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New one shot!

The story´s about a woman that goes to this cabin she´ll be staying over for the summer! Finally, some time alone!

However, this is not a regular cabin, it´s one controlled by an artificial intelligence. One that, first, will scan her body and check for her needs.

Everything´s automatized, even the food delivery. She doesn´t even need to get out of the cabin, but she will. There´s a really nice lake nearby.

So, what´s up with the AI? Well, a scan proved something, she´s too small.

At 5´2”, and weighting 100-pounds, she´s thin and small. But the AI will take care of fixing it.

By the end of the summer, she´s going to be a big gal!

The story will include tags such as Hourglass expansion, Thick, and of course, Height Expansion, Growth.

Hope you like it!!!

Part 1

Driving down the highway, looking at the blue sky, no clouds at all, just the sun, shinning high in the sky. The weather´s hot, actually. Not the type of heat one would appreciate.

In fact, the weather in the city is not nice, at all. That´s why this lady, who´s driving the car, just escaped the city.

Her name´s Sasha, and she´s heading to a very nice place, in the woods. A place where to spend her vacations. She´s been working quite a lot, and now, it´s time for a break. A well-deserved break.

She´s looking forward to, not one, but TWO weeks at this cabin. In a lonely cabin close to the lake. Now, why is she heading to a vacation on her own? Well, she´s tired, of everything, she needs some time to herself. Plus, she´s single and her friends are all busy so… alone it is.

But she doesn´t really mind; this way, she´ll get a chance to connect with herself. To read, and most importantly, to sleep! She´s been waking up at 5:00 am, ALWAYS!

She has ONE free day per week, and still on that day, she can´t sleep as she would like. Then, she finds herself on her way to work by 7:00, and that only to get there by 8:30, thirty minutes before her shift starts. And then, she works on her cubicle, for four hours straight, then, she goes for her one-hour lunch time; and she eats something she didn´t really had much time to work on. After having her improvised lunch, or eating the food from the cafeteria, she goes back, for another four hours.

By 6:00, well, a little after that, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes, she heads back home. She struggles through the traffic and then, she´s home, by 8:00 pm. It´s too late to do anything, and she´s too tired to try.

Sometimes she wonders, is this really what I want? She´s in bed by 10:00, only to lose another hour browsing stuff on her cell phone.

In the past year, she´s had no free time, at ALL! That´s why she decided, and almost begged, to have this time for herself. It will amaze you what you can get when you go to the HR office and ask for stuff, using the mental health card as a joker.

Sasha was pretty, a pretty lady that, often, gets away with it. VERY often. But with her pretty eyes, her glossy hair, her cute face, there´s not much she can´t do. Except bearing through a job that she feels is draining her energy, and life…

But that´s just how she feels. She never really wanted to work like this, but this was an opportunity she took. And she´s not so sure if she should continue or not. But the thing is, the payment´s really good. She´s really close to the 401k. Nice.

Now, as she drives her platinum color sedan through the highway, she´s happy, because she´s on her way to a special place. Turns out, the cabin she´s heading to is not just any cabin. It´s a modern one. Almost futuristic. Well, it´s quite futuristic.

Sasha found this place online. And the price was amazing! Unbelievable! A bit suspicious, but still, it was a chance she must take.

There were no reviews on it since, well, she´d be the first guest. However, they had a page linked to the house.

It seems this is a prototype, from a really big company. And she´ll be the first one to ever try it. A chance a lot of people would kill for, or that´s how they advertised this place. But it was pretty nice.

Everything was new, the location was great, the price was… SWEET! For such a place, they were charging as much as a two-bed room on a hotel. And this included a ton of things. The basic services, plus food, clothes, laundry, client support 24/7. Oh, and the lake…

The lake was not part of the property, but it was really close. Besides, the place was huge! Big enough to host a really decent party. With two bedrooms, laundry room, three bathrooms, dining room, fully equipped kitchen, living room. All with new stuff.

She´ll be LITERALLY the first one to use everything on this place. The FIRST one.

But, what about the place? What other thing aside of it being new and, well, luxurious? Aside of having everything included, plus a great location for vacations, well… it´s kind of… an experiment.

The house is equipped with everything you may need, and, on top of that, it´s controlled by an artificial intelligence. That´s right, it´s an AI-house.

Basically, she´ll get full access to everything, and an AI will make sure she´s having the BEST vacations ever and to make sure she gets ANYTHING she may want. Her only commitment is to answer a few questions they´ll send her every now and then, and leave a review for the place. Things they can improve, if she liked it. That sort of things…

She was almost there. Sasha found herself surrounded by nature. Big trees, green everywhere! It was so nice to leave the city to come to a place like this. Even the weather was cooler.

Nice, a cool breeze entered her car as she put her windows down. The singing of the birds, the leaves of the trees dancing under the wind´s blow. It was a nice change of scenery. So far, she was liking this already.

Sasha parked right in front of the cabin. She didn´t have a hard time finding it, that was also really nice. And, on her way there, she also passed by the lake. The blue, clear water of the lake, so pretty. Shinning under the gentle light of the sun. She couldn´t wait to swim there!

But before that, she must unpack her stuff and get settled in this place she´ll be living for the next two weeks.

The only problem this place had was… it was far from, well, anything. They assured this place has everything she´ll need. Except for, well, human contact, but the AI was also programmed to… chat with her? She´s not sure what they meant with that.

Anyhow, Sasha parked and walked towards this new place she´ll make sure to enjoy over the next few weeks. The ride was LOOOONG, but she was used to long rides so… it wasn´t that bad. However, she was still tired.

She couldn´t wait for a moment to rest on the mattress, which they promised would be the most comfortable she has ever used. Maybe she can start her vacations by sleeping all evening… maybe.

“Wow…” she said as she stood right in front of this place. As she was getting closer, she could tell the pictures were not lying. It was beautiful! But standing right before it, standing in the middle of the woods, looking at this nice, and big cabin, the singing of the birds, the wind on the air; and the fresh smell of pine in the air, even the air was delicious. Fresh, easy, like Sunday morning.

The pictures just couldn´t match how it felt like to be there. How it was to stand before this piece of architecture, the design was so smooth, so graceful, so pretty. The whole place was made out of wood, obviously, with a chimney on the side and thick wood frames around the windows.

It had a wild, but also stylish, look on the outside, but on the inside…

The house had it all! As she opened the door, with a card they sent her days before, she could have a clear view at all. It was like an open concept. You could see the living room, the dining room, the chimney, a huge TV, and part of the kitchen through the door´s frame to the left.

“Welcome, Miss Larson.” That was Sasha´s last name, as she entered, she heard the greeting of the artificial intelligence. Very human, if you may ask. It was kind of the voice of a woman, if she had to guess. A woman, maybe more mature than her.

Sasha was 25-years-old. And this voice sounded as the easy, kind voice of, well… a woman. The kind that makes you feel welcomed, warm, accepted. That´s surely what the people who engineered the place were looking for. And it works!

However, the next thing she heard was… “Scan complete!” Ok? She was warned that the house will scan her in order to provide a better service.

The house will adapt to her needs and requests. Making sure to keep her, the guest, happy, healthy and taken care of.

The scan allowed the house to learn a few things. The AI already had the information she shared at the cite, her age, name, birthday, a few things she was looking for in a place to stay. But after the scan, the AI learned a few more things. Her weight, which is 100-pounds, and her height, which is 5´2”. And those things, they are below average for a woman her age. However, those are things the AI needs in order to offer some services.

Such as food servings, the calories she needs, physical activity, and a few more…

“I´m glad to welcome you to this, the best vacations you´ll have!” A promising greeting from the AI.

Sasha was glad, still, she wanted to mess with the AI, just a little. She wanted to see what the robot will say. “The best? I´m not sure…”

“We assure you that you´ll enjoy your time here. My job is to make sure you have the nicest time. And to have fun!” Is that so?

“Cool… uhm… ok. So… do you have a name?” she asked, Sasha knows that AI´s meant to assist people have names, that´s to make them more human-like, and make people more comfortable around them. Probably to separate the AI from being an “It”.

“I wasn´t given a name. But, if that would make you feel more comfortable…” then, the AI accessed the internet and searched for a name Sasha could use to refer to her.

It took the AI like a second to find one. And that was given all the information she went through.

“Dawn. You may call me Dawn.” Said the AI.

“Dawn? Is that the name you want?” She felt a bit weird for talking to an AI like that, she was actually having a conversation with an artificial… entity? The voice came from all over the house, maybe there was a speaker nearby, but she could hear the voice as if it was speaking to her from above. Like an invisible, celestial being.

“Yes. Dawn. It´s short, easy to spell. And it often means illumination or hope. A kind name. Plus, dawn it´s the first beam of daylight that comes with a new day, you can think of it as the name of the voice that will be with you everyday you´re here. To welcome you to every wonderful new day.”

Sasha was amazed by “Dawn´s” reply.

“Ok, DAWN. What do you have in mind for me?” She wanted to see what else the AI had in mind, well, what Dawn had in… the program? It´s code?

“According to my scan, your levels of cortisol are higher than they should. Right now, your body seems to be under a slightly high amount of stress. Probably caused by lack of sleep, intense exercise or any other activity that causes stress. If you drove here, which is highly possible, the traffic or the long drive from home may have caused your body to increase it´s levels of cortisol.” Dawn knows a lot.

“My recommendation, a plant-based diet. To lower your intake of caffeine, or, in my opinion, you could take a nap and get some quality sleep.”

“Well… the sleeping part doesn´t sound bad…”

Afterwards, Sasha went straight to the room that will be her bedroom for the next couple days. The room was huge! Actually, everything there was, the ceilings must be about twelve-feet-high. And her bed must be a king sized one.

She threw her luggage on the floor and then, threw herself in bed, closed her eyes and just relaxed…


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