she didn´t liked it when Kevin got mad.

“Why not?! You just came here announcing she´ll be moving in here? What the fuck!” Apparently, he was unaware on those changes…

“I told you, dear.” Said Gene, the 6´9” amazon. Wearing, for the first time, flats.

“What? When?” He had no idea.

“I sent you a message, didn´t you read it?” This won´t be the first time he doesn´t. In fact, Kevin never cares to read what Gene sends him. He´s totally aliened her.

Carol felt weird, the six-foot-tall woman, standing in the doorway, waiting for these two to come to an agreement. Should she go? Grab her things and take them back to the car? Well, Gene won´t allow that.

“Listen, I know this is hard to process for you, but she must live here, with you.” Gene stated.

“What? Why?”

“Honey, you´re still shrinking, and according to the doctor, we don´t know how far this will go. Believe me, this is for your best.”

“My best? Since when do you care? Besides, there´s… there´s no room!” He declared.

“What? I always care about you, sweetheart. And, as far as I know, there´s a guests room upstairs.” That´s the room he uses as a gym.

“That´s my gym room. I don´t think…” He was about to make another statement when she, so carelessly, interrupted him.

“Oh, a gym room? Well, I don´t think you still use it. In fact, I think all things in there are now dangerous. We should move them to the basement, or… maybe we should get rid of them. I don´t think you´ll be able to lift those weights in the future. But don´t worry, dear, Carol and I will take care of that, just go wait on the couch. Ok?” And so, she winked at him.

Kevin was about to explode! It seems his mother just made up her mind, and, as always, she took the decision.

“Carol, dear, why don´t you take your things upstairs. We´ll move all those things in no time, you´ll see…”

“But…” Kevin wanted to complaint. To protest. Step in the middle, block their way, but they were simply too tall now. At best, he was boob-level with Carol and she was by far the shortest of both.

In the end, this will happen. But not all has to be a bad thing. In fact, maybe this is for the best. Not for what Gene said, but maybe Kevin can find some other… amusement…

Kevin knows there´s no way he´ll be able to stop his mother. She´s now a giant amazon! And she´s always been this way. When she wants something, she gets it.

If she wants Carol to move in, no matter what he says, or tries, or does, Carol will move in.

But not all of it has to be bad. On a side, she´s annoying, but on the other, she´s a woman who´s continuously getting taller, curvier, sexier. Isn´t that like a living dream? To see the evolution of a woman that keeps getting sexier? Well, to him it is.

In a blink of an eye, both women were moving all of the equipment out of the room.

“I´m sure he has the mattress down on the basement. I´ll go check, why don´t you take care of a few things while I´m gone?” Gene asked.

Before, Carol would´ve said that, at most, she can move one or two things. This was all gym equipment. And it was all meant to be heavy. How else will he lift weights if weights don’t have, well… weight?

But that was before, now, she´ll give it a try.

Carol took hold of a dumbbell that was sitting on the floor. It wasn´t so big, maybe about fifteen-pounds. For her former self, that was enough to make her struggle a bit, but for her current, taller self, it was close to… nothing?

Carol´s not only bigger, but stronger! She was able to move more things than she thought she would. Still, she couldn´t move the bar with the weights on it, maybe there were about 200-pounds on it? Worth of plates, plus the weight of the bar alone.

“Maybe we´re not there… yet.” She thought, having moved a couple things out of the room.

Within a moment, Gene was back, carrying queen-sized mattress into the room. Alone!

“Careful, dear. I got it, but I wouldn´t want to drop it on your head, hehe.” Gene was stronger too. Well, she was a 6´9” amazon, she´s surely much stronger than Carol.

By the way she so-easily moves the mattress from one side to the other, it´s clear she is.

“What´s the matter? You need help with that?” Gene asked as she realized Carol was looking at the bar.

“Well…” She sure does.

“Don’t worry, I got it.” And so, Gene moved forward, bent and then, she picked up the weights as if it was nothing! Well, not quite nothing, yet. But she easily held over 250-pounds in the air, and she was casually making her way out.

“Ok let´s get this done.” Gene said, moving all the stuff Carol couldn´t move on her own, out of the room.

For the heavier equipment, well, they both needed to work together. But things were surprisingly lighter.

It seems both women are not only getting taller, and curvier, but stronger too. It makes sense, Carol knows she´s not a strong-looking woman. Not the type of woman that has some huge biceps, or massive thighs, but, with a larger body, comes larger muscles.

She´s got a sensuous figure, feminine, yet, she´s strong.

Same thing happens to Gene, only that, she´s much bigger, therefore, she´s much stronger.

Carol can´t help but to notice how huge Gene seems. When she bents to pick things from the floor, the sight of her butt can´t escape her eyes.

Carol doesn´t mean to be disrespectful and stare, but Gene´s got a massive ass! Thick, firm, round. And her thighs are equally impressive, shit, all about her is impressive.

Her cheering height, her curvaceous body. Gene´s certainly a tall lady. And to Carol, she may be a goal. What if Carol was, someday, just as big as she is?

Gene´s a big woman. Tall, mature, curvaceous. She´s truly a role model to Carol. Well, at least she looks up to her.

Gene´s an amazon, tall, thick, sexy. Her strength, just in balance with her size, is impressive. And her beauty, she´s a mature woman, however, the pills dote her with the eternal youth her radiant face displays. Tall, pretty, sexy. She´s a triple threat!

And she´s not done with her growth, so far, her new size has given her quite some… things back. She´s back in the game! Dates here, dates there, in fact, she´s got a date tonight.

Maybe she should update her info on her profile. She´s got a dating app, and she surely updated the pictures. She even add some more spice to it. Showing off more cleavage, a sensuous look, full-body pictures where you can see her long, shapely legs. Her round butt, her fleshy hips.

She´s certain that, anyone, should be able to tell her size just by looking at the pictures. But it wouldn´t hurt to make a few updates. For starters, it still says she´s 5´9”, and all men who sent a date request, well, when they meet her… she´s not quite so… “short”.

So far, she´s dated three men who got the surprise of their lives when they met the 6´9” amazon. Tall, sexy, imposing. She was unbelievable! To those who were interested based on her body, well, her boobs were surely bigger than they thought! Together with… her whole self.

They all feel intimidated by her size. No single men she´s dated has ever come close to her height. The tallest, and he was by far the tallest, was a 6´5” guy.

Gene´s uncertain, shouldn´t she attract taller men? Most of her recent dates are barely above six-feet-tall, or is it that she can no longer tell how tall someone is?

If we were to speak in a more general way about Gene´s recent dates, which so far comes close to two dozen men, we could say that, all of them were attracted by her sensuous body.

Most felt intimidated, others felt it would be a challenge to seduce her, most wanted to take her to bed and check out that large body naked. Only one ran away.

Gene knows she´s big, powerful, and sometimes, dominant! But that´s speaking on her sexual, and dating, life. The rest of the day, well, when she´s not busy doing business, she tries to make some time to come over and visit Kevin. She feels like she owes him so much.

“My… just look at her… will I get to be so big? And, when I am, how will that feel?” Wonders Carol, looking at the large shape of Gene.

She´s smiling, moving things out of the room, making some space for the new “guest” in the house.

And while both women are busy, Kevin´s at the living room, mad.

“Stupid Genevieve, she can´t tell me what to do. I´m an adult!” He thought. Upset.

How could his mother come and order him around? She cannot tell him what to do. He´s a man! Besides, this is HIS house!

Although, there´s some things he cannot see, mostly because anger is blocking his train of thought. For starters, she´s the one who bought, and pays for the house. He basically only lives there. And second of all, before Carol arrived, he barely took care of the place.

Gene knows it´s not his fault, well at least that´s what her maternal, and pampering side of her brain tells her. She´s often too soft on him. However, Carol doesn´t think that way.

He´s a mess! That´s what Carol thinks. And Gene knows he needs help around the house. Besides, Gene knows better, much better than one could think.

If she was to make Carol, let´s say, a permanent guest, then she knows she will be able to help Kevin around the place.

She´s older than him, which makes her more mature. And as a growing woman, Gene knows Carol will do great at taking care of him while she´s not around, which is way too often.

She can´t take care of him forever. He makes it so hard, but if Carol was to stay there, well, that way Gene would know Kevin´s on very good hands.

“Look at her, it´s hard to believe she used to be that little lady I met before.” Gene thought, looking at Carol. “I bet Kevin will be in such good hands when he´s with her. She´s so capable! And so nice.”

No one will ever allow their mother to make arrangements and pick a woman for them. But if Gene plays her cards properly, well, she might pair Kevin with the perfect woman.

“She´s not like that toxic girlfriend he had, or like the others. Just pretty faces with nothing else inside. No, Carol´s not like them, she´s good, and, she´s pretty! And she knows how to do a lot of things! Kevin will live very happy with her. If only it was up to me to marry them, oh, I would do it right now!”

The main reason why Gene´s happy is because she´s daydreaming about Carol and Kevin. She thinks they would make such a nice couple. Carol´s exactly what Kevin needs. Besides, with her growing, and sensuous body, she may lure Kevin enough to make him interested.

Gene knows him that much, he´s a man after all, and all men like one thing, BIG boobs. And Carol´s are… big!

It´s true that Carol doesn´t look so big to Gene, however, to Kevin, she´s an amazon!

But she´ll give them some time. If Gene was to speak, or make the lightest hint, she knows Kevin will complaint. He´ll get mad and this will never happen. But if she was to put them together, in the same house, most hours a day, well, there´s a chance they fall in love with the other.

Carol will be the only woman Kevin can see, it´s just a matter of time before he comes to like her, really like her. And Carol… well she´s not stuck at the house, but Gene knows Kevin´s so handsome, it´s inevitable that she falls in love with him.

Or so she thinks.

Gene´s putting all of her eggs in one basket. She´s got the hope that someday she´ll come home and they will be in love. Carol´s the perfect woman to him, it´s a shame he hasn´t realized it yet.

“Wow! That took us a while, but nothing a pair of big ladies like us can´t handle, right dear?” Said Gene after the room was arranged.

“Yeah, hehe, I guess you´re right.” Carol was looking at a well-done job. The room no longer resembled the gym room it used to be. Well, it wasn´t the perfect bedroom, but everything was on its place.

The bed, a couple pieces of furniture, a mirror, there was a closet already there. The only thing missing was a bathroom, but there´s one down the hall.

“I know, it´s not perfect. And you will probably outgrow the bed in a while, but don´t worry, I´ll give you mine. You know, as soon as I outgrow it” she winked at Carol.

It was true, the bed was good, for now. But soon, if she´s going to keep up with the growing, Carol will soon need a new bed. But that gets her thinking, how tall does she want to get?

And there´s another question, how tall is Gene intending to get? She´s really close to the seven-foot-mark. And with heels, mere four-inch ones, Gene´s past that mark! Just how much bigger will she get? And, will she pass her down her clothes? Gene´s got style, Carol wouldn´t mind having one or two pieces of her clothes.

With the speed of their growth, there´s no chance she has used anything more than once, or twice at most.

“Oh, by the way, if you happen to find this room too small, well, maybe we can move you to Kevin´s room, hehe.” Where you could sleep with him, that´s what she meant. But she made it seem as if she could take over his room and they could move him into this one.

“Haha, I bet he´ll be furious just by hearing that.” Gene didn´t quite liked the idea that Carol appreciated when Kevin was, well, sort of punished.

Gene knows Kevin´s got some… attitude. And that often pushes people away. Carol´s great, the only problem, or the only but Gene can put to her is, she´s often happy when Kevin receives his share. Which means, she will not hesitate to punish the guy.

Which is something that concerns her a little. The other day, when she came it, Carol had her hands on him, if she wasn´t there on time, oh, who knows what could´ve happened.

She´s aware that his shrinking and her growth only mean that she´s soon to get bigger and bigger, while he´s constantly getting smaller and weaker. And if he doesn´t take care of that mouth he has, well…

This “couple making plan” could end up in Carol getting tired of Kevin and beating him up. Gene would like to think Carol´s uncapable of such a thing, but Kevin knows how to push people´s buttons.

If Gene could just find the way for these two to get along, she knows they will fall in love! They are perfect for each other!

Kevin´s handsome, and Carol´s certainly a woman that can bring order to his life. They are quite a complimenting couple, she can surely take care of him, and there´s so much he can give back.

At least that´s what Gene thinks, and hopes that will happen. But there´s a few other things that concern her. For starters, will they fight?

It seems Gene wants to take care of Kevin´s life, and now, she wants to turn Carol into her daughter-in-law. Who would´ve thought so?

Kevin´s single, and Gene knows Carol´s single too. Will they fall for the other? That´s Gene´s plan. But there will be a long way before it ever, if it will, happen.

But Gene will make sure to pay them a visit to check on them. She may be coming to visit much more often now that she knows there´s a chance to pair Kevin with a decent woman.

She doesn´t care if she has to support them their whole life. If this works fine, maybe she can turn Carol into a movie star! Gene´s a producer, and Carol´s pretty, she will certainly become a movie star in no time.

But that will happen when it has to happen. Until then, it´s time to see how their relationship evolves.

“From the housekeeper to his wife, wouldn´t that be dreamy?” Gene thought, looking at Carol with a huge smile.

Carol´s got no idea what she´s thinking. “Is there something in my face?” Carol thinks as she smiles, a but awkwardly, back at Gene.



Fun chapter. I hope Gene’s hopes for the two of them come true :)