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Chapter 49

Colin was sitting at the table, glaring at Lillian. She was by far the biggest, and sexiest, woman he´s ever seen. And now, he´s an acquainted at her house. A visitor, a guest, a… date.

He likes the sound of that word. “Date”. It makes him aware that there´s something special between them, something more than just friends, more than just two people who met and have a few things in common. He´s more than just that, by now, he´s more than certain that he´s closer to a lover than just a mere friend.

As he glares at Lillian´s swaying hips, at her bouncy breasts, simply looking up at the sensuous enormity of her assets, he´s sure she doesn´t mind. He´s not just a creep ogling at a mature woman who´s, well, over-developed in all areas, no, he´s got the permission to do so.

Permission to look, to ogle, to leer, even, to touch. Food smells amazing, but there´s another smell that he can breathe in, her aroma. Lillian´s fragrance fills the room as much as the scent of meat coming out of the oven.

Her sweet, gentle scent. Her perfume, filling in his nostrils as he breathes in the tasty smell of food. She has this intoxicating, sweet, and creamy fragrance coming out of her body. He wonders, what´s her perfume? Why is it so strong? Or, is he too aware of her?

Her hair, her dress, her long legs. The enormity of her cleavage, her large size. Everything on her is just surreal, so feminine, so big, so sexy. He may not be able to fully enjoy the meal due to the sight of such a beauty. He may not be able to think on the taste of his dish as he´s too busy focused on Lillian.

She´s a muse, a hottie, a giantess, a goddess! She´s everything he´s ever dreamed of, and more! Sweet, kind, attentive, all that packed inside this large woman. Age is just a number, the fact that she´s a mature woman only makes her wiser, more attentive, and even more attractive.

Her fuller figure makes it impossible for him not to stare at her as she comes and goes. Bringing drinks, sides, dishes, utensils. Colin offered to help her, but she insisted she had it all under control.

He was her guest, and she should allow her to pamper him as the precious guest he is. In the end, he´ll need the extra energy, and he knows that…

Soon, dinner was served. Everything looked so tasty, smelled so good, but it was hard to tell due to Lillian´s overwhelming beauty. The way she looks at him, the way she smiled with each of his compliments to her food. She´s a great cook, the flavor on each bite is amazing, still, it´s not enough to distract him from, well, her.

The way her lips pucker as she chews. Like little kisses from her thick lips. He wanted to be kissed by those lips. The way her boobs bounce every time she moves her arms, how they are pushed to the front when she moves her arm, and how they quake back to their place as she drives the food to her mouth. He wanted to feel those breasts.

Colin was dumbfounded by her. The eight-foot-goddess is just too much for him. There´s a lot of things he wonders. How can she be so pretty? How does she even exist? He´s not dreaming, right? If he was on a coma, he´ll never want to be taken away from this dreamed-reality.

Her size is just impressive. The thickness of her arms, they are so proportional, yet, he´s sure each of her arms is as thick as his leg, or maybe more. And not to mention the size of her thighs, much wider than his waist, or his chest. He may be able to cover his whole body with a single one of his pants´ legs.

What amazes him the most is that, even if she´s so big, he´s not afraid of her. Her eyes are so kind, so pure, he wouldn´t dare run away from someone with such eyes. Every time she looks at him, he just falls in love. Every time she smiles, his heart skips a beat, and every time she calls his name, he feels like melting.

And the words she uses. “Honey”, “Sweetheart”, “Dear”, each of those sweet words only makes him feel more welcomed. Cared for, loved.

His only question is, does she feel the same? Is she just as attracted to him as he is to her?

After dinner, the sweet sex they had was a way to confirm it. She wasn´t voracious in that matter, or trying to fuck his brains out. If she was just a lusty woman, she would´ve made him burst without even trying, she would´ve used her lusty body to tease him rapidly, making him spasm and rapidly orgasm. Bringing until the last drop of his juices out. But she wasn´t that way.

She made love, not sex. She took her time to caress his body with her long fingers, to touch him gently. To tease him with her passion.

Her touch, the smooth touch of her body. The way she completely wraps her enormity around him. Lillian´s so enormous, and yet, she´s so gentle. She´s so heavy, still, she´s not squashing him under her voluminous body.

A muse, a diva, sensuality brought to life in the large body of this woman.

Colin´s lost on the sensuous, smooth body of Lillian. Her touch, the sensuality of her naked body, the sight of her curves. The way her boobs bounce as she gently thrusts her wide, heavy hips. His crotch, feeling like melting on hers. The union of their bodies, on this hot, carnal dance, he´s overwhelmed, pleased, satisfied.

He feels nothing but pleasure at this moment, his mind is focused on nothing but her sensuous body. She fills his sight, completely. All he can see is her flesh, her curves, her soft skin. But this gets him thinking.

There´s brief moments when he can think, brief moments when he´s not intoxicated by her. Lost on her sensuality. During those moments, he wonders, is she bigger?

Those thoughts can´t escape his mind. She´s simply… HUGE! The biggest human being he´s ever seen, the tallest woman anyone has ever seen. And every time he meets her again, he can´t help but to wonder, is she taller? Bigger? Wider? Are her curves bigger? Fuller? Fleshier?

He doesn´t know it, yet, but he´s not so wrong when he comes to think of that.

The truth is, she´s not getting bigger, at least not since he met her. The actual truth is, he´s shrinking. Colin may not be aware yet but, since he met her, since the first drop of her milk touched his lips, made its way to his stomach, and then had the usual reaction it has on men, he started shrinking.

When he first met her, he was a 6´2” man, standing taller than he is now. Now, Colin has lost more than just an inch, more than two, right now, he´s laying in her bed as a 5´10” man. Having lost a total of four inches. A true difference.

The main reason why he hasn´t notice, well, why he hasn´t put a finger to it is… her. She´s just so big that she makes everyone else look tiny, small. She´s so huge that, whenever he´s around people who are “normal” size, they all look small, regular. However, he hasn´t realized the actual change in his perspective.

And the worse part is, this hasn´t stopped. Lillian has begged for it to stop, but her breasts are not following her orders. She´s failed, week after week, to stop producing shrinking milk. Her breasts have failed to stop lactating the sweet, poisonous nectar.

She may have lost a bit of the effect, she may not be lactating so much anymore, but that doesn´t mean it has stopped.

She pumps herself before any of Colin´s visits. First thing she does in the morning, and the first thing she does before he comes. However, whenever he´s close to her cleavage, well, her boobs sort of have a mind of their own.

Colin can´t help it. Her boobs are so big, so round, so soft-looking. And her nipples, so perky as they jiggle close to his face. Teasing him with their hardness, begging him to take them in.

He can´t help it, as Lillian keeps going, as she lays her body softly on top of his, her tits can´t help but to be right at his sight. Hanging firmly inches away from his face. Arousing him, seducing him.

First, he grabs them, squeezes them, plays with the enormity of her breasts. The touch, the soft touch of her tits, the smoothness of her skin. And then, it happens…

His touch is too much for Lillian to resist. As soon as he grabs her tits, she moans, when his fingers massage her boobs, she can´t help but to feel jolts of arousal going up and down her spine. And soon, her boobs fall to his stimulation.

His constant touching, his continuous squeezing, in a matter of seconds, her boobs start lactating. Tiny drops at first, but soon, they become a stream.

Sooner than expected, her milk starts to drip, making a path over his arm. As he massages her nipples, the milk flows over his hands and then it makes its way over his arm. And before she can do anything, he´s lured by the creamy smell of the milk, and then, he starts sucking.

The taste is intoxicating, the warmth of her milk, her soft, perky flesh. He can´t help but to fall for his primal instincts. Before she can do a thing, he´s sucking on her tit.

He´s not afraid of her lactation, not concerned, he doesn´t even care. He welcomes anything that comes out of her luscious body. Accepts anything that she can give.

Lillian can feel his lips on her nipple, how he slowly sucks more and more of her milk. Soon, she can feel how he´s draining her tit, and then, he goes on to the next one. He can´t stop himself, he´s in some sort of trance. But she knows she must put a stop to it.

Not at first, he´s doing good, draining her before she feels the uncomfortable pressure of the milk growing inside her tits. As he goes from one tit to the other, and then back. Lillian moans, in relieve, and by the pleasure it gives her. But soon, she puts a stop to it.

She´s not totally empty, she can still feel some milk churning inside her massive breasts, but this is too dangerous to him. She doesn´t want him to get too small.

Her gentle fingers touch his face, and then, she pushed him back.

“Enough, dear…” she cooed, pushing him away from her nipple. Putting her hand on his chest to stop him from rising back up.

And then, she proceeds to finish with this. Gently, heavily, she thrusts her hips for the last few times before he reaches climax. And then, there´s no way he can get back up. Then, there´s nothing else he can do but to close his eyes and shut himself for some nice sleep.

As he collapses, and rapidly fades into a deep sleep, she´s concerned. She caressed his face, looks at him tenderly and then, she wonders, is he ok?

Has he drunk too much milk? How much will he shrink? Lillian feels guilty, she feels bad. She wants to love Colin, to care for him, but how much does she care if she allows him to shrink? To fade, slowly, just the same way Jonathan did.

How she pushed him away of her life. Colin´s not the same as Jonathan. Lillian´s certain Colin seems to feel more for her than Jonathan did. When he looks at her, he does in such a way that, she´s certain, she´s got all of his attention.

She doesn´t want to say it but, maybe Colin´s a better option than Jonathan was. He´s a better man for what she wants. A relationship, a lover… a boyfriend.

Sure, she feels a bit too old for such things, but why? She´s not old enough for love. He literally came running into her life, that´s a sign. He was sent to meet her. And as a good woman, she should do what she can to keep her.

If she loves him, then she should care, be more attentive, and work her hardest not to shrink him. But the truth is, it´s not so easy.

They didn´t stop meeting, they didn´t stop dating, things were going good, for both. Why should they stop?

Well, the easy answer is, they should stop because… she hasn´t stopped lactating. Her tits are literally a threat. Dangerous even. Maybe they are an obstacle for their relationship. But they are also what arouses him the most.

Colin can´t help it, as soon as she loses her top, he´s focused, fixed, conscious only on her huge, perky breasts. But the problem is, as soon as he puts his hands on her naked flesh, as soon as he starts massaging her soft boobs, she gets… stimulated.

And then, she starts lactating.

This went on a few more times. Even if she tried to postpone these dates, even if she tried to pump herself over and over, she can´t help it. When he fondles with her tits, she starts lactating, and her warm milk arouses him to the point that, he wants to get a taste.

Lillian was concerned, will this set him away? Will he be able to put a finger on the fact that, he´s shrinking? He hasn´t say a word, but if he finds out, can he tell it´s because of her milk?

One day, Colin just realized it, it was impossible not to notice it anymore. One day, as he put on his clothes, as he tucked in his shirt, and adjusted his belt, he noticed. When he tied his shoes, he was able to notice something. He´s smaller.

“What the…?” He looked at his reflection in the mirror, and swallowed.

His clothes were baggy. Oversized, lose. He noticed, scared, concerned. How come he didn´t notice before? How?!

“Fuck!” He said, taking a step back. This was awful! A nightmare! How? HOW?!

He was to lost daydreaming on Lillian. Going through his days hoping he could meet her again. Wondering what to text her, if he should call her. Wanting to listen to the sweet sound of her voice, to touch her smooth skin. To fall in the sweet passion of hers. But one day, that love bubble just popped, the spell lost its effect and he became aware on one thing… he shrank.

He rushed to the other room, pulled a drawer open, so fast and so hard that the whole thing almost fell out of it´s place. Then, he pulled a measuring tape, a pencil and went straight to the wall.

Barefoot, he stood next to the wall, made a mark and stretched the tape. He looked at the mark, with worry. He could barely control his breathing, he couldn´t think on anything that wasn´t frustration. He pulled the tape and, slowly, he looked up.

“Please, please…” he was so frustrated, so concerned, scared even. And once he looked at the number, he froze.

He took the measure once more, and again, and again. But it was true, the tape couldn´t lie. He even went through the inches, to make sure the tape wasn’t wrong, but it was true. He was down to…

“Five… seven!” He was down to 5´7”, him, a man who once stood at 6´2”, shrunken all the way down to 5´7”!

Ever since he met Lillian, Colin has lost a total of seven inches. SEVEN!

How was it possible? Was it in just a day? A week? For how long has he been shrinking? Was it a condition? Has it stopped?

He went straight to his room, sat on the edge of the bed and stood there. Worried, feeling lonely. With a feeling as if he had lost it. Everything, his life, happiness, control over his life.

He looked everywhere, as if an answer could come from a corner of his room. He turned at the floor, hold his head with his hands and looked down with his eyes widely open. He was nervous, he was anxious. Tense, stressed, in despair.

He had no idea what to do. Could he go to the doctor and get some pills? Can they help him? What can he do?!

The first thing he did was to call in sick to work. There´s no way he can go back there. Or, is it? What if everyone knows? Well, if they did, they would´ve said something, right?

What if he´s been shrinking so slowly that, no one had noticed? This feels like a nightmare, the worst thing ever. He was frustrated, worried. He felt lonely.

He was alone in his room, but right now, he feels alone, in the world. He´s got no one to go to, no one will have an answer. No one will understand, everyone will think he´s joking, that he´s lying. But he´s a living proof that this is happening. He´s shrining, it´s not like a dream he´s had.

He can prove it, you only need to see him to notice. He´s not hallucinating, he´s not mistaken.

But who? Who can he call? Who can he look for in order to get advice? But, right now, does he want advice? Not quite.

He´s concerned, worried, scared. Right now, he wants someone to hold him and tell him everything´s alright. That this will get better, that soon, it will all pass. A memory, soon it will all be a memory. Something that happened, but that he could solve.

He turned at the night´s table and grabbed his phone. He wasn´t sure if this person could help, but he needs someone, someone to listen, someone who cares. Someone that can make things better.

The phone rang for a moment, and soon, he heard an answer. A voice.

“HI! Colin, how are you, dear?” Lillian, he called Lillian and, as soon as he heard her voice, he stumbled back and fell on the mattress.

“Lillian… can you come… I need you… please.” He felt frail, sad, weak.

Lillian could hear the sorrow in his voice, she could feel his sadness, she said: “Wait, I´m on my way.” And just like that, she grabbed her keys, her purse and rushed to the car. Colin needs her, and she´ll be there…



Oh wow great way to end - what a cliff hanger!