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Hello!!! I hope you´re doing great!

New update here, but before we move on with the story, a little announcement.

I´ll be announcing the winner of the last poll next week, if you haven´t had a chance to vote, this is the last week ;D

Also, our new long term will be posted within two weeks.

Now, the newest chapter, enjoy :D

Chapter 33

Lillian had called the doctor, first hour in the morning, just to confirm she messed up. The treatment she enrolled herself in was meant to shrink a man all the way to 1´6”, and that´s it. However, it seems this is not the case. The reasons?

First of all, she was feeding Jonathan several times a day, and in all those times, he was full to the brim with milk. Second, it can be blamed on him, because of his height and skinny body. And last but not least, she may have gone with the treatment for a few weeks more than she should.

When she first started with this, she was told that this was an experimental and very, VERY delicate treatment. That she should follow the instructions they gave her, and nothing more. But it seemed so… slow to her.

According to the information she read, this treatment was intended to shrink a man from two to three inches per week, that´s if he was fed daily. But she wasn´t getting the chance to do a daily feeding. She lied by saying she was already in a relationship and that his husband wanted this. But it was all a lie.

Since the pace of it was so slow, Lillian decided to… adjust it. What if she adds some more to her doses? Not much, just one more pill, and not every day, just every other day. Plus, she went on with it for a few weeks more, just in case.

That´s how Lillian managed to get those striking results that brought Jonathan down in less than a month. Back then, she was proud of the decision she made, but now… she regrated them.

Yes, results were faster, stronger, better! But, was it really that way? As she now looks at it, at Jonathan; laying in bed, not the height he was supposed to stay. She can´t help t but to feel like a monster, a disappointment at least. It was her duty to care for him, and she failed in that, way before they met.

Now, she needs to solve it, and fast, before Jonathan keeps shrinking, and shrinking. So far, he hasn´t noticed, she´s just so big that it´s hard to tell. But if she doesn´t find a way, then it will be time for plan B, and she hated plan B.

The Doctors advice? Well, after pointing out that she should´ve followed the specified instructions, he explained some things. First, she must stop the excessive feeding. Maybe having him overindulge on her milk is what´s causing this. Second, she must, if she hasn´t already, stop with the treatment. Obviously, she´s already done that. Except that once a week, before Jonathan arrived, she drank one pill per week, just so that the effects didn´t washed away.

The third step, if neither of the previous ones have worked, she needs to get back to the clinic, have herself run some studies on and then they´ll give her a new treatment. Which possibly stops her lactation. She hates that one, that doesn´t sound… mommy-like.

However, those were the choices, she just has to start from the bottom. First, make sure not to have any more pills. Which was easy, she had already stopped with it. But the second one, she disliked it.

She wasn´t supposed to feed him more than once a day. ONCE! Right now, she´s getting her humongous tits drained by his mouth up to FIVE times a day. That´s several times more. But she´ll take it. However, she´s not so sure how her body´s going to take it.

She stood there, in bed, watching Jonathan cover himself with the sheets. It was a cool morning, and his body wasn´t prepared for the cold weather. She laid next to him, hugged him tightly and warm him up with her fleshy self. It was like a natural furnace, not hot, but warm. Welcoming, cozy.

Even this small show of affection, it made her breasts milk. She could feel herself about to drip if she didn´t move away. But she stayed.

“I guess I´ll have to go back to the pump in times like this…” she must.

After her usual morning greeting: “Wakey, wakey…” Jonathan was taken to the kitchen, wearing a thick, warm onesie.

And for as strange as it was, she fed him with something other than her milk. He had already found it so weird that he wasn´t already latching on this woman´s gigantic milkers before he woke up. Now, he was sitting on her lap as she fed him with solid food. Well, solid-ish, scrambled eggs, but they tasted so good.

He couldn´t even remember the last time he ate eggs. The consistency, the flavor, he hasn´t had any salt if over a month! It feels so good, so nice, so delicious.

The next step in this was the worse, only being close to him made her breasts so swollen. While he ate, she could feel her tits expanding, getting filled with milk. Thick, creamy milk that was intended to go straight to his mouth, but now, it´ll go straight to the pump and then to the sink.

If she could only feed him once, the way she wanted at least, then she´ll save it for later. She was sure that feeding him a healthy, milky breakfast will have her anxious the rest of the day.

Now, in order to prevent producing more and more milk, she has to be away from him, just for a while.

“Ok, here we are…” Spoke Lillian as she opened one of the houses doors.

This was new to him; this was a place on the house he´s never been into. The door´s always closed. Even if it wasn´t locked, which she just proved it has always been, he wouldn´t be able to reach for the doorknob. How demeaning, a man in his twenties that can´t even reach the knob.

She´s taken so much from him with this. First of all, his job. Well, his livelihood. He hasn´t been able to get near his computer, or any other electronical device. He would be antsy if it wasn´t for the fact that his mind´s too busy dealing with Lillian.

Now, he wonders, what is this place? What´s inside this room? What is she taking away this time? So far, none of her surprises had been as good as she thought. Most felt like torture.


She turned on the lights in the room, and what was inside? As soon as the lights went on, he could tell that this room, this particular room on the house was a nursery.

“Oh no…” he thought as Lillian spoke.

“I know we haven´t been into this room before, sweetheart. But now, this is your new place to play around. Listen, I´ve been… a little distracted with you lately, and I haven´t had the time to focus on my real job.” Lie, she lied. She knew exactly how to manage her time.

He just listened to her words as she stood still on her arm. Just as every day, Lillian was holding him with a single arm, pinning him to the side of her soft tit. Her breast was much bigger than him, and several times heavier. It was intimidating even, a single bump of those giggling mounds and he´ll be thrown at the floor.

“Therefore, I´ll have to leave you here, just for a few hours a day. Ok?” She declared as he wondered why couldn´t she set a room with his computer, he could stay there for a few hours, no complaints.

But it wasn´t the case, apparently, he was sentenced to a colorful, boring room. There were a ton of stuffed animals there. And… is that a crib?

This has been the beginning of something worse for Jonathan. Although, he wouldn´t mind some privacy. Finally, for a few hours a day, he´ll be able to forget about Lillian… maybe.

In the meantime, someone who hasn´t forgotten about him, is making her way to her office. Melissa. Her thick legs giving long strides as her round butt wiggles behind her. Everyone´s staring, of course they are, but the back wasn’t much better than the front.

Whether you saw her coming or going, you´ll find yourself in delight of this woman´s features. Her butt´s juicy, but those breasts of hers. They´re like melons, no, much better than melons. Rounder, smoother, softer, and they bounce as she goes.

She´s certain she´s got a lot of people staring, and a lot of them are whispering things about her. Men and women. “Look at those tits!”, “She certainly had a job on them…”, “Why can´t mine look that way?!”, “She´s single, right?” Everyone gossiping about the towering 6´6” woman. She was by far the tallest woman on the office, and taller than most men.

So far, there´s only one man taller than her at the office, but not when she wears her three-inch heels. She´s come to like her new size. She feels more confident, and as everyone says, sexier!

She feels so confident. She´s tall, sexy and outstanding. But that´s not it. From time to time, as she works on her desk, she can´t help but to think on Jonathan and how she´s failing him.

She promised to think of a plan, but she just… can´t! Everything´s so complicated. She´s sure he´s at Lillian´s place, if now, where? But Melissa cannot get there without trespassing. If only, just for a moment, she had the chance to look around.

Somehow, be invited for tea, coffee, whatever, and had a chance to be left alone. The house big, but it is no mansion, there´s not enough rooms for it to take her long. But she´s worried.

What if Jonathan´s shorter? A foot tall? Half a foot? What if he´s just a few inches tall? Or even a fraction! If she thinks too hard on it, she´ll get all stressed out. She cannot punish herself like that.

All these worries are making her eat, a LOT! But, lucky her, she´s got a bigger body that allows her to eat more, plus, her metabolism´s a monster. She hasn´t even had time to work out and just look at her, she´s hotter than women who spend the whole day at the gym. She checked herself, she was 310 pounds.

But not any type of pounds, every single pound built the incredible hottie she was. An amazon, of a thick, yet slim, built. She was hot, her butt trembled, but not because it was fat, but because of it´s size. Her tits were massive, but made up with lean-flesh. No inch of her had cellulite, or stretch marks, not even freckles.

Melissa was a completely new woman. A prime version of herself. And everyone had already noticed. What excuse did she made? Late spurt, and that was enough for anyone. However, with skeptic people, she had to be a bit more assertive.

How? Depends on her mood. Sometimes she made it seem as if she felt offended, “What? DO you think I´M lying?!”, and some other times, she just used her grown assets to make them forget and point their attention somewhere else, “What? Don´t you think I´m natural?” she said as she pressed her massive tits together with her arms, without breaking eye contact. It really depended more on who she was talking to.

But even if she´s succeeded in this, even if her mold´s different, inside, she´s still worried. Where´s Jonathan? He can´t be gone, right?

She was sitting at her desk as her hand played with a pen, her fingers moving the pen fast, repetitively, she was a little anxious. She knew it, it was guilt.

If she couldn´t help Jonathan, if she found out he was gone forever and she did nothing to avoid it. She´ll regret it, her whole life. She can´t carry so much guilt. This was a human being she´s talking about. And there´s another thing, why didn´t she reported he was missing?

The truth is, who´d believe it? In order to find him, she needs a description of him, how will you tell he was once 5´9” and that he´s currently under two-feet tall? Possibly less? They´ll think this is some sort of prank.

She could tell she´s done some growing. That she was 5´6” and now she´s a 6´6” amazon. She had witnesses, photos, she was a living proof. Still, her growth was not as astonishing as his shrinking. It will really be hard to believe he´s so tiny.

She knew it, she was alone in this. She needed a plan. A real one. She stopped working and decided to assign some time to it. To the “Save Jonathan” plan.

“She´s… she´s not so big, I… I´m stronger now, I could definitely, well probably, bring her down if I need.” Best case scenario, she finds him, worst case scenario, she Lillian beats her up and calls the cops. There´s a fifty-percent chance he´s there, and a fifty-percent chance she´ll be trying to force her way into the house of a single woman. She really needs a plan.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was alone in this nursery. He would be freaking out if he didn´t already knew her true intentions. By now, he didn´t really cared about the place, of the playpen there, or the crib, or all of the toys around. He needed a way out.

“Ok… how?” There wasn´t much with what to work there. There was a door and a window, that´s it.

He knew that using the window, on the second floor of the house, as a way out was nearly impossible. That wasn´t an option. Now, the door. It wasn´t locked, he could easily open it, if he can reach. He´s sure he´s still strong enough to turn the knob, before he only needed a hand, but first things first, reaching.

The place was nearly empty, speaking about things to climb. Nothing, no chairs, no boxes, nothing!

He felt so frustrated, he wasn´t strong enough to carry the heavy furniture close to the door, he needed light stuff he could move. But what? A pile of stuffed animals? A pile of toys? Any of those can be piled.

“Think, Jonathan, THINK!”

While he was busy with his escape, Lillian was busy with her regular stuff.

She was working, but she didn´t liked it. She was missing something, Jonathan. She was already used to being with him all day, of him not leaving her side, not even for a second. Feeling his body pinned to hers, knowing she can turn down at any time and find him there. So cute.

But this is all for his own good, for both. She needs to get “detoxicated” before they can go back to “normal”, she can´t risk any of her still shrinking milk close to him.

“Poor thing, he´ll miss mommy´s milk…” this was a sacrifice, at least it felt like such. TO be honest, he didn´t really cared. He found it hard to take in so much milk, it even hurt a little, well much. His shrinking wasn´t over, now that she comes to think about it. He´s constantly drinking more and more milk.

Deep down, she believed he was taking it because he loved her, but she knew this wasn´t good.

Either, Lillian or Melissa, they couldn´t focus on their jobs. It was annoying, they were annoyed. And all because of Jonathan. He hadn´t done anything wrong -nothing Lillian´s aware of- but they´re both concerned, he has both women worried.

The difference, besides the fact that Lillian worked from home and was able to check on him whenever she wanted, Melissa´s looking for a way to save him and Lillian´s looking for a way not to put him in danger. Both are looking for his wellness.

However, Lillian´s tits are a time bomb. Literally.

“Oh, shoot! I´m leaking…” she said as she could feel her top stained, with milk.

Even thinking on him made her tits lactate. Her nipples were hard and dripping. Her pointy, hard nipples were poking evidently through her top; with huge, round stains around. She had to do something, but instead of having Jonathan fix it, she´ll have to fix it, in the old, annoying way.

Lillian made her way straight to her room, and on her way there, she passed by the nursery, she wondered, would it be a good idea to feed him now? She needed it, and she was already there. Plus, he´s been alone there for nearly an hour, he must miss her. Right?

“Mmmm… NO. I´ll, save it for later.” She needed a really strong will not to open the door and place her huge nipple in his mouth. She decided it´ll be better to wait until the very night to do so, that way, she´ll be looking forward to it and not hating the fact that she already did it.

And why does she need to keep feeding him instead of simply abstaining? She´s sure he´ll miss her titties. Their feeding sessions are so warm, tender, lovely, she can´t deprive him from it.

She went straight to her room. Without second thoughts.

And just as she made her way to her room and was thinking on Jonatan, he was thinking on her. But not because of nostalgia, like her, he literally heard her. Jonathan was looking around for something to use when he heard the unmistakable sound of Lillian´s heavy steps.

Loud steps coming closer, rumbling in his ears, inside him. His heart stopped for a second, he hasn´t done anything, at least nothing she can see, yet, he knows she won´t like it. Not at all.

When he saw her shadow moving from under the door, he knew she was close. As her shadow grew larger, he freaked out. He could already feel her huge hands reaching for him as she effortlessly lifted him in the air. What would it be now? Tit? Pants insertion? Sink him in between her ginormous breasts?

But then, her shadow left, after standing there for long seconds, she simply moved away. He felt so relieved.

He could still listen to her, walking on the nearby room, what was she doing? She was looking for something, he could tell. But what?

He was confused, was it something related to him? What if it was his phone? What if she was looking for his phone in order to destroy it. It would make sense. She locked him there to have some time alone and get rid of his phone. Finally taking his last hope away from him.

But it wasn´t like that. Lillian had finally taken hold of her breast pump, and just as she uncovered her huge, swollen tits, with blue veins all over her full roundness, she knew this won´t feel nearly as good as human touch. But she was doing it for Jonathan´s sake.

She inserted her engorged nipple inside the pump´s mouth and began pumping, milk literally streamed out with the first pump. How´s the rule? A liquid goes from a container with more pressure to one with the least? Always looking for the easiest way out.

Right now, the container was Lillian´s huge, inflated breasts. Looking for an excuse to burst all of that milk out. She knew this was a waste of good milk. But what could she do? Donate it?

It wouldn´t be such a bad idea, a serum that makes woman bigger, stronger. Or, used to give every woman their own Jonathan. However, who would buy her breast milk?

Later, much later, Jonathan had finally found a way out. Well, something to climb on. He couldn´t carry anything to boost him up, however, what about folded sheets? Folded covers? He could pile them up, in some sort of pyramid shape to give him more stability.

It took him more than he´ll admit to think of it, but at least he came up with something. Put the bigger covers down, and gradually put the smaller ones up. He didn´t needed much, with a foot of sheets would be fine.

He was lucky enough to find a bunch on a closet. Inside, he found more than just covers and sheets, but he didn´t want to focus on it. Nothing meant anything pleasant in the days to come.

It took him quite a while, and a lot of sheets, but he finally had it done. He put a foot on it, it wasn´t firm, in fact, it was kind of hard to keep balance over it. He was walking over folded sheets; it was at least five times harder than walking over a mattress. But he managed.

He didn´t weighted much now, he wouldn´t make them sink too much, and to his surprise, they were all piled at the right height.

The next step was, turning the knob. But just as he reached for it, barely reaching, he noticed something. The door, it opens inwards. And he´s blocking it´s way.

“SHIT! How… how did I miss that?” his plan was ruined, however, there may be another way.

Maybe, if he turns the knob and pulls the door enough for the bolt to leave it´s place, then he could get down, toss the pile of sheets aside and set himself free.

“YES! That´s it!” he had a new plan.

Everything was much better now. Hope, he had hope once more. He turned the knob, grabbing it with both hands. At first, he struggled, but then, it became easier, he put some strength into it and his minuscule hands managed to get a nice grip on the enormous knob, it was turning, finally, but, maybe too easy.

The knob began to turn faster than he was intending, which means, he´s not turning it anymore. It must be someone else, from the outside.


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