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Part 3

Brianna wasn´t kidding about her new goals. So far, she´s been able to develop a bigger, stronger physique in just a matter of weeks. And now, she was in, for all!

She spent more time at the gym, ate amounts of food she never thought would be possible to her. And, she doubled the amount of scoops of protein she took every day.

But it wasn´t enough.

Soon, she gained popularity. Everyone admired her. She was so thrilled by that.

She felt like a celebrity, or a fitness influencer. And she thought, why not? Why not try and make an account, where she posts all of her pictures about her progress.

Soon, she was posting tons of videos about her work out. Her diet, the exercises she made. And mostly, her body. Soon, everyone found her account, she was unbelievable! When she started, she was big, but then, she became enormous!

Brianna really didn´t pay any attention to it, but she was growing something more than just muscle. She was getting taller, and taller.

Before she even realized, or cared. Brianna was standing at 6´1”, with a weight, mostly made up of muscle, of 200-pounds. This was unbelievable!

However, people didn´t notice? Of course they did. But they thought she was some sort of goddess. A goddess of the ever-expanding-muscle. She got bigger, taller, thicker.

Soon, she had some bulging biceps. Her thighs were massive, her butt got tighter. Her abs were soon made up of steel. Her shoulders widen, her hips bulked with muscle. And her boobs, she was sporting a pair of strong, yet round, G-cups.

She was unbelievable. But she was also concerning, to Guy, her boyfriend. This can´t be real, there´s no way this is healthy.

“Bri… Can we talk?” He said, talking to her from outside the bathroom´s door.

“Sure, come in.” she said.

Guy did as she said, he really needed to talk to her. This was unnatural! He knew her shower was over, therefore, she´s fully clothed.

Guy opened the bathroom´s door, only to look at the massive, imposing, and chiseled body of Brianna. A proof this wasn´t normal.

First of all, she´s his same height. That´s right, both are the exact. Same. Height. But there´s something more to it, she´s heavier. Brianna´s gotten ten-pounds above him.

He may still be wider on the shoulders, but her thighs are almost twice at thick as his. But he knows that, at this rate, it´s just a matter of time before she grows bigger than him, in every single aspect.

“Bri…” He said.

Brianna was standing right before the mirror. Looking at her grown physique. She was covered only by a towel. Guy could see the immensity of her bara legs. Her swollen calves, her tremendous thighs. Muscle, he could see some big muscles in there.

But that´s not just it. Her waist, her waist is unnaturally thin. Her abs are shredded. More than his. Her waist is so trimmed, so ripped, she´s simply unnatural.

But the hotter aspect of hers, is the big, juicy pair of tits she´s sporting. They are huge melons, round, big, sexy.

“What´s up?” She asked, as she was doing her hair.

She ignores the reason why he´s standing there. However, she can tell something´s off.

Yes, she´s taller, she realized that a couple days ago. It´s hard to go from 5´2” to 6´1” without noticing. That´s almost a whole foot, a true change of perspective.

But, was she alarmed? Was she concerned? Scared? Anxious? Not really. The only thing she did was to note it and send the feedback to the supplement company.

Brianna really didn´t care too much. Who´ll mind being taller? Besides, she´s the exact same height as Guy. Her boyfriend, a man who used to tower above him, leveled with her. She gets thrilled about that. And there´s other thing, she can tell she´s getting bigger than him. Soon, her arms will be much thicker than his, so far, her legs already are, so why not surpass hum fully?

“Bri, I… I´m not sure if this is safe.” He said.

“Ugh, again? Really? I already told you, I´m fine. I feel fine. Besides, don´t you think I look more than just fine?” She looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She posed. Looking at her bigger butt, flexing her thicker legs. She glared at all the muscle in her. Did she liked being big and muscular? Well, yes! This is much better than being skinny and small. Now, she´s a goddess. Everyone who looks at her can see that.

“Come on, honey, look a these…” she said, flexing her big biceps before the mirror, “I´m in the best shape I´ve ever been…”

“But, Bri, don´t you think you´re getting… too big? I mean, look at you! We´re the same height! I don´t know what´s in that thing you drink, but I´m sure it´s not safe!” He protested.

Bri just sighed, turned at him and rolled her eyes. Then, she began to walk towards him. Now, drawing a smile on her face, a proud, teasing smile.

She stopped, right when she was less than two feet away from him. And, with a huge smile on her face, she said: “So? Are you jealous?”

“What! Jealous? Bri, I´m worried!” He replied.

“Sure, worried I´m bigger. What? Are you jealous of your little girlfriend´s muscles? Hmm? Are you mad because little ol´ me is now big, new me?” She said, with a teasing tone.

“No, Bri, I´m not jealous of your size. Or the fact that we´re-“

“What? You´re telling me you don´t feel annoyed because I´m about to get bigger than you? Hmm? I mean, for a woman, I´m MASSIVE! And, to be honest, you´re starting to look a bit average for a man. In fact, maybe you need some more… definition for those muscles.” She looked at him, and she wasn´t lying, her fat-percentage is much lower than his. Which gives her muscles a striking look.

“No! I´m not… I don´t feel jealous!” He said, taking a step back, but the proud woman was not going to let him get away from this.

“Emasculated? Hmm? Does my big, muscular body make you feel, I don´t know… insecure?”

“Enough! Bri, that´s enough. I´m worried about your health! I don´t care if you´re… you´re…” He was out of words, but Brianna wasn´t.

She placed her hands on her muscular hips, her grin grew wider. After taking a step forward, she said: “Bigger? Stronger? Or… maybe sexier? Hmm? Maybe… maybe my cute boyfriend feels some other man will come and, I don´t know, try to make a move?” She was thinking he was feeling insecure, which wasn´t true. However…

“Maybe I should show you that I… still love you…” With that, she just removed her towel, discovering her big, built physique. “Maybe I haven´t been paying enough attention to you, is that it? Hmm? Do you want some… love?”

Brianna approached, now with a more luscious grin. Her eyes were looking at him with passion, desire.

“That´s not what I mean, I-“ He started.

“Shh, no talking, let me take care of this…” and with that, she kissed him.

Passion, desire, lust. Brianna kissed him right on the lips. At first, he wanted to step back, but she held him so firmly that it was impossible. Is she as strong as he is? Well, she´s heavier, she´s just as tall… maybe she is.

Guy was mad, that´s not the reason why he went to talk to her. He wanted her to stop using that thing she uses. This wasn´t normal. Everyone who follows her must be pushing her to go on. Even if they are not literally saying it, but their encouraging certainly gives her the push she needs.

He wanted to protest, to get back to the original topic of the conversation. Brianna wasn´t getting the whole point. He´s not jealous. And he´s not insecure, he´s just worried. Truly concerned. But her tongue, as she pushes it inside his mouth, is making it hard for him to talk.

Soon, he just followed her lead. He grabbed her hips. The feeling, more solid than he remembers. Then, his hands went on and caressed her body as she caressed his. He can feel the muscle in her body. Her anatomy is much more dominant now. Bigger muscles, not soft like before. She´s though, she´s big. And, she´s hot!

He can feel her enormous breasts pushing against his chest as his hands go on and squeeze her butt. Guy can feel her butt muscles flex as he squishes her big, round peach.

Soon, he forgot the main deal, soon, he allowed Brianna to take control. And to take things somewhere else…

She slowly pushed him into their room, slowly guided him into the bed and then, she pushed him.

Guy fell backwards as she just threw herself on top of him and then, she proceeded to remove her clothes. She was already naked, this wasn´t feeling very even.

She ripped his clothes off him. And then, then it all began.

She chose to be on top, again, moving her body ferociously over his. This time, she was the one taking the lead, the one with the most carnal energies flowing through her.

She felt stronger, being on top made her feel bigger. In control. Soon, she inserted his hard member inside her awaiting pussy, the real fun had begun.

Brianna felt unsatiable. The more this kept going, the more sex she wanted. More and more, harder, deeper, she was filled with lust.

Right now, she was only listening to her primal commandments, and all they wanted was more. More. MORE. MORE!!!

By the time they finished, Guy was spent. And Brianna was barely sated. Both were covered in sweat. He could glare at her shinny skin as she laid next to him. The whole room felt warm. There´s no doubt, she got more intense.

But now, Guy´s even more worried. She can´t keep doing this. This is not safe! But he knows better that she won´t listen.

And she didn´t. Every time he brought the same topic back, she just went on and started seducing him. Well, not seducing him, she shut him with her mouth as she kissed him. Every time, more and more passionately.

But it was not by that same Brianna. Soon, she began to grow more and more. She grew taller, thicker, stronger.

Why does she have the need to keep going? Simple, she´s competing! She´s popular on her social media, why not being recognized for what she is? A big, tall, muscular amazon! Most comments on her videos are that she´s already ahead of many other women.

Female bodybuilders. She´s reached that point by now.

However, if she´s going to compete, she needs to make sure she´s the biggest, the strongest and the hottest there is. Therefore, she needs a little more…

She tripled, and then quadrupled her scoops. Soon, she doubled the drinks, and by the time she realized the whole can was over, she was enormous!

“Shit, that´s all? Oh man! This thing was supposed to last months! And it´s been… barely a month and a half!” Said the woman, who´s body was now built like a tank.

Brianna had gotten way bigger. Standing now at an impressive 6´5”, with a weight of 300-pounds. She was enormous everywhere you looked.

Her thighs no longer fit on her pants, not even on Guy´s baggy pants. Her arms, had gotten much bigger too. Massive biceps, striking triceps, and some huge forearms. By now, her muscles were not the only thing showing on her body, you could see some veins all over her.

Her butt grew bigger, rounder, and her boobs did too. Now, the amazon holds a pair of J-cups over her muscular chest. Big, round boobs that look intimidating.

But there´s one problem, she´s not satisfied with her evolution. Not yet.

She enrolled herself on this female competition, and she´s got only a week before she has to go and compete.

She already has the body of a winner, so, what´s the problem? Well… she´s out of protein.

Although, there´s a simple solution to it. She can just go on and ask for more. The people at the company are impressed by her results. They shouldn´t have a problem sending a new can. Or maybe… more than one?


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