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Chapter 32

“WHAT THE FUCK!!!” Said Nellie as she got home. The first thing she saw was Larry, standing in the middle of the kitchen, rubbing his unpleasantly beaten ass.

Larry had no idea what to say, no idea what excuse to make. There he was, noticeably smaller. Shrunken all the way down to 3´3”. To him, Nellie was gigantic!

Nearly everything was, but Nellie was a giantess. And the worse part is, she was there, looking at him. Putting all of her attention in him.

He was mad, partially nervous before she arrived, but now that she´s there. He´s frozen! Standing there, when the most he can do is blink, and keep breathing. Nellie was in shock! She just left to the store, and now that she´s back, he´s shorter? How?!

“What happened?!” She just left for a moment, what could´ve happened during that time?

“I…” Nellie slowly approached as Larry struggled to find the words. It´s hard not to feel intimidated at the moment.

Sure, he´s older. Yes, he´s technically her boss. But how must he feel as he stands at her hip level? Nellie´s enormous! Titanic! And she´s… starting to get mad.

Her worry is slightly turning into annoyance. Her worried expression is fading, and slowly turning into a frown. Her eyebrows coming down, her mouth shut, her expression hardening.

As her face changes, he can see her hands, closer and closer to her hips. Now, her hips are basically at his eye-level. Her face, which shows nothing but anger, is too far away from him. Nellie´s totally a colossus now, and not a kind one.

“Larry, what have you done?” she asked, both hands on her hips and, for some reason, her feet going up and down at the floor. Why is she mad at him? As if he would´ve wanted to shrink.

“W-what? I… you think this is my fault?” He replied.

“I just went to the store and now… ugh, what did you do?! Why… I just left you alone for a couple minutes… and now…” She was half-blaming herself, but mostly, blaming him.

“Hey, you… this is…” He can´t say this was because of her aunt Grace, her teasing, which ended up in him insulting her, and now, after he got a spanking from the other giantess, he´s got a lot to explain to the woman before him.

Technically, this isn´t totally Grace´s fault. At most, this was caused by her presence and, well, his lack of manners, or respect towards her. However, if he would´ve allowed her to have her way with him, he would´ve ended up shrunken either way.

Nonetheless, the spurt wouldn´t have been this big, besides, she wouldn´t have spanked him because of Evangeline´s intervention. She casted her spell, and the result was, a big, mature woman spanking his ass.

All in order to give him a lesson. And possibly preventing him from insulting a woman again. But, at his current size, it´s unlikely he would want to make any woman mad.

“You know you should be careful and yet…” Nellie was blaming him, mad at him. Upset, disappointed.

Larry was annoyed by all this. It´s not her duty to look after him. If she wants to help, then that´s fine, but he doesn´t need any nagging from her. It´s enough with the size adjustment Evangeline always does, he doesn´t need any further punishment.

“It wasn´t me!” He said, rising his tone more than just a little.

“Shut it! And don´t you dare talk back to me like that, I´m just worried about you, ok?” She was, and this was kind of disrespectful from him, but, wasn´t she a bit harsh too?

He doesn´t need a woman storming at him after a shrinking spurt, he feels bad enough by the shrinking itself, he wouldn´t mind someone who´s a bit more… sweet. But Nellie´s not that person…

“You know what, let´s leave it like this.” Nellie said, colling herself down as she realizes this could only trigger his shrinking again. “The last thing we need is for you to get stressed, AGAIN, and lose some more inches.” Larry felt insulted by her words, but if this means she´ll shut up, he´ll accept it.

Nellie was mad, but she´ll make sure to let Dr. Eva know all about this. Even if this “Doctor” already knows what happened.

After Nellie realized her aunt Grace was at the place, she had her suspicion she had something to do with Larry´s sudden shrinking. But he didn´t say a word. But Nellie knows deep down she had something to do. It´s obvious.

Larry was so tired of this. He´s down to 3´3”! That´s almost half his original size! This can´t be happening! However, it does have some… perks?

He can´t call it that way. But, for some reason, his boss finds his shrinking… cute?

“Oh my! Honey, what happened? You´re… you´re so short?” Said Mrs. Davis as he entered her office for another of their “meetings”.

“Yeah…” not exactly what he wanted to hear.

He was kind of tired of people pointing out the obvious. He knows he´s shrinking, he knows he´s shorter. And it´s all because of a punishment from this annoying angel! But he can´t tell.

“I hope that therapist of yours is helping you with your… problem.” So, Mrs. Davis also knows about “Dr. Eva”? Well, she´s the boss so, she knows pretty much everything that happens in the office, so it makes sense.

“Mhmm… we´re working on that…” He hates to fake this “sessions” but he´s just playing his part.

Mrs. Davis stood there, looking at the shrunken man.

Larry was his same self, same looks, same clothes. As if he was the same 6´1” guy as ever. The problem is… he´s scaled down.

Mrs. Davis always had this crush on him, she wasn´t sure if it was actually a crush, or if it would go any further than it, but now, he´s having a different effect on her. Specially on her… chest area.

“Honey, would you like to talk about it? And maybe… come a little closer?” Larry wasn´t sure about what was going to happen, but the closer he got, he was sure this was going to end up in a certain way…

Before he realized, he was sitting on Mrs. Davis lap. Which seemed massive now.

Larry found himself in the warm hold of Mrs. Davis. Her face, looming so high above him. She was literally a giantess compared to him. Big, mature, his boss.

And, on top of all the authority, the power, and her, well, beauty, she was STACKED! Her boobs are beyond humongous. They are absolutely massive! Round, big, heavy. She´s colossal, and her breasts are titanic! And so close to him.

“I´m so sorry for what´s happening to you. You must feel… bad. Don´t you?” Her voice, so sweet, echoing inside his mind.

All he did was to nod to all she said. Paying attention to her words.

“I´m sure this isn´t easy for you, right?” The sight of this woman, she had this glow. It´s something really hard to explain but, right now, she´s all he cares about.

“I bet you feel lonely at times, right?” Her words were just, hypnotizing.

Why was he in her spell? Why was he just listening? All he wanted to do was to, well, please this woman. Was he in love with her? Was she his type? Is this caused by Evangeline´s magic? Well, not quite…

“I know I can´t help you with this… I don´t have a cure for you, but… I bet I can make you feel better…” Slowly, she started unbuttoning her blouse.

Little by little, Mrs. Davis´s line of cleavage was more and more visible. Her blouse was open, more and more with each button she removed.

Before he could tell, her blouse was gone, all he could look at were her boobs, wrapped by her tight bra. Totally dumbfounded by the enormity of her juicy cleavage.

“I hope I can make you feel… better. You know, not any man can say I´ve allowed him to do this, and much less more than once. But you´re special, dear, I want you to know that…” Her boobs were swollen, her breasts, full.

Her tits were swelling, with milk churning inside of their round enormity. Mrs. Davis doesn´t know why, but whenever he comes to her office, her tits just start producing milk. Lots of it. And all only for him.

Larry knows what she says it´s true. She´s not the type of woman who´d lie about something like that. Or use this as a catch phrase she frequently uses. He may be, as she says, the one. Maybe the only one.

Does he want this? Well, not at first, but as time goes on. As he shrinks, as he slowly diminishes due to Evangeline´s punishment, as a part of this chastise, he knows that, he must appreciate any type of love he can get.

Violet´s quite a lovely lady, in more than one way. But he´s not sure if her words are true or if she´s just roleplaying. But Mrs. Davis is different.

She always seems to be on his side. Unlike Nellie, she doesn´t nag at him she doesn´t blame it all on him, or appears to be disappointed. Mrs. Davis seems to be sweeter. Understanding, caring in a different way.

When he´s with her, inside that room, well, he feels warm. Cared for. At first, he felt odd, as if this wasn´t normal. But the truth is, his life is not normal anymore. Or close to it. He´s constantly tormented by his actions, chased down by this angel, however, when he´s in this room, things are different.

Love, that´s what he feels. At first, he couldn´t make it up, but now, he´s certain. As he´s sitting on her warm, soft lap. As she wraps him with her body, he can feel her warm embrace. She´s not holding him, but he can feel her all over him.

It´s a feeling he doesn´t have often, but she´s, well, different. This is not the maniac, lust-driven, desire of Grace. He perceives nothing but pure intentions from Mrs. Davis. Tender emotions.

All of her attention, poured into him. All of his concerns can wait, all of his worries, even time. When he´s with her, it seems time just doesn´t work the same way.

Soon, she undid her bra, revealing a pair of enormous, and perfect, tits. Round, firm, big. Her nipples were hard, and at that moment, drops of milk were formed at the very tip.

“I know this isn´t quite a remedy, but I´ve noticed that, it helps you get relaxed…” she did notice. As soon as she realized that this was “stress-triggered” she looked for a way to make things a little better for him. And this, to breastfeed him, well, it had its benefits for both.

He found himself sucking the warm milk that came from the soft boobs of his lovely boss. Who would´ve thought Mrs. Davis could be such a lovely woman? Allowing him, not only to touch her boobs, but to drink from her sweet nectar.

This is not quite the boss-employee relationship he thought he´ll have with her. She was always so sweet with him, but this? This may not be allowed. But she´s the boss so… he´ll do things her way.

“I want you to relax. Try not to think. Just focus on my voice. And remember, when you´re with me, you´re safe. There´s no need to get stressed, no need to overthink, no need to worry. I´m here, and as long as I´m here, nothing can hurt you. You´re safe…” Her cooing words, echoing in his distant mind.

If anyone could see him, if anyone could somehow know about this, the shame he´ll be put into. But no one will know. Like she said, this is only between her and him. As she said, he´s got nothing to worry, he´s safe there…

The problem is that things went to an end, and after that, it was time for him to meet “Dr. Eva” for another of their “sessions”. However, there was something off with her.

“Are you wearing heels?” He asked her.

“What? Heels? No.” She replied.

Larry knows he´s shrunken, so his perception of people´s size is very different. However, with Evangeline, it´s really odd. He could swear she´s MUCH taller than she should.

She should be the exact same height as Mrs. Davis, slightly shorter than Nellie, but she´s not. In fact, she´s even taller than Nellie. Almost as tall as Violet, actually.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I made another mild adjustment with your size changes.” Replied the angel.

“What?” He asked, really curious about it.

“Well… I was really curious about all this size stuff so… I´ve decided to use the inches I take from you, as in, adding them to me.” Has she…?

“What do you mean by add?”

“Well, I want to try some things as I walk amongst you humans so… I´ve decided that, I´d like to be tall. But not too much too fast so… it will all depend on you. Every inch you lose, I´ll gain it.”

“Wait! So you´re… stealing my height!?”

“No, not stealing. I´m just… using those inches. Either way, you´ll lose them, so, why not putting them somewhere? But tell me, do you think I look… better?”

This was new. Not so easy to process.

So, it seems, the angel is growing herself? With his lost height? There´s so many questions now. Why hasn´t she added the previously lost size? She´d be over eight-feet-tall by now. Perhaps, that´s exactly why she didn´t do it. It´s WAY too much.

Still, if she´s got powers, why didn´t she grew herself before? Why just now? Couldn´t she had done it a while ago? If she wanted to be taller, why is she depending on him to grow? Besides, why does she care if she looks good?

“Good?” Why does she suddenly care about that?

“Yeah, do you think men here will find me… attractive?” It seems he forgot one thing, this human form of hers wants to experience the human life. And, with that, sex comes on the pack.

She wants to become hotter, sexier. To be able to seduce men as she pleases. And without using her powers, of course.

She knows that men are naturally attracted towards beautiful women. And she´s certain she already has the looks, now, how about having some extra inches?

“Men like longer legs, right? Besides, most men want what they can´t get. A taller woman means that she´s harder to get, therefore, if I get taller I´ll be more attractive.” She explained.

“What… you know, it´s not my problem, do whatever you want.” He said, knowing very well that, one way or another, she´s still going to do what she wants.

However, there´s a few more changes than just her height. She´s still as pretty, her face, her hair, her lips. But, with the size augmentation, he´s certain some other things have augmented.

Larry is not sure if Evangeline looks bigger because of what´s happening to him or… if she´s gotten bigger by her own wish. She doesn´t only look taller, er curves look bigger too.

Fuller hips, rounder breasts, her waist looks thinner in comparison due to her augmented height, however, her thighs are filling up that skirt quite some more.

He´s got better things to do than getting worried by what she may want, or what she´s doing with her own body. Still, a little doubt came to his mind, what will other people say?

She can´t just start growing, there should be an explanation. Five inches is, well, noticeable, but not as much as it will be if she was to grow more. What if she grows a whole foot! People will start making questions.

Could they blame it in him? He´s the one with she size “issues” after all. What if everyone thinks he´s contagious? Well, that´s unlikely, since she´s going the opposite way to him. However, what if they blame it all in him? Either way, it could make sense, sort of.

“I know, you´re worried people will notice my growing.” Evangeline said. He was surprised by her words, but she can read his mind so… it´s not so surprising.

“How are you going to explain everyone about your… growth?” He asked.

“Easy, I won´t.” What? That wasn´t the answer he wanted to hear.

But that´s part of her plan. It´s not that she doesn´t care, the thing is… she can make things easier than that.

“Everyone will think this is the way I have always been. The size I have been since the first time they saw me.” She started.

“What? You can do that? How come you didn´t do that for me?” He asked.

“Well, because that´s also part of your punishment.” Things are just not fair to him. But at least no one will blame her size changes in him.

However, things were strange. Evangeline will go just like that, as if she´s always been tall, when only he knows that´s not true. He´s not sure if he believes her explanation. Uncertain about her words, but there´s no need for him to care too much. After all, it doesn´t make him any taller or shorter. At most, she´ll only stand taller next to him.

This was unexpected. But does it really matter? What she does with her size, well, that´s her business. But seducing men by being tall? Is that an easier way to get to them? He was not into tall women, but now, all women are giantesses.

Does a man really like it when a hot woman towers over them? Maybe when they hug and her boobs are all over his face. That could be a reasonable explanation, at least for him.

In the end, he´ll just go through his day, as it is.



Can’t wait for Nellie to turn more sweet , motherly with him and breastfeed him…those changes will be fantasic character arc here to watch out for…this time boss sitting on his younger reportee lap like a baby on his Mommy and breastfeeding…


It will be quite some change on the character. Turn Nellie into a more sweet version of herself. I´ll think about it ;D