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It took me an extra week, but here it is! I hope you like the first chaper ;D

The biggest crush (Summary):

A guy and girl end up as roommates in college. With time, they become good friends, but they both secretly develop a crush on the other. But neither of them wants to admit it.

Both are so desperate to be noticed by the other, but no one wants to speak first. Therefore, they look for a way, and that´s when it comes to them. Both find a way to turn into what your crush desires most.

The guy secretly desires very tall, big breasted women. Meanwhile, the girl has a soft spot for shorter guys, who are really hung...

So, what will happen when they want to share their feelings? And, what will happen when their desires come true?

Chapter 1

College, that time on life when you move on into adulthood. That time when you live on your own. Well, you live in the campus. But away from home.

You wake up and head to your classes, and then back to your dorm to study. However, there may be a couple more things to that.

A part-time job. Cooking, laundry, the dishes… but, there´s still some fun things. Parties, hanging out with new buddies, new people, new friends, and, a possibility to some… love.

A college girlfriend. A new relationship…

But, how will you know this person´s the one? Maybe you don´t. Perhaps, this person could come up in the most unexpected of times…

“You´re my roommate?!” Both of them said, this was unexpected.

A man and a woman, being roommates? That´s… not so common. But it happened, believe it or not, they are roommates, and… it´s not so bad, right?

The guy´s name is Aaron, he´s 6´1”, brown hair, blue eyes, a slim, toned figure. Overall, attractive.

And, the lady´s name is Emma, 5´6”, dirty-blonde hair, hazelnut-colored eyes. A one-million-dollar smile.

They may not know it, but they are made for each other. The problem is… they are both really bad when it comes to this kind of things.

They are so bad at telling when someone´s got a crush on you that it took them almost the WHOLE college time to realize.

And not just one semester, but the WHOLE college time. That´s right, they were both on their last semester before they realized they had feelings for the other. Well, they didn´t exactly realized on their own…

It was their last semester, Aaron was 22-years-old, and Emma was just a few months from turning 22 herself.

During their time as roommates, they realized a few things. They like each other. She´s got a crush on him, while he´s got his own crush on her.

With the years, Aaron blossomed, and he became more handsome, same thing happened to Emma. She started going to the gym and developed a big, tight bottom. She became a sensuous, shapely woman.

They became friends almost immediately. She was so sweet, and he was so funny. He was kind, she was sweet. He was gentle, she was smart. They were a complimenting couple… of friends.

None of them dared give the first step. Why would they ruin and risk ruining such a perfect friendship? Still, do they want to stay on the friend-zone?

Emma´s never really dated any guy, since she was so in love with Aaron. And he, well, he was too shy to ask a woman out, but his sight was set on Emma.

The more they know each other, the more they knew the other was the one.

Each had such a lovely personality. However… there was something they were missing. And that was speaking on the physical aspect.

Emma´s hot, pretty, smart. But… Aaron´s into a certain type of woman… taller women. Being 5-inches taller than Emma, well, even with heels, they may be close to… even in height.

Same thing happens to Emma. Aaron´s the perfect guy. But… she doesn´t like men who are that… tall. If you were to ask her, she´ll say that a short king will be nice. But, there´s not much of them out there when you´re 5´6”. She´ll have to use a ladder to tower above Aaron.

They were desperate, their time was running out. But, none of them want to be the first one to speak. What if they blow everything up? What if the other doesn´t share the way they feel?

Both were so clumsy when it comes to love. Still, they had a plan, what if… they could become irresistible for the other? That way, the other will be allured by them and will instantly fall in love. That´s a good plan, right? The only question is… how?

Sharing a room with a guy you have a crush on isn´t easy. Emma struggles not to get lost on Aaron´s good looks. Sometimes, she looks at him, and with the right light, she can swear he glows.

His face, his strong jaw, the light only makes him look more handsome than he already is. Emma has a hard time keeping it a secret. A hard time holding herself, not wanting to kiss him, but she can´t fight it. She wants him so bad!

And things are just as hard for Aaron, she´s gorgeous, a nice body, a pretty smile. Her aroma, he´s never gotten used to her feminine fragrance in the room, he gets delighted every time he breathes in the scent of her perfume. Sweet, floral, sexy.

It´s hard for him not to leer at her, hard for him not to ogle her body. She´s the whole pack! Nice, friendly, she´s got a sense of humor, just as much as he does. She´s got a sexy figure. The main problem could be… height.

Each has their own taste. Aaron would love it if Emma was taller, and she´d love it if, well, if she was taller too. Or if Aaron was shorter. Each has their own type. Aaron likes tall women, And Emma likes shorter men. He loves tall queens and she loves short kings. But they never really speak about it.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Came a voice, distant, as Aaron was sleeping in bed.

His eyes slowly shut open, the light, the excessive amount of light made it hard for him to get used to the fact that, well, that it was morning already. He rubbed his eyes and after a moment, he was finally able to see the figure of the woman before him. It was Emma.

Emma, who was wearing a pink tank top, a bit tight over her slim waist. Beneath that, she was wearing a pair of jeans, tight too. Wrapped over her legs sensuously.

Aaron knows she always dresses to impress. Little does he know it is to impress him. However, he knows she´s got quite the outfit. Unlike him who´s in bed, in jeans, no shirt and with a cap sitting next to his head. He´s kind of a mess sometimes. Mostly this week, on his last exams week.

“I´m just waking you up as you asked me. Your test is in… an hour. You should take a shower and get dressed. Oh, and don´t forget breakfast!” She said, Emma had his back, always.

He knows that, when he studies hard, he´s not capable of waking up in time, not even with the alarm, lucky for him, Emma´s his personal alarm… well, a friend who cares.

“Mornin´” He replied, followed by a yawn. He sat in bed and stretched a little.

“Wow, I said good morning like… half an hour ago. You better be faster, haha.” Her nice, playful mood. He likes it.

Maybe too much…

“I´m telling you man, you should ask her out.” Said Cory, Aaron´s friend, as they walk to the classroom.

“What? No. Dude, what if she says no and we ruin a beautiful friendship?” Aaron replied.

“Pfft, do you think your friendship could be ruin because you like her? Don´t be silly.” It´s obvious that Aaron likes Emma, obvious for everybody, but not the two of them, apparently.

But Aaron was not the only one too shy about feelings.

“So, he wakes up shirtless, and you only tell him to go get breakfast? Haha, oh, you´re the worse!”

“Shut it, Jenny. It was hard enough to talk when he´s… semi-naked.” Said Emma to Jenny, her friend.

Emma´s got just two classes today, and they are both only to get her grades, so she´s got a lot of free time as she wanders around campus. Right now, Jenny and her are sitting at a table, outside the cafeteria.

“He´s not semi-naked. He´s just not wearing a shirt. Think of it as if you were at the beach. Would you say that a guy wearing only swimming shorts is “semi-naked”?” Jenny replied.

“Yes, well, no. But that´s not the point. The thing is, it was hard enough to talk with him… you know.”

“Him, showing off his sexy bod? Hmm? Was he teasing you with his biceps as he rubbed his eyes? Or, maybe he showed you his bare chest as he stretched. Uh, you´d like that, wouldn´t ya´?” Jenny teased.

“Cut that already. I wanted advice, not for you to start saying nonsense.” Emma wants to know how to, well, tell him she likes him, as in, more than just friends.

“My advice? On how to talk to him as in, I don´t know, the same way you have done, every day, during the last FOUR years? Girl, your time´s running out. You´re lucky he hadn´t find a girlfriend by now.”

“I know! It´s just… it´s easy to talk to him about random stuff. But, whenever I want to be more… romantic, well… words just don’t come out, you know?”

“Sure, cat´s got your tongue, I know. And you feel a knot on your throat. Blah, blah…”

“Jenny! I´m serious!” She said.

“Me too. Just talk to him already, what´s the worse that could happen?” Jenny was right.

Both have had a crush between them since, well, first semester. Now, on their senior year, well, nothing has happened. And time´s running away!

Emma has plans on moving to a different state. Maybe to the north, and enjoy some of the cool weather over there. Meanwhile, Aaron wants to go south, and enjoy the nice, semi-tropical weather. At least get somewhere hotter.

They will go separate ways once they graduate, and if none of them speaks now, well, maybe they will never know that the other loves them just as much.

Now, what advice had their friends given them? Simple. Just talk about it. Tell the other you´re in love, it´s not that hard.

To take the other to a more private place and just share your feelings. Worst case scenario, they spend the rest of the semester, which is like three more weeks, sharing a room uncomfortably. Campus is too big, and they don´t share much classes now, they will only meet when they need to sleep.

Both agreed on that. But when?

Everyone knows this is unlikely to happen. All of their friends know they will not speak to the other about their true feelings. Which is something sad. Because they will definitely make a nice couple.

Everyone knows, including this particular person. A mysterious figure. A person who´s been looking at them from the distance. From the shadows. Why? Because he´d like them to be together, and, if someone can do something, it is definitely this person.

Right now, this mysterious character´s looking at Aaron as he makes his way to the bathroom. With a phone in hand, he sends an email.

Suddenly, Aaron´s phone buzzes, he pulls it out of his pocket and checks on the notification. It was an email. Not one sent by a friend, or someone known. It seemed as some sort of advertising.

“Wanna talk to the girl you like but you don´t know how?” At first, he thought someone was messing with him. That one of his friends sent him this spam message as some sort of bad joke. But when he looked at the sender, well, it seems he couldn´t find the address.

“Maybe it´s just some random shit they send to every college guy. Maybe it´s from some sort of dating app.” He thought, but he was wrong.

He wasn´t going to open the link attached to the email. He didn´t even went through the whole text. He just read the first line, closed the email app and put his phone back to his pocket. But, a seed of doubt was already planted, curiosity, what if it was some good advice?

Same thing happened to Emma. But she was at the library, looking for some notes on her laptop when she received the Email. She opened it, maybe those were the notes she asked Jenny for. But they were not. It was another email from this same mysterious person. However, hers was a little different.

“In love with the man of your dreams but he´s just not biting?” She was curious, so she kept reading.

“If you want to talk to a man about your feelings, it is good to practice before you do. Maybe you can write it down somewhere…” Then, a link down below. A link for some form where she could write down her thoughts.

Emma was not going to fall for something like that. Maybe it was a scam or something. However, there was no need to write names, or any kind of information related to any of them.

She clicked on the link and was immediately redirected to a blank page. An empty page, a document, where she could write down, well, whatever she wanted.

Emma knew this was a lie, or fake, or maybe a waste of time. But, for some reason, she wanted to write things down.

“Anything, huh?” She gave it a little thought, and then, she just started writing.

At almost the same time, while Aaron was eating a sub, he remembered the email and thought of giving it a second chance.

He pulled his phone out and read the whole thing. The last sentence said:

“If you want to get lucky, then write down some ideas, who knows, they may come true!” and then, the link, to a same empty page on some random document. No title, no nothing. Not even a display to chose the font of color of the text. Like Emma´s, it was just a spot where he could write whatever down.

Both gave it some thought, and soon, they were writing…

Emma was better when it comes to essays, or reports, so she started first.

“I´d like it if this guy I like, loved me just the same.” That was granted, Aaron already liked her. Now, the next part is when it gets a bit more… kinky.

No one was going to see it, she may as well put what she´d want. As if she was describing her perfect man.

“I´d love it if my man was shorter than me. Maybe about shoulder level. Just as handsome as he already is, with the same athletic complexion, but shorter. But, with a dick big enough to please me. So that we can share some passion at night.” That was pretty much it, now, time for Aaron.

“I´d like it if she was taller. Much taller! But not only taller, I´d love it if her body filled up sexily. Bigger boobs, wider hips. To dote her with the body of a vixen.” Aaron´s a bit more into, well, mature women. So, his perfect woman should be thicker.

“A thin waist, not a fat chick, but juicy where it counts. A big butt, that quakes as she walks. Firm, round, sexy.” He was a bit more… lusty when it comes to these matters.

Both were writing down their ideas. And soon, they added a few other things. But that will be soon to know. Right now, the only thing they know is, they better delete all this information before someone finds it. It will be a bit embarrassing.

As soon as they put the final period, both searched for a way to delete it. But none of them really got to find one. The most logical answer was to use the button on their laptop or phone. The one meant to erase. But before they came to that answer, everything they wrote was deleted.

Soon, the page was a blank spot again. Gone, everything they wrote disappeared.

“Maybe… it wasn´t send anywhere, I´m sure…” Both thought, but their words were certainly sent somewhere. And soon, they will find out.

This did give them some confidence, it made both want to talk to the other. But it was Aaron the one who first sent a message. He already had his phone in hand, and he´s quicker when it comes to texting.

“Emma, can we meet later today?” He sent.

“Sure, at the dorm?” Had he read her mind? How does he know she wanted to meet him?

Well, either way, they were going to meet, they are roommates after all. However, the smallish room they share is not as romantic as they will want it to be. It wouldn´t be so nice to share their deepest, and most secrets thoughts while being inside those well-known four walls.

Therefore, they will meet somewhere more… romantic? At least under the stars, looking at the bright side of the moon.

Now, was it romantic to choose the back-side of the gym for this? No. But Aaron made the suggestion, and Emma seemed happy to agree. Well, at least the place was private. They met at around 9:00 pm, the place was empty, private, just what they needed. Right?

Aaron was the first one to get there. He waited for about five minutes before Emma appeared. Her sight, under the moon light, she was gorgeous. Prettier than he remembered.

“Hi.” She said.

“Hey!” He replied.

Both felt awkward, but they didn´t show it. Both seemed confident.

“So, what did you wanted to…?” Started Emma, but then, both their phones buzzed. An email had gotten to them.

Both felt the need to check I, mostly to make some time before they talked about the real matter. The real stuff. An excuse to postpone it just a little.

“Granted! Your desires will come to life today, at midnight.” It was the same message to both, a strange message, but it was a reply under the same email they received before.

They didn´t pay much attention, they put the phone away and then, turned at each other.

Both smiled, it was now or never. If he didn´t speak, she´ll make sure to do so. However, little do they know, things will really change, and not only because of their love confession. Tonight, at midnight, things will REALLY change.