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Chapter 6

Richard was confused. What was up with her? What was hope doing? Why so many questions?

Well, there´s a perfect explanation to it. She´s got a plan. And the meal he had, it was the perfect way to deliver a little something for him.

The food he ate was made with love, a warm, home cooked, meal. However, there was something else other than love there. A little something called… truth serum.

She believed him, however… is he really telling the truth? Hope´s got a bit of a problem. She´s too sweet, and she often believes too much in people. She´s got sympathy for him. As much as she would with anyone else. She´s just a gentle soul.

Still, she works in a place where they do trap people and take information out of them so… she´s not quite suited for the job.

“Ok…” she said, knowing for sure her plan had worked. That he was officially under the effects of the serum. Who´d critique food they just gave him when he hasn´t eaten anything nice in days? He´s either a jerk, or the serum´s working.

However… she needed some other proof questions.

“Tell me… have you ever wet your bed?”

“I… yes.” Shit, he said it.

“How long ago?”

“L-last year.” Why was he telling her this? It just came out of his mouth. Maybe he knew this was most likely his last few days alive so… why fight it?

“Last year?” For real? She couldn´t believe it.

“I was drunk, ok?” Was this enough proof?

For Hope, it was. Now, it was time to convince the other two ladies. Ally, for the most. She´s the sternest, and skeptical. She´ll be harder to convince.

“Listen, Richard. I´ll be back in a minute.” And she was gone.

He was left in the room, with a funny taste on his mouth. Was truth serum really eatable? Well, the kind she used was… it seems.

Soon, Hope was back in the room, with Ally.

“Truth serum doesn´t work that way! Hope, don´t be so naïve! He´s probably lying, trying to save himself from this. I´m sure.” Ally was there! NO!

Richard was worried. Why did she bring Ally! She was a monster!

“It works, I… I just happen to get some real truth out of him. Even some… delicate matters.” Hope said, looking up at the other woman.

Richard could see how both amazons walked into the room. Both looking as if they were over twelve-feet-tall.

Both towering amazons. Ally a bit taller than Hope. Their cheering size had him worried. Their enormity had him scared. And, Ally, herself, was terrifying. She may have only come here to torture him more!

“You can´t just put that on his food and think it will work, that thing´s injected. IN. JEC. TED!” Ally didn´t believe in what Hope did. She didn´t trust anyone. ANYONE. Which suited her for the job.

“I´m telling you it´s true! Richard, tell her, tell her your real name.” She will prove it. Will prove her she´s telling the truth.

Richard was confused. Should he? Will it be of some help if he does? Will Ally believe him? Anyone can make up a fake name. Still…the truth just came out of his mouth.

“My name´s… R-Richard. Collins.” He was trembling in his seat.

“I´m not buying it.” Shit! Of course, Ally won´t believe what he says it´s true. Besides, why would she trust Hope? She´s way too soft. “Listen, if that´s what you had in mind, I´ll take over from here.”

“Wait! It´s still my turn! You can´t just-“

“I can, and I WILL! You´re just wasting our time. The boss will be here in any minute, and by then we must…” Ally, who cut off Hope, heard something. The sound of steps, rushing to the door. Someone was coming.

Even Richard was alarmed. Why had she stopped talking? What was going to happen? Was he safe?

“Girls!” It was Erin, and she had some news… bad news. “T-The boss… wants to see us… now.” Even the crazy Erin seemed worried. Who was this boss of them? Was him as terrible as he thinks?

“Oh…” Said Hope.

“Shit. I told you! We gotta go, you know how she gets when we make her wait.” All ladies turned and walked towards the door. But before they left…

“But, before we go… first things first.” Said Ally as she grabbed the now HUGE syringe and injected the serum on him. Not truth serum, but shrinking serum.

Richard tried to move away, but he was tied to a chair. And soon, the syringe met his arm. The warm serum was injected right on his arm. Time to sleep…

At the distance, or what seemed the distance as he faded into sleep. He could listen to Hope´s voice. “You´re too harsh!” She complaint.

“Oh, bite me!” Ally grunted. “So, what does the boss want? Hmm?” she asked Erin.

Erin just answered she had no idea. And then, he was off, and so were they.

Time flies when you´re knocked down, before he knew it, he heard their voices coming. And they sounded bigger!

Of course they did, he just lost another 6-inches. Making him, officially, a two-feet-tall man.

His body was perfectly proportional; however, he was only two-feet-tall. Which made the three ladies seem as if they were somewhere on the 18-feet-spectrum.

They were all giantesses. As they stepped into the room, making heavy sounds with their feet. He could almost feel the enormity on their bodies. And, he could also listen to something… anger.

Richard could barely start to see them. His vision was still blurry. Slowly, he looked up, and up. Craning his neck to meet the face of the three ladies.

First, he spotted Hope, all the way to his left. “I told you! The truth serum worked.” She declared, proud of herself.

“Oh, shush!” Complaint Ally, “We don´t know that, but, we do know SOMEONE messed up the whole thing!” she slapped Erin at the back of her head, making her stumble a little.

“HEY. Careful there!” Erin complaint, looking up at Ally, who was the tallest of the three. With good four inches above Erin, the shortest of the group.

Erin was now looking at her cellphone while she argued with Ally.

“I didn´t mess up, look, here´s the pic they sent me.” Erin said, putting her phone´s screen right on Ally´s face.

“Don´t put it so fucking close!” Ally complaint as she grabbed the phone herself, almost blinded by the intense light on the screen, so close to her eyes. After looking at the pic for two seconds, her face drew a different type of anger. The disappointed, yet not impressed, angry face. “This is CLEARLY not him!” Ally said.

“Of course he is!” Erin said.

“You don´t have your contacts, do you? Put your FUCKING glasses on!” Ally said.

Hope was looking at them during all the time. A bit upset by Ally´s constant use of the word “fuck”.

Erin pulled out a case from the back pocket of her tight jeans, pulled her glasses out and then, she put them on. Then, she looked at the picture on her cellphone and…

“Oh, this isn´t him…” she scratched her head. She did mess up.

“I fucking told you to double check on the fucking picture!!!” Ally, once more, slapped the back of her head.

“Ouch! Careful there!” Erin said, looking at Ally in a threatening way, “I can kick your ass you stupid long-legged bimbo!”

“I´d love to see that.” Ally replied, taking one step back, about to get in pose for a fight.

“Girls, girls, let´s… let´s not fight.”

“Shut it!” both said. Ready to take the other one down.

Richard was not sure if they were really about to fight each other. Erin and Ally do seem like the temperamental type. And Hope, well, she´s the only one in the room that can stop them. That´s if they are willing to listen to her. Which doesn´t seem to be the case.

However, someone, from out of the room, came in and stopped them.

“Ladies, ladies, how many times have I told you. You´re not supposed to fight each other.” This was a deeper voice. More mature. Even sweeter.

Richard looked at the door, only to see a much bigger woman coming in. She was enormous!

Well, from his point of view, she seemed to be at least nineteen-feet-tall. But she wasn´t. Still, she was tall!

This was the boss, the main boss of these three. A mature woman, probably on her late 40s, tall, sensuously thick. With wide hips, a full chest. Wearing a very professional attire. With a skirt and a blazer on.

She also had this tanned skin and dark, wavy hair. Her lips were painted red, and you could see a sensuous line of cleavage between her huge tits.

She also towered above all three ladies in the room. Officially, she´s 6´2”, currently, she´s 6´5”. Thanks to the boost of her heels.

He could tell she was intimidating, for them. They were all standing straight, they even made this line on the side. A clear sign of respect.

And why wouldn´t? She´s huge! And so imposing! His main worry, is this good or bad for him?

“Well,” This woman started. “It seems there´s been a mistake.” She made a pause and turned at him. She smiled, warmly, but he wasn´t sure if that was necessarily good. “This guy here, he´s not our target. Tell me, what happened?” She asked.

It seemed like none of them wanted to speak. But Ally, as the unspoken leader, took the lead.

“Erin made the mistake. She mistook the guy and brought the wrong man here.” Erin turned at Ally, feeling betrayed.

“Is that so?” The boss asked, turning at Erin.

“Well… I didn´t had my glasses…” She started.

“You didn´t had your glasses. Wow. Tell me, is that a good enough excuse?”

“No, ma´am.” Erin replied.

“No, it´s not. Now, both of you.” She was not talking to Hope and Ally. “Tell me, why didn´t you double checked on him? I sent the same information to ALL of you.” The tone of this woman was easy, yet, it was clear she held some power on them.

“I… I didn´t had the time.” Replied Ally, “I was focused on my own part of the mission.”

“I didn´t… I didn´t find it necessary, I though… I thought Erin was supposed to… ensure he was the right guy.”

“Girls, girls, girls, what have I told you, NEVER leave any information unseen. If you have a job, you ALL must do the job. Check on all the information, fully! It doesn´t matter if it´s your part, or not. Understood?”

“Yes, ma´am.” All three ladies replied.

“Now, you´ve wasted so much time with him.” His attention was then driven back to Richard. He, unintentionally, started trembling on his sit. The HUGE chair where he was still tied.

“Aww, don´t be afraid dear, it´s not your fault. Now, tell me, what are we going to do with him? Hmm?” The boss said. Walking closer to Richard, and now, standing right at his right side.

“We should… dispose him?” Asked Erin. “Get rid of him. He knows way too much.” Richard swallowed.

“Sure, we could, uhm, make him disappear. By now, I´m sure they are already looking for him. He cannot talk to this about anyone.” Ally added.

“Sounds reasonable.” Replied the big boss.

Richard was about to break in sweat. They wanted to dispose him! Get rid of him? He knew he was not going to make it out of this alive, but he never thought his time would come up this soon!

“Now, where should we drop him?” The boss said. He was hoping they will drop him alive, but he´s got no hopes on anything.

“The woods?” Erin said.

“The ocean?” Ally added.

All the while, Hope seemed distressed, she never liked talking about this.

Richard was about to hyperventilate. A fat drop of sweat had fallen from his forehead, straight to his lap. This was happening, this was real!

“I see. Well, it´s good to know that,” The boss made a pause, stood straight and, with a smile, she said, “whenever there´s a mistake,” then, her voice changed, for the first time, she turned mad, “your first solution is to throw it all away! Seriously! Have I raised you that bad? Tell me, will you do that to me when I´m old? Throw me away in some sort of asylum? Huh? I´m SO disappointed.” This just became… confusing.

All three lowered their heads, and looked down at the floor. “Sorry, mom.” They all said.

Mom? Was she… their mother? They don´t look alike to her, not even between themselves. These three were sisters?

“I would like you three to walk out of the room while I take care of this. I´m going to need a moment to think.” He swallowed, if Erin and Ally were monsters, and they were all scared by this amazon, how bad is she?

All three girls left the room. Leaving him alone, with the fierce giantess of their mother.

She didn´t look so mean, however, it´s clear all three women were scared of her. They respected her. Obeyed her. This woman was bigger, older, sexier, yes, but he was too concerned to think on that.

All Richard wanted was to close his eyes. Shut them until it´s all over. Let her finish him. And that´s exactly what he did. He just closed his eyes, hard, and turned away. Whatever she was going to do, he didn´t want to know.

“Aww, look at you. Don’t be scared. It´s not your fault they picked the wrong guy. It´s ok, dear, you can look.” Her voice was sweet, her tone was easy, however, was she good to be trusted?

Richard knew that, either way, with his eyes opened or closed, the result will be the same.

He opened his eyes to look way up at the impressive giantess before him. She was monumental. Taller, thicker, with more flesh on her body, and it all distributed in the most sensuous of the mature ways. She was a total milf!

“I´m sorry, honey. This wasn´t supposed to be this way. Maybe the blame is on me for trusting my girls could do it right. They may be adults, but they still need their mother´s guidance.” She said, looking at him with a slightly concerned look.

“I… I…” Should he speak? Can he talk his way out of this? She doesn´t seem mean, maybe, maybe she´s a s sweet as hope?

“P-please, ma´am, let me go! I… I won´t tell a soul, I promise!” She blinked, and that was it.

“Sorry, but I´m afraid we can´t do that. You know way too much now, and you´ve seen our faces. We can´t let you out. Besides, a lot of people will be making questions about your reduced size. We can´t risk that either.” He lost hope.

He felt empty, alone. It was just a matter of time before he was gone, for good.

“S-so… what are you going to do to me?” Knowing or not knowing, either way, he knew things were bad.

“I don´t know. The sea? The woods? What to do? What to do…?” The boss said as she tipped her lips with her finger.

What should he do? He was done, and he knows that. Richard must think on a way, a way to escape. Or at least live a bit longer.

“S-so… uhm… h-how come your… ehm, your daughters don´t look like… you? I… you´re pretty, ma´am.” Stupid, he felt stupid. Complimenting a woman who could finish him with a single hand. She was enormous, he could be done in a second.

“Hmmm?” She looked down at him, why had he asked that question? However, she´s quite the chatty type. “Oh, well, they are all adopted, honey. I´ve raised them to keep with the family business. Still, each of them has a liiiittle of me on them.” Well, that answers the question why none of them looks alike. “But, pretty? Dear, are you trying to compliment me to make sure I won´t hurt you? Is that what you´re trying to achieve here?”

“I… is it… working?” Well, begging for his life has clearly not worked, how about this?

“Well… that depends, how pretty do you think I am? And be convincing. If I perceive you´re lying, I may take you down myself.” Her tone was easy, her face was kind, but her words. He was shaking to the core.

“V-VERY! Y-you are… pretty… so… so pretty…”

“I´m not convinced…” she teasingly said, as if saying, work harder…

“A muse! You´re the prettiest and… biggest woman I´ve seen. I… I´m sure everyone is amazed by your beauty.”

“Well… you´re getting somewhere…”

“S-sexy! You´re the sexiest woman I´ve seen. I… I… p-please… please don´t kill me…” he started crying. What if she was just playing with him? This was so bad.

“Aww, don´t cry, you were doing so well, honey.” She said as she rose his face with a hand and cleaned his tears with her thumb. “There, there. I must say, you tried. And, I can tell our serum worked. Hmmm… what should we do with you? And please don´t cry, I don´t like it when men cry.”

“W-why?” he asked.

“Why? Well… let me show you…” and so, she approached, looming closer and closer to him.

Before he could tell, a large shadow was casted on him, everything was dark, and all he could see were her massive breasts coming closer, as her arms reached for him. And her aroma, her perfume was so sweet… maybe this was the end…

“Because it breaks my heart.” She said, carrying him now in her big arms. “Here, lay your head in me, it´s ok.” She was… comforting him? Apparently, Hope gets her soft side from her…

“Tell you what. You´ll live. Under one condition.” She said, as he was pinned over her gigantic rack.

“W-what is it?” He asked, still, not wanting to move and make things bad for him.

“You´ll be under our care. You won´t ever go back to your real life. You´ll live with us. No one will know you´re alive, no one will know you still exist. Other than us four. Would you like that?”

Like? It´s live with them or… die. As simple as that.

Richard was already shrunken. No one has known where he´s been for who knows how much time. And his chances of surviving on the outside world on his current state, if he ever escapes, are very few.

“I´ll… yes.” He´ll live. Still trapped, but he´ll live.

“Don´t get me wrong, this will also be a punishment for the girls, this way, they will know not to mess up again. Oh, the time we´ve lost. I´ll have to take it from their checks. Oh well, let´s call them in for the news…” this woman seems reasonable. Suspiciously reasonable.

“What! We… he´s moving in with us?” Ally said. Hope was not particularly mad, and Erin, she was just… meh.

“That´s right. You´ve failed. And, as a punishment. You´ll have to take care of your mistake. In this case, you´ll take care of… what´s your name, dear?” The boss asked.

“I… I´m Richard, ma´am.”

“Nice to meet you, Richard. I´m Marina. And, I´m sure you already know my daughters´ names. Anyways, you three will take turns to look after him. And yes, it will be during your free days.” Marina said.

“But mom!” Ally started.

“No!” Marina said, sternly, making all ladies stand still, firm. She even stomped her foot on the floor. “You RUINED this. Now, you will take care of the mess you´ve made, or I´ll look for a harder punishment for you three, understood?!”

“Yes, mom.” All three said.

“Very well. Now, who´ll be first?” Marina´s tone was kind again.

Richard was worried, at least they know he knows nothing on whatever code they wanted. Probably, there won´t be any more interrogations. Still, how will his life be as a 2-feet-tall man on the care of these three ladies?


william l cooley

Hey for some reason I can't watch or read part 1 and 2 or 3 yet I'm on the $15 tier could you please fix that?


Hi! So... I found the problem here. It seems that, any story posted before adding the new tier, it seems it's not part of that tier XD. I'll have to edit that. My apologies. But, I already updated the first three chapters, and, hopefully, I can edit the rest of the stories within this weekend. It will take a while, but I'll fix it ;)