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Chapter 12

Steph was upset. Noah´s been hiding the fact that he´s a friend of a hot woman?! Well, hot… if you like shorties…

This woman, Molly, she´s not that tall. Maybe a few inches above him. She cannot be compared with her 7´3”, glorious, imposing, thick, amazon body. Steph´s got more flesh in a single tit than her in her whole chest.

And let´s not talk about legs. You can make up a WHOLE Molly out of a single of Steph´s thick, sensuous, long legs. And there may still be some flesh left.

Steph was mad, not because he made a new friend. She knows he´s shy. But, why did he have the need to hide her? Why didn´t he came home one day and just casually talked about her? Why does Steph feel like Molly´s a secret.

Steph was mad, to the point that she really wanted to hurt someone. But, deep down, she felt bad. Slowly, a feeling of sadness grew inside her, and, in a little time, she was sitting at the floor, looking at a picture of her and Noah, so happy, so close. How could he lie to her?

“Why, Noah, why?” Why didn´t he mentioned her before? Is he cheating on her? Is he looking for a woman more his… size?

Steph´s tall, thick, strong. She´s the total opposite of Noah. Now, she´s afraid he´s going to break up with her and run into the skinny arms of this “Molly”.

She went from feeling enraged to feel completely betrayed. Insecure even. She never really cares about what other people say. And whatever they do is their own business. But, with Noah. His happiness, is her happiness. They laugh together, live together, love each other. Why didn´t he told her?

“No. No way. I… I´m THE ONE for him. Not this skinny ass bitch!” She returned to a mad stage, well, more like the denial stage. “There´s NO way he´ll do this to me. I… I´ve always been there for him…” And so, she remembered.

Steph was looking for a reason why he wouldn´t do any harm to her. He´s too much of a quiet person, what if he just comes home and… breaks up with her?

What if he´s been wanting to do that for a while, but hasn´t really found the guts to do it? What if he´s been holding back all of his feelings, trying to tuck them deep in his person. Trying to deny he wants to move on. Denying he wants to… break up.

Steph wants to remember, to think, has she ever forced him to choose her? To be with her? No, right? He´s with her because she´s the one who loves him, who cares for him, and, for the most, who protects him. But that, that leads to another question.

“Maybe… what if Noah´s with me only because I… protect him?” What if he´s with her just because she´s like his… shelter? A big, strong woman who protects him?

Those thoughts drove her to the very beginning, the time when they were not exactly dating, to their college years…

Back then, at college, while Steph and her best friend Karina walked down the halls like the two amazons they were, there was always someone behind them… Noah.

“Pssst, I think he´s following us again…” Whispered Karina, talking about Noah, who was about three feet away from them.

“Yeah…” Said Steph, right before she stopped, and turned.

Karina stopped walking too, and Noah immediately stopped because, well, they were like a huge wall of women he wouldn´t pass.

“Noah… why are you following us?” This has been happening, a lot. They had their first “date” a while back. And she accepted he may be a nice guy. She allowed him to sit close to them in class, but maybe he thinks they are more like… friends?

“I… well… I just… I thought we could… hang out? And for the record, uhm… I´m not following you, it´s just. It´s hard to keep up with your, ehm, long legs…” Well, their legs were long in deed.

“I told you, If you allow him to sit with us in class, he may get other ideas…” Said Karina, who knew he´ll stick to them like, well, glue.

“Noah, listen, we appreciate your… help in class, and I´m sure you´re a nice guy. But… don´t you have somewhere else to go? I mean, we´re heading to our basketball practice. We´ll be busy there, and I´m sure you´ll be deadly bored…” Well, maybe this means she kind of… pushed him away at first.

But what was she supposed to do? She was an athlete. And he´s… well, he´s more like a book worm.

“Well… uhm… I have… some free time today and, I thought you… never mind.” He said, almost turning and walking away. He wanted to be with Steph, his heart pounded when she was close. He knows he´s got a crush on her. But he knows that what she says it´s true. Although…

“Thought what, little guy?” Came Karina´s voice, once again, the 6´6” woman teasing him a bit with nicknames.

“Well…” Maybe this was his chance to speak up. “I… you know, I thought we could be like… friends?” Karina tried to hold a laughter, but it scaped her lips a little, so she covered her mouth. Meanwhile, Steph looked down at him, and yes, she had opened that window before…

Friends? Well… he´s nice, he was vulnerable on that date they had. He´s a nice guy. And, the face he currently has. One that shows he´s clearly waiting for her response. A response that could tell the outcome of the relationship they have, if there´s any potential for anything by then…

*sigh* “Fine, you can come. But I´m not responsible if you get bored.” She didn´t way they were friends, she just allowed him to join them. Even if he´ll be out of the basketball court.

And so, that was the very first chance he had to… join them, every day, after class. He was gone before the practice ended. He had a part-time job to go to.

But while he was there, he showed nothing but support to Steph. Clapping everytime she scored. Maybe it was kind of dumb, since it was no game, but she was so good at basketball! And she was so tall. Even amongst the amazons on the team, she´s still way above them.

“Well, it seems someone´s boyfriend´s cheering…” Teases Karina every now and then.

“He´s NOT my boyfriend.” Steph declared, annoyed. But maybe Karina was not that wrong…

The more they hang out, the more they fell for each other. Noah was already in love with her, meanwhile, she was liking him more. Accepting him more, he was supportive, she could trust him. He helped her in class. And, he smells nice. Yes, that´s also a point for him.

Slowly, they began to spend more time together. She invited him over to her games. Both Basket and Volleyball. They studied together when they had free time.

She was starting to see all of the good things on him. He was quite a gentleman. Holding the door for her. He even gave her some sweet treats every now and then. She had no doubt, he´s trying to get somewhere with her.

Steph wasn´t sure, does she really want to be the girlfriend of a 5´4” guy? There´s no shame on being that height, the problem is she´s like two-feet taller.

But, once again, who cares. Only she can tell who she wants to be with. So what if he´s not tall? Or muscular. He´s kind, and that should be enough.

One day, she just felt sweet, and decided to give a step ahead. So, she invited him to a party.

“What? A… party? You want me to go with you to a… party?” He couldn´t believe it.

“Yes. I´d like you to come with me…” as that special person…

Time flew by and before anyone knew it, they were there.

To him, Steph was radiant. A pretty amazon, dressed like a muse. Her hair was done, her lips were red, she was… sexy.

The party was… regular. Maybe a little nice, Steph wasn´t really amazed, but he was. Noah was perplexed, his first part, and Steph invited him! He really doesn´t care about the party, what he wants is to be with her. Will this be a good chance to tell her how he feels?

That he likes her more than just a friend? He can see some hints on her. Maybe… she likes him too?

He stuck with her during the most time he could, but, inevitably, he found himself alone at some point. And then, someone showed up. Someone annoying.

“Hey! Who invited the nerd over?” Said Trent, the quarterback of the football team. Noah´s first thought: shit…

“What are you doing here? I thought the girls´ basketball team threw this party. Who invited you?” He said, looming above him with his 6´3” height. Then, he threw his arm around him, as if he was talking to a friend, but in reality, he just wanted to show he had full control, of the situation, and apparently, of him too.

“I… I was invited.” He replied, trying to push him away, but the guy was too strong.

“Pffft, come on dude, don´t lie. This party is intended for pretty chicks and REAL men, right guys?” He said to the four other guys who were with him. All smelling like cologne, with the college´s football team jacket on.

“Come on…” He said.

“Come on, what?!” Apparently, he was offended when he decided to speak up. For some reason, he found it threatening.

“I can… I can be at the party, what´s the problem?” He knew there couldn´t be a good end for this. Will he force him to leave? What will he tell Steph! He can´t just leave, he was invited, he´s got no right to kick him out, this is not his party.

“The problem? Haha, guys, you heard that? This nerd wants to know what´s the big deal. HA. It´s the status, man,” he turned back at him, “you, an unpopular guy, can´t be here. You´re… setting down the atmosphere…”

“But… I was invited. Just like you. And… no one´s complaining, so… why should I leave?” He was shy, normally, but he had to put some extra effort so that he can stay, there, at the same party as Steph.

“Dude, it´s not up to voting, you know. You can either find the door yourself or… maybe I can take you there.” His last words were menacing. But seriously, they are adults, he can´t really be serious.

All guys behind Trent, just as short-brained as him, were laughing, and they kept going until… someone showed up.

“T-Trent, come on, just let me go…” Noah complaint, trying to pull himself out of his grip. “You won´t see me here, I promise. I´ll walk out of the room where you are… just…”

“No, no way. You, sir, have spoken too much. And now, I´m offended by the fact that you disrespectfully said we were equals. To classify us as “guests”. If that was the case, I´ll be a VIP guest, and you… I mean, who invited you?” And just like that, a large shadow was casted over the 6´3” quarterback.

A shadow much taller than the one of his linebacker friends; who´s 6´9”. A tall, feminine shadow.

“I invited him…” Said Steph, looming high above them, with an upset tone. Looking down at him, looming a whole foot above the guy. “he´s MY guest. And I think, you should remove your little arm of him. Or I might do it for you.” She really meant those last words.

Trent was tall, and strong. But next to Steph, he was rather… small. And she´s not lying when she says his arm´s “tiny”, compared to the amazon, he´s as short as Noah´s compared to him.

Steph watched Trent, when he threw his arm around Noah, she thought they were kind of friends, but she had some doubts. Doubts that were confirmed when he tried to set himself loose from his grip. And even more obvious as he heard this guy´s speech.

Trent let go and took a couple steps back. “Come on, you can´t be serious. YOU invited HIM?” He asked, thinking this was some sort of joke.

“Yes, I did. You have any problem with that?” Noah approached Steph, just as a reflex. He found shelter standing by the imposing amazon who was speaking for him. That´s so sweet of her…

“Listen, I know you´re a jerk, Trent. You´ve tried to get laid with half the volleyball team. And we all know you´re an ass…”

“Hey, that´s a lie.” He said, not really needing anyone to know that, well, that it was true.

“Oh, so you´re calling ME a liar?” she took a step forward, putting her hands on her hips, looking more imposing.

Trent gave a step back. It´s not fun when you´re the small guy being intimidated by a big bully.

“You know… forget it. I´ll go find another party. It stopped being fun when this nerd showed up. Come on guys, let´s go.” All of his friends followed him, however, Steph stopped him before he left.

Putting her large hand on his chest, she stopped him, right on his feet, his heart skipped a beat, she was strong!

“Either way, you´re not welcomed here. But, before you leave, I want to be sure about one thing. If I EVER catch you messing up with Noah, I´ll kick your ass, you heard me? Lay a single finger on him and I´ll make sure you´re off season, you heard me?” Steph knows the type of jerk he is. Noah doesn´t need an idiot like this messing up with him.

“Listen, lady. You can´t do shit. What will you do, talk with the coach? Do you think he´ll care if I mess with your tiny friend here?” Trent was a smart mouth.

“Who said I´ll talk with the coach? What, do you think I´ll accuse you or something? Oh no, I´ll hurt you. BAD. And don´t you “lady” me, you pipsqueak. I´ll be clear, nut-head, when I´m done with you, there´s no way you´ll be able to play. Understood?” His knees trembled, Steph means it, for real.

A threatening shadow was casted on her face. And all over him, she was so close, so big, he found himself intimidated. Does she really mean what he thinks she does?

“W-whatever. Guys, come on.” He won´t allow this woman to intimidate him. Even if she had already done it.

“Don´t forget to close the door when you leave, ok, jerk? Bye…” Steph couldn´t care less for him. But she means it, if he lays one finger on Noah, he´s done.

“Well, I think he won´t be a problem anymore. Are you ok?” She said, looking down at Noah.

He was mesmerized by her beauty. Her face seemed like flowing, she was… the one! Kind with him, attentive, nice, pretty, and… protective.

He´s not looking for that specific set of things on a woman. But… for some reason, those aspects of her allure him.

“Everything ok?” She asked, while he just nodded. He looked dumbfounded, stupefied by her.

Noah just nodded.

Steph smiled. Put a gentle, warm hand on his shoulder and said: “I think it will be better if we stay together for the night, shall we? So that you´re where I can… protect you.” His heart melted, just like that.

Back to the present. As Steph recalled that memory of their very first “date” where they met on purpose. She knows she´s kind… at least towards him.

“And that´s not the only thing I´ve done for him.” She may not be one of those cute girlfriends who´s always hugging, or kissing their boyfriend. But she cares. In her own particular way.

She took care of looking after Noah. Being the one who stands, when he can´t. Who argues when he´s quiet. To speak up. To stand up.

Her first thoughts about him were, he´s too nice to be treated that way by shitty people who want to take advantage just because he´s short. But she´s not short.

She´s an imposing, sometimes mean-looking, amazon of a woman.

Later on, things evolved and they really started going out. But before they made things official, she was always there. To look after him. She knew he´ll get into some real trouble, later on, Trent decide to show up… but that´ll be a memory for later.

“I do a lot for him. I´ve taken care of him since we were in college. I´ve taken care of COUNTLESS people annoying him… even if he sometimes didn´t liked it.” To have someone to protect you is nice, to help you, to make you whole. But, to have a big amazon that finds most of people a threat for you? Or that decides she needs to take action when you can handle things? Well, that was a bit annoying.

But Noah was working on that. Little by little, he was learning from Steph on how to become assertive, even if the failed attempts made things even worse. In the end, he always knew he could count on his big, sexy, tall girlfriend. And she´s the TALLEST!

But Steph can´t help but to wonder. After all this time taking care of him, protecting him, standing for him, what if… he grew tired of it?

“What if he´s got enough and now… he wants something different?” What if he wants to speak for himself, stand for himself. With a girlfriend that big, there´s no chance.

She´ll either just stand in the middle, speak too loudly or, as everyone must think, use her size to “take care of the situation”. He´s been gently pushed away with a slight hit of her hips. Steph´s quite a woman, easily pushing the tiny guy away.

Everyone must think she´s the alpha, the one in control. That she owns the pants in their relationship. And that´s… not so wrong. But it´s not that way.

Both have an opinion; both have a say on the decisions they make as a couple. It´s just that, sometimes, Steph wants her opinion to have more… weight.

“There´s no way he´ll leave me. No other woman can protect him like I do.” She thought to herself, but there was always a little but… “But, what if he doesn´t need protection?” What if Noah picked a more “average” woman because he wants a chance to feel more like a… man?

Steph felt doubtful, she needs someone to talk with about this. And she knows the right person… or people? She can use a few more opinions than just a second one.

She picked her phone and started looking for some phone numbers…

“I´m sure they can help…”


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