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Hello! Well, I did say I was going to work on more one-shots. And now, here´s a new one!

Some may have already seen it posted earlier on a different tier. But now it´s time to drop it here.

This is a story about instant weight gain and growth. Hope you like it :D

Your BIGGEST Nightmare

It´s a sunny afternoon, the weather´s nice, the day´s bright! A nice day to leave the car aside and just walk. Take some time to make this light exercise and keep active through the day.

Right now, this lady´s exactly doing that. Dressed in a nice outfit, one that can be used at college and, on her internship. She´s wearing a pair of culotte pants, of a deep burgundy color. On top, a tight, white top, with a high neck, sleeveless. And beneath all that, a pair of ballerina flats, same color as the pants.

This lady was happy. Young, pretty, about to finish college, working an internship at a company that was most likely to hire her. She had everything working just as she planned.

Her name´s Olive, just as the color of her eyes. She´s 22-years-old, standing at 5´9”. On top of that, she´s got this sexy silhouette every woman envy and all men desire. Or so she thinks. But she´s not far from the truth.

She´s got a slim complexion, but that´s because she works really hard at the gym. And what does she focus on? Her gluts. Olive´s got a slim waist, with some nice definition, she´s a bit toned on her abs, but that´s not her main goal.

She likes to stay fit, and why is that? Because an athletic figure is a healthy figure.

Olive´s a smart woman, active, beautiful. But she lacks a little something… modesty. She likes to post pictures of her on her social media. As most people, but she often brags about her body. “Blessed”, “Alpha Woman”, or things as arrogant as “Jealous?”, and she also adds tags like: #pretty, #sexy, #fatfree, #goddess

That´s not exactly nice. Overall, she´s not nice towards people she doesn´t consider “attractive”, she´s surrounded by friends as arrogant as her, but not as much as her. And she only talks with “normal” people whenever she needs to. But something she can´t stand is people out of her standards.

She takes very good care of her body. Only eating healthy smoothies in the mornings. Chicken, or fish with a lot of greens for lunch. And very low to no carbs for dinner. On top of that, she uses all of the creams available, plus, multiple visits to get her nails, hair and… other things done.

Now, any person who doesn´t take care of their image is… well, not very well perceived by her. Not to say she can´t stand seeing them. And who´s the people she hates the most? Well… fat people.

It´s not like they want to be fat. And if it was, there shouldn´t be anything wrong with that. However… she sees it as if they didn´t cared at all.

If they have acne, well, they may have bad skin. But she still dislikes them. If they dress badly, they only need advice. But fat? According to her, they can totally work out and have a fine, healthy shape.

“Seriously, just quit eating junk and start working out, it´s not that hard…” Her words. But she may ignore some things a, well… genetics, lack of time or money to eat healthy, lack of time to work out. Or the easy access to food higher in calories. Plus, the taste.

Sugar and food higher in fat are naturally desired by the brain. Sugar´s loaded with glucose that goes straight to the brain and produces dopamine. And dopamine gives us a feeling of happiness. And so does high-fat foods. Both activate the region of the brain responsible for motivation and reward.

It´s hard to get rid of them, but not impossible.

Now, life´s easy for her, why? Well, first of all, she doesn´t have a problem with her schedule because, number one, she´s good managing it, and she doesn´t have a job. Her parents pay for all of her expenses. Why? Because she´s their only daughter… no brothers or sisters. She´s their center of attention.

Now, she brags about being healthy, thin and sext because well… genetics. Even if she didn´t work that hard at the gym, she would still have a slim figure. Both her father and mother have good genes, and a fast metabolism.

Life´s really easy for her. Being pretty and attractive has… facilitated some things for her. Number one, she got the internship because the guy who interviewed her was basically ogling at her. Number two, love comes easy when eight out of ten men fall for your pretty eyes and pretty face. Plus, a killing butt!

It´s not wrong to think Olive feels like the center of the universe. And she´s not a nice, pretty lady. She´s the mean type. Obnoxious sometimes. If you´re not handsome or pretty, you´ve got nothing to do speaking to her.

Maybe a change of perspective could help her case, don´t you think?

As she´s walking to her job, she can´t help but to criticize the people around her.

“Ugh, those pants do NOT match those shoes, girl!”

“That guy´s hair looks soooo bad.”

“Oh no… no no no no. That woman´s… BELLY, it´s hanging loose! I´m sure she´s not even pregnant. Just look at that fat, doughy, and… are those stretchmarks? Dis-gus-ting!” She basically criticizes everyone around her, why? Because she feels she can.

If you ask her, she´s most likely to rate herself as a twenty out of ten.

“I´d be DAMNED if I ever look that way.” It´s about time to teach her a lesson.

Olive´s not always mean… if you´re either handsome, have money or can get her a nice job; but the last one applies only to her internship.

She´s selfish, profit-seeking, and likes to brag about how good life´s been with her. Kind of… a nasty person, but she disguises everything behind this perfect smile and a friendly tone. But deep down, she doesn´t really care about you, or your interests, or… anything.

She took this thing of succeeding way too far. Becoming the best version of one´s self, that´s kind of what she´s been doing since… always.

When she gets to work, she walks down the hall, with a warm smile on her face. And gives her very best, in order to prove she´s worth being hired. She´s not the kind of person that would sabotage a co-worker, but she does introduce, cleverly, to people who she knows, because she searched for it, all those people with a high position at the company. Executives, Managers, a CEO… if she ever finds one.

She´s very efficient at her internship. Not wasting any of her time at all, always taking notes and learning how to get things done. She´s studying economics, and what she´s really looking for is becoming the one on top. A leader, a role-model, an inspiration. But she´s most likely to become a tyrant.

But that´s her job life. In the other aspects of her life, she´s… kind of nice.

When she gets out of the office, she goes straight to the gym. She´s always dressed on this tight, matching outfits. Mostly sports bras and yoga pants. Pink colors, green colors, white, grey, black, she´s got a whole collection of outfits. With some nice, perfectly clean, shoes too.

Now, she´s not very busty, but her butt´s the one who drags all eyes. Tight, form fitting, nearly second-skin like yoga pants. Hugging her shapely legs nicely. Allowing everyone to have a clear view of her smooth, thick thighs, her firm butt. Her legs and butt for sure may be described as juicy.

Below her toned abs, which she could get ripped, if she wanted, you could see some fit, plump legs. Swollen because of all the healthy muscle she´d developed during the years. This is like… her fifth year at the gym?

And, as always, she gets the attention of men. Mostly muscular dudes, but not all of them get their attention.

If you´re a fairly handsome man or at least average looking, with big muscles, but for some reason she´s not interested. She´ll say something like: “Sorry, I´m not interested.” And just get back to her work out.

And, if you´re, let´s say, unattractive. And you´re not quite… fit, maybe too skinny. She may not say a thing and just get back to her work out. Even roll her eyes.

BUT, if you´re not good looking, and on top of being unathletic you´re kind of… plushy. Or fat, as she´d say, without any regrets. She, at best, would say something like: “Not in a million years. Thank you, bye.” And coldly turn her back at you.

She´s got some high standards, but that doesn´t quite give her the right to act that way. Plus, she´s got some obsession with fat people. Not this “I pretend to hate them because deep down I like them” it´s more like… hate, and that´s it.

Perhaps, Olive´s so focused on her definition of a healthy, perfect body that anything out of that just… disgusts her.

And at college, well, things are pretty much the same. Of course, not as much guys hint on her as in the gym. But she rejects them under the same conditions.

While she walks the halls of college, wanders through the campus, she feels like a queen. As if she was the living image of perfection. No one, without her permission, should approach her. Talk to her. Or even breathe close to her.

She´s got this really small circle of friends. The popular type. It´s her and three other girls who share their thoughts that they are better than the rest. In fact, each of them thinks she´s better than the others. Quite toxic.

Still, she´s got a heart, and her heart´s desires are into one guy, and one only. Mark. The quarterback of the college´s football team. A handsome, 6´3”, 200-pound, muscular guy. With big blue eyes and irresistibly perfect hair.

She´s never tried anything. She doesn´t want to look as one of those desperate ladies. Besides, by now, he should be all over her. Can´t she tell the other day, when they made eye contact; she smiled? Before she turned her head. Didn´t he got it? It was clear, she was saying “come…” but he didn´t.

She´s trying to be this unreachable, mysterious beauty. And he, obviously, doesn´t get the type of hints she sent him. But she knows one day he´ll fall for her.

Now that we know her, let´s talk about how she finishes her day.

She gets to her apartment from the gym, at around 9:00 pm. Takes a shower, brushes her teeth. Applies all of her creams before bed. Around five different creams, all on the face.

After that, she pre-arranges everything for her next day and then, dedicates some time to read her notes. From college, from work, and overall, small practices she can do to be a better version of herself. But that never includes caring for people around her.

Olive´s too arrogant. She´s living alone, at her own apartment, with her own car, but that´s because they all were “daddy´s presents”, this lady´s never had the need to work. But she feels as if she, somehow, made her own self in one night. As if she´s been the one who worked hard for everything she´s got.

She does, yes, but it´s a million times easier when they pay for your expenses, your studies, your car, clothes and anything else you want. She does as much as asking, and bam, she´s got it.

She needs a lesson on how to be humble, respectful and modest. But that may happen sooner than she thinks.

“I´d like to have a chocolate… but NO. I´ve already eaten all of my calories for today. Nah-ah.” She thinks as she´s sitting on her couch, at 10:25 pm. Just about five minutes before she gets to bed.

But suddenly, the lights are gone. A blackout. Her eyes struggle a little to readjust to the lack of light. She´s surprised. “What?” this has never happened.

Suddenly, a huge thunder´s sound fills the room. A cold air coming in from the window. She creeps out. The wind making all these weird sounds, as if it was… speaking?

She gets scared easily, and living alone makes her more concerned about the fact that the wind seems to whisper. “Olive…” her name? Was that the wind calling her name?

She stumbled off the couch, and adopted this position, looking at the floor and her hands covering the back of her head. She didn´t even had time to grab her phone and turn on its light.

But there´s no need. Light´s are back, and the wind suddenly stopped.

“What the fuck…?” she´s SURE that she heard her name.

She´s freaking out. But she knows this is… normal? Random at least. She just closed the windows, turned off the lights on the living room and headed to her room. Where she locked the door.

She´s a logical person, and the logical answer is that, during her scared spree, she misheard things and understood what she wanted to. Paranoid, it was just paranoid.

But it wasn’t…

It was about time for her to be taught a lesson. And the universe works in some mysterious ways.

She sat on her bed. From beneath the bed, you could see her feet, with her thin ankles, taking off her sleepers and then turning off the light. After that, she just laid in bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

But she ignored one thing, tomorrow, when she wakes up, things will be a little different. Hopefully, she´ll understand the lesson she´s about to get taught.

She went to sleep on her apartment´s bedroom, as usual. Sleeping cozily on her individual size bed. Surrounded with sheets. She was sleeping as she always did, laying on her back, looking up at the ceiling. Why?

Well, she likes to keep the right pose at everything she does. And sleeping that way, according to her, can guarantee a better sleep. A better pose, better for the back, etc… she´s just a perfectionist.

But this won´t remain for too long. She´ll see in the morning…

*beep* *beep* *beep*

The alarm on her phone was beeping, over and over. Normally, she would´ve been awake a little before it starts ringing, but today… she feels kind of tired. More like, lazy.

Taking a look at her, she doesn´t seem to be sleeping in the same position, not even on the same bed. The room´s a little different as well. And her bed, is no longer an individual, but a king-sized bed.

Over the bed, there´s this big bulge, it seems someone´s sleeping sideways today, in a fetal position. But there´s something off… this person in the bed… she seems… bigger?

“Uuughhhh…” she said as she rolled over and reached for her phone. But when she did, her hand seemed a bit… inflated.

Her hand, with her pretty manicured fingers, was thin, with elegant fingers and a slim wrist. But it was not the same hand that reached for her phone on the night´s table.

Her hand was HUGE, puffy, her fingers were… fat. Thick, longer even, but fluffy all over. And her wrist, well… it seemed a bit… chunky?

“Come on… just shut up…” she grunted, her voice sounding a bit huskier, kind of deeper. But that could be because she just woke up. But it wasn´t.

She rubbed her eyes, still too asleep to notice that her hands were not the only puffy thing on her; that if she had noticed her hands were not thin anymore. And her arms, thick, hefty soft arms.

She rolled once more, but this time to get up of the bed. Slowly, she felt heavy, but she didn´t stop to think about how much heavier she was.

From beneath the bed, you could see a pair of feet, but not Olive´s tiny feet, this were larger feet. Thicker, and her legs, what could be seen from there, were thick. Much thicker, sturdier calves.

Olive stood up, but she was no longer the 5´9”, fit, lady she was. She was bigger. Her legs were thicker, her thighs were massive, and her butt was mesmerizing. Her body, more than fat, was simply thicker, but kind of built, and not muscular either. She was firm.

Above those massive legs, a pair of wide, heavy hips. Her torso was not trimmed, but soft, carrying this puffy belly. A soft, mushy stomach, forcing her shirt to go up.

Her arms were thick, not the slim, toned arms she once had, they were chunky, thick all over, and with this fat bicep, with an overly puffy triceps behind. Her shoulders were wider, and soft, carrying a pair of big boobs.

Her boobs were now massive. Before, she had big boobs, which she was proud of, but now, a single one of her tits is at least twice as big as both boobs together. Stretching the fabric of the tank top she´s wearing.

But that´s not the only thing bigger on her, you can forget about her old height because this lady, who thought was already perfectly tall for a woman, is currently standing at 6´9”!

Olive´s no longer the fit, sexy woman she used to be. Now, it seems she was turned into this amazon, a big, heavy, round amazon. Her body doesn´t resemble the one she was so proud of before. Now, it seems that the strict diet she was on could really come in handy.

She made her way to her bathroom, still a bit asleep. She felt heavy, but she didn´t stop to think on why. And everything seemed different, but she blamed her tiredness for it.

Besides, couldn´t she notice that everything´s a whole foot below? She´s so much taller and she hasn’t realized it yet?

Not even realize that her bathroom´s located inside her room? She didn´t had a bathroom on her room when she lived on her apartment… why could that be?

She turned on the tab and washed her face. All of her creams were there, but the mirror seemed a bit off. Maybe the fact that she can barely keep her eyes open is the cause?

She washed her hands and then her face. Taking deep breaths, inflating her chest and making her huge knockers go up and down with every breath. Right now, she was finally awake, FINALLY!

The first thing she noticed; her hands seemed a little… off. They were… pale? But that´s not the thing, each hand´s twice as big as it used to be. Her fingers are longer, but they are so much thicker that they don´t seem that long. However, she can realize her knuckles are… gone? The back of her hand is completely… puffy?

Was it swollen? Were her both hands swollen? What happened? An allergic reaction? Did something bite her while she was sleeping?

But, when she looked straight at the mirror, she realized what was going on…

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at this lady in front of her. Who was this? She was… massive! Fat, wide. Soft all over. Shoulders, breasts, and the face… that round face, it was… HER!?

“WHAT THE FUCK!!!” she yelled, putting her hand in the mirror. She was shocked! That big, fat lady, it was… her? This was a mirror, there´s no doubt; what´s going on?!

She touched her face, her soft, pink cheeks. Her defined jaw was gone, replaced by… a double chin? Oh no, she stood straight, there was definitely NO double chin. Unless she lowered her chin.

Her thin neck was replaced by this thick… thing, connecting her head with her shoulders. Those wide, soft shoulders.

What was going on? Was this a tricked mirror? Was she… swollen? Had she had an allergic reaction? She even chose to believe this was a dream. But when she pinched herself, on her big, fat arm, she realized it wasn´t.

“No, this can´t… this can´t be me!” What had happened? Why had her formerly sexy body been… inflated into this big, fat one?

“Honey, is everything ok in there?” came a voice as they knocked on her bedroom´s door.

“Oh… yeah, everything´s fine.” She replied, with a huskier voice… but wait, who was that?

Doesn´t she live alone at her apartment?

“Ok, sweetheart. But don´t take too long, breakfast´s ready at the kitchen. I made your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes! And don´t worry, I didn´t forgot about the bacon.” Or the extra bacon.

“Sure, mom. Be right there!” Wait… MOM?

What´s her mom doing there? In fact, what´s going on with the place? This is not the bathroom on her apartment, this is… her old room´s bathroom. The one on her… parent´s house!

“What… what am I doing here?” it seems things are not quite as she remembers.

Her body is not the only thing that´s changed. Everything has! A few things remain, like her studies, her college, the place where she´s working on her internship, the gym she goes to. Still, there´s a few differences she´ll soon find out…

“Oh my…” she said, stepping out of the bathroom. She didn´t realize it before but, her hips are almost brushing the sides of the doorframe. She´s wide, definitely.

And she´s walking, in horror, as she feels how her body giggles. Not the pleasant bounce of her boobs, and maybe a bit on the butt, no. Her whole body feels heavy, and so soft. She´s concerned, what´s going on? How is it possible that she´s become this… giant jelly?

And that´s not it, she realized that the top of her head´s also disturbingly close to the top. Seriously, what happened to her?

Her clothes are tight, and not fitting her body. Her boobs are massive, threating with spilling out of her tank top, which doesn´t cover her soft belly. Her hips seem too wide for the pajamas she´s wearing, but… are those cupcakes on her pajamas? Is she actually a fatty so obsessed with food that she wants it all over her?

Her butt, which is swaying from one side to the other, bounces with each of her steps. She´s so uncomfortable. She can feel every inch of her giggling body. This isn´t right!

She walked down the stairs, the impact of her descending feet making her breasts bounce so heavily. Maybe she should´ve changed before coming down, at least put on a bra.

As she made her way downstairs, she had no doubts, this was definitely her parent´s house. What was she doing there?

Does it have something to do with the current state of her body? Did she develop a condition and was now in the care of her parents? Was she in some sort of coma she just woke up from?

She needs answers!

“Good morning, sweetheart. Take a seat, mommy will hand you some warm pancakes in a second!” Said her mom. Who was standing in front of the stove, with a plate in hand. A big one.

“Good morning, princes.” Came his father´s voice, who was already sitting at the kitchen´s table. But he was only eating a toast and some coffee. Reading the newspaper as he took a sip from the cup.

What´s the matter with them? Can´t they tell she´s HUGE? Someone can´t gain that much weight, or grow that much taller, and have people act so casual around her. They are her parents, can´t they tell her thin body has been replaced for this cow´s one?

She´s even bigger than the fridge! This can´t be right.

She sat at the table, making it creak a bit. This has never happened to her. She´s never been heavy.

“Ok, here you go…” Said her mom as she placed a HUGE plate in front of her.

Her eyes went wide as she saw the plate. A pile of at least eight pancakes, big pancakes, topped with two big cubes of butter. On the side, at least half a pound of bacon.

“Let me help you with the syrup, honey.” Her mother said, holding a huge bottle of syrup in hand; and then, she just poured, and poured the syrup all over the pancakes. About a full cup of it had fallen over those chocolate chip pancakes.

This can´t be right. Those have a ton of calories. The chocolate, the butter, all that syrup. And let´s not forget about the bacon on the side.

“I know, I know, they are not much. But remember, you´re on a diet.” What! This is not a lot? This is beyond a lot, this is insane! “I´ll go get you some milk, but try not to finish the whole gallon this time.” Her mother added.

“Come on, dear, let our little girl eat, she´s been working so hard at the gym, she deserves a treat every now and then.” His father winked at her. But he was wrong, “little”? She was nowhere near little.

“So… uhm, no one´s having any? I mean… is this really all for me?” This was a ton of calories sitting on the plate in front of her.

“Not at all, it´s all yours.” Replied his father, as if this was something good. To her, it was a nightmare.

What was going on? Her parents, they were… the same. His father was a regular man, of a slim complexion, who ate healthy and kept a flat stomach. And her mother was kind of the same, a thin waist and the hips of a grown woman. Overall, they were kind of a couple you´ll put on an ad, one that states you can keep a healthy life, at any age.

They are both on their early 50´s, and they are making her look so unhealthy. Plus, they look kind of… small.

Before, Olive and her mother were about the same height. Olive being an inch taller, and her father, he´s a 6´1” man. So… why is she so big!

She chose not to pay too much attention to it. It all seems things have always been like this. She´s 22-years-old and she still lives with her parents? Didn´t she moved out when she started college? Things were not right.

Another thing that wasn´t right was her appetite. She dug in, took a fork and started with the pancakes. There´s no way she´ll finish them. She´ll just eat one or two, and that´s it. She doesn´t even need to touch the bacon.

But she wasn´t counting on her new self. She´s 6´9”, and weighting what she estimates is over three-hundredth pounds. Which is a really big number to her.

In the end, she ate all eight chocolate ship pancakes. And she also munched the bacon. Bite after bite, one sip of her whole milk after the other. She drank half of the gallon before she noticed, and by that time, the pancakes were gone, and so was the bacon.

“Wow, it seems you really were hungry, dear.” Said her mother. It hit her hard that she did it without even noticing.

But it all smelled amazing, and the taste. Every bite made her crave for more. Or was it the fact that she was now… fat?

The worst thing is that she doesn´t even feel full. What´s wrong with her body? She could still eat some more. Probably drink the rest of the milk on the gallon and still ask for some more pancakes, and that greasy bacon.

“I… did…” she cleaned her mouth with a napkin as she looked at the plate, with eyes wide open.

“Would you like some more, princes?” asked her dad.

“No, Richard, she´s on a diet. She can´t eat more.” Her mother said, not so pampering now.

“Oh, come on, breakfast´s the most important meal of the day. Why don´t you give her some more pancakes? You know she likes them so much.” He said, turning at her as if he was trying to convince her.

“No. There´s no more pancakes. Plus, if she´s still hungry, then she can eat some fruit. You know, an apple, a banana. Something HEALTHY.”

Her new reality is disturbing. It seems her mother really wants her to lose weight. But she´s not quite giving her a dietary breakfast, at least not the type of diet meant to lose weight. And, as always, his daddy is on her side.

What worries her the most is the amount of food. Both acted as if it was nothing, so… how much can she really eat?

She excused herself from the table. When she stood up, she hit it with her belly. She turned bright red with embarrassment. She was big, and clumsy, she´s not used to her actual size.

She rushed upstairs, and locked herself in her room. Her body jiggling, even if her legs were longer, running upstairs was not as easy as it should.

“Oh my, I´m just so fat…” It seems that the physique she bragged about so much was gone. Replaced with a much bigger one.

All those times when she was proud of her toned body, her sexy curves, those days were gone. That´s if they ever existed.

“Just look at this…” she said to herself, looking right at the mirror. She rose her arms, just to look at what she called an “armbutt”; all that flesh hanging from underneath her arm, that´s supposed to be her triceps, and there wasn´t any fat there when she last checked.

Then, she took a closer look at her legs, stretching the fabric of those pajamas that are supposed to be lose fitting. But not now, her wide hips stretched the fabric so much, and she could see the waistband sinking on the flesh of her waist. Right below that big belly.

She´s never had a belly before, and this one, it was huge! Soft, pale, jiggly.

“This can´t be happening… why? Why me?!” And the worst part was… she was hungry. She heard a grumbling coming from her stomach. It seems that the breakfast she had just augmented her appetite. Now, her body was craving for sugar, salt, for fat.

Was this a nightmare? It felt like one. Or, were her parents playing a trick on her? That can´t be, her body looks so real, feels so real. What happened? She can´t believe, she refuses to think, that she´s always been like this.

Now, there´s only one way to check on that. She needs to get out of the house and meet other people. Only that way she´ll be sure about it. Her biggest fear, find out this is real.

Olive hated it, every second of it. She started by stripping off. Taking her tight clothes off of her massive body.

She stood there for a moment, naked in the bathroom, feeling the new softness of her body. Longing her once trimmed stomach, her firm breasts, her tight butt. Now, on her tall, thick body, all she could see were miles and miles of soft flesh.

This wasn’t right!

But not all of that´s bad. Her body´s firm, soft to the touch, but firm. Her butt´s massive, and still round, perky even. The only difference is that it takes about three times more space. And her boobs are completely MASSIVE! They will make anyone gawk. Anyone who stares at the massive, round, firm, and soft flesh of her impressive breasts will be delighted.

Still, she doesn´t find herself so… pleased.

She´s upset, she´s sad. What had happened? Why would this happen? She just wants her old body back. She feels so… voluminous. And she´s not only thicker, but taller too. That makes things around her much smaller. However, she had to shower.

The now 6´9” thick amazon of a woman entered her small-looking shower. Feeling how her body struggled a little to fit in. There wasn´t much space to move inside. She disliked it.

And what she disliked the most were her new clothes.

Once she was out of the shower, she, with a massive towel that barely covered her thick naked body, went to search for something to her closet.

To see all the X´s on her clothes, her extra-extra-extra-large clothes, that made her kind of sick. How? What type of reality was this one? And why, why in this new reality, would she be a massive, heavy, fat woman?

How could she let herself go this bad?!

She put some clothes on. Not feeling so proud of herself to dress to impress. She wore a shirt, a regular one, of a pink, pastel color. And some jeans. She didn´t even want to see the size of the waist-band. She just put them on and that was the end of it.

Then, she put her fleshy feet into a pair of snickers and fixed her hair. All the while, with the sensation of her clothes uncomfortably tight all over her inflated body.

This is not the type of tight fit that makes her curves stuck. It´s more like… the type of tightness that makes you tuck your body in, so that the extra curves don´t show. Her belly sticks out, OUT!

All that time taking care of her shape, all that time working out, and for what? Something´s wrong here, why has she been turned into such a fatty? All she can think of, every thought that comes to her mind is, why on earth would this be happening to her?

Well, there´s a simple answer, karma. The universe has confabulated to make her a version of a woman she won´t like, not even one bit. Taller than average, fatter than average, and of course, thicker than average.

She´s way above the average now. And not in the way she wanted. Now, it´s time for her to see how it feels to be one of the people she made fun of. All of that people she misjudged, gossiped about. All those she turned at and the only thing she said was: “I´m glad I don´t look like them…” but now, she does!

Walking down the stairs of her house just makes all of her augmented flesh jiggle. Her ass is so big now that she can literally feel each butt-cheek go up and down as she takes one step further.

Even her arms are thick enough to tremble as she walks. Plus, she´s thick enough on her arms and on the sides of her torso that her arms are pushed away from her. She´s not waddling, but she´s very close to that.

And, for the most, her boobs she was once proud of because of their size, well, their have gotten WAY too big to be proud of. She wonders, will everyone be looking at her? She feels like a balloon! A balloon filled with water, or the next thicker liquid.

“Gosh, I feel so… doughy!”

She left her house and went straight to college. Oh, and by the way, she´s no longer driving that nice car she used to, now, she´s on a ban. That´s right, the only car she can fit her outstanding body is a large car.

“Ok, just take a deep breath… this is… ugh, this is so awful!” Driving in that huge, grey ban was… embarrassing.

But she shouldn´t feel so bad, in this world, she´s always driven that car.

“Ok, Olive, just… just go meet your friends, if someone can confirm if this is real, it´s them.” She went to meet her friends.

Ignoring the fact that, they were still the same popular, egocentric and superficial women they always were. Only that this time, she wasn´t part of it.

Once she spotted them, she waved, but they didn´t seem to acknowledge her, so she walked all the way there. And for what? Only to hear: “Excuse me? Why are you talking to us?” Rejection, for the first time in her life, she was rejected by those who were supposed to be their equals.

Even if she was, in a way, physically superior and bigger, she felt tiny. Alone. Sad. Lonely.

Still, that didn´t last for too long. As she lowered her head and turned at the ground, she heard someone´s words.

“Hey! Olive! Wait up!” That was a familiar voice, the voice of a woman she knows, but one who she doesn´t quite… talk with.

Olive turned, and at the distance, about ten yards away, Jenna was coming.

Jenna, the fattest, well former fattest, girl on her class. She was huge compared to her, well before. The ginger´s about 6´ tall, and pulling up 290-pounds. She´s not so top-heavy, but her butt´s HUGE!

She had this sort of “I don´t like you at all…” thing with her, but now… she´s coming closer? And… she looks happy to see her?

“Olive, what´s up. Why were you talking with those skinny bitches?” Jenna was talking about those former friends of hers. More like, those who were never her friends.

She wonders, is this real? Is fat-ass-Jenna her friend now?

As she comes closer, Olive can realize that, Jenna, as her friends, is looking tiny. In comparison with Olive´s new augmented body, Jenna looks short, and… thin?

Olive has grown, A LOT. Before, Jenna used to tower some 3-inches above her. Making her, as she once said: “Too tall”. But now, that “tall” lady is NINE inches below her. That´s right, the six-foot-tall “fatty”, is now looking a little thin and short compared to her.

Well, she´s below Olive´s nose-level, that´s not even close to being the same height.

“Sorry?” Olive said, still wondering if Jenna was, now, a friend of hers. But the thing is, she is. They are college BFFs. And that, for as hard as it is for her to take, it´s real.

“Did they say something mean to you again? Seriously, I don´t know what´s their problem. If someone doesn´t look like them, that doesn´t give them the right to verbally attack them! They´re just a bunch of skinny bitches. You know, sometimes I think they are jealous of us bigger ladies, at least,” she made a small pause and turned. And while she showed off her butt, she ended up with: “we have some ass.”

Olive wanted to cry. Jenna´s ass is big, but hers is so much bigger! This can´t be real!

She went over the first two classes easily. At least she still has the brains. It seems her routine, and intelligence, is still the same. But there are still some more changes…


Olive blushed, that was… her stomach? At nearly the end of her third class, her stomach growled. AUDIBLY!

She stopped taking notes and only noted the emptiness on her grumbling stomach. Seriously?! Her breakfast contained enough calories to make it through the day! Even TWO DAYS for her. But, apparently, this bigger body needs more?

“Girl, are you hungry?” Jenna asked.

Olive didn´t want to say a thing. Jenna was… a fat chick! But, it seems, she´s her only friend.

Olive was so lonely, so sad, so embarrassed that, the only thing she did was to turn at her and nod.

“No worries, we´ll get to the cafeteria when this class is over. And then, if we have time… we can go to our happy place!” she seemed so cheerful when she said that. What was she talking about, happy place?

Olive had the feeling that, for some reason, their happy place was a buffet. But it wasn´t.

After going to the cafeteria and having a large burger, with extra-large fries. Plus, a humongous soda to drink. Olive´s hunger was… settled.

She wasn´t full, just… sated?

“I don´t get it…” Said Jenna, sitting right in front of her, chewing some fries, “why would you diet? I mean, look at you! You´re eating just that?” She had no idea what she was talking about, “just that” was a full meal!

“I´m… this is normal.” Olive said, worried her “real self” stuffed her face more than this.

“Sure. “Normal”. Girl, you´re 6´9”, a lady your size can sure eat more. But it´s fine, I get it, you want to lose a few pounds. No worries. But, I´m just saying… someone may be a bit upset if you get too skinny…” someone? Who?

Remember that “happy place”? Turns out, Jenna and Olive, after a huge lunch, go check on the football team´s practice.

And there, there´s where she can see his still crush, Mark. The quarterback of the team.

Both ladies took a sit on the steps and watched them play.

Olive could feel her heart beating faster as she saw Mark. He was soooo handsome. His strong jaw, his pretty eyes. His sweaty hair. He was his dream man.

“I knew this would cheer you up.” Jenna noticed Olive was acting strange. But after seeing her drive her hands to her chest in contempt, watching the jock throw the ball. She knew her friend was happy.

“You should say something to him…” Jenna said.

“I… what?” To who?

Apparently, Olive, in this new reality, is a shy girl who has never spoken to Mark. Not even say hi. She just watches him train, and that´s as far as she´s gone.

“Seriously, Olive, I´ve seen the way he looks at you. How he… checks you out.” What? Olive turned red! Mark likes her? Mark likes her HUGE shape?

This would really make sense. Olive can recall Mark talking with Jenna in the past. But she thought they were cousins, or that they had a project together. She even chose to believe that Jenna did Mark´s homework.

But that was not the case. As olive watched how Mark, so happily, spoke to Jenna every now and then, she completely ignored the way they talked. She was too lost in his perfect physique to notice his body language.

If she had paid some more attention, she would´ve noticed Mark was a bit nervous, that he was a bit eager, that he was a bit… attracted.

Mark? The jock, attracted to Jenna? What could he see on her?

However, as Jenna now explains, Mark seems to be attracted to… Olive?

“Seriously, just let me introduce you. Let me call him so that you both can chat…”

“NO!” Was Olive´s first reaction. He can´t see her like this! He´s supposed to be attracted to her sensuous curves, her trimmed waist, her form butt. Not talk to the humongous woman she currently is! No way!

“Ok, ok. Chill. I was just saying. You know. But it´s ok, take your time. But, if you ever change your mind…”

Olive was so embarrassed. He, under no circumstance, can see her like this! Never!

College was over, and then, it was time to go to her internship. But before, a quick stop to pick up some food. Apparently, Olive was going to pick up a SECOND lunch. Not something she felt proud of, but she was hungry again!

This new body of hers asks for a lot for the little work she´s been doing. On a normal day, a salad should´ve been lunch enough. But now, her second lunch was a WHOLE pizza. And not an individual size, but a large one!

To her surprise, the people at the Italian restaurant already knew her and, without her even asking, they gave Olive her “usual”. A large, meat-lovers pizza, with extra meatballs and two side dressings. Together with another huge soda.

She´s concerned. She used to drink just water. But now, she´s consuming a lot of empty calories from soda? This can´t be right.

And what was also not right, is the way things are at her internship. No one´s looking at her!

She feels… off. Before, people will turn, and even if that wasn´t her main goal, she felt proud. But now, she´s just walking there as if she didn´t existed! No one notices her, at least not as the pretty lady she was.

Now, she´s just the tall, fat woman. That´s it?

And she´s not getting all those treats she used to. They are even sending her to get coffee! One of the ladies who said she envied her body before, now told her: “It´s for your own good, you may use the little… extra steps.”

Extra steps! She? A former fit lady needing “extra steps”!!!

This was so wrong. But at least she had her job done. Done on a now too tiny desk with an extra-large chair to accommodate her extra-large butt. She felt ridiculous. She needed it, but she felt stupid.

And to think that she complaint about those people who take two sits on plains, now… she´s one of them.

Olive´s intrigued, if this is how things have been so far, how will things at the gym be? She definitely still goes to the same gym. She´s got a membership. Her question is… how will it be to go to the gym with this body…?

Being at work was awful! Everything is! Olive can´t get used to this new, larger and much heavier body! Her clothes feel tight, her chair feels tiny, and her feet… they are swollen!

“This can´t be happening…” she complaint. She went from her perfect image of a woman to… as she says, a giant, meaty, forever-single lady.

Her ideas and thoughts about what´s supposed to be the human shape, and body were a bit misplaced. And so was her attitude. Being nasty to everyone who had some more pounds on. This is her lesson!

Once she was done at the office, she went straight back home. But not begore grabbing a quick “appetizer” on the way home. A hotdog, the ones that they sell outside the office at noon.

She couldn´t believe it. She took care of counting every single calorie, and that they all came from the most healthy and natural foods. Now, her diet´s basically… junk food!

She was totally fine with eating something like pizza, burgers, fries, or a hotdog every once in a while. Like, once a month, but this! She ate all that in ONE SINGLE DAY!

And to think that she´s on a “diet”. In this new reality, she would´ve had like three hot dogs, not just one. But she knows that even one is way too much. Or is it not?

Olive just went straight back home. Opened the door, went upstairs to her room and threw herself in bed. The cheering weight of her plump 6´9” body, the impact almost broke the bed! It certainly creaked as if it had. Lucky for her, and avoiding any further embarrassment, it didn´t.

She kicked off her shoes and was ready to get to sleep. So what if it was barely 7:30? She just wants this day to be done!

Maybe she´ll wake up like the thin, sexy girl she used to be… maybe, but first…

“Olive? You´re home already?” Said her mom from outside her room´s door.

“Yes…” she replied, feeling defeated.

“Back from the gym too? Or are we skipping the gym today too?” UGH!!!

Olive got changed and went for it. Apparently, her mother´s really pushing her to lose weight. And she´s right!

Steph stood up and rapidly got changed into gym clothes. Only that, she no longer had those sexy gym outfits she used to. Now, she had… sweatpants? A spandex top, but with sweatpants? What was she, a boxer?

She grunted and just went for it. How much more embarrassment can she go through? Apparently, a lot more…

“Olive! It´s so nice to see you! How long has it been? A week?” Said his trainer. A tall, well 6´4”, tanned, and muscular man. One that used to hint on her, but now, he was talking to her as she talks with all the, as she said, fatties…

Apparently, Olive still went to the same gym. Only that… not that frequently. Plus, she wasn´t getting as much stares as she once did.

No one was gawking at her perfect figure. Her slim silhouette, or her curves- Now, she was kind of… invisible. But that´s good because, her performance, well…

To make things even worse, the first thing they did was a weight in! That´s right, the trained wanted to see how bad the “damage” has been.

“Ok, and the scale says…” He made a dramatic pause as she, in her currently monumental fleshy body, stood on the scale. Wondering if there could be a chance that the thing wasn´t right. But even if there´s a full pound difference with her actual weight, the scale still says…

“490-pounds.” Said the guy, making Olive nearly choke! She was almost five-hundredth-pounds!!! That´s like FOUR times what she used to weight!

“F-four… ninety?” Said Olive, wanting to disappear, still, she´s much taller now, so the weight´s a bit more distributed.

“Yeah, pretty nice, huh? You´re still… twelve pounds below your starter weight.” Great, so she WAS over five-hundredth. Why can´t the earth just swallowed her and end up with her nightmare.

Well, it can´t because, there´s still some work to do…

“Come on, just one… just…” Said her trainer, but she couldn´t. She couldn´t do ONE SINGLE SIT-UP!

“Hmmm, maybe we should try with a plank?” He said. But that didn´t work either.

This new body, it was bigger, yes, but it had CERO stamina. She went for the treadmill, and what used to be a fifteen-minute warm up on level 4, became a THREE-minute hell on level 2. At first, she thought the worse would be feeling her huge butt bouncing, but she was covered in sweat after ninety seconds. And just before three minutes, she was done!

Her trained came back, knowing she was the one who needed the most help. Her? A girl who used to make her own routines? Needing help?

“Ok, that´s a good job! You´ve added, how much? A whole minute? Fantastic!” He was so cheering. Well, at least he was nice.

Of course, he still flirted a bit with the ladies who had the big glutes and the trimmed waists. They had the toned bodies she once had. And that “once” was YESTERDAY! LITERALLY!

She was covered in sweat, and struggling with everything. Even weights. And she thought that those huge arms of hers would contain some muscle. It seems that supporting their own weight´s already a significant effort. She´s using ten-pound dumbbells. And she´s TIRED!

And what´s the worse thing? She´s HUNGRY! All this exercise, that has been no more than fifteen minutes, that has done nothing but making her stomach churn!

She was done. After ten more minutes, she just packed her things and left. She was all sweaty, all tired and with no hopes on achieving a thing! She may as well go eat. It seems that´s what she´s good at.

“Ugh, fine! If I´m now a fatty, I may as well enjoy, right?” with this harsh acceptance, she went straight for that thing she´s always avoided. Pastry.

But not just ANY pastry, and she wasn´t sure if it really counts as pastry. But that´s the one thing she, as a fit lady, avoided. Donuts.

She, even if she was all sweaty, entered the store and ordered a FULL dozen, for herself. That´s right, now she´ll burry her sadness in food.

She went for the donuts that had big chinks of chocolate on them. The ones that were filled with cream, with chocolate. Sprinkles, caramel, more chocolate chips. Who cares if she´s a big lady now. The one who should care for the most is her, and she doesn´t care anymore… or does she?

She went straight to her car, took a sit and, right at the parking lot, she opened the box and started eating. A huge bite to the chocolate one, and she also took the one filled with strawberry, and gave it another full bite. Yes, she was eating two donuts, full of sugar, filled with calories, at the same time, and that… that…

*cries* “This is not fair!” She´s taken such good care of her shape, and for what?

She didn´t even had the chance to let herself go! In just one night, she went from fit to fat. And not just any type of fat. She was enormous!

Massive, her butt, her tits, her waist. Even her arms! And they were not muscular, just like her thighs, they were soft and fleshy. Plump, soft mass. That´s how she felt, just like a huge mass of a woman.

She went for her ninth donut before her phone buzzed.

“Great, that must be mom, I wouldn´t blame her if she put a camera to watch what I eat…” She said, with dry tears in her eyes and her lips covered with chocolate and white, powder sugar.

She took another bite before she checked on the message she had received. And no, it wasn´t her mother, it was someone else.

“Hello. This is Mark, I don´t know if you know me. I go to the same college as you. I´m friends of Jenna too.” It was HIM, Mark, the handsome quarterback.

Mr. Perfect. Mr. Handsome. The one man she could never have. Or at least that was before…

She couldn´t believe it. But it was him. His picture was at the top, next to his number. How? Why was he texting her? She was no longer pretty, well she was pretty, but her face was… rounder. But her body, she felt like a blimp! Why was he texting her?

The message continued:

“I was wondering, if, maybe, are you free tonight?” Was he asking her out! Her? The actual her?!!!

This could´ve been some sort of prank, but she didn´t care. She needed this, for her self-esteem. However, a message from Jenna, who´s number was not saved on her phone, said:

“I gave Mark your number. He´ll text you soon. Welcome ;)” This was real. 100-prcent real.

Olive wasted no time and, with her sticky, sugar-covered, fingers, she wrote him back. Yes, she was free. All covered in sweat, but she can shower.

This was so sudden, so strange. So odd! But it was HIM, she wouldn´t ever waste a chance to go out with him. He´s still the same handsome jock she fell for since she first saw him. If there was a perfect man to her, it was him.

But, why does he want to date her? Well, the truth is, Mark´s got a type. He likes them big; he likes them thick; he likes them HEFTY. Unlike before, Olive now marks all the spots for his “taste”.

Who´d blame him for falling for tall, big, beautiful women? That´s just his type.

Olive turned on her car´s engine and rushed home. In the way back, she ate the three remaining donuts, but not in despair, she just… was a happy eater.

She ran upstairs and took a shower. In the meantime, she shared her address with mark. He said he knew a place, one Jenna had suggested.

Olive had no idea what to do, or wear, but this was it! This was her shot! She feels this could still be a prank, but she´s desperate!

She perfumed herself and dressed up. A long-sleeved blouse, one where her massive breasts were sticking out, a pair of tent-like jeans that fit tightly. And some sandals. Her feet are sore, no one can blame her for being comfortable.

He said he´ll pick her up at 10:00, and by 9:55, he was waiting outside. On his sports car. His luxurious sports car, the problem, can she fit in?

“Hi…” she said, wanting to bite her lips. That was him!

“Hi there…” he said, opening the door for her.

Before, Mark´s 6´3”, 200-pound size was big. But now… he looked a little short. Blame on her for being now 6-inches taller than him, oh, and over twice his weight.

But he didn´t mind, looking at her, in her tight clothes. He was aroused! He likes them BIG!

Her boobs, her arms, the fact that she´s taller than him. She´s a full woman! He adored the way she struggled to fit her body inside the car. Watching her massive butt being squeezed in, that had him gawking!

Olive felt a little nervous about the fact that she barely fit inside the car, but that, if she had known, made his heart race!

He had plans. She doesn´t know it, but he feels like he´s the lucky one for being on a date with her. And she feels the other way around.

He was so nervous he could barely made small-talk. He complimented her clothes, her hair, tried to compliment her whole self! Without being too weird and saying things like mentioning her boobs or ass. Or the fact that her soft body had him going.

Where did they go? Easy. A buffet. Jenna shared the place Olive loved the most. An all-you-can-eat buffet. With meat, chicken, fries, baked potatoes, and more and more helpings of the most delicious food.

She was nervous. A buffet? But she just are a full box of donuts, there´s no way…

*gggggGGRROOOWWWWLLLllll* Her stomach spoke for itself, yes, she DOES have room.

“Oh, don´t worry, I´ll get us a table. Uhm… why don´t you go ahead and pick up something?” they had already paid for the meal. She may as well just go.

Olive was feeling a bit weird. A buffer? Does he want to… stuff her? He´s not the type of man who likes fattening women, right? She´s seen things like that before. But with a body as big as hers, well, it seems she´s already had a big start.

She decided she won´t pick too much. Just a plate, just one. And not full. However, her stomach had other plans. The smell was so… amazing. So tasty, greasy, meaty, it hypnotized her to pick more than just one plate.

When she was done, she felt soooo embarrassed. She walked towards their table with TWO plates, full to the brim with layers and layers of food. Ribs, steak, potatoes, vegetables on the side, and much more!

Mark was glad she could eat. He likes them big girls. But her, Olive was red like a tomato! And maybe as round as one.

While he picked a plate, she ate half of what was in one, and then just kept going. Does she have a fill? She had no idea, during this whole day, where she has already eaten, easily ten-thousand-calories, she´s never felt full. Just… sated.

Turns out, her fill is FOUR plates full of food.

“Ugh… I´m… I´m full…” she said, sitting back on her chair as she had eaten everything she could. Her stomach was showing! But not that much, still, she felt inflated.

All that food sitting on her stomach like a huge, heavy rock! Had she made a pig of herself?

Well, Mark certainly doesn´t mind.

“Wow… she can eat…” for some reason, knowing she was bigger, and could eat way more than him, that had him delighted.

They chatted for a while, he confessed he was too shy to speak to her. That he believed she wouldn´t pay attention to a man like him.

That maybe a woman her size would pick up a much bigger man. Maybe those massive strong men. One that could match her in size.

Olive nearly cried. Of course she likes him! So much that it hurts. And it still does, knowing she´s got a better chance as a fatty than being a hot, fit woman. Oh well…

But that wasn´t the end of it. Right after they were done at the buffet, and she was full and happy. He drove them, but to HIS place. Watching all that sexy woman had him hot!

He parked at his drive way, the place was alone since, like she used to, leaves on his own apartment.

He lead her, by the hand. Feeling her soft, thick hand, a hand much bigger than his got him nervous. His hand even started to sweat!

But he couldn´t help it. She was literally the woman of his dreams! Tall, thick, big, overall, a bigger woman is what he´s looking for!

“Are you sure?” Olive asked, standing in only her underwear, right in front of Mark, who was sitting on his bed.

“Sure, don´t worry, just go ahead…” He wanted her to sit on him. Well, not on him, just to sit that massive trunk he´s been gawking at all night over his lap. He could take it.

Olive wasn´t sure, she was twice as heavy as him. But she felt so horny. His body was like… chiseled! His abs, like rock hard, and his member, she could see the big bulge inside his briefs. He´s got quite a pack.

She just stopped thinking and let herself go. Of course, not all at once, slowly, but still. Mark could feel her heavy body, and yes, she was to heavy. But he´ll take it. Wrapping his arms around that round butt, that killing ass.

He loved it, the feeling of a big, heavy, soft woman on top of him. But this was just the beginning.

“Ok…” she said, enjoying the feeling, they were now both naked. Something she´s always dreamt of, having sex with the most handsome man. He was like craved out of marble. But her… she felt like gelatine. But for some reason, he likes it.

What does he want now? For her to be on top.

Mark wanted her sexy body to be on top of his. To feel her soft, luscious body over him. Watching her naked was a treat! Her boobs were humongous! Her hips were so wide! And her massive thighs, carrying a squashing butt.

But, for some reason, her soft stomach had him allured. He wanted to feel that soft, full belly over him, while her breasts smother his face.

The biggest, and softest pair of tits, on the tallest and thickest woman he´s ever seen. Yes, this was a fantasy, a fantasy that had come true.

Olive may think of this as a nightmare, a flip on her reality. But, even after all the hell she went through, it turns out, Mark likes her new self.

As she smothers him with her soft body. As she pins him down to bed while they let themselves fall to the arms of passion, he likes her.

Her fat, her size, the fact that she´s taller, heavier, overall bigger than him. And, if he likes it, if he likes the fatty she is, well… if that gets them to be together, maybe this is not that bad after all.

In the end, everything’s the same, right? The only difference is that she´s a 6´9”, 490-pound woman. Plus, she´s got the love of the man she´s fantasized of. In the end, it´s a fair trade, right?



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