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Chapter 9

Kevin doesn´t feel quite well. He´s been cleaning the house for a while now. Much longer than he would´ve wanted. Right now, he´s dusting some stuff. But it´s so annoying.

And the worst part is, he´s starving.

He feels like fainting. Cleaning is much harder when you´re starving. He can barely keep himself standing.

“Come on, Carol. I´m starving. I´ve already cleaned the fucking floors, this shit of dusting, that wasn´t part of the deal.” He complaint to the taller woman standing before him.

Carol was there to supervise him. Make sure he´s not just pretending. She will, personally, make sure he´s cleaning. That way he´ll learn the effort it takes to keep a clean house. Plus, if he knows the effort it takes, then he won´t trash the whole place that much.

“Come on, you´ve only sweep and dust this floor. Remember there´s a second floor.” She spoke, standing three inches taller than him. She feels superior, she can´t deny it.

With his shrinking and her growing. She feels so towering now. Yes, it´s three inches, but it´s still a lot! Much more when he used to be a 6´1” man towering above her with his nasty attitude. Now, she´s got a chance to reverse the roles.

Although, she ain´t 6´1”, but being 5´7” and having the chance to tower over the 5´4” guy. That´s still something.

He doesn´t deserve her sympathy, but she can´t help it. She could listen to his grumbling stomach, and notice a lost, hungry, look on his face. He needed food. Perhaps, this was much harder for shorter frame. Maybe it required more physical effort. And he hadn´t eaten so…

“Ok, we can call it a day, for now. Go get clean and I´ll make us some lunch.” Carol spoke, as she turned and headed towards the kitchen.

“Finally!” Kevin said as he tossed everything on the side and turned at the door.

He couldn´t deny that now, Carol seemed hotter. Now that he was shorter, she seemed so tall, so curvaceous. So sexy. Her wider hips, her bigger breasts. He couldn´t take his eyes off her swaying, round ass as she walked out the door.

“Oh my…” he thought as he leered at her plump ass cheeks. Hefty, round, bouncy. “Maybe someone should cut it off with lunches, she´s putting some more chunk on the trunk.”

Kevin had no idea of her growth. Well, not the vertical one. He thought she was only gaining weight. He couldn´t really tell she had grown taller, not just thicker. He would´ve noticed, if he wasn´t too selfish to mind someone else´s business.

The next day came sooner than expected. Friday, finally!

It´s time for Carol to get paid, however, it also means Gene will be coming over to deliver this check personally.

But it didn´t exactly meant that Kevin and Carol were getting along. This was just another day for him.

“I´m just saying, it will be much easier if you dropped your dirty clothes on the basket, rather than having me look for them all over the house as if they were easter eggs. Seriously, is it that hard?” Carol complaint as she picked a bunch of socks from underneath the couch. How come she didn´t notice them before? But most importantly, why where they there?

“What? Now you want me to take care of everything? Listen, if I could keep the damn house clean, I wouldn´t need an assistant!” He complaint.

“Oh no, what you need is a house keeper. You could´ve write that down on the ad, instead of leaving that BIG detail aside.” She argued.

Both of them were arguing, but, unlike yesterday. Kevin now stood at 5´3”, which made him much more moody. Meanwhile, Carol now stood at 5´8”, really close to Gene´s 5´9”.

She had a small concern. Will Kevin be able to tell that she and his mother are nearly the same height? Carol was in flats, not to make things too obvious, and Gene always wore heels. She was hoping he couldn’t tell.

However, both were arguing enough not to hear Gene´s car parking outside. Not to listen to her car´s door shutting or her steps coming close to the door.

You could see Gene´s long, shapely legs making their way to the door. But there were no heels tapping on the floor. She was on flats. If Kevin spots Gene and Carol just an inch apart, then there will be some problems. Although, Gene´s looking a bit… different.

*ding* *dong*

There she was, right at the door. Which made both of them turn.

“Oh, your mother´s here… maybe you should get the door for her.” Carol said, trying to leave this dispute aside.

“Yeah, sure. You go get the door, that´s what I pay you for.” He spoke.

Carol wanted to avoid that. Kevin had no need to see her standing next to his mother. If he noticed Carol´s growth, then he will tell there´s something going on. He would be able to tell his shrinking is not exactly a condition.

“Seriously? You don´t want to go get the door for your OWN mother? Wow, the woman that gave birth to you, who pays for all your expenses. Who ALSO hired you a nice woman to help you out with the house. Is that so?” He grunted to her nasty words.

“FINE! I´ll go get the fucking door. But I mean it, every day you seem to want to make less around this place. You better not become a lazy cow, or I´ll get a new assistant.” He went off to get the door.

“Sure… wait, cow? Hey!” His way to speak to her was also something they needed to work on, but later. Frist things first, making him clean his mess. Or at least be less messy.

Kevin was annoyed. He made his way to the door. His clothes now hung from him. The neck of his shirt looking saggy, the sleeves and the whole shirt being too long. He had a knot on his shorts, else, they would´ve fall. He felt ridiculous. But he chose not to say a thing, at least not yet.

He got to the door, grabbed the knob, turned it and then pull.

“Hi, mom…” He said, with a bored look on his face, however, he became speechless as he saw Gene´s form on the door. She was so tall!

“Hi there, my cute little baby…” she cooed as she bent, stretched her arm and reached for his cheek, pinching it with her index and thumb. He was too impressed to speak. Gene was HUGE!

She was wearing flats, that´s right, but her body was not the same from before. Instead of looking up at her by six-inches, he found himself craning his neck way further.

And Gene didn’t just seem taller, but thicker. Her boobs were enormous!

She stood back up, looking down at Kevin, she couldn´t believe how adorable his son seemed now. The top of his head was barely at her chin level.

“My… someone´s clothes look a little too baggy, I´ll need to get some new clothes for you.” Gene said, from high above. But Kevin couldn´t reply. She was just too tall now.

This whole shrinking thing was messing everything up for him.

Soon, Carol appeared, joining both. She was relieved by the fact that Gene was standing so tall, she was definitely wearing heels. But it wasn´t right.

Carol turned down at the amazon´s feet. Compared to Kevin, Gene´s gigantic. However, Carol noticed Gene was in flats. She knows there´s only one explanation. She bought some pills. But how did she managed to get so big! She saw her last week; she grew way more than her in a week. How?

Gene was too happy with the way Kevin couldn´t believe how tall she was. Of course, she was a bit worried he´ll suspect she´s growing, but he´s not that clever. She knows that.

After a moment, she realized Carol was there.

“Oh, hi Carol! I brought your check… want me to hand it to you on the kitchen, as usual?” she winked at her.

Gene could tell Carol´s face revealed some confusion, some questions had to be answered.

“Wow, I mean, WOW! How?” Came Carol´s voice as she couldn´t believe how tall Gene was now.

Their difference in height was the same as it would´ve been if they were both standing barefoot in front of each other, in their original height´s of course. Gene had five-inches on Carol. But if Carol was 5´8” now, wouldn´t that made Gene…

“6´1”, that´s right. I asked your friend, Mr. B, if I could, you know, take a little more than just a pill every two days. He said it was fine.” Gene explained.

“Oh my, so a pill a day made you like… five inches taller in just one week?! That´s amazing!” Carol said.

“Yeah, but… keep it quiet, you know he can´t hear us… but, have you measured him? How tall is he?”

“5´3”.” Carol replied.

Gene almost jumped in excitement.

But the impressive growing was not just it, there was something else in Gene. Some sort of… glow. Plus, her boobs were gigantic! Carol knew Gene was the boss, so she didn´t want to fix her eyes into her breasts. But it was hard not to tell those tits were bouncing with every step of hers.

“I´m telling you, these pills, they are so GOOD! Look at me! I´m not only tall but, can you see my face? There´s much less wrinkles on it. It´s as if they were some sort of fountain of youth or… some magical skin clearer, I wonder if they have collagen? What do you think?” Gene did look a few years younger.

She was an actress, she knew how to take good care of her skin, where the aging marks appeared first. But after these pills, she can tell her face looks better than it had in YEARS!

“Well… I… you do look different.” Carol didn´t exactly knew how she looked before. She thought that focusing on an older woman´s wrinkles was rude. But she can tell Gene looks younger, not a whole decade, but still, better.

“The pills are AMAZING! And it´s not just the face, my butt feels firmer than ever! And my boobs, look!” Gene drove her hands underneath her amazing bosom and lifted up, showing Carol the augmented, firm flesh on her tits.

Then, she let them fall, making her firm breasts bounce as they settled their motion. They seemed so much fuller, so much richer. “It´s a miracle!” Gene cheered.

After a while, the conversation shifted from Gene´s taller, plumper, sexier figure. Somehow, Carol was able to share that she had no pills now.

“What? You finished your pills? Already?” Gene couldn´t believe it, she had already finished the fifty pills she got?

“Well, I… I got like… a sample. I didn´t bought the full pack, you know…” Carol felt a bit shy by saying it.

“Oh, don´t worry, dear. I can share some with you. It´s the least I can do, you showed me this magical treatment. Plus, you´ve been so helpful around the house, just let me…” Gene reached for her purse and started looking for the small container.

“Thank you.” Carol said as Gene split some of her pills with her. Another ten for Carol. “I promise I´ll pay you back, or, you can discount it of my next check.”

“Oh, don´t be silly, sweetheart. It´s no problem, seriously. I actually got two of these bottles. You know how women my age get with these things. If we can look younger and sexier, then money is not a problem, haha.” Gene chuckled.

Carol smiled, she wasn´t sure about what Gene was talking about. She looked great for her age. Tall, sexy, with a lean body. But now, she looked even better.

Gene was now an even taller, much curvier and overall, sexier woman. There´s no chance anyone will miss her when she walks in. She´s a true milf now.

“Ok, I gotta go. I need to meet… someone.” Gene was so confident now that she started dating again. She had a date, for the first time in years! She knew she had money, but she wasn´t feeling quite the same about her looks. Being a sugar-mommy was not her main goal.

But now, with her new size, her new assets, she can go back to dating, feeling much more confident. Maybe it can be just casual sex. Not real dates.

“Goodbye, Carol. And… goodbye to you, me dear… come give momma a hug!” Gene said as she strode towards Kevin.

He felt so out of place looking at his gigantic mother coming to catch him. With her long arms, spreading widely as she aimed for him. He doesn´t want to be smothered against his mother´s flesh.

“No, no, no. No hugs, mom.” He stepped back, looking annoyed.

Gene knew he never liked this type of affection. At least not coming from her.

Was it because he felt ashamed? Was it because he felt small? Or was it because she was never there for him? Was it because Gene was a distant mother? She missed all those chances she had to be a true mother. And now, it must be too late. Or not?

She will give, today, she will allow him to reject her hug. But it won´t be that way for long.

“Fine, goodbye, dear. Mommy will come back next week. Ok?” She simply patted his head.

“Sure. Bye.” He didn´t look so eager for it.

Meanwhile, Carol felt annoyed by the lack of affection he showed towards his own mother. Seriously, would it hurt him to hug her?

Carol got back to her apartment. One that was starting to feel too small for her. But who could blame her, her perspective changed, now, to the one of a woman four-inches taller.

And it also meant something else, her clothes are too tight!

The good thing is, she can get new clothes with her new paycheck. And, she won´t have to pay for more pills now that Gene was kind enough to share some of hers with Carol.

However, Carol couldn´t get the image of this bigger Gene off her head.

“I mean, she seemed HUGE! Before she was taller but now…” Gene was taller and thicker.

But Carol knows how this is. The pills won´t only make her taller, but they will also add some more curves to the frame. And to think that she thought her ass was big. But Gene´s rotund ass put hers into shame.

She thought of herself as a taller woman, but Gene proved she was way taller. Making her feel small. As if she had never started drinking from those pills.

For a moment, Carol wondered, how would it be if women were the ones growing? All over the globe, women getting taller, curvier, sexier. Making women the stronger sex, the alphas, the superior beings.

This could mean a drastic change for the whole world. Something that also has her thinking. What´s with the pills? How come Gene was the only one growing too? And Kevin the only other man shrinking?

Mr. B, was he selling this only to a very specific group of people? Had no one else believed on his advertisement? Could that be?

“Well, I guess I´ll know if I see a nine-foot-amazon walking around, heh…” she chuckled.

There could be also a chance that the effect on the pills vanished, or they stopped working. There should be a limit, right? However, what was the limit?

Plus, where the effects of the pills different for everyone? Could Gene become bigger with less pills? She was already taller, to begin with. But, could her age be another factor on the effects of the pills? Gene said it herself; she feels and looks younger.

Pill after pill, more and more wrinkles will be washed away, giving her a smooth, soft skin. But that´s not just it, will her hips get wider? Her breasts bigger? Was that an age thing or is it because she´s drinking one pill per day?

Most likely, the last.

Carol wasn´t exactly sure on how things worked. She had some more info written down, somewhere. She´s not sure where she left that piece of paper Mr. B hand her. However, she´s sure on one thing. A pill every two days. That´s enough for her.

Over the next few days, Carol took some time to get some clothes for herself. Some nice clothes, and stretchy to; that way she had room to grow on.

She had another ten pills, which means, she can grow another four, maybe five inches. She went on and purchased clothes she never thought she would. Longer, larger, she went up several sizes. But it didn´t meant she was getting fat, just bigger.

Her hips didn´t widened because she was getting chunkier, they widened because her pelvis was wider, in fact, all of her bones were.

Today, as she walks back to the house, back from the grocery store. She´s wearing some new clothes.

Some jeans that wrap around her thicker, longer legs in a perfectly sensuous way. Ones that make her butt look perfect, not too tight, and not too lose. And above, she´s wearing a nice blouse she found. One that´s a little tight on the boob area. But it was the last one they had so…

Plus, the tight fit of the blouse accentuates her thin waist, giving her bigger boobs a much sexier look. Her fleshy, round breasts bouncing a little as she makes her way, carrying some heavy bags in. But it´s fine, with her new size, she got a bit stronger too.

“Kevin! I´m back, why don´t you come help me with the groceries?” She announced, loud enough for him to listen.

After a minute, he answered, but not exactly saying what she wanted to hear, “I´m busy! I´m in the middle of something here…” Videogames, he spent most of his time playing videogames.

Carol sighed, but what was she expecting? He felt like the boss, and whatever the boss is doing, no matter how insignificant, it´s always more important than everyone else´s business.

She closed the door behind her and carried the bags to the kitchen. Storing everything where it should and then taking a moment to look outside.

The sun was setting on the horizon, and the sky was painted in some blue, violet, pink colors. Making the clouds of a light-orange. A peaceful, Wednesday, evening.

“Ok, I´m here… do you still need some help?” Kevin´s voice came from behind her. At least he came to check.

As days went by, he seems to be more helpful, kind of. At least he´s not as messy as he used to be.

“Well, look who´s finally here.” Carol spoke as she turned, with enough motion to make her breasts bounce a bit to the sides, “Thank you, but I´m done.” It´s been like half an hour since she called for him, of course there was nothing left to store.

“Ok…” Kevin said, ogling a bit at her.

He knew he was definitely smaller, but Carol seemed thicker.

Kevin´s not sure if it´s because of his shrinking or what, but every few days, when he looks at her, she seems a bit… hotter. Her butt seems rounder, her breasts seem to occupy more room inside her bra. Overall, Carol seems to be swelling inside her clothes.

He´s suspicious, but he won´t say a word. However, if he had to guess, he´d say she´s growing.

But that can´t be right. He´s shrinking, what are the odds that she´s growing?

He´s too overwhelmed by his current state. None of his clothes fit, things always seem higher, and every time he tries to work out, he just meets the fact that he´s weaker. But he can´t just feel sorry for himself.

There´s a whole world out there, one he won´t meet because he´s confined at home. Technically arrested. But Carol´s always there. She´s his reference point.

His eyes are almost leveled with her chin. Her chin! The one of a woman who barely made it through his chest. And now, she´s looming above him.

But he´s intrigued, is the fact that he´s shorter also making her look bigger? He´s sure it does, but that doesn´t mean her whole body will seem as if it was expanding. It wouldn´t make sense that her clothes got tighter only because he´s looking up to her, right?

He´ll need to keep an eye on her, and for once, not just to ogle at her body.


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