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Chapter 7

Dark, everything turned dark for a while. Lights went off for him. The three women who captured him were debating on who´ll get him first. That´s not quite what he had in mind that time he wished women fought for him.

They made their decision, and then, they put a bag on his head. Making it impossible for him to tell where he was, or where was he going.

But at least they didn’t put that syringe on his arm again. The feeling, he can feel a tingling in his arm as he remembers the warm liquid. That only mean he was going to be shrunken down.

The world around him felt like expanding, increasing its size, but he knows he´s the one who´s shrinking. Slowly diminishing in this world he used to know.

He wanted to get out of there. He had lost hope before they let him out. Still, he was not exactly escaping.

Yes, Richard was out of that prison. But he was not free. He didn´t feel free. His scenery may change, he will no longer be trapped in such a decadent place. He won´t, hopefully, be tied into a chair, just waiting for the next woman to come up and try to get information, he doesn´t know, out of him.

Still, he won´t get away from those three ladies, they will still be there. Probably forever. They are no longer a part of his life he thought will pass, one way or another. Instead, he sort of became… a part of their lives?

It´s really strange how things just went from one side to the other. Now, he´ll live with them. All because those were their mother´s orders.

Now, as he´s sitting in what must be the seat of a car, listening to the engine going, he wonders, is he like… their punishment?

Was that boss of theirs, who also happens to be their mother, using him as a way to teach them a lesson?

Maybe he isn´t safe yet. Perhaps, they are still going to get rid of him. They could be even transporting him into his final destination, literally the last place he´ll live to see.

Richard´s uncertain if he wants to arrive, if he wants to get to that final place. He´s reluctant on the idea if this will get better. So far, things haven´t been good for him.

His hands were tied, his ankles too, there´s no way he can escape. Not even remove the bag on his face. He had no choice but to wait, and pray this is a change for good.

Soon, the car stopped. He heard the engine shutting and a door, that must be the front one, getting open.

After that, the door next to him was open. He could feel the warm breeze coming inside, flowing through his shoulder.

Then, he felt something else, a hand. A hand that gently grabbed his shoulder. Followed by another hand. Before he could tell, someone unbuckled his car´s belt and lifted him.

The feeling of a giant picking you out of your sit, well, it was kind of intimidating. More for him who ignored what will come next. But the truth is, he shouldn´t be worried.

A door was open, and then closed as he´s sure both passed the entrance. Then, he was placed on the floor, and suddenly, the bag from his face was removed.

“Welcome!” Said Hope, with her sweet voice.

The very first one who´ll share her day with Richard is Hope. Which isn´t something that bad, after all, she´s the only one who´s been nice to him. Even if she tricked him with the truth serum.

Hope´s kind, nice, she´s sweet even. This whole thing of interrogating a man, well, it´s not her forte. She´s not made for it, unlike Ally or Erin.

“Welcome to my place, Richard…” Hope said, looming so big, to him, she was as tall as a two-story building.

Her generous bosom obstructed her face a little, but he could tell she was smiling. She was so sweet, and he could tell by the smell of cinnamon in the air. A sweet, aromatic scent, reminding him of pastry. The sweet smell of a welcoming place. A warm, nice house.

“It´s… nice.” He said, looking around a little, he didn´t feel completely safe in there. He still had a lot to process.

It was nice to have a change of scenery. Going from a nasty basement, or whatever it was where they kept him, now he´s standing in a nice house. With wooden floors, a nice smell, and a minimalist, yet sophisticated look.

The place seems nice, however, is it safe? Is it ok for him to let his guard down? Or should he try and escape?

As he stands, a few feet away from the door, he wonders, when would there be a chance for him to run? Escape. He´s certain that he´s got a better chance while he´s with Hope. She´s so kind, she must trust him enough to leave him alone for a while.

Maybe while she runs some errands, he can go on and find his way to the door, or even a window. Open it and set himself free. Right now, he´s just waiting for that moment.

“So… would you like to start with a shower?” She asked.

“S-shower?” He replied, looking up at the colossus before him.

“Sure, it´s been a while since, well, since you had a chance to have a nice, relaxing shower. I´d offer you a bath, but I don´t have a tub.” Whether he likes it or not, there´s no way he can say no. Is it?

But things aren´t so bad, turns out, he´s not getting a shower… alone.

He thought he was, but then, Hope stepped into the bathroom to open the tab, and then, she walked towards the door and just closed it. He had no idea what was going on, but before he had a chance to figure things out, she made it kind of obvious.

Hope started striping. She removed her blouse, displaying her big, round breasts, held by a pink bra. Then, she removed her jeans, showing off a matching pair of panties, and her big, round butt. Hope was a muse, a very big one.

She had a curvaceous body, soft-looking, with big breasts that look humongous to him. All Richard could do was to look up at the giantess as she removed her clothes. He was delighted.

“Come on, we can shower together, that way I´ll make sure you don´t have any problem reaching things in here…” Was that her real reason?

He removed his clothes, and then, she picked him up. Both naked. He could smell the sweet scent of her body as she carried him into the warm shower.

Water, running down her face, then over her chest. Soon, their bodies were wet, covered by a constant flow of water.

As they shared this shower, Richard couldn´t help but to glare at her body. The absolute sensuality of this colossal woman. Her breasts felt so soft as she pressed him against her.

With both their bodies wet, and so close, he couldn´t help but to get a hard on. It was inevitable. But she had him covered.

“Don´t worry, I´ll take care of that.” And so, using her gigantic index finger and thumb, she masturbated his hard member.

He´s never been masturbated by a giantess. The feeling, it´s so surreal. Her size, she´s so big, so imposing, and yet, she´s got the most gentle touch. She didn´t have to do too much before he burst.

Now he felt a bit bad for the next step of his plan. To run away. Hope´s just so kind. Should he postpone it?

The clear answer is no, he shouldn´t. For as much as he´d love to stay, he knows he´s got a better chance if he tries to run away from her. Who knows what the other ladies have in store for him.

However, he didn´t have the easiest time being alone…

After the shower, they just went straight to the living room. They got changed, yes, still, she only covered her majestic bosom with a shirt, and nothing else.

He could see the shape of her nipple through the thin fabric of her cotton shirt. Of a plain white, where he could easily spot her hard nipple.

They must´ve spent an hour or so watching a romance-comedy. What was it about? He didn´t pay too much attention. All the while, he was looking at the door, sure enough it wasn´t locked. Nonetheless, there´s no chance he can reach. He´ll need a chair or something in order to reach the knob.

Soon, he´ll try it soon.

Meanwhile, he enjoyed Hope´s company. She was hugging him, gently, warmly, tenderly against her. He could feel the soft wall of her bosom right beneath his body. That must be the biggest tit he´s ever touched. As big as his torso, and almost as heavy as he is.

But as soon as she shut off the TV, she asked: “Want some dinner? I´m starving, and I´m sure you are too… pasta?” He nodded.

Hope smiled, sweetly, and after she said she´ll be right back, she left, making her way to the kitchen.

Richard was sure it was now or never. But he had to wait. He doesn´t want her to come back with a silly question and find him half-way out of her place. He must be patient, make sure she´s certain he won´t go anywhere and then, time for him to do the exact opposite.

He heard noises from the kitchen. The cabinet, the fridge, the stove, a few pans, and then, she got busy.

The best part was that she put on some music. Making him sure there´s no chance she can listen to him as he makes his way out. It was perfect!

Richard just got off the couch and slowly, and peeking at his back every two or three steps, he made his way to the door. His main, and probably only way out.

He didn´t care enough to search for another way out, or look for a window he could open. He just made his way straight to the door. A portal to freedom.

What will he do once he´s out? Who will he run to? Who can he ask for help? Will they believe what has happened to him? Is someone looking for him? He´s not sure, but he´ll figure it out once he´s free. Until then, time to get a stool.

He tried to jump in order to reach the knob, but he was still too exhausted. He hasn´t eaten well in a few days. And the shrinking may have drained all of his energies. Besides, he´s never been a guy who jumps too high, in this case, he would´ve need to jump at least three feet in the air, only to reach the knob. And then, have enough strength to hold his full body. After that, find a way to turn it.

He was desperate, but it was useless, he won´t make it out only using his body, he must be smart.

He turned, and then, he spotted a chair by the wall. Probably just sitting there in case they need an extra chair somewhere. Perhaps, it was decoration, it seemed sort of antique.

Richard didn´t pay too much attention to it and just went for it.

He made sure that Hope was still busy at the kitchen, that she won´t come back here and spot him in the middle of his way out. She was singing, so there´s no chance she´ll listen to him as he escapes.

First, he tried to lift the chair, so that he wouldn´t make a sound while dragging it, but the chair was way too heavy. The best he could do, which was the last thing he wanted to, was to drag it.

Slowly, gently, avoiding making too much noise as he drags it to the door. It must be about eight or nine feet away, but to him, it seems like thirty! The chair was too heavy, he got tired of pulling. But he knows he must keep going.

He pulled, and the whole thing moved no more than an inch. But he kept trying. So on and so on, he was able to move it three feet before he fell on his knees.

He turned back, and no one seemed to come, so he kept going. Richard figured out it would be easier to push it. He was tired of pulling either way, and to push, you use a different set of muscles, so it should be easier, right? Not so much.

In fact, the chair felt much heavier when he tried to push it, but he knows he must keep going. The wooden floors were not helping too much, in fact, they made it harder for him to move it. But he kept pushing.

One foot in front of the other, step by step, soon, he was five-feet away from the door. He was sweating now, but he didn´t stop. He kept going, four-feet, three-feet, two-feet.

Soon, he was right in front of the door, just a couple more pushes and he´ll be able to reach. He was tired, his arms felt heavy, numb even, but that won´t stop him. However, something else will…

“What are you doing?” Came a voice from behind, and above.

Richard froze for a moment, scared of turning his back. This wasn´t fair, he was just a few moments away from freedom, she can´t do this, not now!

He turned, scared. He turned and then look up, and up. Hope was there. How come he didn’t hear her coming? Was the sound of music also making it hard for him to hear her? Probably. He should´ve paid more attention when she stopped singing. Why didn’t he?

Hope was standing there, a large spoon in hand as she looks down at him with her arms crossed under her chest. Her face revealed quite some annoyance, but not too much.

“I…” Richard was terrible at making excuses. “I was just…”

“Trying to escape? I hope you were not.” She declared, making him swallow, really hard.

He knows he´s in some big trouble now. Was she going to whack him with the spoon? Maybe she´ll tie him in some other chair. It seems he proved he wasn´t good to be trusted.

Hope just placed both hands on her hips and bent down. Richard rapidly closed his eyes, expecting the worse. He gave one step back, waiting for her to strike him, hit him, punch him, or do whatever she was going to. But nothing happened, at least nothing hit him.

“I´m disappointed.” She said.

He opened his eyes, and slowly turned at her.

“I thought you appreciated my attention. But now, you´re here, trying to escape? Do you know how that makes me feel?” He blinked, he wasn´t getting the whole idea.

“Ally and Erin told me to tie you. That you´ll be better on a cage. But I told them, “There´s no need, we can trust him, I promise you he won´t run away.” And now, here we are. With you, inches away from the door, dragging this chair. Do you have any idea how stupid this is?!” She was mad, the kind woman was finally mad. And yes, she was kind of threatening.

“Do you think you can make it out there? Huh? You´re not. Honey, you´re weak, small. We´ve shrunken you down with a serum that, above other things, also makes you much weaker. Even a dog could eat you up. You can´t make it out there. Not alone, and I´m sorry if you want to go back to your old life, but there´s no chance.”

“But… I just…” He thought she´ll be sweeter, at least not one who´ll try to break down all of his hopes.

“That´s just the way things are. You won´t make it out there. You need me, us. We can´t let you go, because you know way too much. But I promise you we´ll take care of you.” Her voice was sweet, but her words were not.

“I promise you things will be alright. And not only speaking for me, Ally and Erin won´t hurt you. It´s fine, mom won´t let them.” She put one knee on the floor and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“We´re all going to look after you. After what we´ve done to you, it´s the least we can do.” She smiled, but he couldn´t smile back.

Now, he´s still trapped. But at least he´s not tied to a chair. At least he can walk free, confined to Hope´s house. He´s free, inside those place´s walls. But not everything should be bad. At least she´s kind.

She´s cooking for them, she lend him clothes, a shower. He´s got the chance to share her place. But he´s not so certain about the other ladies.

Hope´s a sweet woman. She´s kind, attentive. She cares. But, what about the other two? Erin´s close to being a psycho, and Ally, well, she´s kind of mean, ok, very mean. How will his life be under the care of these three women? They are total opposites.

With Hope, he´s safe, but what will happen tomorrow?



Well she's right, old life is over but he must ask to big boss to let live with Hope !