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Chapter 28

Larry was feeling sick in his stomach. He was feeling a void, growing inside him. He felt hot out of a sudden, then, he felt his surroundings cold. Not because of the shrinking, it was, and has always been this strange, but solid, feeling.

Now, Larry felt as if the world was falling, all over him. Everything seemed bigger, taller. All things around him started looming higher and higher.

He turned at the ceiling, only to realize it was much taller. His perception was so messed up now. Four inches, he lost four whole inches! Larry went from 4´3” to 3´11.

He wanted to look away, but away from what? Anything could remind him of his situation. Any single thing he could use to compare sizes, he´ll find it unpleasant.

He didn´t even wanted to look at people, he just walked, fast, all the way back to his office. Looking with the corner of his eye how everyone was just taller, every single person there.

Larry´s feeling fearful. He had officially crossed the four-foot-mark. That´s right, he´s even an inch below that. This can´t be right, this can´t be happening!

And all thanks to Cathy, Evangeline should be fair and punish Cathy too. Well, maybe the angel put her there as some sort of test. But no one ever said there would be pop quizzes for his, well, his process of learning how to be more respectful towards women. That´s the easiest way to put it.

Now, Larry is on his way to the office, still with his phone in hand. He didn´t even bothered to say goodbye to Nellie, and that, well, that will have a, not quite consequence, but something will happen.

He rushed through the halls, he wanted to sprint, escape and look for shelter on the intimacy of his office, at least there he won´t have to be worried of who might spot him. Not even Cathy has seen he´s, well, shrunken.

Larry made his way, he didn´t even cared if people noticed him. He had no time to speak to them. No time to give any explanations. Everyone knows this “condition” he has; one that was all made up. But if he was to say that this was part of a divine punishment from an angel, well, they will think he´s mental or something.

As soon as he found his office´s door, he just let go of his inhibitions and ran. More like jogged, he rushed to the door, not even greeting Violet when he passed her by. But she did notice him.

“Oh, h… hi?” She noticed, of course she noticed.

Violet could hear his steps, rushing, and then, she saw him, running to the door as if it was urgent. He didn´t even greeted her, he just ran, and all she could see was a slightly smaller form. She knew it, he shrank again. Noticeably.

Larry closed the door behind him, safe, he was safe. However…

The next thing he heard, aside of his heavy breathing, was Violet´s phone. Someone called her. And there shouldn´t be any problem with that. She´s not the type of person who´s on the phone all day, the thing is, the conversation she had.

“Oh, hi!” A greeting, followed by: “Larry? Yes, he´s actually at his office, he just got here.” This person was asking for him, “Strange? Well, now that you mention it…” yes, he shrank, again!

Everyone´s so worried about him. And there shouldn´t be a problem about it. These people are just being considerate, however… if he had a regular “condition” or something as common as the flu. Something temporary, then things would be fine, but the thing is, this, so far, seems to be permanent.

He can´t see the end of it, and he´s tired! Everyone´s being way too attentive, they care, but this is a bit too much. Much more when, apparently, his opinion doesn´t matter…

“Wow, four inches. That´s a lot.” Said Violet, the 6´2” woman looking like an absolute amazon before him. But that made sense, his eyes were almost leveled with her hips. That´s right, Larry is about hip-level with the beautiful, and longer, Violet.

“FOUR! Larry, what´s the matter? Are you stressed?” That was the voice of the other person that was at the phone with Violet, and who was also at the phone with him. Nellie.

She felt something was wrong when she heard him arguing with someone at the other end of the line. She´s not sure who that was, but he was mad, she could perceive it in his voice. And, that can cause stress, which, as he explained, triggers his shrinking. It doesn´t, directly, but if he gets mad, then he´ll say thing he really doesn’t mean. And, well, that may cost him some inches.

“It was that other person, right? The one you argued with before. Who was it? It´s a woman, right? Why don´t you give me her name, I´ll have a chat with her.” Nellie was mad, she will not tolerate someone messing up with Larry.

“Wait, someone´s messing with him?” Asked Violet. “Who is it, Larry? You know that we can handle it, I can send the report to Mrs. Davis if you want…” Oh no, now everything´s taking these unpleasant twists.

But, maybe getting Cathy fired wouldn´t be so bad.

Next thing he knows, both gigantic ladies are having a chat on their own. He´s the main topic, but he feels left aside. Well, he´s below boob level, even with Nellie who´s 5´8”, plus her two-inch heels.

Both women are looming above him as they seem to be taking decisions for him.

“This is not ok. He´s ill, why can´t people be… considerate? It´s not fair.” Nellie was upset, really upset.

“I know. This is already too hard for him, he doesn´t need any people messing up with him.” Violet added.

Yes, they are officially talking about him as if he, well, wasn´t there…

“So, Larry, who is this woman?” Nellie could hear he was arguing with a woman.

“Well…” so, now he´s back to the conversation? This isn´t fun, he feels pathetic.

So now, he´ll have these two women, sort of… fighting for him? He´s a man, a grown man, he can fight his battles. Even if it´s something as simple as sending someone straight to hell. Oh well, life changes…

“Cathy?” Asked Violet.

“Who´s Cathy?” Said Nellie, looking at Violet.

“She´s the head of H.R.”

“Shit, really? Isn´t H.R. supposed to be… like the office´s role model? Put the example? Or some shit like that?”

“She… not exactly, but yes, she shouldn´t be doing this.” Said Violet, “Also, you should avoid that type of language in the office, you know.”

“Sorry, but I´m soooo MAD. I mean, what did he do to deserve this? Larry, what did you do? Because, while I was talking on the phone with him, I literally heard this… Cathy, starting the whole thing.” That wasn’t a lie.

“She did?” Violet knew Cathy had some beef with him, but she had no idea it was quite like this.

“Yes. I think she said something about him using his phone. And then she went all nasty about it.”

This went on for a while…

In the end, two things happened, number one, Violet send a report to Mrs. Davis. And two, Nellie, well, she will help on her own way.

“I´ll stay with you until we leave, and don´t worry, I have nothing better to do today so… I´ll make sure this Cathy doesn´t mess up with you again. And when I start working here, I´ll do the same. I´ll kind of escort you in and out from your office.” That was a drastic change.

“And I´ll make sure he´s taken care of while he´s at his office.” Added Violet.

Great, this was great. Note the sarcasm on the words. Now Larry is literally under the care of Nellie and Violet. Simply… nice.

He´s a grown, 28-year-old-man, and he´s sure both are younger than him. This makes him feel… pathetic.

“Aww, come on, don´t be so mad. They are just trying to help.” Said Evangeline, inside his mind.

“This is your fault. This is your fault. This is YOUR fault!” he repeatedly thought.

This was so embarrassing! He´s not as needy as they think! And to make thing worse, if Cathy doesn´t get fired, she´ll be soooo pissed. But it´s her fault, she started it.

Why couldn´t she just hate him in silence. Ignore him. That´s it. Pretty much what everyone does with that annoying neighbor. He would be the annoying co-worker. One she really never has to see. Still, she let it all out. Was she having a bad day or something? That was quite strange.

This was just what he needed. Now Nellie and Violet will treat him as if he needed some sort of protection. Why? Because they seem to believe that any confrontation will make him shrink.

And they did. As days went by, Nellie started working there, at the office, at his same floor. Like one of his direct employees. She literally walked by him and dropped him at his office.

Apparently, it´s not humiliating enough that she forbids him from driving his own car, she also needs to walk him to his office.

But that was not the worst part of it, that Friday, she had a meeting, with Mrs. Davis, and also with Cathy. That´s right, to make this week even worse, he´ll have to face Cathy, again.

“Life sucks.” He stated, as the elevator kept going.

“Oh, come on, life´s so good! At least your job doesn´t imply checking on thousands of humans. But I can´t really tell if that’s bad, I can´t get tired, physically or mentally so…” Said Evangeline.

Larry just grunted.

“Come on, don´t be so mad. Maybe you´ll get a chance to redeem yourself.”

“Redeem? What the fuck have I done to deserve her hate?”

“Maybe she didn´t appreciate the old you…” Sure, blame it all in him.

Just as he expected, things were awkward. VERY awkward. He felt as if he was surrounded by amazons! Cathy was HUGE! And Mrs. Davis was also huge.

Their bodies seemed ticker, and that also made their boobs much, well, bigger. But right now he can´t focus on that. He needs to deal with something first, well, more like Cathy needs to deal with something.

“This is your second warning. I don´t want to give you a third one.” Said Mrs. Davis. Somehow, Larry feels as if she was on his side. That´s good, right? Well, apparently that makes Cathy more upset.

“Come on, we just had a small argument. I don´t see why it is ME who always gets punished. What about him?!” Cathy didn´t like this. But Violet´s report was very clear, with all details on it.

“Come on, look at him, Larry wouldn´t do something like that. And the report clearly states you started it.”

“So you´re taking his word above mine?”

Mrs. Davis looked straight at Cathy, and with all of the authority in her voice, in a very serious way, she said: “Did you not start it?”

“Well… I did but… ugh, I was having such a hard day, and… and I´m sure he´s having it so easy.”

“Why? Because you think…” Mrs. Davis made a pause, read the report and added: “He´s my “favorite” employee? Hmm? That´s what you implied the other day.

“Fine. Just give me the warning so that I can get out of here.”

“Sure, but first, you must apologize.” Added Mrs. Davis. Not really liking Cathy´s sour attitude.


She heard it, she must apologize to him. Which will only make things worse. This is something she surely doesn´t want to do. But that´s the rules Mrs. Davis out.

“In order for me to know this won´t happen, and to promote a friendly work environment, I´m going to need you to apologize. Go ahead. You disrespected him, now, make amends.” Cathy rolled her eyes. This was so frustrating.

“Listen,” she turned at Larry, who was amazed by how much bigger, mightier, and meaner, Cathy looked. But he was owed an apology so… there´s no reason for him to be afraid. “Larry, I´m… sorry.” She said.

“For…?” Added Mrs. Davis, she wanted an apology, and that was barely one.

Cathy took a deep breath, and then, she added: “I´m sorry for being disrespectful. I was mean, and I acknowledge it.”

“And…?” Once again, Mrs. Davis.

“AND, this should never happen again.” This was so stupid, but she was the boss so… her words are rule.

“See, it wasn´t that bad? Was it? Now, Lawrence, do you accept her apology? Do you think she was being sincere?” She was so kind around him.

“Sure, she… seems sincere.” Sincerely enraged, but that´s her problem.

“Ok, now, can I leave? I´ve got a lot of work to do.”

“Sure, dear, you may leave. But remember, be respectful at your coworkers.”

“I will…” and Cathy was gone.

Larry was about to follow, but he was giving her enough time to get on the elevator before him, so that this wouldn´t happen again.

The last thing he needs now is to lose any more of his height. That would not be funny, at all.

Larry stood up, looking at the door, and just before he gave more than two steps, Mrs. Davis easy, sweet voice called for him.

“Lawrence, where are you going? You and I are not done here…” He swallowed.

“Uhm… we´re not?”

“No, sir. You may not know it but… I´ve been full all morning…” Said his mature, and extremely busty boss as she started removing her clothes.

Her blazer, then her blouse, and then, he could see her large bra, with huge stains of milk right over her hard nipples.

Larry can´t believe his eyes. While standing, Mrs. Davis looks so much bigger! She´s wearing two inch-heels, making the boss 5´9”, that´s almost two feet taller than him.

Mrs. Davis is so hot. Her slim waist, her wide, matronal hips, and those big, hefty breasts. They are huge, they look heavy, and still, they are so firm and tender. Being full only adds some more to her already impressive rack.

She then removed her bra, revealing her big, full breasts. With a light stream of milk coming from her nipples.

Just as she was dripping on the floor, she said to him, “Come.” Using her index finger to call him.

Larry knew there was no way he could say no. He was afraid there could be consequences, but in reality, he wanted to suck on those breasts.

By now, Mrs. Davis boobs were a bit taller than him. In order to reach, he had to stand on his tip toes. Only then he could suck on the boss´s huge, full breasts.

“Mmmm, I hope you´re hungry, cause I´m soooo full…” Mrs. Davis liked to have a man sucking on her tits, and Larry, well, he can´t say he doesn´t like big boobs so, everyone wins in the end, right?

There he was, all over a pair of boobs that were bigger than his head. Drinking straight from the boss´s tit. He knows he should get used to this, because there´s no chance she´ll stop.

Once more, he wonders, why is she lactating? Why does she have him sucking on her? And, most of all, why does he enjoy it?

Is it because he gets a chance to leer at her naked breasts? Is it because her boobs are the biggest? Is it because of the taste of her milk?

Warm, creamy, tasty even. There´s no way he´ll ever get to enjoy this, but at least he gets some action. Even if it´s just touching her breasts. Her soft, fleshy, massive breasts.

“So cute… maybe the next time I can sit you on my lap. I´m sure you´ll fit nicely…” Her words are not quite what he wants to hear, but maybe they are true.

Women are just getting bigger and bigger. Officially, all women look like amazons before him. That´s not quite what he wants, but at least, they all look sexier.

He´s not completely sure if it´s because of the size, but everyone´s looking thicker, and with that, their boobs look bigger, fleshier, sexier. All women look monumental now.

Larry wonders, is this what Evangeline wants? For him to acknowledge all women as imposing amazons? Women who he must look up to?

A man who will comply, who will easily give into the orders of any woman. His shrinking is making them all look mightier, authoritative even. Tall, big beings that are much stronger than him.

The main goal is to make him respect women, but should he really shrink in order to achieve that?

Nowadays, it seems as if all of his actions had consequences. If he doesn´t listen, he´ll get shrunk. If he insults, he´ll get shrunk. Every single time he fails to do something, even when everyone else does the same, he´ll get punished.

This seems unfair, but that´s the way things are for him now. There´s no point on complaining. Even if he just thinks about it, Evangeline will know.

She´ll find out, and nothing will really change. In the end, he´s into this until she says so. Living your life knowing you´re, in a way, under the control of this omnipotent being, one that´s always there when you mess up, it´s a living hell.

But at least he came to realize something, those people who are around him, they are because they care. Violet, Nellie, and Even Mrs. Davis. They all, in their own particular ways, care. And that´s nice to know.

“So, how was everything up there?” Asked Nellie, who was waiting for him right out the elevator. He´s seeing her much often now that she works there.

“Oh, well, you know… everything worked out fine…” he replied.

“Even with that, ugh, nasty Cathy? Did she complaint?” Nellie said, a bit sour in her voice.

“Well, she apologized. But yeah, it seems she didn´t liked it too much.”

“I´m sure she didn´t. So… I´m on my lunch break, wanna join me at the cafeteria?” Nellie asked.

“Oh, I´d love to, but… I´m not so hungry…” He said, he was full, with milk.

“What? You´re not hungry? Are you feeling ok?”

“Yeah, totally, I… I had a little… something upstairs. Uhm, Mrs. Davis shared some… food with me.” There´s no need for Nellie to know what exactly he ate, or drank.

“Oh, ok. No problem, I´ll meet you later then. But first, I´ll walk you to your office.” It was a success she didn´t walk him to the meeting.

“Sure… why not.” He replied, wondering if he´ll ever grow back to his 6´1”…



Wow Slowly and steadily Nellie becoming more more close in his life…like a Perfect mommy for him…


Great chapter. Mrs. Davis is also a great character.


Yeah, Nellie's taken a greater role in his life. Or at least showing up more