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Chapter 20

“Yes…” Larry replied, feeling depressed. He felt just like everything they said about him, small, weak, like nothing.

Even after Evangeline´s explanation, he didn´t feel any relieve. She said someone cared, but that doesn´t mean everyone does. He´s still, for most, a freak of nature. One who everyone will laugh about, one who they will tease. If some had already done that today, this may as well increase from now. His life was ruined.

The doorknob turned, and the Violet stepped in. He turned way up at her, since he was sitting on the floor. The pretty, long-legged, sexy Violet. He wondered, was she the one who cares?

“Here you are…” she said, with some relieve on her tone.

“Hi…” he replied as he just turned at the floor, he just wanted to be alone, but he can´t kick her out. That would be rude, and he´ll be setting away the wrong person.

Violet stepped in, closed the door behind her and took a couple small steps towards him before she bent over and sat on his side.

“I´m sorry for the way everyone acted out there,” she started.

“Why are you sorry? It´s not your fault I´m a midget no one respects…” he answered, looking away with sad eyes.

“Don’t say that! You´re not… you´re ill, ok? This is not your fault. They should be more considerate towards you. Specially those people who chose to speak only to molest you. But don´t worry, I already have their names…” she wasn´t lying, she was just about to send written warnings to everyone, but she´d love to fire their asses.

Larry turned back at Violet, even while sitting, he was barely at her shoulder level. He looked up at her pretty eyes, wondering if she´s the one who cares. By the way she´s saying things, she does seem to.

“Thanks…” he smiled at her and she smiled back.

Violet couldn´t help but to feel sorry for him. He´s shrinking and everyone´s treating him as if he was some sort of joke. She can tell he´s been crying, or about to cry. His eyes are red, and teary. However, there´s no marks of tears on his face. But making a grown man cry, that´s not nice.

She extended her long arm, wrapped it around him, putting her big hand on his shoulder, and pulled him into her. She pulled him and he landed almost on her breast. He shook a little.

“Listen, as your assistant, it is my job to help you. But… as a friend, let me know if you need a shoulder where to cry, and I´ll be there…” her words, kind, sweet, genuine.

He looked up at the gigantic woman, her tender words were right. They felt right. She said she was a friend, that´s good, right? He could use a friend nowadays.

However, the tension in the air was palpable. What was going to happen now? He wondered if she´ll kiss him. A hug where he gets smothered by her tits? In the best scenario, sex? He was pinned to her right side, she felt so warm, she smelled so sweet, so nice.

Violet was nice, a good lady. All this time, she was the one who, instead of looking at him as some sort of creep, she accepted this “condition” of his. For someone like her, it was kind of a dream come true. However, she was always nice about it, kind to him.

Maybe she´s the one who cares…

Larry laid his head onto her, and just relaxed for a moment. He closed his eyes and chose to be vulnerable, what´s more, he chose Violet to be his shelter.

She simply placed her hand over his head and started massaging it. Gently, kindly, softly. If he wants to lay on her in silence, then so be it.

It was a peaceful moment, with him laying on the amazon. He felt good, he felt… protected. He didn´t like it when he felt vulnerable, but with a friend like Violet. If she allows him to do this, then he knows everything will be fine. So far, things were quiet, easy, until…

*buzz* *buzz*

“Sorry, that´s my phone.” Said Violet as she reached for her cell phone. It was a text message, well, actually a couple.

Larry didn´t pay much attention to it. Whoever it was, it may not be that important, but it was. And what´s more, it was concerning to him.

Violet read and replied to the messages, new messages arrived immediately. Larry could feel the rapid movements of her thumbs as she wrote back. Who was it?

But he was soon to find that out. After, maybe five minutes, Violet put her phone down, turned at him and told him.

“Larry, how do you feel?”

“Well… fine, better!” he replied, what was this about? It seemed like one of those questions someone makes right before they need to move on somewhere else, and that includes you, that´s why they ask.

“I´m glad. Now, Mrs. Davis just texted me. She´d like us to meet her upstairs. But only if you´re feeling like it, tell me, do you want to go up? Or would you like to stay here with me?” The boss? Well, he better go, whatever she´s got in mind, it may be important.

“Well, I´m… I feel better, we can get going if you like.” He smiled. Feeling glad his opinion mattered.

However, he ignores Mrs. Davis was the one concerned about his emotional state.

In a matter of minutes, they were inside the elevator, and then, they were entering Mrs. Davis office.

She seemed to be busy, writing some stuff on her computer. But when they stepped in, she turned and set her gaze on Larry.

As her eyes were set on him, she seemed concerned. For a moment, he wondered, was this something he should be worried about?

Mrs. Davis greeted both, and then just chat with Violet. They talked mostly about today´s incident. How everyone just laughed about him as if he was some sort of joke. Larry felt a bit embarrassed as Mrs. Davis turned at him from time to time, her eyes revealing her feeling of empathy. She felt bad for him.

After a while, when Mrs. Davis had all the information she needed. She told Violet that she could leave, it was time to have an alone time with Larry.

He didn´t like the sound of that, this was like the other day, with Cathy. But this time, he feels something big is about to take place.

He´s unsettled, as his giant friend leaves, he worries. Is this good? Or bad? It must be bad! Does she think he can no longer take care of his duty? That he doesn´t project the image of a man who deserves respect. Will that make her fire him? Or, demote him?

He´s worried, he swallowed as his heart started beating at a quicker pace. He looks up at Mrs. Davis kind face, but that may only be an illusion, giving him the idea that everything´s fine, when it really isn´t.

“Come here, Lawrence…” she said as she commanded him, gently, to step right next to her.

Larry did as she said, worried she´ll only hand him a paper with his termination. Every step he gave, it made him more nervous than the last one.

During three long seconds, he stood there, in silence as she quietly looked down to him. She was wearing her usual two-inch heels, making her a towering 5´9” woman. To him, of course, at 4´7”, nearly everyone towers above you.

Her look was sad. She had something in mind, why couldn´t she tell him? She stood there, tormenting him with her silence. What was she up to?

“Awww…” Came her voice as she suddenly stepped forward and reached for him.

She pulled him into her. Currently, the top of Larry´s head didn´t even made it to the base of her neck, however, when she pulled him, she pinned his face right between her boobs.

Now, Larry was smothered by the boss´s titanic breasts. Now, they felt bigger than his head. Mrs. Davis was wearing a slightly open blouse, which revealed a generous line of cleavage, but when she pulled him, his face landed right in the middle.

Larry could feel the soft smooth skin of her soft boob rubbed against his cheek. It made him tingle, and it was also kind of arousing. Who´d say he´ll sink his face between her big, mature breasts? Well, certainly he didn´t ask for it, but he can´t complaint.

Her hand was immediately driven to his back, and she started rubbing it. Meanwhile, she said to him, with a tender, cooing voice.

“Aww, poor baby, why is everyone so mean? Can´t they see you´re ill? Hmm? Are they so mean that they don´t realize they have to treat you better? To care for you? You have feelings too, I know…” Now he´s feeling a little more confused. However, she won´t fire him, right? After those words, there´s no way she´ll do something like that. Still, what´s her next move?

“Come here, let me pamper you. Everyone was mean to you. But don´t worry about it, I´ll take care. That´s right, no one will mess with you, sweetheart.” Should he feel good about it?

Larry felt so odd, so weird. He cringed. He tried to pull himself out of this, but now, Mrs. Davis was just too strong. Of course, she was a whole foot taller. He stood there, pinned to her large breasts as he tried to make up what exactly was happening.

“Just let her be, she won´t hurt you…” Came Evangeline´s whisper inside his head. If she says so, then it must be true, but that didn´t help him much.

He was confused. Being kind was one thing, being attentive was another, but his boss was literally trying to soothe him with a hug? He didn´t mind the attention, but this was a little… too much?

“Why can´t everyone see just how precious you are…” she cooed from above as he felt intoxicated by the scent of her perfume. She was all over him, and her fragrance was now all inside of him.

Mrs. Davis had a small issue, the more Larry shrinks, the less she´s able to hold back her maternal-self. They had literally made him cry, and momma can´t stand that.

Most likely, whoever spoke first, will get fired.

Things had turned so much today. Now, he was wondering, was Mrs. Davis the one who cared? And, in what way does she care?

“Remember, sweetheart, the doors to my office will always be open for you. And you also have my number. If you feel bad, or sad, or just want to chat. I´ll always be there for you. And, if you´d like to meet outside of the office, we can also meet somewhere else. I can have you over at my place, no worries.” She winked.

Larry smiled back to her and thanked her. This was so inappropriate. And confusing. Does she mean sex? Her tone´s just not that way, and there´s no hints that it is. What else could it be? A friendship? Is she feeling pity on him? This is so awkward.

Larry returned to his office. He was self-conscious now, more than ever. He knows no one takes him seriously, and now that the meeting end up awfully wrong, he´s got zero chances anyone will care. He may be the boss at his floor, but he´s a 4´7” man being punished by an angel.

This all was demeaning, emasculating even. And the worst part, he needed to be picked up from work.

He was sure that he could still drive, unfortunately, Nellie didn´t think the same way.

“Shit, why is every woman I know acting so… weird now…” he wondered as he stood out of the office, alone, looking at both sides of the street.

It was already a quarter past five, he was sure he told Nellie he was off by five o´clock. Should he call her? Text her? Where the hell was she?

He should´ve accepted Violet´s offer, she said she could drive him home. That would´ve been better than waiting on the street, carrying his briefcase in one arm as he checks the time in the watch on his other hand.

Finally, by 5:20, Nellie showed up. Picking him up right in the front of the building.

Larry hoped in and the first thing he did was to complaint.

“What took you so long?” He was not in the mood for anything else coming up wrong.

“Hello? Yes, I had a good day, what about you?” she said sarcastically.

He didn´t want to talk about it. He just pointed her out to start driving. Nellie didn´t quite appreciated his attitude, but he was kind of right. She had him waiting for twenty minutes without letting him know. She´ll take the fault this once.

“I know I was late. But I have an excuse. I went to pick up some burgers. What do you think? Burgers for dinner?” Nellie loved fast food, she wasn´t sure if it was because of the meat, the grease, the cheese. Or all of the unnecessary carbs that filled her mouth.

Larry was not much of a fan of fast food. But he´s not in to argue with her. With a mere, “sure…” he gave her his answer.

Things were so out of place now. He lost his car, he was losing his height, and the respect everyone had on him was completely gone. GONE!

He just laid in bed, nostalgic. Who´d say he´ll miss the old days when he could just walk around like a tall, proud man. Now, he´s afraid anyone may come out of nowhere and start mocking him.

“Don´t feel so bad, Lawrence. This is all part of the lesson. You need to move on if you want to improve…” Evangeline said as she suddenly appeared in bed next to him.

Her larger legs, her longer body. She looked extra tall compared to him. This one-foot difference is remarkable!

“Lesson, your lessons. This is all… why do I need to be taught a lesson? What have I done to deserve this? I did things right, and you know it. Is this supposed to be some sort of karma? When have I ever mocked about anyone? When have I taken someone´s stuff? When have I made anyone feel small? Vulnerable? Tell me.” He was mad.

All this humiliation, all this life changes that only led to self-conscious thoughts on a form that wasn´t his. He was not a 4´7” man with a shrinking condition, this was all made by her. By this devil disguised as an angel.

“Listen, you´re getting things wrong. The lessons are not meant to bring you down. They are all in order for you to acknowledge your mistakes. To become the man you once were.” She said.

“The man I was? What? You want me to be a lame guy who wanted to…” he stopped right there.

“No, don´t stop, say it. Please continue.” He had nothing to hide, she could literally read his mind. And even talk with him that way.

This was not easy, but he had to speak.

“Ugh, you want me to be that stupid dreamer who thought a nice woman will come out of nowhere and just… choose to share the rest of her life with me? Hmmm? You want me to go back to the idea that women are not just… using me while something better come up?” He was raising his tone and getting mad.

“You want me to believe that whenever a woman says: “I love you.” It´s supposed to mean something? That she´ll never leave? That she will always be there? Bullshit! Even a marriage tears apart, that´s why there are divorces…” What was he saying? Well, let´s go back, way back.

Previously, Larry had a lower position in some other company. But that was fine. He was in love.

He was in a relationship with this girl, Joanna. Who he thought one day he´ll marry. But things didn´t turn up to be that way.

They met while working together. The job was simple, however, Joanna was ambitious. She was the employee of the month by the second month they worked there, and by the second trimester, she got a promotion.

Suddenly, she was Larry´s boss. He was so happy for her, but she just didn´t felt the same way about him. Why would she date someone inferior?

He had no ambition, no goals. He was just living by the day. No passion, he had no target what so ever. She wanted to be a successful woman, but a woman like that needs a man to push her to the limit, not just a guy who will work on the same place for a lifetime. She broke up with him.

Her words, if he ever wants to get a chance with her, he needs to be better. Higher pay, a better position. More, just more. Not living on the minimum wage on a shitty apartment.

His heart was broken. But he was willing to do it. If this could bring her back, he´ll improve.

The first thing he did was to quit. He didn´t want to see her until he was at the top. But that soon changed.

He worked hard; weeks turned into months which turned into years. Within three years he had reached the position where he was, he bought a house and got himself a fancy sports car. Which he had already changed by now.

But his goal was not the same. At first, he wanted to do this for her, blaming him for their breakup. But then, he realized, this was not his fault.

He looked for ways to improve, things he had to change. Habits he had to create in order to be better. But he may not have understood the full length of it. In his mind, an idea grew, a greedy, toxic idea.

If she could ditch him, then he had no reasons why to come back. In fact, he didn´t need a girlfriend. A mere lover every now and then would be fine.

And so, he was corrupted. His kind heart turned bitter. His perspective changed. He became a hunter, his pray? Any hot woman he met at a bar, or the club. Anywhere. In the end, he needed to prove he was the king. Not for her, but for him.

A cold-hearted king who doesn´t need love. Sex is enough.

“I know she´s the one who did wrong. But you can´t let that change you. This is not the way things should be…” Evangeline said to him.

Larry´s eyes turned teary. He may be over her, but he can´t believe that, after all this time, she´s still ruining his life. And to think that he was about to propose to her when she broke up with him. And with that, she broke up the kindhearted man he once was. But there´s always a way back.

“Should be? How? You want me to get back to my lame job? To a tiny apartment? To be the poor loser I was? Is this what you´re trying to do? Tell me, you want to humiliate me before you take everything I´ve worked for away!” he was upset, those memories hurt, he thought Joanna was special. To him, she was the whole world, a sky full of stars. But apparently, he was just a bump on her road to become successful.

“No, Lawrence. That´s not it.”

“Then what is IT!?” He nearly screamed.

“You have to find out on your own. One day, when you tell me, the shrinking will stop…” and she was gone.

“FUCK!!!” Now, he´s supposed to know what it is that he´s messing up with. What´s more, he has to become something he once was, but that´s not him being pathetic.

Larry needs to pay attention. He´s shrinking, and all of his punishments are related to things he does wrong. Usually, all around women. This has to do with his old self, but it´s also because of the way he is.

She wants him to be who he once was. But why? Plus, what´s the lesson in all these? Become a gentleman? Why? What is it that a gentleman does that he has not done?

Is he supposed to serve women? That can´t be it.

“Whatever this is, I´m sure it has something to do with women… but what is it?” he wondered, cooling down as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep on it.


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