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HERE IT IS! This is the first chapter of the new stage, or phase or after the change? However it is, this is the very beginning of the twist on the story.

I´m really excited. Things will head up in a, I hope better, direction with the new character. If not better at least different. However, we won´t be leaving Jonathan aside, there will be more of him on the new chapters, but with Melissa this time.

Hope you like it :D

Chapter 37

“Are you sure you really don´t want to talk about it?” Melissa asked as she was sitting next to Jonathan.

“I am, gosh, this is the third time you ask me. I´m fine. She just… you know… ugh, stop asking. She didn´t hurt me, ok? She was… kind.” Jonathan didn´t want to say she mainly breastfed him and carried him around, they already talked about it. It was humiliating for him to speak about this.

“Ok, FINE. I was just trying to check on you. You know, it´s been a few days since she, for some reason, called me and hand you over. Last night you talked while sleeping…” she stated.

“I did? And… did I…?”

“What? What did you say? Well, pretty much nothing I could understand, but in the very end, I can swear you said “Lillian”, or something very close to it. I just want to make sure she didn´t hurt you badly. If you need to go see a therapist, I´m more than willing to take you and…”

“STOP! I… I don´t want to be seen, ok? I´m… I´m 1´2”, Melissa. I don´t want to see anyone, not now.” He cried out.

“I know, I know. You want to see if this shrinking washes away. But you have to keep in mind that this may be permanent. She said it herself, right? Plus, you´re size hasn´t changed.” She didn´t want to sound mean, or be the one giving the awfully true news here, but he should move on.

It´s been a week since Jonathan “escaped” from his prison. From his confinement. Since he walked away from Lillian´s house. Now, he was free, but was he really free?

He was a foot two inches tall, a man on his mid-twenties stood not taller than knee level with most people. Melissa´s astonishing 6´6” just made him feel more insignificant.

But he was not the only one who had it hard. There was someone else out there.

These past days had been hell to Lillian. Once again, she was alone at home. Lonely, in a quiet house where no one but her lived. She felt lonely, she felt sad, she felt defeated. And all because she couldn´t do one thing right.

Her treatment was supposed to shrink a man to a certain height, 1´6”, but for some reason, things didn´t come out how she planned them to. Now, in order to keep Jonathan safe, she had to distant herself, set him away.

Her first thoughts, as she blamed herself even more, was she a bad mommy? Had her greed been punished like this? Letting her have a taste only to revoke her from the privilege?

She was no longer a mommy, not right now; at the moment, she was just a lonely woman. A big, hefty woman who had a lot of love to give. But why should she bother? There´s no guarantee she won´t shrink these other men the same way she shrank Jonathan.

Deep inside, she had the hopes that he´ll come back. One day, when her milk stops shrinking, when this curse she put on herself is gone. One day, someday…

“Ok, one more try…” she thought to herself as she brought a glass of her own milk close to her mouth.

Her lactation had decreased, without Jonathan there and her lack of a purpose for her gargantuan mommy milkers, she began to produce less milk. But that doesn´t mean she stopped with it.

Even if her milk production was cut in half, which very much wasn´t the case, the 7´7” large lady will easily fill up two gallons of milk in a day. Of course, it can be more, if she gets a good night´s sleep, if she eats healthy, massages. The main problem with it would be that she´s not nursing anyone, but the pump does the trick, sort of.

She drank the creamy, thick, warm milk from the glass. Not the whole thing, just a couple sips. She can´t deny how sweet and, and addictive, it can be. But she´s capable of controlling herself, she´s got the eyes on the prize.

However, things didn´t came out as she had expected.

She thought that being alone will make things different, that her body will, naturally, turn back into producing regular milk. However, when she woke up the next day…

“Oh my god! 7´10”!?” She was three inches taller, which means, the milk still has that effect.

For men, they will shrink, however, any woman having a sip of her milk will grow. And that includes her.

Lillian´s frustrated. It seems there was no luck on this week either. However, three inches? That´s a lot of growth! Mostly for a woman who´s not supposed to grow taller at her age.

Lillian was sad, and tight. She may had grown three inches, but her boobs feel around two sizes bigger, and let´s not mention her butt. If she bents in the wrong way, she´ll tear up those pants apart.

The good news is, she can keep herself busy ordering some more clothes. However, it´s just a temporary distraction.

Nowadays, she found herself wandering around the house more often. When she was done working, which wasn´t a full nine-hour shift, she walked around the house, looking for something to do.

She was not a woman who´d want to spend her whole days watching some cheesy series on TV, and not much of a movie-lover either. TV was not an option.

Puzzles? Well, for a woman her size, it will be really hard to bring the tiny pieces together without struggling. And this leaves aside any other type of hobby that requires handling small objects. To think that life was easier when she was “smaller”.

She´s grown over a foot in height, and she will not want to keep a record on how much pounds that is. Right now, her main thing is to eat. Not exaggeratedly, but she does consume more calories than she should. However, she´ll work out. That´s the one thing that always helps her settle her mind.

It´s day ten since Jonathan left, and she´s been doing some yoga, indoors. Now that she had new, and larger, clothes, she can feel more comfortable.

She has no problem on doing this naked, her mighty boobs need some fresh air from time to time, but neighbors may complaint if, by any chance, anyone spots her inside the house naked.

It´s none of their business, and she´s in her house. But if she mistakenly leaves a window open, well… she´s REALLY hard to miss. Plus, this may drag anyone into her, and currently, she doesn´t want that.

“I can´t allow myself to try and bring another man into my life. I thought Jonathan was the one, but…” it didn´t work out so well.

That´s why she sort of confined herself into that house. Ordering everything online and not interacting with any other person. But that´s not easy. She´s a chatty woman, and so lovely. Being isolated didn´t last for more than eleven days.

On the twelfth day, she came out. She opened her house´s door and walked out.

She had to duck in order to make it through the door. But once she stepped out, her body embraced the feeling of freedom she was having.

Lillian was barefoot, letting her bare feet touch the wooden floors of her porch. Overall, she had this comfy large dress. It was supposed to come all the way to her ankles, but she was a big woman. Her dress made it almost past her knees. Exposing her thick, soft calves.

And there was another aspect of this dress that, particularly for men, was nice. It gave her breasts a lot of space, literally, it had a gigantic boob window. Revealing her large, round, heavy tits. With a deep, long line of smooth cleavage in the middle.

Her boobs, together with the rest of her sensuous and fleshy body, bounced sexily as she made her way.

Lillian chose to sit at the end of her porch´s stairs. Afraid she could break down the bench that was sitting on her porch. She knows that´s a possibility, she didn´t had to change all of her wooden into reinforced metal ones for no reason. She can still remember the awful cracking sound of that poor chair.

Now that she was sitting outside, in the early morning, to keep her from seeing anybody. She felt nice. It may be around 6:00 am, and kind of chilly. But to her, it´s nice.

The weather, together with many other things don´t feel the same way for her augmented body. She´s large now, and stronger too. Yet, she´s looking like a huge, soft, warm-looking woman. The vivid reflection of a giant mommy. Something she doesn´t like to think about nowadays.

There was no one out there, and that remained the same for about ten minutes.

From the distance, there were some light, but every time louder, steps approaching. Not the pace someone would have while walking, it sounded more like someone jogging.

“Ahhh, nothing like an early morning jog to stay in shape and get active…” the young man thought as he was making his way.

He had been jogging for a couple of weeks now, but not on this neighborhood. Every week or so, he added an extra mile to his route. Sometimes less, but a mile more was the goal.

And, to keep things interesting, or at least away from a mundane. He changed his routes every now and then. Starting on his street, he wandered around the town a little. Sometimes he ran to the east, sometimes to the west. And he liked to give these random turns to make things fun.

Today, he happened to run right on Lillian´s street. And just as a matter of luck, he happened to spot Lillian.

He slowed his pace a little as he saw the gigantic woman sitting on the porch. He thought it was a bear! Or at least a huge living thing. But, to his surprise, it was a woman.

He fixed his eyes into Lillian´s large, sweet, hefty form. She was looking at the sky, kind of busy with her own thoughts to notice this young man running past her. But he didn´t do the same.

His heart was beating hard inside his chest, he´s been running during nearly an hour today. His shirt is kind of soaked in sweat, and so is his forehead. However, he felt something more than the will to run a couple more when he spotted Lillian.

For once, she had some HUGE tits, which caught his attention. Who can blame him, he likes big boobs. Plus, he´s not leering, he´s just… appreciating the view. Also, the fact that she was so big alarmed him, not in a way that would scare him, he was more like intrigued.

And the very last thing he was able to spot, before he left her behind, her face. Even if she didn´t turned at him, he could see her pretty face framed by her glossy hair, she was pretty.

And, a young, single man like him, well, boobs, pretty, she owned a house. At least that´s what he can tell by this first impression. Yes, she may be older, and who knows if she´s still single. But she´s the perfect excuse to come back.

He only had to remember the street and, the next day, just look for the house with the giant lady sitting outside of it. He could not believe it, a woman that big, with a pair of knockers that big!

Lillian seemed huge from across the street, how big will she look in person. Standing right in front of him. He can´t really say he´s attracted to tall women, but he´s definitely attracted to pretty women, and Lillian´s the biggest pretty lady he´s ever seen.

There´s no way he´ll let an opportunity like this slip away. He doesn´t want anything serious, but maybe a short romance, if she´s available, would be more than fine. A once in a life time opportunity to get a hold of those gigantic tits.

Who could blame him? He´s a horny man full of passion.

Lillian didn´t even notice the guy until he had already passed her by. But that doesn´t mean he did the same. Even if she forgot him minutes later, he couldn´t get Lillian off his mind.

Back home, at work, on his way from work. There were these flashes of hers coming to him. Sometimes, her tits, round and fleshy. Other times, her face, he wasn´t sure how it truly was, she was looking somewhere else, what would it be to have her eyes on him? Paying attention to him? And in the end, it was her whole self!

This image of an uncommonly big lady. “A giant milf!” He thought. Spotting her may be a one in a million chance. What are the odds for her to be sitting there at the exact same time when he, out of nowhere, chose to jog through that street? None!

Yet, he found a new lady that will run through his mind all day, and possibly all night long.

“Ok, Colin, just settle down… I think this is the street, now, where´s the house…?” This young man, whose name is Colin, came around the same street where Lillian lived. And did so at the same hours, well, sort of, he was pretty sure this was the same time.

He was jogging, not to look suspicious. It will be the deal of a real stalker to come down with his car and look for her from beginning to end. If he jogged, well, it was just him exercising.

But he wasn´t just exercising, he had a mission. Find this lady, and then… well, first he needed to find her.

He had these strange, warm feelings inside him whenever he thought of her. He was just… eager to meet her. Well, to do some other things, but for that, he needed to meet her first.

Get her name, know if she´s single, and if she´ll be willing to maybe… date him? But casual sex will be more than fine, if she´s interested, of course.

However, for all of those things to happen, if they will ever do, first he needed to find her.

But today, well, let´s just say this wasn´t his lucky day. Lillian was snoring in bed right now.

Her large frame taking over more space than the bed was willing to give. Her soft arms spreading over both sides of the bed as her long, thick legs went much further than the bed itself. She needed another king size bed in order to fit comfortably, but she´s fine… so far.

But Colin didn´t give up. He was certain that this was the street. So he decided to try on the next day.

He kept going, wondering if it would be better to come here earlier or a little later. He could try both. As long as he was at his own place by 8:00, with enough time to take a shower and get ready for work, he´ll be fine.

But his odds were not the best. Lillian was not coming out. Yes, she was a morning person, she liked to get up by 6:00 am and get some things done before anything else. However, her new routines were not exactly helping her keep that as it was.

She spend endless hours trying to find something to do, other than getting obsessed with the fact that Jonathan could be back at any moment. Which depended completely on her and, on him too. Mostly on him, but she was sure that whenever she told him her milk was “shrinking-free” he´ll come back running to her. Which was not completely true.

However, her quest for something to do was… not very successful. She sort of messed up her whole schedule with it. She didn´t have an exact time to work, she could do it whenever she felt like it, but it was her sleeping time the one that got all wrecked.

She spent some hours at the evenings sleeping, in order to kill some time. But when night time came, instead of getting to bed at her regular hours, she found herself not capable of sleeping, of course, she had already rested before.

The amazon went to bed past mid-night, sometimes WAY past that. Which means, somedays she woke up at noon. But she was heartbroken and with not much to do, so… why bother on changing that?

The one who was really getting bothered was Colin. He thought of giving up. Somedays he even did his morning runs in the afternoon. Hoping he´ll find this amazon of a woman.

He knew he was kind of crazy, and maybe a creep. But he´s doing this because… why is he doing this exactly?

“Come on, man. This is awkward, even for you.” He told to himself as he past the house he was SURE was Lillian´s, or whatever name he had given her by now.

It´s been exactly a week since he first spotted her, a week since he first and last saw her. He needed to see her again, so, he made a deal. In order to keep this “normal”. He´ll jog around here by 6:00 am, and if he doesn´t see her, then he´ll give up.

He only wanted to see her again. She was… hot. There´s no other way to say it. For a young man like Colin, the 22-year-old man wanted to see her again. He had an urge!

This was not just to see her luscious body again, this was personal. A short-term goal if you please. And to his luck, or as a matter of faith, he spotted her.

He went down that street, by 6:05 am, pushed only by his desire to meet the woman. And he was in awestruck when he spotted her tall frame on the porch.

This was the first time he saw Lillian standing, and she was HUGE! Bigger than he thought she would be, and her ass was magnificent!

Juicy, round, heavy-looking. Everything on this woman was thick, smooth, feminine, erotic! But how did he spot her butt? Well, she was turning her back at the street, why? Because she was about to enter her house.

Colin was in trouble; she was just a few steps away from the door. Well, maybe less for a woman with her long, shapely legs.

He was just about to get to her house, jog in front of her house. But she will not spot him. Why was it so important that she noticed him? Well, he spent the last week trying to see her again, and she was just leaving? He couldn´t let that happen.

He wasn´t in love with her, and didn´t really had the need for that to happen, but he had this feeling. He wanted to be seen, then, to meet her, and then, well, he´s fantasized about it for the last couple days. Sex? A kiss? He´ll settle for a hug. He just wants to be close to her. Why? Let´s just say he´s in the lust for her flesh.

He can´t help it, if he spots a big pair of tits, he simply has to. And hers are behemothic!

But she was leaving. Inches away from touching the door´s knob. Just a second and she´ll be gone. What to do?

“GOOD MORNIN´” Had he just screamed? Was he too loud? He was desperate.

He just had to do something, before she was gone and he spotted her who knows when. He felt stupid, but at least she turned.

Lillian turned, today, she was wearing a pair of tight, shorts. Wrapped around her sexy, sensuous legs like a glove. And above, a shirt, a white one, really tight over her tits. If you focus, you can spot the contours of her areolas, around her perky nipples.

Colin slowed down, jogging really, really slow now. He did it! She turned, and what´s more, she turned at him.

With a warm smile, and closing her eyes a little, she said back to him, “good morning, neighbor.” As she waved.

Neighbor? Colin lived like two miles away from there. But he won´t correct her.

He smiled as he waved back at her. He did it! She acknowledged him. Plus, her boobs, a she waved her hand, so did her boobs.

The massive flesh of her soft tits bouncing a little. She was titanic, not only her breasts, her whole self was enormous! Tremendous! But that was logical, she was not exactly the same after last week.

Lillian took another sip of her milk last night, a tiny one. Making her a 7´11” goddess. One that had finally spotted Colin, and what´s more, she greeted him!

This was some real progress. At least for him who was so positive. However, this was the first interaction, hopefully, tomorrow he´ll get a chance to chat more.



Very exciting- I love it! Keep up with this twist!


Sure will! Things will give a very interesting twist ;)