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Chapter 8

Richard had a lot to think about. Hope just… took all of his hopes away. What does she mean? That he´s suddenly dependent on them? Sure, to him, they are giantesses, but that´s not it.

He´s shrunken, all thanks to these three ladies, oh, and let´s not forget about their mother. Now, Richard seems to be at the mercy of all three. But how does that work? Wasn´t he trapped before? How different are things now?

The short answer, not so much…

Hopes words stuck in his mind. The outside world was too dangerous to him? That doesn´t make much sense. And much less knowing which of the three he´ll meet later. Erin…

“Welcome!” Erin said, cheerfully as she welcomed Richard to her place. Unlike Hope´s clean, sweet, warm place, Erin lived on an apartment. Not so big, but with some… differences.

The place was kind of messy. He could see a pizza box next to the couch, and the smell… what was it?

Richard wasn´t comfortable, he knows the kind of woman Erin is, she´s wild! He´s most likely safe outside than inside her place. His main worry, what does she have in store for him?

“What? No words? I just welcomed you to my place, you could´ve said something like “nice place”, or, “thank you, Erin.”, hmm?” she wasn´t really patient, still, she wasn´t mad.

“I… nice place…” He tried his best to comply, but he didn´t like being there.

“Ok, ok, I know, you must be mad. I made a mistake, I acknowledge it. I´m sure you must be pissed because… well, we mistake you for someone else, and now you´re in… our hands…” she wasn´t wrong.

The main reason why he was trapped, the main reason why he was shrunk, and now he´s being taken from one giant woman to another is… Erin.

She made a mistake, she didn´t wore her glasses, she picked the wrong guy, and now, that guy is under their care. Is that Kharma? And if it is, for whom? Them, or him?

“I´m sorry.” Erin said, standing straight, looking titanic. She was like a sixteen-foot giantess to him. And her attire, she wore a tight tank top, and a pair of tiny shorts. Her body was shapely, sensuous, to him, she was a goddess. But he won´t acknowledge she´s pretty. Even if she is. It´s her fault he´s trapped, and now, he still is, only with a change of scenario every now and then.

But there´s something else, sorry? Did she just say sorry? He looked at her in confusion.

“I´m sorry, I know it´s my fault you´re… that all this happened. I should´ve known better. This isn´t very professional from me. I know I did wrong and I apologize for everything I´ve caused you.” Was he listening to her words right? Was she actually apologizing?

What if this is a trap? Only to catch him off guard later on. Sure, she pretends she´s “sorry” and next thing he knows, she tied him and now he´s her personal punching bag. Erin´s fierce, intense, and much stronger.

Even if she´s the shortest of the three, she sure isn´t the weakest. He´s unsure if she´s stronger than Ally, but than Hope, that´s for sure. A mere look at her can tell him she works out, she may not have huge, bulging muscles, but she´s strong. Her thighs are massive, filled with muscle, that´s for sure.

But her body is lean, which dotes her with great flexibility. Agil, fast, strong, she´s a threat! But… she´s apologizing?

She´s not making too much eye contact, she´s looking at the floor between them, does she really mean it? Should he accept her apology?

“You don´t have to say a word, I know I made wrong. I… I don´t kind torturing a man, but it´s not cool when he´s innocent. I´m sorry, Richard.” Maybe she does mean it? Perhaps, her words are true?

“Look, I know you made a mistake…” He started, but she wasn´t done speaking.

“I´ll make amends. You´ll see!” And so, she was… Erin.

How will she make amends? Letting him go? Not quite, she´s got very specific instructions, he´s not supposed to leave her place unless he´s on his way to Ally´s house. During the next 24 hours, he´s her responsibility. But, what will she do during all that time? Make amends? How?

He was swiped off the floor in a blink of an eye. Erin was fast, and certainly, she could carry his smaller frame in her hands. To be carried by this lady as if he weighed nothing, that´s not nice. In fact, it only proves she´s bigger, stronger, and that he´s at her mercy.

He wants to believe her, for his own sake, he wants to think she´s telling the truth and that she won´t break him. Literally.

And he must be sure she´s not lying. However, being nice? That´s not Erin´s forte. She will try her best, but it´s well known, by all of them, that Erin can be quite… dangerous.

“I made a stew!” She said, dropping him on a chair in front of the table. Of course, he´ll have to stand on the chair in order to reach. “You must be starving! I´ll grab you a plate.” A stew? Well, maybe food won´t be so bad.

She knows that food is quite a way to say sorry. With sweets, regularly, but a nice warm stew…

The first thing he learned when the plate was presented in front of him was… Erin doesn´t know how to cook.

“I hope you like it! This is the first time I make it. But don´t worry, Hope gave me a recipe. Unfortunately… I didn´t have all the ingredients, but I changed them for something… similar. Hope you like it!” She seemed eager, was she really trying to be nice? Or was she trying to poison him?

Maybe this was some sort of test, if he rejects the food, that will be an excuse for her to get mad, and most likely, sit over his head. He better be nice and eat…

The smell wasn´t nice, in fact, it was awful! And the stew, what was on it? This doesn´t resemble a home-cooked meal, this is more like... prison food, the one you give trying to kill the prisoners.

He thought, maybe it tastes better than it smells, or looks, but he was wrong, so wrong…

Richard has no idea how, but he managed to swallow a spoon full of this… “stew”, but as soon as it hit his stomach, it immediately came back!

Richard threw up. His face rapidly turned pale. Maybe Erin was trying to kill him, well, better to be taken out of this torture quick.

“Oh, come on, it´s not that bad…” she said, grabbing the spoon and as soon as the food hit her tongue. “Ewww! It´s awful! Well… it seems I… didn´t nailed it, but don´t worry, I´ll order some pizza.” Apologizing with food was not the best idea. But she´ll make amends, surely!

“I know the food wasn´t… good, at all. But I´ll tell you one thing, I won´t rest until I make amends with you. I´ll be a SUPER host, you´ll see. So good that you´ll never want to leave my place… which surely won´t be so far from the truth. Between you and me, Ally´s so pissed because mom forced her to do this. I don´t know what will she do to you, but trust me, you won´t like her when she´s mad. Hehe.” Was she trying to pull some terror out of him? Get him paranoid?

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps, Erin´s the kind of people that doesn´t think too much before they speak, and sometimes before they act. Probably the stew is a good enough proof.

“I know! Why don´t we… play?” Play? Just like before? This will surely not be nice.

“Play? What?”

“Oh, you´ll see…” and he will.

Her definition of “playing” is practicing, martial arts. And he´ll be her partner, or a sparring.

“I know this isn´t very… balanced. But maybe I can show you one thing or two about self-defense. Ready?”

Of course he´s not ready! She´s going to rip his head out of his skull! She´s huge! And if she knows martial arts, which he knows she does, then she´s twice as threatening.

Kicking or punching would be, well, too dangerous considering the fact that this giant woman is three times his size, but she had a better idea. Something different.

She bent down on her knees and told him to get in guard, and then, when his guard was on, she tackled him.

The feeling, well, it was hard and soft. On a side, she tackled him like a huge truck would, and on the other, her huge boobs were like air bags, smothering his face softly.

“Hey! You didn´t scatter. Again!” and so, she tackled him again, and again, and again.

What does she want to get out of this? Show him how to dodge a giant woman that´s coming your way? Well, she´s too fast for him, besides, she´s not making it easy. She´s so good at this that she can tell his next move. This “game” is more like Erin tackling Richard with no mercy.

The only good thing out of this is that he gets to touch her boobs. However, they constantly smack him in the face, together with the rest of her body. She´s like a one-woman-stampede.

“Ok… maybe we shouldn´t do this either…” really? He can see stars with his eyes, she´s surely going to knock him down if she keeps going.

Erin really wants to make amends. She´s trying her best, but she has no idea how to be kind, or gentle. She´s a threat, in most of ways.

“What if…” she started, but Richard was tired.

“No! Listen, I know you want to apologize, but if we keep going this way, you´re going to break me down, literally! Isn´t there any other thing we can do?” If her goal was to kill him with fake promises of redeeming herself, then she was achieving it! She was killing it! But if it wasn´t, then she´s going the wrong way, way too far the wrong way.

How can she mistake fighting him with an apology?

“Well… there´s one thing I was keeping for later, but I wasn´t sure if you´d like it…”

“What is it?” He asked, maybe she´ll throw him down from the roof, that would do.

Soon, her large shadow was casted over him. Erin looked down at him, with a huge grin on her face. Smiling, she said: “You´ll love it…”

Sex, her last source, and clearly the best one, was to apologize through sex.

Allowing him to be on top. That way, he´s the one deciding what to do. And that´s considerate enough, right? Well, at least according to her.

“Well… enjoy me, my dear…” Erin´s words are… strange, still, she´s sexy.

Erin´s well aware that she´s got a luscious body, a nice butt, plump thighs, and some decent boobs. All those features, to him, are much bigger, rounder, heavier.

She stripped, slowly, discovering her luscious body. Her clothes were tight, which didn´t hide much of her sensuality, however, seeing her naked? It certainly made him hard.

Erin may be though, rough, kind of crazy, and a bit sadistic, but she sure is hot! And to him she´s a goddess! Tall, sexy, big, fleshy. He can´t deny it, she turns him on.

“Whenever you´re ready…” she said, laying naked in bed, with her most luscious smile, waiting.

Her hard nipples, pointing at the ceiling. Her legs, spread apart, showing off her crotch. Was her pussy shaved on a heart-shape? Well… she´s “dressed” for the occasion.

He knows this could still be a trap, but he doesn´t care! If this is the last time he gets laid, then so be it!

He took off his clothes fast, and then, he was all over her.

The feeling, her body was just enormous. And soft. Big and soft, her curves were full and heavy. Her body was sensuous, with a thin waist and some nice fleshy hips. And her boobs, so out of his reach.

He wasted no time and went down to it quite fast. Inserting his hard member inside her. To him, she was a giantess, a sexy, luscious giantess. This was the first time he ever fucks a woman this big, and surely, it will be worth it!

He felt electricity running down his spine. His hard member was inserted, as deep as it could, on her massive pussy. His crotch, he could feel the warmth of hers all over, and soon, the feeling got even hotter.

Passion, he was having sex with the giantess with passion. Lust was his guide, passion filled his mind. And the feeling? Well, his hands were sinking on the firm flesh of Erin´s thighs, so strong, so mighty, and yet, the touch was so creamy, so soft.

Erin just laid there, allowing him to fondle with her body. Moaning softly as he gave it his best. It wasn´t easy to please such a gigantic woman, but he was giving it his best. Besides, does she care? It sounded more as if she was allowing him to have his share, not truly caring if she gets her own pleasure.

After a while, he came, hard. He was sweating, the sex was intense, at least from his end. He was exhausted, but he came. Hard, with passion. And once he was done, he just collapsed. Landing over her soft navel. Toned, sure, but soft.

“Done?” She asked, with a soft, warm voice.

“Yeah…” he said, breathing in deeply, and then out.

“You liked it?”

“Mhmm…” It felt so nice.

“I´m glad…” she replied.

Maybe this carnal apology was nice? He certainly feels nice. He liked it, she can tell. However… she´s got a suggestion…

As he lays over her, with his member still inserted on her pussy, Erin´s got a few… ideas. More like an idea, she´s got a request, a small one…

“So, you feel nice, you liked it, and you´re done… but now, I´m all turned on, and I haven´t got my relieve… hope you don´t mind a round two…” and so, it was her turn.

She didn´t plan this, but she can´t help it. She´s quite a horny woman, and now, he just teased her, it´s fair if she meets her climax too, right?

She put her hand on his back and flipped his world, literally.

“Hope you don´t mind me being on top, I like this position more…” maybe this wasn´t the best idea.

Her hips, she began to thrust them, slowly, gently, but she sped up quite fast! One, two, three… and so, she was on fire!

The whole bed felt like trembling, his whole body shook beneath her enormous form. Erin was huge! Beyond amazonic, she was a giantess! A strong, sensuous giantess, and now, she was horny!

She fucked his brains out, almost literally. She was intense. As intense in sex as she must be in every physical activity. And hungry, voracious. Now, she was moaning, and even if he was spent, he was too.

It was nice to have sex with her, but that was when he was on top. Now, well, it´s nice, sure, but it´s much more intense! Turning the notch up by a lot! Her moves, they are sexy, but so strong, and heavy. Yet, she´s gentle enough not to squash him.

Erin´s going back and forth, back and forth. With such a passion, even if he can´t take it, she´s doing most of the work so… there´s no way out of this…

“Whoa… that was nice! How do you feel?” he asked. Drained could´ve been a nice reply, since he came like three times before she came once. But he couldn´t really speak, he used all of his energy to keep himself together.

She was passionate, that´s for sure, and now, he´s spent, tired, he´ll be sore in the morning.

“I´ll take that as a… fantastic!” she was so cheerful, but she´s quite a threat.

He ignores what´s in store for him, how will things be tomorrow? Will Ally put an end to this? Hope´s sweet, that´s for sure, but she´s one, and there´s three of them.

Now, Erin´s not trying to be hard, or bad with him, but her good intentions, they are just as threatening.

She´s trying to be nice, but she´s not like Hope, she´s trying, but maybe her definition of gentle is not quite the regular one.

“Come, let´s cuddle… I´ll be the big spoon, ok?” And so, she spooned him, her enormous body wrapped around him. He was spent, he couldn´t even speak, or think too hard, but this, maybe she was good at this.

Cuddling, she wasn´t too hard, or too soft, she was applying the right amount of strength. The giantess was gentle enough in this. At least this felt nice.

Now, he´s got a whole night of recovery ahead of him, the question is, will it be enough?

But a better question is, will Ally put an end to this? Or what does she have in store for him?