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HI! I hope you´re all doing great today! 

Time for the new updates. However, here´s the little change on the story.

This chapter may be like a small closure for Jonathan and Lillian, but remember it´s only the beginning for our next stage.

Darkness before the dawn... I hope you like it, because I have A LOT of things planned for our new chapters.

I´ll try to make things more interesting ;D

Chapter 36

Lillian was sitting on the toilet. Her gargantuan body sitting on the tiny looking toilet. She was amazonic. Things were looking like toys around her enormous body. But it´s not her size what´s bothering her, she´s used to it.

The thing that´s on her mind is the inevitable fact that she will no longer be able to breastfeed Jonathan. She´s worried this may hurt him. How is she supposed to give him all of her love and affection when she can´t pour it through her breasts? Quite literally.

“Poor Jonathan, aww, poor baby…” she thought as she guided her hands to her face and covered it.

She was embarrassed, annoyed, sad. How will she cope with the fact that she cannot do the number one thing a mommy´s supposed to do?

And another thing was, will this be traumatic for him?

Jonathan really didn´t cared. He was focused on escaping. Well, that´s what he was doing at first. He knows he´s too short to try anything. He had the idea of escaping through the vents, but those things were screwed, and he had no screw driver.

He was damned. Doomed even. But that wasn´t the main issue. His main problem was, paranoid.

Jonathan knew Lillian was too affectionate to let him on his own for so long. Was she up to something? Was there another part on her plan? Some sort of stage 2? Another phase?

He had plenty of time to wonder. He was alone most of the time, when he wasn´t sleeping of course. Something he found himself doing more often.

Today, after he wasted all of his energies trying to climb the bars on the crib, he just laid on his back and took a moment to think.

“What is she up to? She can´t just say she wants to be with me 24/7 and then drop me here every day. That doesn’t make sense.” She must have something else in mind, but what?

He tried to make things up. What would a giant, maternal woman like her want to do with a shrunken man like him? She´s keeping secrets, but what are they?

Of course, he ignores he´s shorter than before. He can tell things are a bit higher, and bigger. But he blames it on the fact that he´s been shrinking for a while. He can hardly tell how things used to be when he was 4´, 3´ or 2´ tall. Plus, if his height has changed, which Lillian said wouldn´t, she´ll be the first one to notice and give the news.

She did notice, but never tell.

“Hypnosis? Will she convince me she´s my true mother? Sounds kind of… impossible…” he had plenty of time to think on what she was up to. He could tell because she always came to the room almost at the same hour, right before sunset.

And right now, the sun was too high in the sky. He could see the beams of light coming in through the window, intense rays. Like the ones around the early noon. There was still time.

“She´s definitely preparing something… but what?” whatever she´s up to, it will only be something meant to make her more of a mommy to him. But what was it?

He decided to get to sleep. He had a thought that made him cringe. This was something that crossed his mind for a second, but that seemed very possible. He was already shrunk, why not being… un-birth?

The idea of him inside Lillian´s womb made him gawk. A 26-year-old-man being carried in a woman´s uterus? He knew it was time to sleep, else, he won´t be able to get this out of his mind.

But he wouldn´t.

He thought he heard something from outside. Stomps, heavy stomps. Lillian was back.

His attention was turned at the door, and a part of his mind knew the mood was different. Was it darker? It seemed as if it was late-night, and not the usual time when she comes to pick him up.

Before he had the chance to turn at the window, the door was opened. Almost looking as if it was automatically open, or pushed by some supernatural force. Lillian was not behind it, as usual.

Just then, her large form emerged from the dark. He could see her titanic body, making her way through the door´s frame. She seemed bigger, had she grown?

She barely made it through the door; her wide hips brushed the frame on both sides, and her head, she had to duck a lot not to hit the top, had she always been that tall? She looked enormous!

“Hi there…” at least she broke the uncomfortable silence, was there really a need for so much suspense?

However, even if her voice was that mommy-lovely voice of always, which he found a bit unnecessary, not to say annoying, her face was different. There seemed to be something going on, her smile seemed a bit… off.

Her eyes appeared red, and her smile seemed nearly psychotic. There was something wrong, definitely. Her face muscles seemed kind of tense, horrid even.

Jonathan knew there was no way out, she was coming, with whatever she had on her mind. He was freaking out, he was already trying to find a way out. But he found himself trapped inside the crib, surrounded by some high bars. Where they taller?

His next question was, was Lillian bigger? The floor seems to tremble with each of her steps, had she grown? The whole room seemed to be quacking as her large form loomed higher and higher. How tall was she again? She looked much bigger!

He tired to escape, but her voice stopped him from moving.

“I know you´ve been thinking on me… aww, mommy´s so sorry to leave her baby here, but don´t worry, we can still be together…” In a blink of an eye, she was right in front of the crib, trying to reach for him.

There was nowhere to go, he was trapped.

Before he could think about it, he was already in her arms, her enormous, thick arms. Looking up at the dreadful expression on her face. Were her eyes red? Not regular red but, that bright glowing red color that seemed to shine in the darkness. Something was going on.

He tried to scream, but for some reason, he couldn´t make a sound. What was happening? Why did she seem to be in control of everything?

“Well, well, Jonathan here thinks mommy has left him behind, right? Or… is it that you believe I have something planned for you? Well… I do!” What? Of all the possible things he thought she´ll do to him, which one was it?

In a second, he found himself looking up at her, but not at her face, but her pussy. The wet, swollen lips of her pussy. Why was he down there?

“I wanted to get closer to you, sweetheart, but I think… it´s easier for you to get closer to me. Or should I say… inside me?” No, no way, she wasn´t, she couldn´t!

He felt as if he was rising, and his only destiny was her pussy. She was going to shove him in; her craving pussy seemed to be about to swallow him!

She was going to put Jonathan inside her and carry him around. Will he be able to breathe? To survive? To LIVE?

He could see Lillian´s gigantic thighs on his sides, as his final destination was her pussy. Her large, swollen pussy. Could she do something like this? What´s going to happen?

She seemed gargantuan, he was sure his whole body fit over there, but why was she doing this?

“Shh, shh, relax. Just let me take care of it, just close your eyes. I promise you´ll love it!” He knew he wouldn´t.

This was a nightmare, a real, horrible nightmare. Why? Why him? WHY?

“WHY!!!!!” he shouted as he woke up. Covered in sweat, with his heart pounding inside his chest. Was it a dream?

It felt so real. The fear, Lillian, the room. Everything felt as if he was there. However, he wasn´t. It seems this was all caused by his paranoid mind.

He sighed in relieve, but soon, he heard someone coming.

“Jonathan, honey? Is everything ok? Did you scream?” there she was, stepping inside the room, but with a regular look on her face. However, there seemed to be something off, were her eyes red? Like… on his dream?

It seems she was crying, because her nose seems a bit red too. Why?

“Oh… yeah, I… everything´s fine, heh.” Should he say mommy? He didn´t want to, not after that nightmare.

“Are you sure?” she approached, giving large steps with her shapely legs. With her enormous butt bouncing behind her. Her tits were not exactly settled either, they were bouncing on what seemed to be a top without a bra underneath. She was au naturel.

“Yeah, I´m fine.” He declared, turning somewhere else.

Lillian knew there was something wrong. He didn´t scream just because. Was he screaming for help? He seemed fine, or… was he screaming for attention?

“Oh no! He misses me! No, no, no, no, no, no… he wants me to be here, with him.” She felt so guilty that, no matter what he did, she´ll think its an attempt to have her there. To keep him company.

She promised to be the mommy he didn´t have. And now, she´s just ditching him in this room, all alone.

She made up her mind. She was not going to leave him there, not anymore. She may not be able to breastfeed him, but she definitely can carry him around. That´s her mommy-duty.

“Come here…” she spoke as she bent over and reached for him.

Jonathan was already used to the large hands of this gigantic woman pulling him up. She was way too strong to stop her. He just let her be as she lifted him in the air. Bringing him closer to her warm love, or that´s what she wanted him to feel.

The next day, they were back to their usual routine. With her pampering him at all times of the day. With one exception, obviously, no tit-sucking. She can´t put him through this anymore. He´s already 1´2”, he can´t lose any more height. It´s all for his own good.

Not that he knows or wants to do the other thing around, but whatever he doesn´t know, it won´t hurt him.

She was there, like she promised, there to love him, pamper him. To pour all of her love and affection on him like a warm, tender rain. Cascades of adoration and devotion falling over him.

The only problem was that, it was literally a cascade. Well, two. Her breasts couldn´t help it, every time she was close to him, her breasts just started producing milk, as if they were inflating. Projecting her growing love by literally filling up her tits.

The effect of the treatment wasn´t gone. Although, it may not be the treatment the one that´s causing her constant lactation, it´s him.

“Just a sec, mommy needs to go to the bathroom, I´ll be right back…” she lied as she rushed to the second floor, a pump, she needed to pump this milk out of her.

This was uncommonly pleasant for him. She just dropped him on the couch, not literally of course, as she made her way to her room.

He thought she was having some sort of bladder problem, or maybe something stomach related. He didn´t really cared. This was his chance to look for another way to escape.

While she was busy, trying not to make too much noise, milking herself with the pump. He was busy looking for a way out. And trying not to be too loud either.

“Come on, Lillian, this is stupid. This is all good milk going to waste! Why? Because you wanted milk that could shrink any man! And what happened? It seems the stupid shrinking effect doesn´t go away!” she was so annoyed. This was the third time, TODAY, where she has to do this.

Lock herself in her room and pump her milk out. Slowly, not to make too much noise. She even got an extra pump to get the work done twice as fast.

Now, there she was, pumping milk out of her enormous tits, her large, heavy, swollen tits that were all full of nutritious milk. Milk that was supposed to be for Jonathan. This couldn´t be happening!

In the meantime, Jonathan hopped off the couch. It was hard to get down as a 1´2” shrunken man. But he managed. In fact, it was even harder to get back up. But he had to do it in order to keep Lillian from suspicion.

He knew he had around thirty minutes to get things done. So far, he hasn´t found a way out. But maybe today´s his lucky day.

Or maybe it wasn´t. Just like the day before, there was no way out. All doors were locked, with a key! Apparently, Lillian was a step ahead of him.

He was tired, and so was she.

“Why? Why do I have to keep doing this? Why hasn´t the milk turned into regular milk?” she was stressed. How can a mommy be a mommy if she can´t breastfeed?

She´s been feeding him solid food ever since that day. She wanted all of his meals to come from her, but now, it seems that´s a dream that won´t come true.

The next few days were the same, no breastfeeding and she needed to run to her room to pump her tits. This was getting old.

She felt bad, not for the pumping, but for him. How is she going to prove true love if she can´t be in the same room with him for more than an hour?

She felt her boobs were starting to become a burden. A large, soft, fleshy burden. She needs to do something, now!

One night, she knew she had no other choice. Things can´t go on like this. There´s no way.

“I think… I think it´s time…” she spoke to herself, in the middle of the night. Surrounded by the darkness she felt inside her. There was no hope left for her. She can´t drag him with her.

She seems to be bounded to be alone.

Things are doomed for the relationship she wanted to build with him.

Over the next few days, she came to realize that there´s no way she can be the lovely mother she wanted if she has to keep secrets from him. And the worst part is, she can´t even keep him with her.

She can´t breastfeed him. Well, she can, but it´s impossible for him not to shrink. Doctor said this effect may wash away, MAY. She can´t stand to be around him for too long, her nipples get hard when she´s around him. And her breasts become so full!

Besides, she knows he´s been trying to run away. She´s not dumb. Plus, she´s sure there´s no way he can get out without her permission.

She had the idea that one of these days, he would simply love his new life; at least accept her as his new mommy. But how can this be if she´s not around? How?

She doesn´t blame him for trying to escape, but she can´t say she´s been doing her best on keeping him there. He´s trapped, that´s for sure, but this house is not supposed to be his prison, and she´s not supposed the be his captor.

How can love grow inside a home where there´s no truth?

This next step, for as much as this breaks her heart and hurts her soul, is to let him go.

She can´t keep him there, if she can´t pour all of her love for him, then she needs to let him go.

Lillian´s not trying to set him away, but she knows it´s better this way. But this doesn´t have to be permanent, only until her milk stops shrinking.

“Where did I place the phone?” She wonders as she looks for the phone on her room. She hid it somewhere, but where?

She knew the first place where she hid it was kind of predictable, so she searched for a new one. But where was it?

“Found it!” She claimed as she finally found the electronic device. It was hidden over the closet. For sure, he won´t be able to reach for the phone over the seven-foot-tall closet; she could literally see above the top.

She tried to turn it on but… the phone´s death. She turned it off at least a month ago, there´s no chance it will start without some power.

She grunted.

However, this small bump on the way may be her chance to come clean with him.

Next thing she knows, they are both sitting on the couch, well, she was on the couch. Jonathan was sitting over her huge, soft thigh. She loved to have him sitting on her lap. Something she´ll need to learn to forget.

“Jonathan, dear. There´s something I need to tell you…” Lillian´s tone seemed sad, gloomy.

He looked up to the giantess, barely able to see past her titanic breasts. It would be easier to talk to her tits than to her.

This was a hard chat, but it had to be done. Lillian told him everything about what had gone wrong.

Starting with the fact that he´s 1´2”, instead of stopping at 1´6”. He nearly screamed as he heard her words. Almost one-foot-tall?!

She explained to him that her milk was still working on him. Shrinking him, so that the more he drank, the more he shrank. She had no explanation why this kept going, and neither did the Doctor; instead of having no more effects on him, the milk seemed to be as pure as the first time he drank from it. Maybe not having the same effect on him. But it still worked.

Yet, she wanted him to know that this was not meant to go on forever, that this was soon to stop. Probably, no one really knows for sure.

She seemed distressed by the fact that she was hurting him instead of being kind to him. She had planned a solution already. He was listening as her next words settled him, a little.

“There must be a time… a break, between me and you. It´s… for the best.” He could almost hear her pain as she spoke those words.

Wasn´t she supposed to keep him there until he died or something? Why was she letting him free? This all seemed like a trap.

But her face revealed a deep sorrow. Her eyes became teary, soon, tears began to ran down her cheeks. Tears falling over him, as a salty, sad rain. This was no lie, not a trap. There´s no way she´s trying to appeal to his loving side by doing this.

He felt sorry for her, sorry for the sad giantess. Yes, she shrunk him and forced him to live with her as he sucked from her tits. But he couldn´t take it, he knew her, and had some feelings for her. Some of lust, some of hate, but he still felt bad.

He hugged her.

Jonathan just closed his eyes and hugged Lillian. Sinking his arms on her enormous, soft body. She felt so warm, and smelled so sweet. He closed his eyes and let her have some joy. He knows Lillian likes it when he displays some love to her.

Then, her gigantic hands pulled him closer, tightly smothering him into her. Crying. Feeling sorry for what she had to do. But there was no other way.

Even if she knows he can no longer be with him, she´s sure he won´t be able to make it in the real world.

There´s no way she´ll allow him to go back to his place and live alone. He needs someone. And she already has someone in mind.

“Here…” Lillian spoke as she, painfully, handed him his phone.

Jonathan couldn´t believe it, she was returning his phone. Finally, after so long!

But it was not just because, she had her reasons.

“I would like you to call that girl, Melissa. I can´t have you living on your own. You need a care taker, and she´s the only one who came asking for you. If I´m right, she cares for you. I´m sure she doesn´t care as much as I do, but you´ll be fine under her care. Else… you have my number.”

She wanted him to live with Melissa. Why? Doesn´t she like… hate her? But he was not going to argue with her.

This was a chance he couldn´t lose. He went straight to his contacts and called her.

In the blink of an eye. Melissa was waiting on the sidewalk, right in front of Lillian´s place. Standing under the sun, right in front of a cab.

Jonathan was standing on Lillian´s porch. With the giantess looking after him from behind.

Lillian knew this was for the best. She explained to him that this was just temporary. She will love to have him back, but not until she stops producing that shrinking milk.

He can´t really lie, he´ll miss her a little. Her kindness, her attention, and her titanic boobs. So soft… but he was looking forward to return to his old life.

“I´ll miss you, dear. But this is the way things will have to be. Until I´m able to care for you in a safety way, you should be away from me…” she felt a knot on her throat.

Jonathan said his goodbyes. He wasn´t sure if he was safe yet. But Lillian meant no harm However, shrinking without his consent, well, that will take some long time to be forgiven. If he ever does. And trapping him in her place is a whole other deal.

But now, he´s walking straight to Melissa. His savior. Even if Lillian chose to set him free on her own. He made his way through Lillian´s front porch, looking up and straight at Melissa´s 6´6” form, not so big when compared to Lillian´s 7´7”, but she was still huge!

Melissa watched him coming, happy to see he was safe and sound. She took the freedom to give Lillian some accusing stares. But Lillian couldn´t perceive Melissa. She was focused on Jonathan.

The first man she thought she will care for eternally, gone. There´s so much she couldn´t get to do. So much love, so much care. All those tender memories she wanted to create. But this was for the best.

She was no monster. She knew this was the right thing to do.

Lillian watch Jonathan leave. Gone to live his life with some other woman. She clenched her fists. Hating this part of goodbyes. Everyone leaves her behind in the end.

Once she knew he was gone, and there was no chance he could see her. She cried. For real. Stepped inside and cried out.

Maybe Jonathan was not the one for her. But why had they let her have a taste of what it was to be a mommy? Only to take it all away? Again?

She´s back home, walking the same floors, alone. What can she do? The house feels so empty now.

Her only consolation is that she did the right thing. This was for the best. This way, she knows he´s not completely gone, only away. Away with the promise that one day he may come back. If he´s willing to. But she understands it if he has his reasons not to.

Lillian walked up the stairs, slowly. Opened her bedroom´s door and laid down on her bed. It was time for her to grieve.



The Unbirth thing was so hot! I wish she really would keep him in her womb