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I promised a surprise last week and... well, it´s split in two. Surprise #1, this chapter is fully focused on muscle growth! And, for surprise #2... you´ll see next week ;D

Chapter 3

Ray was asleep, today, it seemed as if he was finally getting used to his new routine. He was finally about to sleep in late. At least until 9:00 am, however, there was a noise. Something coming from the… kitchen?

His eyes were rapidly open to this unpleasant sound. Dishes, the fridge, and then, a blender?

“Who would be using the blender at…” he turned at the alarm clock, just to realize it was… “7:00 am?!” The answer, it was pretty obvious.

He turned to the other side of the bed, and what did he found? Well, more like, who didn´t he found? Milly wasn´t there. He wanted to be mad, but the truth is, he was curious about her new changes.

Fit, firm, sexy, hot. That´s all he wanted. Why would she be out of bed so early? Well, she´s certainly getting something to eat, that´s for sure.

It´s a fact that people who have a more active life, those who practice sports, wake up earlier. Having more time of the day to dedicate it to, some other thing. Work, their regular habits, etcetera.

Ray woke up, a bit upset, he woke up earlier than the day before, but as long as he can see a hotter Milly, it will be worth it.

He kept walking, making his way to the kitchen. Listening to the sound of the blender going off and then the sound of a glass, being placed on the counter.

He kept going until he finally saw her. Milly, drinking whatever she had blend. That thing was green, thick, and, even disgusting, but that doesn´t matter. What has Ray´s attention right now is Milly. She´s tall! And built!

Right now, Milly stands much taller than yesterday. Much taller than him. And, certainly, much stronger. His wish came true, now, his girlfriend´s not skinny, in fact, she´s a solid, sexy 6´4” amazon. Who weights about 240 pounds, most of muscle.

“Hi!” she said, after putting down the glass she drank in one go. “Good morning!” Ray couldn´t believe it. He could see some biceps on her arms, biceps that were surely bigger than his.

Her boobs were big, but with a really firm-look under the sports bra she wore. Beneath that, he could see a six-pack of abs. ABS! He doesn´t have more than two visible ab marks, and she´s got the whole six?!

She´s wearing this tiny shorts, well, they look more like a big pair of panties. Holding up a thick, strong butt, over a pair of thick, swollen thighs. She looks so mighty. Her body is not just muscular but, ripped too?

Milly looks so strong, it´s even intimidating. And the fact that she´s now four whole inches taller than him, well, that gives her that amazon look. She looks like a warrior. She´s kind of tanned too.

All of the changes are maybe because of her more active life. She actually woke up at 5:00 am, went for a run, and now, she´s drinking her green juice. Right before she hits the gym, and then, she´ll come back for a more elaborate breakfast. That´s right, his formerly skinny girlfriend´s on a 10k diet. Crazy, right?

“I didn´t woke you up, right?” she asked, putting the glass down and walking towards him. “Aww, did I wake up my cute boyfriend? Hmm? Am I a mean girlfriend for waking up my boyfriend on his vacations?” She hugged him, she seemed to be telling the truth. She was, in fact, being considerate.

However, the truth was not as solid as her body. As she hugs him, literally pulling HIM into her rock-hard abs, he can feel how strong she really is. She´s… though. And the size difference only makes her look much more imposing.

Has he made the right choice? Making her so strong? Well, at least she´s considerate.

“So…” she started, stepping back and driving her hands behind her back. The looks of her, she seems to be posing. Even her shoulders are rounder and stronger. “Now that you´re up… wanna go to the gym with me?”

Was that a real question? Well, he will certainly feel self-conscious next to her. He´s not fat, but compared to her, he´s unathletic. However, a chance to look at her body while she works out? He wants to see that fit butt in action.

“Sure!” He replied, just enjoying the moment.

“Really! Oh, Ray, I´m so happy!” All those times she asked him, and all those times he said no. But now he wanted! That was music to her ears!

“Ok, let me grab my things, oh, and probably you´d want to pack some things too. You know, some clothes for after, a water bottle. A towel. We´re going to have so much fun!” she was so excited that she literally reached for him and, out of pure joy, lift him up.

He was amazed for how easy this seemed to her. A question came to him, how much can she bench? He´s like 176-pounds, and she´s picking him up like, well, nothing.

Maybe he turned her into a powerlifter without noticing. Strong, athletic, but not too big. Certainly, described a female powerlifter. Well, maybe not completely, but apparently his desire fell for that.

“Oops, sorry, I know you don´t like that.” What? Doesn´t like that? So… she´s done it before? What else will happen here?

Ray wonders, now that he´s turned her into one, how would it be to have a tall, strong woman for a girlfriend? She´s certainly not skinny anymore. However, doesn´t this make him the… skinny one?

This makes it clear, now, he´s the weak one. And the short one. At 6-foot-tall, he´s… feeling small next to her. But that shouldn´t be a problem… right?

Ray´s unsure on how to take things. The norms are, men are taller, men are stronger; at least in a regular relationship. Well, more like an average relationship. However, not all women are dating a man who, apparently, is capable of changing their physiques as he wishes.

And there´s something else that´s kind of… bothering him? Well, it´s not quite something that bothers him, more like strange him. Everyone around, at least the people at the gym, they seem to know Milly, as the tall, strong woman she is. Why?

Oh, right. Because he changes her so that she´s always been this way. Therefore, the Milly from yesterday never existed in another time that wasn´t yesterday. That applies to the Milly from the day before, and the day before that one. Now that he thinks about it, that applies, even, for the original Milly. Is that bad? Has he erased the woman he loved from existence?!

Well, not quite, she´s standing right there, next to him. Tall, muscular, thick. Strong-thick.

Milly went straight to the main counter and got him a free trial for today. And, well, that was the easy part.

“Come, let´s do some cardio first…” She seemed happy, apparently, he´s the lazy one?

Milly certainly seems anxious to get him out of his sedentary, office life. And, make him a more active person.

He just followed the muscular woman inside the gym. And he was amazed, the place was huge!

Ray has passed by this gym several times before; of course, he never really stepped in, but it certainly seemed enormous from the outside. And it was!

The place was full of a lot of equipment. He could recognize the weights, power towers (which he called the tubes to do pull-ups), benches, mirrors… and the treadmills he was sure they were going to use. However, there were a ton of other, more sophisticated, equipment he had no idea what they were for.

“Ok, treadmills are right here, now, I know you´re not so… athletic,” ouch, hearing that from Milly was… logical. Compared to her, he´s a marshmallow, “therefore… we´ll start simple. You´ll go into the machine, fifteen minutes, on level… four.” Four? That thing goes up to ten, he can´t be all the way down to four!

“Come on, Milly. I think I can do better than that… how about a… what do you usually do?” He wouldn´t say ten, he´s not crazy.

“Well, to warm up, I go for seven… sometimes six, if I´m feeling lazy.” Seven? Well, he can take that, right?

“Sure! Let´s go for a seven!” He said, feeling confident.

“Are you sure?” Her face reveal she knew he couldn´t take it. “Isn´t that a bit… too much? Why don´t you go for level four? Maybe… five?” Just one level up? How hard can it be?

“Come on, five? Don´t you think I´m capable of…” her face said no, and then, she moved her face from one side to the other. No, she knows he can´t.

“I mean, I´m not saying five´s too much, but during FIFTEEN minutes… don´t you wanna go for level four?” Even level three could be enough for him.

Ray felt… bad. This tall, hot amazon of his girlfriend doesn´t believe he can do it? She´s not really showing support.

Well, she is, but she´s more like taking care of him. Making sure the exercise´s fun, not torture. Besides, this is his first day. Milly knows he´ll be death sore by tomorrow if he tries to goo too fast.

“It´s supposed to be fun, not hard. Besides, it´s just the warm-up… but if you want to go for five… let´s stretch first.” Fine, she´ll give, but this is on him. If he can´t take it, well…

Ray felt proud, he´ll prove her. Show her that just because she´s taller, with longer legs, probably stronger muscles, and surely more stamina, it doesn´t mean he´s… well, he is two levels below her. And he´s not even sure if he will make the full fifteen minutes. Is his pride… hurt because he´s dating a tall, athletic woman? Does he feel… inferior?

It certainly seems he´s got something to prove.

Ray chose not to care. He wasn´t feeling inferior. He was just… pushing himself? Well, he was certainly showing her he was stronger than he looks. Ok, maybe he is protecting his pride, but what can he do? He´s a 6´ man dating a 6´4”, muscular goddess.

At first, things were easy… well, the stretching was easy. He hasn´t gotten to the treadmill yet, first, some stretching.

Standing next to Milly, while she stretches her strong body is… awesome. First her arms, stretching them all the way, using her other arm to push them. She stretched her big biceps, her thick triceps and warmed up her shoulders.

Most times, her big breasts stuck out, as she took deep breaths, as she stretched her arms behind her back, those big, firm breasts were at his full display. He had to be careful, he´s wearing shorts, a boner can be easily seen with those.

The next part didn´t made things any easy. Not for his member of the stretching. She stretched her legs, and WOW, was she flexible? She pulled her thick, strong leg all the way up, behind her, way above her head. Just like a gymnast. Only that she was, well, much taller and muscular.

Of course he couldn´t do most of what she did, she stretched her hamstrings for a while. But, when she bent, he could see her big, thick, round ass from behind. So massive, all muscle, and yet, so round.

She´s in a level where her boobs and butt look round, sexy, not just muscular. She´s a hottie, a big, strong hottie.

After they were done stretching, and he was done staring at her beautifully muscular body, it was time for the treadmill.

“Ok, three, four… five. Your treadmill´s on level five. To start it, just push on this button, and if you want to pause it, it´s the same button, ok?” He was already over the treadmill, and her head was almost leveled with his. She was really tall now.

“Pause it? Pfft, I can do it, ok? I´ll go the full fifteen minutes, without even breaking in sweat, you´ll see.” She doesn´t feel so sure about it.

She clicked another button and set up the chronometer. “Ok, those are fifteen minutes. Whenever you feel ready, you can start.”

“Sure thing!” His smile revealed confidence, however, was he really going to go fifteen minutes? Has he ever done anything physical for fifteen minutes straight? Well, it´s too late to back down.

Ray waited for Milly to set up the treadmill next to his, to finish at the same time. And once she was done, both clicked the start button.

He walked, then jogged, this was easy. He just had to speed up a little. Breathe in, breathe out. Make sure not to fall, it wasn´t so hard.

Milly´s treadmill was set on level 7, and there was a significant difference. He glanced at her, looking at her long legs going, and going. Milly was wearing a pair of shorts, not the tight type, too bad, however, she was certainly filling those up with her swelling thighs.

He could see the massive muscularity on her thighs bouncing with each step. How thick were those thighs? Certainly much thicker than his, maybe… twice as thick? No way, right?

Milly´s just so thick now. In all of the right places, a trimmed waist, he can see her abs, flexing as she runs, sticking out as she breathes out. And, above that six pack, her boobs.

She´s just wearing a sport´s bra, a purple one, and her boobs, oh, they are bouncing. Going up and falling heavily as she keeps going. It´s so alluring, so teasing, just sexy. It doesn´t matter if she seems capable of beating him up, her body is fleshy, hefty, sexy.

However, he needs to focus on his own work out.

“Oh!” he almost trips, all because he´s staring at her.

“Careful there…” Milly said while she kept going. Still, turning at him, to make sure he doesn´t fall.

“Sure… heh…” That was embarrassing. Luckily, no one saw him.

Ray kept going, he was sure those fifteen minutes will fly, but… they didn´t. He was getting tired, already breathing through his mouth to pull more air in. And there were still eleven more minutes on the machine. Maybe she was right, maybe level four would’ve been easier. But it was too late, it was a matter of pride.

Next to him, Milly was doing great. Less than five minutes had gone, and she was taking things really easy.

By minute 8, she was still the same, same rhythm, same breathing, same pose, everything. But him… Ray was starting to sweat, and he could feel his heart pumping up more blood to his body. His heartbeat had sped up. The question is, was Milly the same? Or was this just a walk in the park for her?

“You can stop if you want, it´s been ten minutes.” Milly said, noting he seemed tire.

“W-wha…? No… I… I´m fine…” Ray couldn´t really talk, he was losing breath. His legs felt on fire, his stomach too. His shoulders felt kind of tired. He was exhausted, but he must go on. He must. He… needs a break.

Before he reached minute 11, he paused the machine.

“I need… a… minute…” He inhaled and exhaled deeply. He needed to catch his breath.

“No problem.” Replied Milly, fully dry while he was all covered in sweat! His shirt had a huge stain of sweat all over his back, and all over his chest. And beneath his armpits, but her, she seemed as fresh as ever.

Ok, maybe she´s… superior. At least she´s not making fun of him.

Turns out, he couldn´t recover. By the time Milly was done with her fifteen minutes, he was still trying to recover. By now, he was just drinking water from his bottle.

“Why don´t we move on to something… steadier?” Milly said. To what he just nodded.

Turns out the “steady” exercise was weights. First, bench press. Her warm up was fifty-pounds on each side. Isn´t that funny? Her warm-up is to put her former weight at the bar. Well, plus the bar itself, which is about… another 45-pounds! She´s warming up with one-fifty. That´s really something.

Ray could see how she didn´t even struggle with that. Her arms only went up, then slowly down, then up! And down. In the end, she made ten reps.

“I´ll take it from here.” He said.

“You sure?” Again, was she underestimating him?

“Sure.” Well… easier said than done. That was a lot! For someone who can barely pull twenty push-ups in a row, trying to lift one-hundredth-fifty-pounds is a LOT!

After seeing how much he struggled to make one, she had some advice. She stood behind him, took the weights and placed them on the bench.

“Why don’t you do some… push-ups instead. It works out the same muscle group.” He feels as if he´s not capable of meeting her.

She added another twenty pounds on each side, and pulled another ten reps. Then, she added another twenty. And so on. In the end Milly was lifting 220-pounds. Her whole face was red, veins were all over her neck. Her arms were trembling a little.

She had another guy watching her, to catch the weight if she couldn´t take it. A much stronger man than Ray. Meanwhile, Ray was away, in a different area, working with his own weight.

Milly did like five sets of ten reps, while he, well, he barely made forty push-ups. He was starting to feel weak.

He gave up and just went for the easiest exercises. All while watching her pull up a ton of weight. She made pull-ups with weights, sit ups with weights, she worked on her abs, carrying a 45-pound weight plate. She worked on her biceps, triceps, shoulders, and then, she worked on her quads.

Her body, swelling with the exercise, she looked bigger! Her arms looked thicker; her legs looked stronger. And him, well… he´s covered in sweat.

“So… did you have fun?” Said Milly, coming at him, finally using the towel to remove some sweat from her forehead. After THREE hours of lifting things he´ll never, EVER, be able to handle.

“Well… I… I´m not sure if gym´s my thing…” He admitted.

“Aww, come on, don´t feel bad. Let me see…” she said, wrapping her hand over his bicep and squeezing it a bit. “Uh, someone feels… buff.” That must be a lie, it´s her who feels rock-hard, not his tiny biceps.

“Why don´t we go home, I´m done here. Besides… I could use some extra cardio…” she said, in a very teasing way.

That can only mean one thing, she wants sex. Finally!

He drove home, while she ate half a pound of rice and a full pound of chicken breast in the car. It seems she needs to eat after working out. Oh well, he knows nothing about diets, or work out. But one thing´s for sure, he wants he!

Sex was… different. She´s so energetic, so strong, so… determined. She took the lead. She literally threw him into the bed and then, threw herself over him. Lucky for him, she placed her hands on his sides to stop the fall, else, she would´ve squashed him.

Then, she removed his clothes. Literally ripped them off of him, and then, she ripped off hers.

Milly´s body was so… sculpted. So muscular, almost chiseled. And so passionate too.

When she kissed him, he could feel her big tongue entering his mouth, she was so carnal, so lusty. So passionate.

His member was so hard for her, and she noticed. She lost no time and went straight into action. Inserting his member on her tight pussy, then, they fucked, over and over.

He came, but she wasn´t done. She wanted more, and more. The tall amazon was insatiable! Strong! In the lead. He felt as if he was there just to please her. Like a toy. A toy in the hands of a big, strong woman.

He came like five times, he was spent, lucky for him, she climaxed too. Thankfully.

In the end, she was ecstatic, and him, well, he felt mangled. Because of the work-out and now, because of the sex. Her body is hot, but so though. She´s got quite some energy, but maybe it´s too much energy.

He needs a break. Milly´s hot, but her muscles… maybe, what if she was softer? Thick, yes, but not so strong-looking. Voluptuous, but not so shredded. She can be lazy even, that doesn´t matter. He just wants a plushy body with some big boobs to play with.

Every inch of this woman´s though, solid. How about making her… doughy?



Bigger! Stronger! Taller!! Great chapter :)