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Part 4

Things were changing, way too much. And just when Guy thought that the fact that she had no more protein powder was good, something happens. A delivery.

“Four cans! They sent FOUR!!!” He couldn´t believe it. They delivered a big box to her, there were no signs of logos outside, how was he supposed to know this was inside?

“Wow, I only asked for two… oh well, they are sure pampering her best customer…” Brianna smiled.

But the truth is she´s not quite a “customer”, she´s not paying a cent for that. They are sending it all to her because she´s one of the people who´s had the most striking results.

She´s a muse of bodybuilding, a titan, a goddess. Every inch of her anatomy, every solid pound of muscle. She´s clearly the girl they will use for the before and after pictures.

“I… Bri, we agreed you should slow down. And now… look!” he pointed at all four cans still on the box.

“Agreed? Honey, I didn´t agree to anything.” Brianna was so big now, much bigger than Guy, and certainly much bigger than any other of those women she´ll compete with next week.

The truth is, she was going to win. And she did!

Time flew by. Guy didn´t seem as supportive as she thought he´ll be. But she didn´t care. She´s still thinking he´s jealous. She´s done so much in so little time. He´s never had results like hers.

Concerned about her health? Anyone would only have to look at her to realize she´s the exact definition of fit and healthy.

She´s not certain, should she really stay with him? Is he actually the one for her? Maybe before, but now, this doesn´t seem so right.

At the day of the competition, Brianna stood at 6´7”, weighting an impressive 320-pounds. She was outstanding!

Even amongst the other female bodybuilders, she was impressive. Her body was leaner, bigger, stronger-looking. She towered by seven-inches above the tallest of them. And weighted over fifty more pounds than the heaviest of them.

She won in every single of the categories. Her muscles were by far more defined than the other competitors. She was monstruous. All eyes were on her.

She had to do a couple things first. Like avoiding too much liquid, to tan her body, get some tiny bikini that allowed everyone to see the entirety of her enormous physique.

She had the anatomy of a goddess, the proportions of a titan, and clearly, the body of a winner.

It´s easy to tell she won. It was a unanimous decision.

Everyone was looking at her. She felt so glorious, so loved, so empowered!

There were a couple people from their protein company. She had told them about this competition before, and they not only showed their support by paying for the whole trip, they were there.

They went over with something in mind. A proposal. They are more than ready to sign with her, to pay her to be their model, to be the face, well body, of the company. A girl who´ll prove they have the best product of the world! Or maybe the universe!

She didn´t struggle to say yes. But there was something still in her mind, what will Guy say?

He´s not the boss of hers, he can´t tell her what to do or not to do. She´s her own person. She has always been. The problem is, he will be very unsupportive about it.

She can already picture him, saying something like: “Really? I´ve been warning you for weeks and now… you just go straight with them! Bri, what are you doing!” He was just jealous. She may as well break up with him and find someone who can praise him as she should be.

He´s not pleasing her in bed anymore. Whenever they have sex, he just complaints she´s being too tough. That she´s too strong. She doesn´t need that, she needs a man who can take it.

Brianna was so excited about this, that could be her new life. They offered her a generous payment. Sponsorship, and, obviously, all of their products. She can picture herself, huge, muscular, rich!

“You´re leaving! But… when will you come back?!” Guy couldn´t believe the news she was giving him.

“Ugh, unbelievable… I told you already, I´ll be gone for a while. I don´t know for how long. And honestly, I´m not sure if I´ll ever come back.” She was so arrogant now, so proud, she felt superior to everyone. She felt as if she had out-grown her own boyfriend. Or maybe… ex-boyfriend?

Guy couldn´t believe it. Brianna was leaving? Things were so confusing. Everything came out of nowhere.

Over the past weeks, he could tell there was something changing on her. Not only her body, but her personality. She became so arrogant. She was not the same sweet lady she once was. She was changing, and not for good.

Was she gone forever? Was she breaking up with him? What had just happened?

Brianna isn´t completely sure about what she´s done. Break up? Well, if he thinks so? She simply ignored his calls, his texts. She didn´t care about guy, all she cared for was about the new life she had ahead of herself.

However, she wasn´t totally pleased with the results she had. She wanted more, and more, and MORE!

The executives she met at the company told her she was perfect as she was, however, they didn´t persuade her to stop.

The more she grew, the better their campaign could be.

She looks unnatural? No. She´s too big? No way. She doesn´t fit in the description of a reachable, or normal body. But that´s not her goal.

She wants to have this unreachable figure. She wants to be the biggest there is! Therefore, she augmented her protein intake. She added a scoop more, and then another and another.

Before she knew it, she went over a can of protein in just a week. And it wasn´t a small can, it was the gallon-size one.

During the first two weeks, she was outstanding, tremendous. A total titan!

Her waist was so tiny in comparison with her enormous shoulders, her massive thighs. Her body was filled with muscle. Up to the point where she was 0-percent body fat.

Her lats were massive, her biceps were bigger than basket balls. And that with a 34-inch waist. A tiny waist in comparison with her 6´9” stature.

Holding a weight of about 400-pounds with that height. She was a colossus. She looked as if she was totally made of iron! The next step on human evolution.

She appeared on magazines, gave interviews, became the most popular of the fitness influencers. Even the most popular amongst regular influencers. Everyone was looking at her unnatural figure. So big, so massive.

Her butt became titanic, and her boobs, they became humongous! A pair of the biggest boobs ever. She was sporting a pair of firm, round P-cups.

She was a total titan. Her clothes were tailored by the company. She didn´t fit any clothes, she was so big and tall that she needed to have special clothes that accentuated her magnificent physique.

Brianna was on top of the world, she was famous, accumulating wealth, health. Everything was going as planned, until… it wasn´t.

Brianna should´ve thought this through. She should´ve listened to Guy. Now, she was only focused on one thing. Growing!

She worked out, and worked out, and worked out. And only ate her protein shakes. Sometimes she ate the scoops straight from the can. She was out of control. Soon, her body started reacting in a not so expected way. Soon, her swelling muscles began to swell more, but too much more.

The scientists at the clinic were certain that, at some point, this would backfire. But the executives didn´t listen. Brianna didn´t listen. And now…

*ding* *dong* Rang the bell at the door.

Guy was alone at home. The same way he´s been over the last few weeks. Or, has it been a month now?

He tried to reach out to Brianna so many times, but she never answered or returned his calls.

As he walked to the door, he wonders, who can it be? It was a quarter to six, he was just laying on the couch, wondering if he was officially single? If he should start dating again?

His heart felt… numb. He wasn´t hurt, but he wasn´t so proud either. He knew his life must go on, maybe he´ll enroll in some dating app, or head to the bar. Maybe try and meet someone new?

He was uncertain, however, this person at the door may clear his mind a little.

Guy opened the door, with a bit of apathy in his look. A door-to-door salesman? A delivery? Some neighbor? No, no one like that…

He opened the door, and soon found himself covered with a large shadow. The figure before him eclipsed the sun´s light, in fact, it eclipsed EVERYTHING behind!

He almost fell backwards. His jaw dropped, his eyes were widely open, the only thing he could do, as he recognized this person´s face, was to say: “B-Bri? Is that you?!” He felt in shock!

“Hi…” she said, but this wasn´t the same Brianna that left him, maybe for good, a while back. She was… bigger.

She overdid it, just as he said. Soon, this was going to be something, well, bad.

At first, it started as a bit of extra swelling, but that wasn´t bad, right? Who´ll mind some more pump on the muscles? Bigger biceps? Thicker thighs? Well, once it all went to her stomach, things began to look… different.

Brianna overdid it, she regrets it. Now, she´s bigger than ever, bigger than anyone, but not as she would´ve wanted.

Brianna was a massive woman. Only muscle, 800-pounds of muscle on a 7´5” frame. She was a total colossus. But the problem is, she´s now too big.

Her narrow waist had widened, only with muscle. She had this rounder look but her stomach, the sides of her stomach, it was all muscle. She was still 0-percent body fat, but her body had swell way too much.

Her arms were twice as wide as Guy´s waist, her thighs were three times thicker. Her boobs had gotten so massive that the bra size she required hasn´t been labeled yet.

He could still see the muscles in her, but she was more swollen than anything. Huge arms, huge legs, and an overly-thick midsection. Brianna was a total colossus.

Guy was dumbfounded for a moment as he looked up and up at the face of this amazon. A face that showed one thing, regret. A sorry smile and pure regret in her eyes.

He wasn´t dumb, she was back because something went wrong. And it was obvious. More than fit, she´s just big. Too big!

Guy crossed his arms, frowned a little and said: “So? Did I or did not warn you about this?”

“You did… I know, I´m sorry, I just… can you forgive me?” Everyone had kicked her out, and now, she was back to the only person who truly cared, Guy.

*sigh* Should Guy forgive her or just… kick her out? Reject her just as she did before she left. Which was… like 400-pounds ago…

“Please! I´ve got nowhere else to go… I´m… a little too big now…” she pleaded. Looking down in shame.

“Too big? Well, isn´t that what you wanted? Now, look at you, you´re the BIGGEST!” She messed up, she knows it.

“Guy, my love, please!” She really had nowhere else to go.

“My love? Tell me, “love”, why didn´t you answer my calls? My texts? If you truly love me, why didn´t you hear me? I warned you, this wasn´t normal, and now… well…” she´s humongous.

“I know, I know. And I regret all that. I was selfish, I was rude, I was… an awful girlfriend. I know! Please! I promise I´ll change! I… I just want things to be as they were before.” Before, when she was 700-pounds lighter and over two-feet shorter.

Guy was a lot of things, and being nice was one of them. He can really tell she´s desperate. And now, all those annoying feelings she had, they were gone. Now, he´s before a big, swollen, mount of female insecurity. Brianna´s insecure. Just standing there is too much. She doesn´t want to be seen, not until the effects of the protein powder are gone. IF they are ever gone.

“Fine.” He said. Stepping aside and allowing her to come in.

“Oh, Guy! You won´t regret it! I promise!” she was so happy, she would´ve jumped, but probably the floor will tremble beneath her.

“Sure, sure. But promise you´ll never be that nasty woman again.”


“And promise me you´ll listen whenever I tell you something´s too good to be true.”

“Promised! Oh Guy, thank you so much!”

“Sure, just come in already.” He said.

“Of course!” she said, but taking a good look of the door… “Uhm… I´m not sure if…”

“If what?” He said, a bit upset.

“If I… fit?” She was way too big for the door. Way too big. But maybe this will teach her that, not everything that shines, is gold…

“Ok, just push some more…” she said.

“I´m on it!” Guy replied, from behind her, trying to squeeze her enormity though the door.

Her butt may be pure muscle, but she doesn´t feel so though. She´s starting to feel… soft? But maybe that´s the result of not working out for a while. Her butt´s gotten so big, much wider than him, perhaps, each of her glutes is almost as wide as his shoulders.

Now, it´s time for Brianna to live her new life, her overly-swollen, and overly-big, life…



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