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A woman visits this new store. Once inside, there´s some sort of treat, everywhere she turns, there seems to be free samples. First, cake, she loves cake. So she can´t deny it.

However, this samples are kind of… growing on her. Or growing her?

Every sample she takes makes her slightly taller. As she turns around, every woman there seems taller too.

She´s taller, bustier, sexier. And her clothes are tight, one of the clerks points her out the woman´s clothing section, where there´s suspiciously a lot of extra large clothes.

She was 5´7” when she first came in, how big will she get in the end?

Part 1

On a Sunday morning, the weather´s nice, the skies are blue. Traffic is, well, there´s still traffic, but it´s noticeably less compared to a regular week day.

Today´s quite a special day. Unlike any other Sunday in town, today´s the great opening of a new store in town. They´ve been working on it for quite some time, however, it was quite fast!

The whole thing was assembled in a period of two months. They must´ve invested quite some cash to get things done so fast.

Most people are coming because, well, it´s a new place. There should be some special offers over there. Discounts, POGOs, new products, and, above them all, samples!

It´s common for certain places to give away free samples to customers. Mostly of food, ok, especially food. And this place is no exception.

Right now, there´s a bunch of flag-lines all over the place. A new parking lot, with recently painted lines. New Shopping carts, new registers, everything´s new!

The place looks quite attractive, the store´s big, very big! The entrance must have a door about twelve-feet-tall. And the ceilings inside must reach the twenty-feet mark. Or at least eighteen-feet. It may be hard to tell.

Right now, the place seems kind of packed. The parking lot is almost full! Even if it´s barely 10:00 am. The store just opened today at 9:00 am.

“Wow, it´s amazing!” Said a woman, Melanie. Melanie Wilson.

She´s a woman in her mid-thirties. With light-brown hair, a bit wavy. Her skin is a little pale and her lips are thick. She stands at 5´7”, carrying a pair of C-cups on her chest. She´s curvaceous, but a bit slender. She´s got hips, but they are not too outstanding.

She´s there because, well, she´s got nothing better to do today. She´s a single woman who´s curious about this new store.

There were a lot of advertisements to drag people´s attention. TV, fliers, even on the radio! Everyone inviting you to come over to the great opening. And how did they made sure to gather a crowd? Easy, at the end, commercials said:

“And remember, we´re giving away FREE samples. And between you and me, you can take more than one!” Basically, they are giving away free food. Which is something… not so new, however, this samples are not just any samples…

Melanie entered the store. She walked in on her regular Sunday-outfit. Some old jeans, a random shirt, and flats. She was an attractive woman, but she just doesn´t put so much effort on her clothing. Her eyes are of the prettiest blue, and her thick lips look so kissable.

She doesn´t wear any make-up, not wanting to lose too much time in the mornings. And since she´s not working today, she doesn´t put too much effort on her clothing. She´s just there to check on the store, and if she sees anything she needs, then she´ll put it on her cart.

“Oh, a cart…” she said, turning at the shopping carts area.

She walked over there, pulled a brand-new shopping cart, placed her purse in it and made her way to the door.

“Hi! Welcome!” Said a greeter at the entrance, waving at Melanie.

“Hey.” She replied, smiling.

The clerk, who was always smiling, made sure to welcome Melanie to the store, just as this person does with all customers. And then, a quick recommendation: “Feel free to grab as much samples as you want, they´re free!” And then chuckled.

Melanie just kept walking, politely of course. Wondering, are free samples like, their phrase or something? She didn´t pay much attention to it and walked in.

As soon as she passed the entrance, she could see the actual inside of the store. The place was HUGE! It seemed big from the outside, but once inside, the whole place kind of doubles in size.

High, high shelves, packed with a ton of things. At the entrance, clearly, they put things someone doesn’t need much often. Such as electronics, and appliances. This is the way they make sure you check out what you don´t need on your way to things you actually need. Like produce.

But that´s fine, she´s there to look, after all. Just to wander the aisles as she, well, tries to waste away some of her time during this Sunday. Melanie lives a simple life, she´s just a simple woman.

Working on a nine-to-five basis, a little exercise over the week, she watches some series. Reads a few pages of a book every now and then. Hangs out with her friends every month or so. Nothing outstanding.

“Well, the prices are actually low…” she said, checking the price of a blender. Compared to other stores, these prices are like 20-percent lower.

“Maybe they want to drag a lot of new customers with their low prices.” But if prices were so low? Which is totally a deal, why didn´t they mention that on their commercials? Everything seemed to be guided to…

“Free sample?” Said a lady, carrying a tray with cookies.

“Oh…” Said Melanie, turning at her, wondering from where this lady came from. “I´m ok, thank you.” She replied, not really wanting to eat a cookie. She doesn´t have a sweet tooth.

“You sure, ma´am? These are freshly made. You can find the dough on aisle ten. And it comes in different flavors. Chocolate chip, Vanilla, Chocolate, Brownie…” Melanie was really not into cookies. Or any other sweets.

“Thank you. I´ll… keep that in mind.” She replied, literally not wanting to hear any other word.

The clerk seemed a little disappointed. But she understood. “Oh, ok… well, if you change your mind, I´ll be around, ok? But be sure there´s plenty more samples at the store! Have a nice day.” She said while smiling.

Melanie just nodded. She didn´t want to be rude, but this is a bit harassing, maybe she´s just giving it her best promoting these… cookies. But she didn´t really need any samples. Much less on this empty aisle. Seriously, where did she come from?

She just kept looking on the same aisle for a couple more minutes, wondering, does she need a new blender? Maybe a new microwave. Everything´s so cheap!

“Maybe some other time…” she said, walking out of the aisle. Heading to a different one. However, the same thing happened on that aisle!

“Free sample, ma´am?” The fuck?

This was a guy, and unlike the other lady, he had something… non-sweet.

Melanie was about to reject the offer, but the smell…

She came to the store sort of… on an empty stomach. She usually wakes up on Sundays too tired to make breakfast. And now, the meaty, greasy smell of the food on the tray… it´s making her mouth water.

“W-what are those?” She asked, looking at the tray.

“Mini-burgers. Made with the finest beef…” and he proceeded to tell her they were on the frozen-area. On aisle 22.

Melanie couldn´t resist them, they smelled so nice, and they looked so cute! She couldn´t resist it. Maybe it wasn´t the best idea to come to the store on an empty stomach…

She couldn´t help it, she just grabbed one and started munching. It was so delicious. So meaty, kind of juicy too. It only seemed to have ketchup on it, but it tasted so good!

“You´re telling me these are frozen?” they taste so good!

“Yes, ma´am. And you can find them on aisle 22. Did you like it?” The guy said as she drove the last bite to her mouth.

Melanie nodded. “Yes! So tasty!” She smiled.

“Would you like another piece?” she wanted to say no, but her stomach grumbled, luckily it was an inaudible sound.

“Relax, they are free. And our manager always says, customers can have more than one.” He winked, as if this would be their little secret.

Melanie couldn´t resist it and just grabbed another piece, then, she thanked the guy.

She doesn´t want to be one of those people who abuse the free samples, but he insisted. Besides, it´s only a second piece, it´s not against any rule.

“I´ll be around, if you want some more. Or you can check out some other of our samples, and remember, they are free…” He said and then he walked away.

Melanie smiled, but she´s kind of… creeped out. First of all, if there´s so many cars outside, how come she hasn´t seen any more customers? She may have passed two or three people while she´s there. But there´s like a hundredth cars outside… where´s the rest of the people?

Soon, she´ll know. Melanie will know the real reasons for those free samples. Or, know where is all that people.

However, there´s something she hasn´t realized, at least not yet. The mini-burgers she just ate were delicious. So tasty, a delight to her mouth, however, they have a bit of a secondary effect…

Are they full of unnecessary calories? Empty calories? Do they make you gain weight too fast? Well… yes, but unlike all things that have the exact same effect, these burgers are a bit different.

Melanie kept walking with her cart through the aisle. Her mind focused on the taste of the burger. She wondered, what was it on that burger that it made it taste so good! Maybe she was hungry and that was it. Perhaps, it´s been a while since she last ate a burger.

As she wonders about the sample she just had, she ignores something else. A reaction her body had. Food poisoning? No. An allergic reaction? Nope. It was something… different.

Melanie was not the kind of woman who pays too much attention to her surroundings. That´s why these people have summoned before her without she even listening to them coming. However, there´s something she didn´t realize. And that´s not something out there, but from her own body.

For some reason, her jeans are kind of… tighter. Her hips sway a bit more as she walks. But she´s so focused on her own thoughts to realize.

There´s been a few changes on her body. Changes that appeared after she ate those free samples. For starters, Melanie´s no longer 5´7”, now, she stands at 5´8”, perhaps, half-an-inch more.

Her hips, her butt, and her boobs have grown, slightly, yet, they have expanded.

There´s something going on with those “free samples”, apparently, they are not free. They come with a certain cost. But the cost isn´t money, but something else…


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