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Chapter 18

The very next day, they all went to visit the doctor, however, there´s a few things that are, not quite fitting.

“Gosh, has this car always been so small?” Kelsey asked, as she struggled to fit her 6´3”, 202-pound body on the car. And yes, she gained two pounds in a day, why? She´s annoyed!

Right now, she´s complaining mostly because of, well, the lady on the front sit. Kelsey is sitting at the back, with Trevor behind the wheel and, ugh, Pam next to him. Why did he picked her up first? She´s not sure, but she surely hates it.

“Come on, I´m even taller, and bigger, and I´m not complaining. Besides, I´m sure you have plenty of room back there, right… Trevor?” Pam was a 6´5”, 280-pound amazon.

As she asked Trevor, she placed her hand on his thigh, and gave it a gentle, yet teasing, squeeze.

Trevor´s spine quivered. It was already too much just to have Pam next to him, and now, she´s teasing him? He was beyond excited. But he must drive, so he can´t really let himself enjoy this as much as he´d want, right?

“Well, you could´ve sat at the back.” Kelsey complaint. The reason why she gained weight is simple, she´ll get over Pam.

She needs to get faster results. Next to Pam, Kelsey´s… not so outstanding. Pam makes her look slim, fit, sure, but thin. Pam´s arms are thicker, probably not stronger, but she´s got more volume. And, in this case, volume´s what matters the most.

“Oh, don´t worry about me, I´m fine here.” Replied Pam, looking straight at Trevor, teasing him with her eyes.

Pam´s got a few things in mind, and Trevor, well, he´s most of them. She can barely hold herself. Her urges to kiss him, to touch him, caress him. To strip him down and have sex with him, in the now tiny space of the car. But she can´t, there´s a grumpy obstacle behind them.

Everyone made it to the clinic, and once there, both ladies met the doctor. One by one.

Dr. Glasshow is looking… not so big now. At least for the girls. Pam´s really close to her height. In fact, Pam´s already taller than the girl behind the counter, in fact, Pam´s already past the 6´4” limit the doctor warned them about. And because of that, she´s got some questions.

“Tell me, Ms. Jensen, how are you feeling? It seems you have reached the 6´5” mark, how are your… urges?” Said Dr. Glasshow, looking at Pam from behind her desk.

“Oh, well… uhm,” This was a bit of an odd question, however, she´s the doctor she can share that information with her. After all, they kind of discuss this already. “I just can´t hold them anymore!” She admitted. The door was closed, who´ll listen?

Pam took this as a chance to speak up about her recent desires.

“I want him! I just… I want to be all over him! I want him so bad! I look at him and, oh, I want a piece of that!” Whenever Pam sees Trevor, well, she can´t hold herself too much, she just wants him, his body, for him to touch her. Intimacy, she´s in despair for a chance to be with him, alone.

“I see, and just him? You don´t have an urge to, you know, take any man you see?” Dr asked.

“Well… no. It´s just Trevor, you know, he´s… well, was… or will be… anyways, we´re kind of a couple. Why would I cheat on him?” Pam replied.

“Interesting…” Dr. Glasshow said and noted.

“W-why? Is it… wrong?” Pam felt a bit conscious about the question.

“Oh no, not at all. It´s just that, whenever a patient comes, they are usually single. You know, small women who want a boost so that they can seduce men easily. But you, and your friend Ms. Burns, you´re actually the first two women who come here with a couple already. Well, to my understanding, you are in fact competing for that man, am I right?”

“Yes, ma´am!” She was right.

Maybe this is a side-effect, but there´s different kinds of side-effects. Dr. Glasshow knows this is still on the experimental phase, there´s just a couple dozen women out there who are in fact taking the treatment, or have taken it.

The results were always the same, every time one of those amazons saw a man, Dr. Glasshow included, she had an urge to seduce him. To tease him, make him theirs. Maybe just for a night, and then they could go over to the next one, or hold their urges and patiently wait. But Pam seemed to be different.

Maybe this is like other married women, there´s notes down there that women who were already married, they keep their lusty thoughts for their husbands. Even with divorced women; no matter if they were divorced in good or bad terms.

There´s a theory Dr. Glasshow has; based on previous patients. Single women are attracted to men, in the case of these growing ladies, they get urges to take any man they see. To seduce them, and then take them to bed. That´s why they are not allowed to go past the 6´4” mark.

However, with women who already have a couple, any desire, any sign of passion, any carnal wish, they look for one, and only one, man who´ll sate their thirst for sex. And that man is always their husband, or boyfriend, their couple.

Dr. Glasshow is single, and since she´s on the 6´7” mark, well, she struggles with lusty feelings towards handsome men, sometimes any man. That´s why no men are allowed inside her office. But Pam, and Kesley, well, all their desires will be driven to no one else but Trevor.

Now, with all the notes she made on Pam. And after receiving a yes to the question: “Would you like to go on with the treatment?”, Pam was good to go, and she had her new pills.

Time for Kelsey´s check-up.

“Are you mad, Ms. Burns?” Dr. Glasshow asked. Of course she can tell Kelsey´s pissed off.

“No.” Kelsey replied, with a light frown, her arms crossed and looking aside after she answered.

“Come on, dear, don´t lie to your doctor. I can tell you´re mad. Now I don´t have a problem if you don´t want to share the reason, but I assure you that, if I may, I can help you with that. Talking about one´s problems is always good. And I´m sure, this is for your progress during the treatment, am I right? Are you jealous about Ms. Jensen´s growth? Hmm? She´s getting bigger, isn´t she?”

Dr. Glasshow was right. 100-percent right! And for as much as Kelsey hated sharing her feelings…

“Did you see her? She´s taller than me! It´s not fair! I work really hard, and her? What? She just gets to stuff her face, go around the world so happy and now, she´s taller? I used to be taller than her! This sucks!” It seems Dr. Glasshow was right.

“I know, dear, but the growth´s different for everyone. Besides, if you´re mad, that can also slow down the process.”

“What?!” She had to be kidding!

“That´s right, dear. I´ve analyzed several patients results, those who are desperate to grow, or not so happy with the process, they tend to slow it down a little. My advice, positive thoughts.”

“Positive…? You´re kidding, right? Can´t I just add a pill or something? Maybe you have something that can help me grow faster? I don´t know… to help me a little?”

“Oh, haha, dear. It doesn´t work that way. Else, I´ll make you drink a whole can of pills, and then put a feeding tube on your mouth to inflate you like a balloon. You could walk out of the office like a giantess in no time, but it doesn´t work that way.” She gave her fake hopes for a moment. “It´s a slow treatment, and a long process. But you´re doing pretty well, dear. In fact, you two are the ones with the best results so far. It took me nearly a year to get to where I am.” That helps, but not so much.

Kelsey felt sad, she´ll have to go the long way, like everyone. She sighed.

“Oh, don´t feel sad, dear. Listen, you know your friend Pam reached the 6´5” mark already, right?”

“Sure, so? You don´t want me to get advice from her, do you?”

“Oh, no. Listen, when a patient passes the 6´4” mark, well, let´s just say they kind of get stuck there. Not for too long, but it takes them a bit longer to grow. You could use this as a chance to get ahead of her.”

“Wait, Pam will stop growing?” That was some nice information.

“Not stop, she´ll make a little pause. I have the theory that, when a patient´s libido rises, their growth stops while their bodies get used to that change. Either that or my patients burn up all of their calories with sex, either way, you still have time.”

Kelsey just had the best news ever!

“Just you wait, Pam, I´ll take the lead again!” Kelsey thought as she told Dr. Glasshow she´ll continue with the treatment.


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