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Part 5

Melanie waited patiently for them to call her number. She was concerned, was she really going to eat? Still? She ate a ton of free samples, if she´s not mistaken, she´s already eaten enough, for a day!

She knew there´s no way she won´t eat that pizza, the smell, it´s filling the air. The sweet smell of cheese, the saucy aroma, the bread, meat, and a ton more things that only made her stomach grumble! But she knew better, she had self-control, she will only eat ONE slice. And take the rest home.

It was a good enough plan… if she manages to stick to it.

She was concerned, she feels different, as she waited she was thinking about herself. Her body.

She feels… heavy. She´s sure she feels heavier, but she can´t feel a huge bulge of food on her stomach. She should be bloated like a balloon! However, the only ballooning things are her boobs. They are huge!

She´s not sure if she ignored it, or if she just happened to wake up like this. However, she can quite tell there´s a difference in her body. Between yesterday and today, she can tell there´s some curves that were not there before.

She was thinking about her body, but suddenly, the food arrived!

“One large cheese pizza, and… your drink!” Said one of the employees as they delivered her huge box of pizza.

“Oh my… large?” Did she order large? Well, most likely, it´s the only size they have, everything at the store is huge, and little does she know, so are customers.

“Yes, ma´am, a large pizza, plus a large drink. Here you go. Is there anything else I can get you?”

That will be it, thanks.” She replied, looking at the cheering size of the box, the whole thing was heavy! That employee struggled to hold it, and now, she´s about to see the reason why…

“Wow…” Melanie said as she opened the box. Not only the pizza was huge, but the smell, as soon as she opened the box, she knew one slice won´t be it. For sure.

She took a slice, drove it to her mouth and then, slowly, she took her first bite.

As soon as it hit her tongue, an explosion of flavors ran down her mouth. The sauce, the cheese, this was a hundredth times better than the samples! She took another bite, then another, and another!

Before she knew it, that first, and supposedly only, slice was gone. But she wanted more!

“Ugh, fine, another, but it will be the last one…” spoilers, it wasn’t!

Melanie was not going to be able to resist eating the whole box. No one could. If only she was aware of her growth, or the growth of people around her. She should´ve noticed that, the more they eat, the larger they get. But it´s not that bad.

Melanie was so lost in her food that she didn´t realize the growth of her body. She wasn´t getting fat, instead, her body was expanding in the most sensuous of ways.

She realized the sits were big, but she thought they were designed for, well, fat people. But they are not, they are designed for large people, not necessarily fat…

Slowly, bite after bite, her trunk grew. Her butt became bigger and bigger, taking up more space on the surface of the sit. Her hips also grew wider as her legs thickened.

Longer, fleshier, Melanie was expanding. She didn´t realize because, well, the food has some sort of power. It catches her attention, all of it. Enough for her not to realize that her pants are getting too short, or that her blouse is rising over her stomach.

The clothes they sell there are all designed with the most elastic, expansive and stretching of materials. They can stretch to the sides, but not quite lengthwise. Melanie´s clothes are still fitting, tighter, wrapped around her expanding body like a glove, but they won´t rip. However, they are getting a bit too short.

Melanie was growing, thicker, taller, sexier. She passed the 7´6” mark, and then she reached 7´9”, and that was before her third slice. She still has five more slices to go, and the drink won´t help at all…

Two slices? No. Three slices? Not quite. By the time she ate the forth one, even if she wasn´t counting, she knew very well that she´ll eat the whole thing. Diet? Too much food? Calories? She´s not worried about that at the moment.

Subconsciously, she knows this is too much food, how is she able to pack all that? She´s not even feeling full! Something´s wrong, how come she hasn´t realized all of the employees at the store look smaller?

It´s not quite like that, but the fact that she´s growing. She´s no longer just a tall lady, now, she´s more on the amazonic side of the word. A tall, sensuous beauty. Even her lips look a bit thicker, her hair looks better, and let´s not talk about her body.

Tall, sexy, hot! Her hips grow wider after each bite. Her thighs are thick, plump. And her butt, round, heavy, firm! She´s a menace! A hottie! Sexy in all the extension of the word”

She´s fleshing out in all of the right places, her waist looks narrow, thin. Even if she has actually thickened there too, but her, she can´t keep her original waist size, she´s expanding, still, she´s got an alluring hourglass figure.

Her boobs, so big, they are getting bigger! Filling out, rounding up after each bite, after each drink. Huge, mesmerizing, big, firm, sexy!

She reached the eight-foot-mark without even realizing. Melanie, like most people, was reaching new heights. And all without knowing!

What´s in the food? How come they grow? And not just that, how come no one in the whole store has said a thing?

Well, to make sure no one notices, they have two separate doors, one to come in, and one to go out. Both are far away from the other. That way, people coming in won´t notice the giants that come out.

In the end, Melanie was full, finally. And all it took was a thousand samples, and a whole pizza. Oh, and let´s not forget about the drink.

She was in a state of pure bliss! This was the first time she eats a whole pizza, in one sit!

She finally made her way out of the store. Standing taller, thicker, curvier, sexier! Her heavy butt bounce, her humongous breasts jolted. She was no longer the 5´7” woman that came in this morning, now, as she makes her way out, she walks out like an amazon!

A giantess! A 9´7” woman. Tall, strong, and obviously distracted.

Her shirt, even if it still covers the entirety of her titanic breasts, it fails to cover her trimmed stomach. That blouse is more like a crop top now. And her pants, well, they are closer to leggings shorts. All of her clothes are tightly wrapped over her luscious body.

But what will happen next? All the customers making their way out are giants! And the employees, well, they are about waist level, how come she can´t tell that?

“Have a nice day, ma´am! Come back soon!” she will, definitely.

To complaint? To see what happens? What will happen next? Will she even fit inside her car?

This is strange, at the store, all food is supposed to make you grow. And, inside, they sure carry clothes that she will need in the near future.

What will happen next? And, will there be a cure? The question is, how tall could she get if she eats all of the food she bought? For sure, she´ll be gigantic!

And to think that it all started with a free sample…



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