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Chapter 4

Harvey was working, like a machine, trying to get everything in time, organized, and with the same format. He even tried to work on several things at a time. But the thing is, he put so much effort on the details that he forgot one thing, to manage his time.

“Ok, Harvey, half an hour more to go, is the report ready?” Mrs. Stalwart asked from her desk.

“R-ready?” he asked, immediately recalling she hated when someone stuttered.

“Yes,” she started with a harsh tone, “is the report ready? I told you I needed it by the end of the day.” He swallowed.

It wasn´t ready. Not even close to be ready. He had put so much effort on making sure every single thing was correct that he lost track of time.

He was really the one to blame. He chose to seek perfection even in things that could´ve been done faster. By now, he may have wasted around an hour. Which completely messed his whole schedule. The final product he wanted to send had to be perfect, nothing less, however, perfection takes time.

Mrs. Stalwart really didn´t like it when she made a question and the person he asked took long to answer. So, very displeased, she repeated herself.

“The report, is it DONE?” Having your boss looking at you in a stern way is uncomfortable, now try to imagine the deep fear he had towards the giantess. Who would want a nine-foot-tall woman to be mad against you? Not something pleasant.

“It… is, still on the works.” He said, knowing for sure he needed quite more time, maybe an extra hour, at least.

She sighed, “how much?” she asked.

“How much?” he asked.

“YES. How much more time do you need, right now, you have a exactly seventeen minutes. How long do you need to finish it.” She spoke.

His knees were trembling beneath his desk. But he needed to be confident, or at least composed. So, he gave a straight answer, now without stuttering. “An hour and a half!” he almost yelled at the giantess.

Was he too loud? Oh, had he been too loud now? He could tell by the look on her face that he may. He could see another lecture from her.

“Fine.” She declared, without nagging at him.

“Fine?” had he heard her words correctly, did she said fine? “I thought the report was due… today.” He said.

“Oh, it is. I want it done by today so that I can read it tomorrow.” She replied as she made some more clicks on her computer.

Things seemed strangely easy for him. But there was something off. Maybe, he thought that just maybe, she would allow him to send what he did today and finish the rest tomorrow. But her next words just brush those ideas away.

“You can work some extra hours today. I want it send to me before tomorrow at 8:00 am. I don´t care if you work up to late hours, or if you have to sleep here. I want it first hour in the morning. Now, get to work.” She was mean. And apparently, she didn´t care for him.

At least he had more time. He went back to work as he wondered why was she like that? He was fine working the whole day and night; not really, but at least he didn´t have a family waiting for him at home. It was just him, alone in his apartment. No one waiting, but how where things for those who did?

He didn´t want to lose time thinking on that. For today, it was fine. He could work all night if needed. But it won´t be the case, just an extra hour, two tops. No more.

Within a second, 5:00 pm arrived. Mrs. Stalwart shut her computer and leaved.

“Remember, you told me you´ll deliver the best report I´ve seen. I hope that report´s on my mail tomorrow morning…” and she left.

She was a bitch, a HUGE one. But she was so hot! A woman with her height and proportions was no longer a woman but a monument! He couldn´t really help but to turn at the amazon as she left. Her ass was majestic.

Her huge, round, heavy cheeks nearly trembled as her wide hips swayed from one side to the other. Teasing him, proving how powerful she really was, disregarding her position as his boss. She was simply big, hefty, sexy, and mean.

One would say she´s the perfect dominatrix. But picturing her with a leather tongue and bra, holding a whip. That was not in his train of thought, at least not what he liked. If she was nicer, then he may feel a little more for her. At least appreciation.

But as her long, thick legs made their way out, he was certain, she´s too mean to deserve that type of attention.

After a while, more than the hour and a half he said it will take. He was finished. He finished exactly by 7:45 pm. He took some more time to make sure everything was correct. “Perfect” as he promised.

And finally, by 8:00 pm, sharp, he left the building. He was tired. He took three extra hours to finish the whole thing.

“I should not promise perfection no more. I´m good at my job, I don´t need to push myself that hard. Gosh, I think I have a headache…” he stood too much time in front of his computer, completely focused on his work. He really needed a break.

Now, for as tired as he felt, there was still a long way home. A two-hour journey.

The closest subway left with him by 9:00. And after the long trip, he was home by 11:15. He felt like falling on the main entrance of his apartment and have some sleep there. But he was starving.

He at whatever and went to bed by 12:00. He was so fixated into the report he sent that he couldn´t really stop thinking about it. Was it ok? Sure, it was. But, did it met the perfection he promised to deliver? Will Mrs. Stalwart like it? Those thoughts ran over and over again inside his head.

He didn´t got into sleep until 2:00 am. And before he knew it, his alarm rang, at 5:00 am. Three hours of sleep, he got that much. But he´ll be fine, he´s young. This is the type of things he´s supposed to take.

He was just so tired, he constantly yawned on his way to work. His shirt was a mess, there were bags under his eyes. Even if he got some sleep, he didn´t quite rested. Did he have a nightmare? Why can he recall an image of an even bigger Mrs. Stalwart throwing him straight to the trash can?

However, he got to his desk five minutes before nine. Like a zombie. But he could work.

“Good morning, Harvey.” Came Mrs. Stalwarts greeting words.

“Morning…” he replied, trying too hard not to fall asleep. “Excuse me… may I have some coffee?” he asked, he needed caffeine. He had a cup already, but it may not be enough.

“Hmmm?” Came her voice as she turned and rose an eyebrow at him. He seemed… tired. “Sure, serve yourself.” She said as she turned, grabbed the carafe and hand it to him.

He could tell, by the sheering size of it, that there was no way he could hold that thing, he was too weak now to carry something that big.

“If you don´t mind… can you, uhm, pour it for me… please?” he smiled up to her.

She was not the type of woman who´ll serve others, and he must really know that. But now that she thinks about it, he may be too weak to lift it. “Ok.” She replied, her tone was kind of arrogant. “Where?” she asked.

“Where… uhm…” he had no mug, or glass. He didn´t even brought lunch. But he had only two minutes or so before his shift started. No chance he can go get something to pour it on from the cafeteria. “Do you… have a mug I can borrow? Please…” he shrugged; he knew this was asking too much. She didn’t seem as the type of lady who´ll be happy to do so.

“Ugh, sure. Why not…” she said, not too welcoming, but it was better than nothing.

She turned to her back, rotating her enormous chair, turned back with a mug in hand and pour some coffee for him. Then, she extended her long, thick arm towards him and hand him the mug.

That thing was HUGE! In her hands, it was average, but in his, it was like a soap bowl. She was kind, or at least logical enough not to fill the cup. Half of her mug will do for him.

“Thank you.” He said as he grabbed the mug.

“You´re welcome. Now, is there anything else I can get you? I don’t know, a massage, to rock you in my arms, or maybe, would you like me to sing you a lullaby while you drink your coffee? Hmm?” her tone was sarcastic. She didn´t have to be so mean.

“Sorry, there´s no need… ma´am.” He turned down with coffee in hands. Although, he wouldn´t mind if she did rock him, he was sure her enormous, soft, fleshy body will be better than a premium king size bed. But it was just his sleepiness talking.

“Of course, there´s no need! Now get to work, it´s nine already.” Was there a soft side on this woman? She was kind enough to give him a cup of coffee, but she didn’t have to make fun of him, or his intelligence.

The coffee Mrs. Stalwart had was super strong. A very concentrated expresso. But he didn´t dare ask for cream or sugar. He just sipped it in. And it worked, for a while. After a while, the effects of the caffeine went off. Now it was just him against the extreme tiredness he felt.

His first half of the shift was really hard. He could barely stay awake. If he got distracted, even for a second, his eyes immediately started closing.

But he succeeded. He was able to complete his duties, not at his one-hundredth-percent, but fifty-percent of him was enough.

“Ok, it´s lunchtime, I´ll go get something.” She said as she stood up.

As she rose from her chair, and rose, and rose. Her immense bosom bounced. And as she walked, her tits trembled, as the floor beneath her did too. Today, she was wearing a skirt, displaying her sexy, sturdy legs.

So much flesh, muscle, fat, larger bones. She was a walking statue. A Greek goddess amongst mortals. And so curvy. She had a perfectly healthy thick shape. Wide hips, an ample butt, a slim waist, proportionally, and mammoth boobs.

“Ok…” Harvey replied, and as she left, so did he. But he was not going anywhere. He just leaned at the back of his chair. Ready to stand up, but as soon as his head reached the backrest. He was gone.

His eyes closed and within a second, he was sleeping. Snoring even.

Everyone could hear the amazon of Mrs. Stalwart as she made her way back to the office. She was hard to miss, and to EVERYONE on the office, she was imposing. A true authority, whether you worked for her or not.

Even outside the office, she caught everyone´s eye. At 9´6”, she was staggering, shocking, lofty. A huge body, wealthy, and with a stern look that could intimidate anyone, if there was still someone to intimidate there. She knew it, she was in charge. And no one could deny it.

She never took more than thirty minutes to have her lunch. For as much as she could eat, she always got back to her office by 1:30, allowing her to get back to work earlier. However, she wasn´t coming back to an empty office. Harvey was still there.

“Hmm?” she noticed the sleeping man on his desk. He was resting over the desk, relying his head in his crossed arms. He was comfortable enough, for someone who had a three-hour sleep, this was marvelous.

“He´s sleeping?” she walked closer to him and bent, his eyes were closed and his breathing was easy. He was sleeping.

“Well,” she continued, “he still has thirty more minutes before his lunch time´s over. However, we need to talk about sleeping on the office. There´s a room specifically meant for that…” she went straight to her desk and took a sit.

But she couldn´t take the idea of Harvey sleeping out of her mind. She turned back at him from her desk. And there he was, The 5´5” man completely asleep. Why? No idea. But there he was.

Mrs. Stalwart turned on her computer and decided to check some files. But then, Harvey snored, not too loud, but loud enough for her to listen and turn at him. And when she turned, she could see how he moved and rubbed his nose in his sleeve. As if he was scratching it.

Mrs. Stalwart blinked. But then, she smiled. She leaned forward, put one arm over her desk, placing the elbow over the desk. Then, she rested her chin on her hand and said: “Well, you´re just a little snorer, aren’t you, cutie?” her expression, for once, was tender.

She decided to watch him sleep just for a minute. To her, Harvey was small. For sure she noticed he was the smallest man at the office. And for a woman her height, he was a cute size.

She would never tell, but he was sleeping, he won´t notice if she calls him cute, or little. She´s hard on him, but that´s just the way she is. However, she´s got a secret.

“You won´t get out of this just because you´re cute,” she cooed, “by 2:00, you must be awake. Or else… aww, maybe five more minutes…” she had a soft side.