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Chapter 3

Dean woke up the next day with something on his mind. Master his new power. Yes, this won´t be a one-day thing, but he can at least try to change things as he wants them to be. He got this godlike ability in just one day, why couldn´t he learn how to use it at will in one day too?

He needed to learn how to control it, and what´s more, what was it´s limit. He couldn´t summon random stuff, or change other aspects of reality that were not women-related. But what if he could get what he wanted through women? As in, change their minds, make them do what he wants?

This will be day one. The very beginning.

“Ok, Dean. Focus, man. FOCUS.” He managed to make his thoughts come true, however, he wasn´t really focused on making those thoughts come true.

That first woman whose butt he inflated, that was a mistake. More than a mistake, that was his very first use of this new power he had. But Emma, he was not even trying to grow her into an amazon.

His thoughts, his very thoughts, they seemed to come true, but only about women. But what if his ability only worked on life forms? He needed to make sure on that.

He had a goal, learn how his power worked. And for that, he´ll have a walk around downtown. There was a generous distance between his place and his work. He could lose some time on his way. And if he learned how to use it, he could even manage to be late for work and not get scolded for it.

“Ok, Dean, here we go…” He thought as he hoped off the subway.

He needed a lab rat. Someone to practice. But first, let´s see if this applies to more than just women. He saw a dog, a poodle. A tiny one, maybe, could he turn it into a big, fierce beast?

He tried, he thought of it, how fun would it be to see a lion-sized dog? However, it didn´t happen.

“Ok… maybe it´s for the best. Who knows what a huge dog would be capable of…” he kept walking.

He passed by this skinny guy, what if he suddenly turned into a bodybuilder? Changing his plane shirt for a tank top, give him legs for arms… but it didn´t happened.

“Alright…” he started to get worried. What if it had been a one-day thing? What if he had lost it? Gone, what if it was gone just as easy as it came? That could be a possibility. Together with some hallucinations… but he was sane.

He kept walking, then, he spotted two blondies coming out of a coffee shop.

“Perfect.” He whispered.

The blondies were a couple feet away from him, now, it was time to try it. Put his mind into it. He stared a little at their fit bodies, their fancy dresses, could they be on their day off? On lunch? Or maybe, were they lucky enough not to work? He´d love that.

“Ok, what if… no, not if. These two ladies, they will grow, taller, sexier. Accentuate their bodies by giving them an hourglass shape. That´s right, wider hips, thicker butts, and big boobs. Now, how tall is tall enough… ok, let´s try… six-foot… seven, no eight, no NINE! Make both 6´9” thick beauties…”

He was so horny now. And just as he walked over them, he noticed their bodies seemed to change.

Their heads rising higher and higher, their boobs growing, their hips widening. Their legs becoming longer, shapely, sexier. They displayed more of their firm, fleshy bodies. Their dresses seemed to grow too, accommodating themselves over their expanded bodies, however, they let more cleavage flesh on display, and they had remained the same length, showing off their much longer thighs.

“It… worked!” Dean thought as he was just a few feet away from them. Looking up at these giantesses.

“Ok now, let´s see if this also works. I would like them to go crazy for me. Not excessively crazy, just to show some interest…” They were walking in his direction, had it worked? He had to check.

“Hey, ladies. I saw you, and I was wondering… would a pair of fine women like yourselves maybe want to hang out with a guy like me?” He was not the best when it came to flirting, or being romantic. But he managed. However, this tall women were making him nervous, he had to look way up to the tall women.

They were both so much taller than him. And not only tall, the length of their shoulders was also wider than his, and their breasts seemed bigger than his head! However, knowing he had powers, it gave him some confidence, but it didn´t seem to work so well.

“Hahahaha” both laughed, making his smile vanish.

“Sure, we´d love to go out with you…” he smiled once more, did it work? But the lady´s next words confirmed it didn´t. “But we´re not interested. Well, at least I´m not. What about you, Courtney, are you?” she asked the other amazon.

“Sorry little guy, but the men I date must be at least this tall…” and she drove her hand to her eyebrow level.

They each had nine inches on him. Eyebrow level meant he´ll have to be 6´4”, at least she didn´t wanted a man taller than her. But still, this meant they were out of his league.

He just walked past the amazons and tried to focus on what he did wrong. He couldn´t deny he felt kind of thrilled as he walked past them. They were so tall; the top of his head was almost leveled with their lips. And his eyes were right below their chin level. Two tall beauties, it was a shame he didn´t nail any of them.

Both women seemed to laugh a bit about him at his back. Sure, they were voluptuous amazons, but they didn´t have to be that mean.

He kept walking, his first attempt had failed, but there were still some women out there, plenty. Now, he had a new hypothesis. His first thought came true, but when he wanted to change their perception of him, their attitudes, to make them want him. That didn´t work.

Does this mean only the first “wish”, to call it some way, was the good one? Does he have to put all of his thoughts and specifications on the very first thing that came to his mind? He´ll give it a try.

He walked, turning around, looking for his next “victim”. And just as he was passing by a convenience store, he spotted a pretty cashier. Full lips, curly brown hair, big green eyes. She seemed kind of bored, it was time for him to bring some fun to her day.

He entered the store, just as any regular costumer. He walked around for a minute or two, pretending he was looking for something. He knew that he´ll be picking up the first random thing he spotted. Orange juice, that was it.

He walked over the register. The place was alone. Which seemed logical, it was too early for lunch time, and too late for breakfast. It was just the two of them, and maybe a manager at the back of the store.

“Hi.” He said.

“Hello.” Replied the woman, not much amused. She stood at around 5´6”, but that was about to change.

“Ok, Dean, here we go. Let´s make her tall, very tall. Let´s say… but wait. Let´s focus first on her emotions. This woman, she´ll try to flirt with me. That´s it, attracted in a sensuous way. I mean, we wouldn´t want her to be upset the whole day, right? Oh, and boobs, let´s give her some very big boobs…” he was giving in into his imagination, when her voice brought him back to earth.

Dean had turned at the window, wanting the changes to be a surprise, but when she called for him, he was amazed.

“I said, it´ll be 2.50, hello?” The cashier seemed upset. And what´s more, she was much bigger than he thought.

“Oh… I…” he had to look way up to her. His face was leveled with her boobs.

Dean didn´t specified her height, he just said he wanted her to be really tall, and for her boobs to be huge. Therefore, her titanic breasts were right at his eye level. He´d be looking right at the sexy line of cleavage that was displayed by her tight, open blouse.

She was a good deal over seven feet tall. 7´6”, at least. Tall, thick, busty, and intimidating. He wanted her to flirt with him, but he had another thing coming.

“What´s the matter? Cat´s got your tongue? Speak up, and don´t tell me you forgot your wallet at home.” She frowned at him.

“S-sorry I… no I didn´t, it´s right here. Just let me…” he reached for his wallet and pulled out some cash.

She was much taller than he expected. And much bustier. She was simply enormous. And kind of mean.

“You´re lucky this is not rush hour. But make sure to hurry up the next time. Women don´t like to wait, you know.” She seemed bossy. Was it because she was taller?

She went from bored to mean. At least she didn´t call him short.

“Here you go…” she said as she bent a little and handed him his change, together with his ticket.

Dean just smiled and grabbed the change. He noticed how long her fingers were, how bigger her palm was. He felt small in the presence of this amazon.

He just thanked her and walked away, escaping from this enormous woman.

It seems his plan didn´t work. He didn´t even have much of a chance to stare at her tits because of the way she acted. Maybe she´ll slap him clean to the ground if he did.

Dean had a tiny problem. He liked taller women, thicker, longer, goddess like beauties. He found them ultimately arousing. The thing was, he got really nervous around them. So far, he managed to remain calm because he believed he could control the way things were. But he didn´t.

He didn´t have the control he thought he had, why?

“Why is this going the opposite way I want it to be?” he thought as he took a sip of the orange juice. “Ugh, this thing´s too bitter.”

Dean had a problem. His mind. Well, not exactly his mind, but his thoughts. The thoughts that he had in his mind. Somehow, he gained the ability to materialize those thoughts. But apparently not all of them.

Dean was capable of altering women´s size, their bodies, their heights. But so far, he couldn´t change the way they perceived him or treated him. He didn´t wanted to have a horde of tall beauties chasing him. That could be counter-productive. But he wouldn´t mind some attention.

He hadn´t quite realized something, his thoughts, the way he perceives things. What he truly desires. Deep down, his intimate ideas, his private desires. He didn´t wanted the cashier to be mean, why? Because she´ll play hard to get, and that teased him; as much as it did with those other ladies at the street.

If they played hard to get, then his reward will be much sweeter. However, he really didn´t thought about it. He believed that if he was in some sort of control, directing their every move, just as a puppeteer, then things will come up exactly as they should. But that doesn´t mean that´s exactly what he wants.

His idea, he wasn´t completely wrong about that “first thought” thing. But the truth is, that wasn´t the problem. Not the position, or time when he had the idea, but the strength of the thought itself. How much he desired that.

Right now, it seems that the presence of the idea of a mean cashier was stronger than his desire for a flirt of hers.

Just like yesterday, with Emma, he didn´t wanted to grow her, but that idea also crossed his mind. And then it happened. He didn´t have control over his power, yet. But he had to be really careful, anything he thought, any desire or words he put on any women he met, that will happen.

By now, he had learned how to control the growth on them, kind of. But he hadn´t learned how to change their attitudes. However, he still had time, it was early in the morning. He had a whole day ahead of him.


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