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Chapter 15

Carol was having a bit of fun as the couple fought. On a side, we have Kevin, standing at 4´10”, looking at Leslie. He´s mad. But maybe not as much as she is.

Right in front of him, stands his girlfriend, who once used to stand at 5´7” but now, after Carol´s intervention, she´s taller. She´s not an amazon above six-feet-tall, like her, or Gene, but she´s taller than she once was.

The changes on her body are visible. Her top looks shorter, tighter. Her legs and butt fill up her jeans noticeably more. Her hips have expanded, her legs have thickened. Her augmented bosom pushes the top up, her boobs look noticeably bigger. Maybe two sizes bigger.

Of course she´s not wearing a bra, most of her clothes may not fit her. In fact, she´s wearing a pair of sandals, since she most likely didn´t fit her feet in any of her shoes.

She looks bigger, and upset.

“Kevin, don´t hide it! I knew something like this would happen!” She said, blaming him for everything. Now, she stands at 5´10”, three inches taller. Does she like it? No, it´s not normal!

She woke up, feeling odd, and once she put some clothes on, as she struggled to fit into things, she soon realized, something was up.

When she found out she was taller, the whole world fell like falling over her. Why? She asked, how? She wondered. But the answer came to her rapidly, at least a possible explanation.

Her boyfriend happens to be shrinking. She knows nothing about anyone having changes on their sizes, unless it´s related to weight. However, this was related to height.

Soon, she found herself on her way here. Then, she found herself at the door. And, as soon as she spot him, she blamed everything on him.

“I told you! You are contagious!” She said pointing at him with an accusing finger.

“It doesn´t make sense! If I was, then… then how come you´re taller? If I was contagious, shouldn´t you be shorter? Huh?” He replied, as furious as she was.

“Well, I don´t know. But this is ALL your fault!” She said.

Carol knows this is the right time to intervene. Last thing she wants is for smart-mouth-Kevin to ask for some, and then get it.

“Guys, calm down…” Carol said, calling for their attention.

Both turned at her. And soon, Leslie found some words for Carol.

“Don´t you dare tell us what to do, you bimbo!” Then, she took a moment to look at Carol, of course there was something wrong with her. Of course she´s taller! She knew it!

“Look at her, Kevin, how come you didn´t notice she was growing too? In fact,” she made a pause and turned straight at Carol once more, “How come you didn´t say a word? You´re growing too. I´m sure you used to be a shortie when I first met you, now, you´re even taller than me! How is this shit possible?”

Leslie seemed to want an answer. And Carol, well, she can´t quite say she didn´t notice, but what excuse can she make?

“Late growth spurt?” Carol said, shrugging.

“Sure, an old woman like you, with a “late growth spurt”.” Leslie mocked.

“Hey! We´re about the same age.” Maybe Carol should kick Leslie´s ass out of the house, she still can, probably.

“I don´t care! I want a fucking explanation.” Leslie said, and then, she just took a sit on the couch, “And I´m not leaving this place until I get one. And for Kevin´s sake, I better have one soon…” She crossed her arms under her grown bosom and just stayed there.

Carol was wondering, what if she doesn´t give Leslie her explanation? In the end, she´ll take it up with Kevin. If she happens to hurt him, aside of being fun to watch for Carol, that would be a perfect excuse for Gene to come over.

Just imagine the 6´7” amazon, kicking Leslie´s ass out of here. No one can hurt her precious Kevin, and she´s certain she doesn´t like Leslie. However, it´s time for the next step of their plan to begin.

“I´ll call Kevin´s doctor, I´m sure she´ll have some answers.” Carol said, with a polite tone.

“Well, tell her to hurry up, I´m gonna need some new clothes after this.” Leslie replied, not so politely.

Carol went into another room, not to call the “doctor”, but to call Gene. She´ll give a call to the fake doctor and then she´ll come with a rehearsed explanation.

“Hello? Gene?” Carol said, making sure no one was hearing her. “Yes, she noticed… she´s mad, yes… Can Tracy come… ok, great! I´ll wait for her.” Time to kick Leslie out of their lives.

Leslie is an unpleasant woman, and sooner or later, Kevin will break up with her. Why not rushing things up a bit?

Later, the doorbell rang.

“Coming!” Said Carol, as Kevin and Leslie were still discussing a bit at the living room.

Carol´s not sure what Tracy, the fake doctor, will say. What´s the explanation she´ll give. She´s certain on one thing, Kevin is “contagious”, and that´s all she knows.

Then, she opened the door, and soon greeted the Doctor.

“Hello, Doc… Gene?” She wasn´t waiting for Gene to come over with the “Doc”.

“Hello, Carol. Dear, how are you?” Gene was there, the Doctor was there too, however, why did Gene came?

Maybe to make sure things go on as planned? To make sure to give the right explanation? Or, probably, as a proof? Carol doesn´t really know all details of the plan. She knows the plan, But Gene may have added a few more details to it. To make it more believable.

Carol was amazed by Gene´s arrival, however, she was also perplexed by something else, her height.

Hadn´t they made a deal not to grow more? At least not too much more? Gene seems not to be good at playing her part. Or not so good with the deal. Now, Gene´s a good foot taller than “Dr. Anderson”.

Tracy is a 5´8” woman, which now makes her the shortest woman there. She´s not so sure what´s going on, but she can tell a thing, Gene´s an amazon!

On their way there, Gene made sure to explain her what the deal was. What she´ll have to say and what her lines may be. However, once she picked her up, Tracy couldn´t help but to have some questions.

Not so much related to this whole acting thing. She´ll do anything to get a part on any of the new series Gene´s been working on. Still, a doubt couldn´t escape her mind, is Gene taller? And yes she is!

Gene´s been taking her pills, that´s for sure. Now, on her bare feet, Gene stands at an impressive 6´9”, and with her “small” heels, she´s exactly on the seven-foot-mark. Gene´s colossal!

Her answer for Tracy was simple, she´s on a treatment, which has made her grow a bit… too much. But she loves it!

The size, it gives her so much power! Everyone looks at her, everyone notices her. It doesn´t matter if they know she´s famous, it doesn´t matter if they know who she is, her size speaks for itself.

All eyes are on her, she´s the tallest person everywhere she walks. Looming higher than anyone else. And her curves only make her body much more alluring, teasing for the eye. She loves the attention.

Tracy feels odd. Now, she knows that this whole thing of the growth, or shrinking, it´s not fake, it´s real! But she won´t say a word. She´s not sure if Gene´s causing Kevin´s shrinking, or if she´s got anything to do with this other people´s growth. But she won´t ask. She doesn´t want to piss her boss off.

Leslie´s eyes almost jolted out of her skull as she saw Gene. She knows she´s Kevin´s mother, but she had no idea she was so big! Gene stands fourteen-feet taller than Leslie, that´s impressive! And a bit intimidating.

And her curves don´t help a bit. The size of her breasts, the width of her hips. She´s so full of flesh, all giving her a perfectly curvaceous body. She can´t help but to feel a bit intimidated by her size.

And she´s got questions, how come she got so big? Why haven´t any of them said a word? And, will she grow to be as tall as her?

Unlikely, as soon as they are done with the explanation, Leslie will be gone, hopefully…

To make things more convincing, Tracy came to the house wearing a face-mask. And after the explanation, her reasons were clear.

“I knew it!” Claimed Leslie, standing up of the couch as she turns at Kevin and blames him some more. “You are fucking contagious! Ugh! You idiot!” Leslie was so frustrated. At least she was right to blame Kevin for her growth, but how was he supposed to know he was contagious?

“Leslie, can you have a sit? There´s no need to blame Kevin, I´m sure he had no idea. We don´t really know much about it, ok?” She wanted to slap Leslie on the face, down to her sit. But she knows better to maintain composure.

And, Leslie knows better not to go against what the amazon says. She´s quite intimidating. The last thing she wants is for her to get mad.

The explanation of Dr. Anderson was simple. It seems Kevin´s condition is not quite a condition, but sort of a virus. People around him may be affected if they expose themselves to him during an extended amount of time.

With that, they were sure Leslie will run away from him. Avoid him, permanently. They wanted to make sure he is completely isolated.

“But… why… I get it if Leslie or Carol have grown, but… what about… her?” Kevin asked, pointing at Gene.

It was a fair question, Carol´s the one who has been in the most contact with Kevin, so it makes sense if she grows the most, however, what about Gene? How come she´s grown so much?

Before, he didn´t really noticed the size augmentation on Gene. At least not when compared to Carol, who was always a few inches back. However, compared to Dr. Anderson, who´s still her normal size, he can see the difference.

Gene´s not only huge to him, but to everyone. And what´s the answer they will give?

“Genetics.” Dr. said. “It seems that, due to the few information we have on this new virus, we can´t quite confirm it, but, it seems that, between relatives, the expansion… augments.”

So, since Gene and Kevin are mother and son, she´s growing the most due to the shared genetics in them.

They had a perfect explanation. If the person shares similar genetics with, in this case, patient cero, then the way the virus affects the new host are faster. As if this so-called, made-up, virus was able to adapt.

“Don´t worry, dear, mommy´s ok.” Gene said, as if he actually cared. But the truth is, she was more than fine. Her new life, if anyone knew what she´s done.

She cannot count the men she´s seduced with her fingers, and we´re talking about men on this month. She´s been a busy woman.

“So, you´re saying that… the closer we are to him… the more we grow?” Leslie asked.

“I´m afraid, that´s right.” Replied Dr. Anderson.

Leslie turned at Kevin and stood up, then, she walked away. “I… I think we´re over here.” Said Leslie.

“What do you mean?” Kevin asked.

“We´re DONE. Break-up. No longer a couple. Listen, I like you, ok? But… you´re like, the epicenter of size… changes or something. I won´t take the risk. Besides, they don´t have a cure, do you?” She turned at the doctor.

“Well, there´s some pills we´ve given, but they only ease the process, not quite… stop it.”

“Ok, I´ve heard enough. I´m out.” And so, Leslie was out of the way. “Hope you get well soon, Kevin.” She was leaving before she ended up as a huge woman like Gene.

The four of them stood there. Listening to Leslie opening the door, and then closing it as she left. Carol and Gene were happy, they got rid of her. And with that, they were certain that their explanation would work.

They needed to find a way to explain how they´ve been growing. And that, all people who have been exposed to him, have changed in size. It was simple, the only thing missing was Leslie. They needed to make sure ALL people exposed to him had changed, and that included Leslie.

Now, after they made her grow, they were certain that, she´ll subtract herself out of their equation. They were certain that, for someone like Leslie, who never asked for the size-change, this wouldn´t be good news.

She´ll run, escape from him. But that´s not something bad. She´s an unpleasant woman.

“You´re better off without her.” Gene said.

Kevin was perplexed. He. Contagious? He doesn´t care much about Leslie, however, the other women around him, they have grown? And all because of him? That´s really unexpected. Alarming news. He´s contagious! An epicenter for… growth? But… why growth?

“Wait, if I´m contagious, how come they are growing? Shouldn´t all people here be… shrinking?” He didn´t care to ask how were they aware of his virus. He knows they´ve been doing some research on a lad somewhere. But, why growth?

“The answer´s simple. They are female.” Said the doctor.

Kevin was confused. Isn´t a flu the same for men and women? Why is this virus different? Selective between genders?” That was a very good question, and Dr. Anderson was not prepared for an answer.

“Well,” Dr. Anderson started, but soon, he was interrupted.

“They are still trying to figure that out, dear.” Said Gene, sure enough that Tracy was not prepared to give an answer. “They don´t have an answer yet, but, that´s the way things are.”

Kevin couldn´t believe it. He was contagious? What he´s been told was a condition, suddenly, is a virus? Like a flu, but not quite so much alike.

So, while he shrinks, he has some sort of power to shrink other people? No, not quite like that. IT seems he only has the ability to shrink men. But to women, they grow? He makes women around him grow?

This leads to some other questions. First, how tall is his mother? She´s huge! And not only because he´s shrinking. But there´s another question, what about Carol? Will she quit?

How will he hire someone else if this new person will be vulnerable to size-change? Will they hide that?

Both Carol and Gene know much more than he does. More than the lies they´ve been telling him. They know he´s not contagious, both know that there´s some pills the ones that are causing the changes. Still, they have some further explanations. Well, Gene has, and Carol´s unaware of it.

“It seems, we´re going to have to do some changes,” Gene started, then, she turned at Carol and said: “Carol will move in.”

“What?!” Both Kevin and Carol asked.

Why? Why does she have to move in? Gene didn´t spoke with Carol about this. This were truly news to her.

“We´re not sure if it´s safe for you to, you know, expose other people, so we´ll have to reduce your interactions with the outside world until we find an answer. Or a cure.” The doctor explained.

Carol didn´t agree to any of this. But this was going to happen.

“So, you´re all moving in?” Kevin asked, worried his house will be soon full of people.

“No, just Carol. I´ve got a lot of things to take care. But We need to prevent this from becoming a pandemic.” But, why only her?

“But, this isn´t fair! Where… where will she sleep?”

“There´s a guest room upstairs.” Gene said.

“No, that´s my home-gym.” Kevin replied.

“Don´t worry, we´ll make space for her. Move your things to the basement and make room for Carol, it´s not so hard.”

“But, what… you can´t do that!” He protested.

“I can and I will! Trust me, it´s for the overall good.” Kevin was frustrated. So he left. He wanted to be alone, so much has happened.

Once he left the room, they were actually talking.

“I have to move in?” Carol asked.

“Yes, dear. Once he shrinks further, I´m sure he´ll need you more. At all times. Don´t worry, I´ll pay you for the extra-time. Besides, don´t you think you´ll be happier here? I´m sure you´re getting a bit too big for your apartment.” She was right, Carol was 6´ tall, and soon, she may be taller. Her apartment was way too small, back then, it was fine, but if she´s going to keep growing, well, she´ll need a bigger place.

Gene made this plan on her own. To her, Kevin´s been getting too small. He´s 4´10”, compared to her 6´9”, she´s titanic! Or, is he tiny? She´s uncertain, but the thing is, she´s concerned.

No one really knows how long this will go on. How tall will everyone be in the end. But the thing is, Gene has to make sure Kevin´s safe. And to ensure that, Carol must be there.

She can´t really speak her truth, but the thing is, Gene likes Carol, far more than Leslie. In fact, if it was up to her, she´ll pair up Kevin and Carol.

Carol´s a capable woman, she´s kind, she´s nice. She would make a fine girlfriend to Kevin. But the thing is, they don´t get along so well. But, maybe if Gene intervene a bit more, things could evolve a little.

After a few moments, Tracy was waiting for Gene at the car, in the meantime, Gene and Carol were talking at the door.

“Well, it seems now we´re free to, you know, grow as much as we like.” Gene winked.

Carol smiled, but she´s curious, just how tall does Gene want to get? She´s a whole foot taller than her, she´s already enormous! How much taller does she want to be?



Loved it! I’m liking the size-change mechanism you came up with - the distance from him determines how much someone will change. Sounds like it could make him very popular with people of all different motivations.


Thanks! And it certainly does, if it was true, but according to him...it is ;)