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Yes, another chapter! I hope you like this one :D Here´s where a little something happens ;D

Chapter 3

Irene was delighted, almost elated, as Jason drank up the rest of the drink. The drink she kind of altered. But it was fine, she knows he won´t complaint.

Once their new life takes place, which will be really soon, he´ll love it!

Irene spent years, which felt longer than they should, trying to find a man who will comply with her dream. After so long, and becoming a member of so many forums, so many sites, she finally found him. Jason.

At first, she wasn´t sure if he was the one she had been waiting for. Genuinely looking forward for what she had in mind. But after all those long chats they had, after all of the words they shared on the many texts they send to each other during the past days. She was sure, he was the one.

Not a man looking for some small role-play, or a guy who wanted to play on the weekends and return to their regular routine on Monday. No, Jason was not like them, he was the right one for this. And if he wasn´t, well, it was kind of late for that.

She had already started with it. If he complains, she can always push him towards the right path. And if her sweet, loving self doesn´t seem to make him cooperate, then she´ll have to pull her hard side out of the closet. But she doesn´t want that.

“Aww, look at him, he´s just talking about his cartoons again.” He was talking about anime, not to be compared with cartoons. There were some deep storied, worth of novels; and the level of violence in some was on a whole other level. Not to mention the nudes and the provocative female characters in some.

But, for a mature woman like Irene, he´s talking about an un-existing, or fictional, world. Surrounded by magic, fantasy and a bunch of other things.

She was just counting the minutes before this plan of hers started working. The seed was already planted, now, it´s time to wait for it to sprout.

She knows exactly how long this is supposed to take. For a man his height and weight, with his slim, not very muscular complexion, she has about an hour and a half before he´s knocked out. And while he sleeps, then, things will just get sweeter, for her of course.

She gave him another ten or even fifteen minutes to talk, she had no idea what he was saying, but it didn´t matter. As long as she nodded and made just the right questions, everything was fine.

“Wow! And then, you´re waiting for the next episode?” she asked. Not sure if it was a matter of medieval or futuristic stuff the one on the episode.

“That´s right, heh, I´m waiting for them to air it this next Saturday… I… I hope this isn´t boring for you…” he felt a bit bad, she allowed him to talk during half an hour about this thing that was mainly his interest.

But he couldn´t help it. It was either that or ogle at her.

She looked at him with bright, attentive eyes, smiling, so far, she´s been the woman who´s listened to him the most. To Jason, she was showing some deep interest, even if she was secretly planning her next move. But what he doesn´t know, can´t hurt him.

While he spoke, which seemed longer than usual, he peeked at her tits. Her soft boobs smooching together as she lightly bent forwards. Her soft skin in display as she moved her arms so elegantly. Irene may be a woman older than him, but she was around the right age where they are so hot!

Unlike skinny girls his age, she had put on quite a few pounds, and just in the right, ideal, dreamed way. Her whole mature body seemed so soft, so smooth. Her boobs had gotten huge, her hips fleshy and she had this round, pronounced ass he just couldn´t wait to get his hands into. That´s if they get to the lusty part of the date, if there´s any chance for it.

Jason kept talking in order to distract himself, how nice would it be if he stands up and a huge tent had grown in his pants after leering at his date? Seriously, what will she think?

However, he could avoid it. And now, since she allowed him to do his talking, it was time for her to take the lead. In the end, that´s what he wanted, right? A woman who can take the lead, one who can show him the way, where to put his next step, where the steady ground is. A woman that can speak the truth and one that´s looking for the good of both. Lucky for him, Irene was that woman. Well, at least that´s what she thinks.

“The food was lovely, wasn´t it? Although, I must say, it wasn´t as lovely as my cute date here, right? You´re just… I could eat you up, sweetheart.” A nice, maternal compliment.

She was just doing a small test here, and when he blushed a little, she knew he was set. There´s no way he won´t give after hearing the words “sweetheart”, for a guy like him, that´s like the sweetest candy. A passive show of love. All of that power hold in just one word.

Now, it´s time to get things somewhere else.

“You know, I was thinking… all of this food got me a bit… sluggish. I mean, it was so delicious, but I´d like to, you know, burn some of the calories before they make my hips rip the seams of the dress. I don´t need by tushy to get any bigger. I´m so fat already, haha.”

“Oh, well… I don´t think you need to, you know, watch your weight so much, you…” He was trying not to picture her sensuous ass growing bigger and ripping her clothes. Exposing her bare thighs and her lingerie. He can bet it is red. “I think you´re… perfect.” He was trying to make a compliment, and it worked. But not because he was such a smart gentleman, but because he said what she wanted to hear.

“Well, that´s so sweet of you. Now, what about, I don´t know, taking this to another place, one where we can be a bit more… active.” Her face turned naughty. She wanted one thing and one thing only. Sex.

She didn’t have to say things twice. He knew exactly what she meant. He wanted to scream, YES PLEASE! But he decided to take things easy. To show some confidence. Even if he had no need to.

He had no car with him. He got to the restaurant by bus. But lucky him, she had one. Although, it wasn´t her car, it was rented, since she didn´t live in the city. But he didn´t ask, so there was no need to lie about it.

He didn´t mind the fact that she drove both of them to his place. Why his? Well, she spent her day in a hotel room, getting everything ready for her date. Then, she signed out and placed all of her baggage on the trunk of the car. She couldn´t waste much time, tomorrow was going to be a very busy day. For both!

They got to his apartment, and just as she expected, it was a bit too small, and there was some mess on the living room right aside of the front door. She didn´t turned, but she was sure there were some dirty dishes on the sink, and most likely, some dirty laundry somewhere. He was messy, and that only showed her he needed a woman in his life. One to clean and help him fix things.

“What a lovely apartment, honey.” There it was again, those sweet words.

“Uhm, thanks…” he replied, feeling kind of proud but also hot.

Her tight dress displayed her sensuous, hourglass body. Irene may be 5´7”, but her tits are humongous! Way too big for her frame. Not that he finds her short, but his 6´1” frame still stands taller. Although, not for long.

Irene knew they had thirty minutes at best before he was completely knocked out. And she still wanted to have some fun, therefore, she sped things up a little.

“Tell me, is your bed… comfy?” that was a clear signal for sex.

He guided her to his room, where she just stumbled back and sat right over his mattress. The motion of her body after the fall, it made her breasts bounce like crazy, and then jiggle like jelly.

He was nearly hypnotized by her large, massive mammaries. He couldn´t hold it. He was so horny now.

He almost threw himself all over her, he wanted sex, now! He deeply kissed Irene, feeling her full lips coming together in this wet, deep kiss. There was some tongue into it too.

And while his mouth was busy with hers, his hands went right to action. Rubbing her shoulders, he was right, her skin was so smooth. And the aroma, her fragrance was so sweet, so deep, so intoxicating. He didn´t want to let go of her.

Feeling her thick, flowing hairs all over his face as the kiss turned into something more sensuous, way deeper.

In a matter of seconds, he found himself stripping, and she did too. While he removed all of his clothes sort of desperately, she did it in the sexiest, most teasing way.

Looking at him all the while as her hands went back to unzip her dress. As her arms moved to her back, her chest grew, well it seemed so, she made her gargantuan tits look way more pronounced, heavier, rounder. BIGGER! All just by pushing her chest out. Pretty simple, right?

After that, she stood up, letting the dress fall, shaking her hips al little to help it on the way down.

Next thing he knows, Irene´s standing in front of him, wearing some sexy, tiny, red lingerie. He knew it was red! But those diminutive clothes didn´t last long on her. The first thing she did was to remove her G-string underwear. He couldn´t believe it, such a tiny piece of clothing.

He could see her wide hips rounding, her soft pelvis beneath it. She may as well be naked from the bottom; those things cover shit. But then, the real moment came. Time to get off her bra.

Her red, triangle-shape bra held and support her heavy tits. He wasn’t sure how will they look when she took that thing off. But he can tell one thing. He can´t wait!

She undid her bra, slowly, teasing with during every second it took her to lose it. He couldn´t wait. She was almost naked, the only thing remaining was her bra. Covering her most sexy asset. She´s a milf, a sexy, lusty-looking woman whose body does nothing but to torment his desire.

The second she loses that bra, he´s going for it. And he did.

She removed it, finally, displaying her round, perky nipples. As the bra fell, so did her breasts. But unlike the bra that fell straight to the ground, her boobs remained firm. Giving some strong bounces while they settled on their new, free, space. He could tell that thing was tight, and now, it was gone.

Jason´s member was hard, and pointing right at her. Meanwhile, his eyes were staring at her tits, and them only. He couldn´t wait much longer.

Irene sat back on the bed, accommodated herself a little and gave him the signal to proceed. She´s glad that, even in his own apartment, under the roof he rents, he´s still waiting for her to command him.

Irene laid back, while Jason laid on top of her. Inserting his throbbing member inside her shaved pussy. Slowly, gently, then, he began to push. All while he kissed her again. Her lips, her neck, he wanted to kiss every inch of hers.

His hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they wandered straight to her boobs. Rubbing her pointy nipples, massaging her vast, soft flesh. He couldn´t believe how soft they were, how fleshy, how stout!

“Touch them all you want, sweetheart, they are all yours…” she said as she laid herself back and just enjoyed him.

This was by far the best sex she´s had in years. Was it because he was good at it? Or was it because of what was coming next?

Irene could feel Jason´s lust in all of his movements. Quick, vigorous, naughty. He wanted to touch every inch of her soft flesh, feel all of her curves and get a hold of all of her sexy body. He was ravenous.

Suddenly, he stopped kissing her in the mouth and went straight to her neck, well, it was kind of a path. He kissed down, and down, going straight to one place.

“I was wondering when you´ll go down there…” she thought as he kept thrusting his pelvis against hers, pushing in and pulling out his hardened member. Both were moaning in a soft way as he lowered his face towards one place, her tits.

He had been waiting for this through all the date. For a chance to feel, to touch, to get lost on her immense cleavage.

Her boobs trembling as they were getting laid, his thrusting making her boob-flesh bounce, jiggle. Her nipples hard and moving in small circles. He needed to touch them.

He started slow, he lowered himself closer to her tits, but not straight to the nipples. He started with her upper chest. Slowly kissing her flesh as it rounded into her boobs.

Then, he kept going, adding some gentle biting to the mesh. He was now on the roundest, fleshiest, softest part of her boob, not rushing. He was taking his time in this carnal foreplay. This may be the cherry on top of the cake, or… where those her tits?

Little by little, his kisses and gentle biting were not enough, he started sucking. Gently, leaving some dim, pink spots over her boobs. He couldn´t get over the fact that her tits seemed humongous, how long has it been? Four? Five minutes fondling her tits? But he was about to get to the right spot.

He could already feel her areola, touched by his lips, he was close, so close to her engorged, erect nipple. Just a few more seconds and he´ll get there.

Irene couldn´t deny he was very good at this, whatever he was doing. The biting, the sucking, it all just teased her senses. And something else.

All of this made her hot, but it also made something else take place. Her boobs felt hotter, and she could feel that creamy milk churning inside her breasts. She was amazed by the fact that she could held it for this long.

She had already pictured herself dripping or even jetting milk out of her tits. But that wouldn´t be a problem for a guy like Jason, it could´ve made things better for him. However, he couldn´t get to that sweet part.

She was certain that, as soon as he took her engorged nipple in his hungry lips, she´ll explode. Sending lots of milk inside his mouth. She was excited, aroused by the awaiting feeling she had of his tongue playing with her nipple as he drank lots and lots of her milk. But there was a tiny problem, although, it may not be necessarily a problem.

The powder on his drink, it was already taking effect.

Jason´s vision turned blurry for a second, but it was hard to tell because of the lack of light in the room, however, he lost some balance.

He fell, to his full, over Irene´s body. His face sinking over her pillowy breasts. His whole body crumbling over hers. Little by little, his lights went out.

“I-Irene… I´m not feeling so…” and he was gone. He was trying to explain to her he was fainting, but he passed out before he could get to it.

But Irene was not afraid, she knew exactly why he went unconscious, after all, this was part of her plan.

“There, there.” She cooed as she caressed the hairs of the spark out man over her. “It´s fine, Jason, it´s ok, baby. You have to sleep. After all, this is just a part of the process. But don´t worry, you´ll feel much better in the morning… of the day after tomorrow…” she did it.

Maybe the timing was not the best, she would´ve loved it if he sucked on her, she was feeling so full now. But there will be plenty of time later for that.

Although, her boobs were not aware that he was not going to suck on them. As she laid back with the heavy man over her, her tits started to milk. Her nipples dripped and a thin stream of milk ran through the round borders of her breasts.

“Well, my girls surely don´t know when to stop. Oh well, I´ll clean this in a while.” She knew it will be too hard for her to push Jason´s unconscious body to the side, but he´ll become lighter soon enough. She may as well take a small rest.

Her plan had worked! Irene was so happy. She found the right man, and now, it was time to make him the right size.

She wasn’t sure how to proceed in this case. When this idea first came to her mind, several years before, she thought of making herself bigger. Taller, grow some ginormous breasts full of milk. Walk the streets feeling like everyone´s huge mommy. But the idea of being a giantess was not the best.

Therefore, she made another plan. Pick a man, the right one, and have him shrink. Just to the right size. That was a better plan for her. Had a grown man role-play with her, only that this role-play, it will be permanent.

She stood there for a while, waiting patiently to feel the first spurts on him. And it was happening!

She could feel his body becoming lighter, his head getting smaller. His shoulders narrowed, his arms and legs shortened, as the rest of his body did. He was shrinking proportionally. Becoming a scaled version of him. Slowly, so far, after maybe thirty minutes, he had lost around four inches. Maybe five.

“I can´t believe it! We must be almost the same size!” she wanted to scream those words. She was so cheerful.

“I´ll wait just a little longer, go get clean and then, aww, and then I´m taking you to your new home!” she thought.

“Aren´t you excited, Jason? You´re moving in with your new MOMMA!” she said to him, but he was deeply asleep.

Inside Jason´s mind. He was gone. He barely had a dream. It felt like one of those times when you can see nothing until you wake up. Or is it?

Maybe everything is taking place in a really slow pace, in slow-mo. A night´s sky came to his mind, or was it dawn? Everything was painted purple, black and blue, with notes of yellow and orange. But was he looking up to the sky? Or was he looking down to it?

He heard a giggle on the horizon. He felt like turning to his right, but there was nothing but some unknown houses and a deep, dark forest.

He turned to the left, only to find himself in front of some steps. A stair? To where?

He was standing at the end of it by the time he found out he had to see where he was going. And then, a voice.

“Jason… oh, JASON…” came the sweet, and every time louder, deep voice of a woman. Calling for him. “Come to me, Jason…” He followed her voice.

He stood in front of a really tall and very wide frame, one with two doors on it. The frame was nice, wooden, with a lot of curves and… flowers? It was for sure a piece of art.

“JASON…” Called the voice again, now more familiar.

He took one step forward, and as he crossed the threshold, light filled his vision. But not his dreams vision, his real vision.

“Aww, look who´s finally up! Welcome back, darling.” Irene cooed at him.

Jason was laying on… a couch? He had no idea, but whatever piece of furniture was supporting him, it was large and cushioning.

He instinctively rubbed his eyes and sat up. Only to meet Irene´s figure in front of him.

When he was awake, enough to process his surroundings. He could see she was not naked anymore. In fact, she wasn´t wearing that tight dress from last night. Plus, where was he?

He felt his head like kicking. Like a headache.

“It´s ok, sweetheart, take your time. There´s no hurry.” Irene spoke as she looked down to him.

“Irene… what… where am I?” he spoke as he stood up.

Jason placed both feet on the floor. Feeling the slightly cold floor underneath his bare feet. Something felt off, but he wasn´t sure what.

However, when he was standing, instead of towering over her, he found himself looking up to her, WAY up to her.

His eyes widened; he was in shock! He stumbled back and almost fell back on the couch. Irene was gigantic! But looking around, everything was! It wasn´t just her.

He turned back up at her. Looking at her huge, cheerful smile. She had to bent a little so that he could see her face past her tremendous breasts. Now, each tit looks monumental.

Irene´s smile widened, and after this long wait, she just said: “SURPRISE!”



Ffffantastic. What does she have in store for him?