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Chapter 50

Lillian was on her way. Colin called her, because he needs her. If he had known the joy, how happy his words made her. Or should´ve.

To her, being needed by the man she loves, that´s like music for her ears. Anything, she´ll do anything for him. But his voice, there was something else to it.

She could hear him, the sorrow emanating from his soul. His breathing, a bit rushed, his voice kind of breaking. She wanted to be needed, but not if he´s suffering. To know he may be hurt, injured, or simply sad, that makes her heart break a little.

She can´t stand it, she just can´t. She grabbed her purse, her keys and made her way to his place. She had to confirm it before she hung up. Make sure where he was before she starts moving. That way, she can get there faster. If he needs her the way she thinks, then she must be there in the blink of an eye.

Traffic didn´t help at all. She felt an eternity had passed before she was half way there. But she knows, or at least hopes he´s not injured. If he was, then he would´ve called someone else, someone closer. Or an ambulance.

“But what if he wants me? What if that person he needs it´s me?” She´s worried, what if he´s bleeding out?

Lillian was nervous, tense. She made her way to his place as fast as she could.

A few miles away, she tried to think this through. What if this was a personal emergency? Something that´s not life or death. What if he´s just sad?

She has no idea if he´s a man who´ll cry over spilled milk. If he is, there´s no problem, but she just doesn´t want to get there and find him needy for something that was not such a big deal.

But, by the way he spoke, this must be something serious. If he needs advice, she´ll give it to him. If he needs a shoulder to cry on, she´ll be there. If she just wants her to be there because he needs her, then his side is the place where she´ll be.

If this is not the big deal, she thinks it is, then that´s fine. She´ll gently advise him not to make such a scandal out of something simple. But she´s certain, he didn´t call her just because.

“Come on… just turn green already…” She was impatient, desperate to meet her final destination. Worried about what Colin needs.

She had to ease her mind, take some deep breaths, drive on the speed-limit. It was hard to take, but in the end, she made it to his place.

She hoped off the car, almost slammed the door and rushed to his door.


“Colin! It´s me!” she was hoping he´ll make it to the door. But what if something heavy fell on him? What if he wasn´t able to say it due to the lack of air coming to his lungs.

Lillian was worried again. She was hoping for the worse. Those three seconds she waited for a response, they felt like days! She swallowed, looking at the knob, wondering, should she make her way in?

Lillian´s an 8-feet-tall amazon. If she wants to get in, this tiny door won´t stop her. She can easily bring the door down. Tackle the whole thing, maybe even bring the door frame down too. She´s a colossus.

But first, before she makes any damages to his property. Well, this rented property, she´ll check if, by any chance, the door´s locked.

It´s better to say sorry for coming in than saying sorry for breaking down the front door.

She took a hold of the knob, and when she was about to turn it, it turned by itself. Colin opened the door from behind. She let go of the knob and took a step back.

Soon, the door was open and Colin came out from inside. She looked at him with attention, he seemed fine. Well, at least physically, but she can see some sorrow in his face.

“I´m here, honey. What´s the matter?” She said, her eyes a little sad, and her voice, as soft as she could make it.

“Can you come in?” He said, to what she just nodded. He would like to have some more privacy before she speaks up.

Lillian wasn´t exactly sure what was going on. She just ducked and made her way in. She feels huge inside his place. The ceilings are just a few inches taller than her. She feels enormous, but she´ll leave those thoughts behind, it´s time to check on him. See why he called her.

“Please, take a seat.” He pointed at the couch. Lillian just followed what he said and sat down.

The couch creaked under the amazon´s weight. Struggling not to give up beneath her enormity.

Colin was looking at her with worry. Concern. What if she thinks he´s crazy? What if she thinks he´s paranoid. Nuts.

Was he completely sure he shrank? What if the tape was wrong? He does know how to measure someone, right? What if he made a mistake?! Then she´ll think he´s an idiot who doesn’t know what he´s doing!

But he couldn´t be wrong. He measured himself several times, he couldn´t believe it. But there was no mistake on it. Now, Colin stands as a 5´7” guy. He needs to tell someone, but not just anyone. He wants to tell Lillian.

She´s sweet, so she´ll understand. Or at least, she won´t catalogue him as a lunatic before walking away from him.

He felt so nervous, his palms were sweating, he felt extremely hot. Anxious. But she´s been sitting there for almost a minute, he needs to say something. Not just look at her and hope she´ll figure it out on her own. Most likely, a woman her size can´t notice a change on a man as insignificant as him. To her, he must be tiny, and now, even tinier!

“Lillian… uhm, do you... can you notice anything… different in me?” the question, he felt so stupid.

He was standing, he wanted her to see his whole form, to tell he had shrunk. She wanted to ask her in case she did see the difference. It was obvious!

His clothes are baggy, his pants are longer, the sleeves on his arms are longer too, and larger than he needs. She must see the difference in him, just as someone would with a person that has lost weight.

Lillian wasn´t very sure about what he wanted her to see. Well, in part, she was. But she didn´t want to point the obvious so soon, so, she started with something else.

“New… pants?” She asked, as if she had any idea of the pants he has.

“No. It´s not about my clothing.” He felt so dumb, “There´s something about me, please, take a look, at my whole body, and tell me if you see something different.” His eyes, she could see the pain in his eyes, it was hurtful to him, he was desperate for her to notice.

And she knows exactly what he wants her to see. It´s obvious.

Lillian knew this day would come. The day when he finally noticed he´s been shrinking. She had the hopes that it would take him longer, but the time has come. By the look on his face, he´s scared. He wasn´t lying when he said he needed her. Now, she knows the real reason why.

The question is, should she say it? Say he looks shorter? Thinner? That he´s been shrinking and now, he has lost five whole inches? No, she can´t. There´s no way she knows that much details about something she wasn´t supposed to notice.

If she points that out so soon, then he´ll know she has already noticed, but didn´t say a word. And why wouldn´t she? That´s what makes things even harder. If she already noticed, why didn´t she said something? Doesn´t she care?

If she ignored it, then she doesn´t care about him. That´s the impression he may have. And by the looks on his face, that will hurt him. Or, maybe he can blame her?

If she knows, and didn´t say anything, there´s a chance he can blame it all on her. And he wouldn´t be wrong. But he can´t know, he´s got no proof. Still, what if he blames it all on her? She´s the only new thing on his life, what if he thinks she´s the one who´s been shrinking him?

She needs to say something, but not something too obvious. Maybe something that discretely points out he shrunk, but without admitting she knows about shrinking. How about…

“Well, your pants, they seem a little loose, dear. Have you been eating well recently?” That´s right, a hint. Loosing weight is close to shrinking, right? Well, sort of.

“No, I… I´ve been eating fine but,” there he comes, he should say it. Why is he so nervous? Lillian´s the sweetest woman there is, she´ll understand.

Colin struggled a little to make the words come out of his mouth, but in the end, he knows he should say it. Why did he invited her over if he wasn´t going to say a word?

“it´s something else. I… the pants are lose, yes, but not because I´ve lost weight. I… I…” He looked at her in the eyes. She could see he was struggling to speak. She felt bad, this was all her fault, but he can´t know that. It´s her duty to comfort him, try to make things right. But first, he must say what the problem is.

“Lillian, ugh, you must think I´m crazy, but it´s true, ok?” He was so nervous, utterly concerned. She´ll think he´s joking, or lying. But it´s true. “I… I´ve… shrunk.” He said it.

She knew it, she knew this was the reason why he called. Now, it´s time for her to play her part. Act as if she has never heard about it. As if she was just another person, and this was the very first time she´s ever heard about something like this.

“What? No way!” She said, which made him a little nervous.

Colin thought she thinks he´s crazy! So he overreacted a little.

“It´s true! Look at me!” Did she insult him? She believes she did.

Lillain knows she must take him seriously. And she is! But she must put more effort to it.

She stood up, rose from her seat to look at him with more attention. The main thing she did was to… make him feel smaller.

He´s aware she´s a giantess. A monumental woman. That she´s out of this world in terms of height. And he´s ok with it. Lillian´s a muse, a sensuous, amazonic muse. However, now that he knows he´s shrinking, well, she seems… taller!

He´s never felt more self-aware of his height before. Sure, when he first met her he was a bit alarmed. Shocked. But now, he´s looking up at her with worry. She´s huge!

“Well…” She said, looming above him statuesquely.

Colin was concerned about her size, her overall size. The dimension of her boobs, the width of her shoulders. The thickness of her thighs.

It didn´t help at all that Lillian was always on tight clothes. Her yoga pants only make her legs look so plump, so thick, massive! She´s much bigger than him, and now he knows, she´s much bigger than the first time they met.

Back then, he was 6´2”, but now, he´s much shorter. Maybe she doesn´t see much of a difference in him, but he can tell, now he can, that she´s HUGE!

Paying more attention, he can recall he once reached higher on her boobs. Yes, his eyes used to look straight at the cusp of her breasts, now, the top of his head is at the cusp of her breasts.

He´s looking up at the vast enormity of her voluptuous bosom. A bit overwhelmed by so much boob-flesh. A massive rack on this woman whose face he can barely see as she stands so close to him.

Lillian´s enormous, he knows, but now that he´s concerned about his size. She´s overwhelmingly big!

“Hmm…” Lillian said as she put a hand on the top of his head.

Colin´s heart skipped a beat as she did. Her hand feels massive! The weight of it, the size of it. So big, so mighty! Lillian feels so powerful!

He´s allowing her to check on him, mostly because of the sudden dominance he feels from her. She´s not trying to do anything like that, not trying to impose herself over him as she puts her hand on his head, but he can´t help but to feel… weak.

“I don´t know…” she said, pretending she hadn´t noticed he shrank. As if she hadn´t already measured him before. A couple times. “Let´s measure you, you know, to be sure.”

“You don´t trust me!?” Colin said, a bit aggravated.

“No! Honey, it´s not like that. I just… want to be sure. You know, so that you can show me…” She felt as if she was messing things up.

He´s so sensitive at the moment. Overwhelmed by her size, self-conscious. Everything that comes out of her mouth, it just makes her seem as if she wasn´t on his side. But she is!

“Five-foot… seven. Oh my!” She said, trying to sound impressed, a little alarmed. “How tall were you before, honey?” She asked.

”6´2”.” He replied.

Colin couldn´t take it, this was too much. She only made him feel smaller. Her cheering size was too much to him, yet, he needed her. Sure, she reminds him that he´s tiny, and compared to her enormity, he feels utterly small. However…

“Lillian! I´m scared!” He said, throwing himself at the woman.

With his arms widely open, he just threw himself on her. A hug, he needed a hug. He wanted Lillian to be there so that she could tell him everything will be ok. That it´s fine. That there´s a solution to this.

He doesn´t want to be alone, even if she´s a giantess, he wants her to be there. To hold him, to hug him, to lie to him and tell him things are fine. He needs it.

“There, there, sweetheart. It´s ok…”

“Are you sure?” He asked her, why would he?

She was alarmed, is he asking this because he feels she knows something else? That she may know more than him? Is he asking as if she was behind it? Does he know?

The truth is, he doesn´t. And he´s not asking because of that.

Lillian can perceive what´s happening. Of course he doesn´t know, he´s not blaming her. His arms are wrapped around her, well, as much as they can, holding her tightly. She knows he´s not blaming her, or accusing her of anything, this question, this question of his, it´s got a different purpose.

He needs her, that´s true, and the answer he´s looking for, he needs someone to comfort him. To be there.

“I´m sure, dear. Everything´s fine. Everything will be fine.” She put her hand on his head, and caressed his hairs gently.

“I… I don´t know what´s going on… why? Why me?!” The answer he´s looking for, she can give it to him, but the answer he needs is different.

“Don´t worry, dear. We´ll figure out later. Now, why don´t we move to the couch.” And so, she guided his body to the couch.

Soon, she sat her enormous body on the couch, occupying almost the full extent of it. Then, she pulled him, but he won´t be sitting at the couch.

Lillian picked him and put him over her lap. His face, she could see the concern, the sorrow, all this caused him so much pain. So much confusion.

But she´ll wash it all away.

Soon, she pulled him closer, put his head on her shoulder, held him, and as she did, she said: “It´s ok, honey, things will be fine.” He didn´t said a word after that. He knows things are not fine, but he wants to believe they will.

He wants her to say it, even if it´s a lie, he wants her, he needs her.

“I´m here, ok? As long as I´m with you, nothing will hurt you, ok?” She feels so bad, soon, tears fell from his eyes, she could feel a wet spot on her shoulder. Colin was crying.

He felt so weak, so desperate. Vulnerable. The amazon held him, hugged him, made her best to reassure everything will be fine. That there´s nothing to worry, but the thing is, there is.

He may be wondering, how far will this go? This hasn´t stopped, he´s certain, but how much smaller will he get? Lillian´s sure that this and many more doubts may torment his head. But she´ll wash them all away.

“Don´t worry, ok? I´m here, I´ll always be here. Whenever you need me, no matter what, just call, and I´ll come.” This is all her fault, come? She´s the one that shrunk him, how can she make amends?

“I´ll take care of you, ok dear? No matter how much you shrink, you can always count on me. I´ll be here, ok?” His eyes, red, teary. He´s looking at her, but he can´t find the words. Until…

“Y-you… promise?” He said, in a low voice.

“I promise.” She replied, looking at him in the eye. “I love you, Colin, and I´ll do my best to help you go through this, ok?” He won´t be the first man she´s shrunk. However, why does she feel so bad?

She feels as if she betrayed him. As if she failed to him. She´s the one that put him in this, the one that shrunk him. But she´s already done that. With selfish purposes, of course.

Now, she feels bad, terrible. She thought that it was a matter of faith that he came into her life, that he drank from her milk. His shrinking shouldn´t be a problem, but it is. To him, it´s a very big deal, and now, it is to her.

She feels bad, terrible. What can she do? He´s been sucking from her tits for a while, he must be used to it. Should she stop? But, if she does, what if he finds out it´s her milk that shrinks him? She´s in a dilemma, but she´ll find an answer.

Until then, she´ll stay with him, close to him, holding him, caring. She owes him so much.


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