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WOW, six chapters already? who´d tell?

Although, this chapters are shorter, which makes them a little easier to write. Or maybe faster, lol.

However, this chapter does contain more of the growing relationship between this guy and the boss.

I hope you like this small hints of... kindness? Affection? You´ll see ;D

Chapter 6

During the next hour, Harvey worked hard, trying to deliver the most work he could. He wanted to show Mrs. Stalwart that he was capable of much more than he seemed. And he wanted to compensate the fact that he fell asleep.

Was he that tired?

Even while he tried his best to become a working machine, he couldn´t quite ignore the giant woman sitting on her desk. A couple feet away from his.

Mrs. Stalwart was a monument! Tall, hefty, BIG. He took glimpses at how her long arms seemed to reach for everything on her desk, but not only her desk. Every once in a while, she turned a little, but just rotated her upper body. Her eyes were always fixed into the computer.

Her long arm aimed for something on the shelf behind her. She could easily reach. She can even touch the ceiling while sitting. Her fingers ran gracefully through the books she kept behind her. All in order to consult some information.

General information, past customers information, their digits from past years. She had most of it printed and kept behind her. Apparently, she likes to work with physical data too.

He was mesmerized by the way she, even without looking, just seemed to get exactly what she wanted. She knows her office well, very well. That was impressive.

But there was something else more impressive. As she stretched her arm back, her chest went up and out. As if she was trying to accentuate those gigantic breasts of hers.

Harvey found himself ogling at his boss´s tits once more. He couldn´t help it. The 9´6” giantess had the most remarkable, heavy, titanic breasts he´s ever seen. He´s very sure her cleavage weights a lot more than he does.

As she stretches, the buttons on her tight top seem to be willing to give. He wonders if one of these days he´ll be capable of seeing her popping some of those buttons.

“He´s checking me out, again…” Mrs. Stalwart thought. She didn´t need to look directly at him to know he was leering at her. She could perceive it, as if it was a sixth sense.

She could notice his eyes, all over her, all over her breasts. Her eyes were at the computer, but her mind, her thoughts, they were now focused on him. Still, not distracting her from the work she´s doing.

“He´s looking at me… again.” Mrs. Stalwart thought as she tried not to look back. She was used to having people turn at her. She was enormous, and caught everyone´s attention. However, she loved it when she turned back and made them feel embarrassed, ashamed, even scared.

That´s why she wanted to give it some thought before she turned at Harvey.

“Hmmm… should I scold him? Nah. Should I give him an order so that he jumps a bit on his seat as he reacts? Not that fun. How about…” She was malicious, at times, she just wanted to have fun at the expenses of other people.

It was obvious that he was still looking at the giantess as she wrote who knows what on her computer. She seemed busy, something he should be doing.

Before he resumed on getting back to work, she turned at him. Straight in the eyes.

Harvey froze, he should´ve turned, he should´ve turned away, set his eyes on the screen of his computer and pretend he was reading something. But he couldn´t.

He stood there, sitting on his desk as he was now looking straight at her face. Her stern look, not mad, but not friendly either. She was looking at him as if he had coughed inside the library.

“Is there anything you need?” she asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that surrounded him, and filled his scared mind with despair.

“I… excuse me?” Did he hear her words correctly? He thought she was going to kick his sorry ass out of the office for leering at her tits. Lucky for him, he wasn´t looking at that moment.

“I said, is there anything you need? You´ve been turning at me for, how long? Five minutes now? Don´t tell me you´re one of those men who are too scared to ask for things.” She just found a nice way to have some fun.

Internally, she was smiling. She acted in a way that, even if she revealed she was aware of his staring, knowing he was staring would just make him more embarrassed. To feel more nervous, not being capable of replying, of excusing himself.

And also, she let him know that there was nothing, not a single thing, happening inside her office that she wasn´t aware of. And he could escalate that and believe there´s nothing going in the building without her knowing.

“So, is there anything you wanted to say? Or why were you looking so much at me?” She really loved to use that phrase, “looking so much at me…” there´s no way he´s not about to pee himself.

“She knows it!!!” Was the first thing that came to his mind.

He had the idea that she knows he´s been leering at her tits for too long now. And given the fact that he feels like she´s been about to fire him since they met, he can´t help but to feel sick on his stomach. A void, trying to swallow him. Guilt, fear, and… rumbling?


That was his stomach, he hadn´t eaten a thing since breakfast, well, breakfast time. He just had some coffee.

Aside of lacking sleep, he was also missing food. His body needed something to digest, something to keep him awake. Nutrients, he needed nutrients to be a functional human being. If he was missing sleep, and now starving, there´s no chance he can work.

Harvey´s eyes opened widely, was this professional? Making this type of sounds inside an office was considered something allowed? And the worst part, how is Mrs. Stalwart going to take this?

Lack of respect? Disrespect? Rudeness? An excuse to fire him? She can´t fire him for being hungry, right? RIGHT?!?!

“Was that… your stomach?” Mrs. Stalwart said. And the sound of her voice, together with her question, it just made him feel much more nervous.

“I… I…” He wanted to scream “Please don´t fire me, please don´t fire me!” as if being hungry was a reason for that.

He had the idea that he should prove to her he´s a machine. If not, the closest thing to it. Now, falling asleep is one strike, and being hungry will definitely be the second one. Leaving him with a single more strike. He can already feel the breeze outside on his fired ass.

“Tell me,” she spoke as she bent forwards, pressing her enormous breasts on the desk, making them spread sensuously everywhere. “Before you chose to fall asleep all over your desk, did you eat anything?” she was curious on that.

“I… well…”

“Answer the question, hesitating is just a waste of time. It´s a simple “yes” or “no”, come on.” She was pushing him to speak the uncomfortable truth. At least to him.

She rose an eyebrow at him, meaning she was deadly serious. But when a giant woman looks at you, she doesn´t even have to try too hard to make you nervous.

“I didn´t.” He replied, ashamed of having taken so long.

He´s just hungry, food´s a basic need, there shouldn´t be a reason for him to feel shy about it. Nonetheless, his boss is a giantess who´s very intimidating. Even if she´s not lecturing him, he feels her enormous aura, filling the room, swallowing his weak self.

Mrs. Stalwart sighed. And then proceeded to sit straight, removing her gigantic bosom from over her desk. He would´ve loved to watch her tits bouncing as she sits back straight, her soft flesh in motion, but he didn´t feel so safe about it.

As she stood back, her eyes never left his. Had he said the wrong thing? Should he have played it as if he was not hungry? That he didn´t have this biological need that needed to be sate?

Harvey could see her long arm moving to her right, trying to reach for something behind her desk. Then, he heard the sound of her big, heavy drawers being pulled. Open. What could there be?

Was she looking for a file? One that contained all of the documents needed to fire him? Was this his last day?

Was she going to pull out a huge stamp from the drawer? One that imprinted the huge word “fired” all over his forehead? A huge mark that will tell everyone he´s been fired, kicked out, disposed.

“There it is… here.” He was surprised by what she pulled out. It had nothing to do with firing him, in fact, it was food.

A sandwich, wrapped and stored inside a sealed bag. It appeared to be her lunch.

She stood there for a second or two, trying to hand him the sandwich, stretching her long, thick arm towards him. Her enormous hand could swallow that sandwich completely. It seemed like a tiny version of a real one, meant to be a sample. But it wasn´t, it was a real sized one. In fact, the bread was one of those that are bigger than regular ones.

He wasn´t sure what to do, a sandwich? She was handing him food?

“Are you hungry, or not?” she spoke, a little annoyed, as she shook the sandwich a bit, emphasizing the fact that he should take it, right now.

“Sorry…” he replied as he stood up from his seat, took a few rushed steps towards her and grabbed it.

He felt chills as he realized how enormous her hand was. As he took the gag from her hand, he realized both of his could fit inside her palm. He felt tiny, and the sandwich seemed extra-large in his hands, and not ridiculously small as in hers.

“But… aren´t you… isn´t it yours?” he asked, looking down at it and then back to the tall shape of the boss.

“Relax, I already ate like… two,” she meant five, plus sides. She won´t admit the amount of food she needs to eat. But her daily caloric intake does contain five-digits. And yes, it´s way over ten-thousand.

“Uhm, ok. I… thank you.” He smiled, appreciating her nice, kind gesture.

“Welcome.” She replied, smiling back. But maybe she was showing way too much affection. “Now, eat it so that you can get back to work. Time´s running, and if you´re hungry, you won´t work properly.”

“S-sure! Right on it!” He replied as he opened the bag and went back to his desk.

Mrs. Stalwart was having some real fun. She loved the way she was making him so nervous. When she opened her drawer, before she pulled out the sandwich, she could see the terrified expression on his face. He was almost trembling, but why?

“Poor thing, he´s hungry. And I was just so mean.” She thinks. “Hmmm… was it food what he wanted? Was that the reason why he stared t me so much? Aww, little Harvey needs permission of the boss to get some lunch? How cute!” Her maternal side was kicking in.

A hungry man, who was also tired from the lack of sleep. And he was working right in front of her. She won´t be able to take it. But no one can see her trying to make him feel better.

He cannot have any sorts of special treatment. No matter if he´s her assistant, no matter if he needs it, and no matter if he´s cute. She won´t show her true self. No, she´s the stern, huge boss. She can´t become all hugs and kisses out of nowhere.

But she can´t help it.

“Aww, look at him eating. Quickly, trying to follow the boss´s orders and finishing up in record time to get back to work. So obedient, but that´s not what I meant before.” She thought as he watched him take quick bites of the sandwich.

“You should slow down, honey. You wouldn´t want to choke on that sandwich, right?” Oops, she let a ”honey” slip out.

He swallowed, turning back at her, “Sorry…” and he slowed down. Trying to follow her orders, word by word.

When he turned, she smiled a little, turned down to her keyboard and went back to typing. She felt so nice, so sugary. She handed him a sandwich, that does count as feeding him, right? She did the right thing. She helped him. She provided for him.

She feels so nice, so warm inside. Being kind is her true nature.

As she sets her attention back to her computer, she can hear him tapping something on the keyboard.

Without looking, she speaks: “Harvey, have you finished your lunch? Because I won´t allow you to work while you´re eating.” She spoke, and by the end of her words, he stopped typing.

She knew it. But how couldn´t she? She´s the boss.



This is getting great, as she’s discovering her maternal side.

Blue bird

She would be the perfect dommy mommy


Can you imagine? A 9´6" woman. If she does, he´ll have no choice LOL.