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Chapter 6

Ethan just can´t help himself. Everything about Judith is just so… hot!

She´s mature enough to know better than him, therefore, whenever he struggles, she´ll take him out of it. And, the fact that she´s so much bigger only means there´s more to love. Plus, that means she´s got bigger boobs and butt.

Everything on her is attractive, seductive, teasing.

Judith always wears her, well let´s call it “uniform”. A white blouse, black pants, and black heels. She often wears a blazer too. However, when she´s “off duty”, she wears this hot and tiny clothes.

Sexy crop tops, tight bottoms, everything displaying more and more of her sculptural body. She´s a muse, she´s hot, she´s… really tall!

The size difference amongst them is amazing. But after all, she´s kind of his body guard so… she needs to be bigger, stronger and, well, more capable than him.

But that doesn´t matter. He´s in love.

Age is just a number, and, well… size can be cataloged as a number too but… it´s not just a number. Even age is not only a number, she´s got more experience. However, when it comes to size, well, it´s hard for him not to feel a bit intimidated by her. Still. His heart beats pure love when he spots her.

Even while eating, she´s got this goddess aura all over her. A mighty body, a pretty face. And her lips, her thick lips moving as she munches. Every single thing she does is hot. As long as she´s the one doing it.

And this leaves Ethan kind of... wondering, should he say it?

Should he confess his love to her? Well, of course he feels it´s love, but… will his feelings be shared? Will she think the same?

She´s stern, and quiet. There´s no signs on her that show him she loves him, not even if she likes him; he´ll be happy knowing she doesn´t dislike him. So far, their relationship, well, it´s kind of employee and employer. Only that he´s not the one who pays her salary so… This is closer to having a tall and hot babysitter.

Him, a grown man on his twenties. But he refuses to think of it that way. It´s more like… having a roomie.

A roomie that eats all of the food. A roomie who works out. A roomie who´s bigger, stronger, wiser. A roomie who´s often looking out for him. Well, that´s kind of her job.

Deep down, he wonders, if she wasn´t hired to literally be with him, will she still be there? Would Judith still be on his side just because she likes him? Will she… tolerate him? He needs to find out.

It was Sunday, her day off, if being stuck at the penthouse counts as a day “off”. Judith´s at her room, reading. He wonders what. He can see a book in her hands, one that, on the hands of this 7´ beauty, looks tiny, still, she´s there and… she´s wearing glasses!

He´s never seen her with glasses, well, he´s actually never seen her reading either. Perhaps, she needs glasses to read. That seems logical.

“I know you´re there, Ethan.” She caught him, again. Seriously, she´s got the senses of a feline. She can detect him at any time. Which makes her really good at her job. “Do you need anything?” she asked, without removing her look from the book.

“Uhm…” Ethan stepped into the room, she had seen him so there´s not point on being stealthy. “Well, actually, yes.”

“Tell me…” she said, still reading her book.

“May I… stay here with you?” he asked. Feeling butterflies all over his stomach. He wanted to be with her, it doesn´t matter if it´s just sharing a room.

“Here? In my room?” She turned at him for the first time, only to watch him nod. “Ok, sure. This is your place after all. Make yourself comfortable.” She added as she returned to her book.

Ethan was ecstatic, this was a small victory for him. The fact that she didn´t kick him out means she doesn´t hate him, therefore, he´s one step ahead.

He found himself in the intimate room of a lady. But not any lady, his crush! Yes, she can officially be considered a crush. One with whom, well, already lives with. Maybe things happened differently than they should, getting him one step ahead without truly meaning to. But things were this way for a reason.

Ethan could smell her scent all over the room. Sweet, floral, breathing her aroma in with every breath. Enjoying every second of it.

The room was big, her bed was king sized, and everything there was perfectly organized. Not a single thing was out of place. Even the bed where she was laying was done. Unlike his that´s all messed up.

Judith was amazing. Even if she was just doing random things as making sure everything´s arranged. Still, that´s not the main deal. Her body is.

Judith´s wearing a lose top, one that could probably reach all the way to his knees if he was to put it on. However, the fact that her boobs fill out that “lose” top is not the main point now, her legs are.

She´s wearing some tiny shorts, of the tight kind. He can see her long, thick legs at full display. From her thick, strong thighs, all the way to her bare feet. Long, sensuous, shapely legs. They look so smooth, so feminine, so… large.

He´d love nothing but to sink his fingers on her sexy legs. But that´s still a couple steps ahead of where he is now. Right now, he´s still at the point where he wonders if she likes him or… if she only tolerates him because, well, she´s doing her job.

So far, she´s been nice, now, it´s time to check how nice…

Ethan had no idea what to do. There was a chair at the corner. The floor may also be comfortable. But what could he possibly be doing there? Away from her? Ethan wants to be close to her, not just share a room so… he chose the bed.

He walked towards the bed, kicked off his shoes and laid there. Next to her. Well, not close, but at least he was at the same piece of furniture as her.

Judith could feel he chose to lay on the bed, next to her. But she didn´t really cared.

At first, Ethan wasn´t sure if she´ll allow this. But as time went on, maybe a minute, and there were no signs of her complaining, he relaxed a bit.

Now, Ethan was laying next to this amazonic beauty. At first, he was looking at the ceiling, feeling nervous. But then, he turned. He rolled his body to face hers. Well, her side. She was so big.

He was looking up at the monumental woman. From the side, her could see her perfect silhouette. Her pretty eyes, reading through the pages of the book behind those glasses of hers. Her long hair, lose, revealing she was resting.

And then, below her face, below her long, smooth neck, there were her breasts. Ethan wasn´t sure if it was ok to look at them, he was too close. She´ll get mad if she caught him staring at them, but he couldn´t help it. They were so big, so round, and now, so close.

The “lose” shirt may be lose on her slim waist and her arms, but, over her big, heavy bust, the top´s really tight. Hugging her beautiful, perky breasts perfectly.

Ethan´s officially looking at them, but he doesn´t want to. Well, he wants, and he is. But he knows this isn´t right. She may be reading, but that´s no excuse for him to look. Besides, she can easily catch him!

But he didn´t really stopped staring, he just allowed his eyes to go down and down. From her massive rack, to her flat stomach, and then, to her thighs. Her thick, bulging thighs. There´s no denying that the exercise she constantly does keeps her legs nice, thick and strong. He can see they are plump and, underneath her soft layer, there must be solid muscles.

He kept going, down and down, past her thighs to her calves, all on her was longer, thicker. Compared to his skinny frame, Judith´s a goddess. Well, wouldn´t she be compared to most people?

She´s a goddess, she´s hot, she´s mature, she´s pretty. As he scans her body with his eyes, he can´t help but to think that way. He went all the way down, now, it´s time to go up, her legs, her thighs, her stomach, and a long stop at her boobs. Up, up, and… her eyes, they, they… they are looking at him!

A rush of electricity ran through his spine. Quivers. She was looking at him, at him while he was looking at her! More like, perving at her! Judith didn´t seem so happy.

“Have you lost something?” She asked, a little upset.

“I…” Was he in trouble? Well, there´s not much she can do, speaking of putting a complaint. However, if she was to get up and kick his ass, well, there´s no way he can do anything.

“Is there something down there? Anything on my legs that I should be aware of? Anything on my stomach? Or, well, anything over my boobs?” She caught him, how long ago? And why didn´t she say anything until now?

Well, that was surely to teach him a lesson.

“I… no?” He was waiting for her to close her book and start beating him with it.

“No? Ok. Then, why are you looking at me as if I was a billboard?” Is that really a question? She sounds as if he answered, that would only piss her off more.

“I… I was… I was not…” What excuse can he give?

“Not? Oh, you WERE. I SAW you. I know you were staring. Now, may I know why?” Having him come all the way there to lay next to her, well, he had other reasons. Apparently.


“You know, gawking at a woman is not nice. Much less when she allows you to be at her room. Her INTIMATE place.” She nagged. Yes, maybe that was a wrong move.

Ethan feels so stupid. But what could he do? He was just a man. A man who felt the need to, well, check his body guards´ sensuous body. That´s it.

In any case, she´s the one to blame. Why would she put on such a teasing outfit? But, maybe complaining why she didn´t cover herself up with the sheets was not such a nice response. Probably it will only make him sound stupid. And cornered. With nothing to say in his defense.

“So? Why are you checking me out?” Judith knows this is not the first time. She can feel his pervy eyes on her every time she turns. Her huge butt, her big breasts, even her thick legs. He simply can´t get over her body.

But who could blame him, she was impressively tall and shockingly hot. Besides, she´s soooo pretty. It´s harder to find reasons why not to look.

“I… I…” She closed her book, the sound of the pages colliding with each other. A strong, hard sound that only emphasized she´s mad.

And now, what can he say? That he likes to watch her body? That he feels attracted to her? That he can´t help feeling… things.

Ethan was looking at her face, she may be mad, but, would it make him a fool if he thinks she looks pretty like this?

“I…” his time was running, what will she do if he doesn’t say the right answer. Probably, she´ll pick him up with her strong hands and throw him out of her room, and, if he´s lucky. That will be the end of it.

Ethan swallowed, there was only one way out of this. The truth. Right? Well, at least things can´t get any worse.

“I was… looking at you because…” Well, here goes nothing, “I like you.” There, he said it.



Great description of the scene. Hoping his little admission at the end softens her up!