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This is an extra long one, hope you like it :D

Chapter 17

He was sitting on a giant chair; his feet barely made it to the end of the chair´s sit. He was just waiting for further instructions. He felt as if he was in some sort of job interview. However, there was something on her. Different from the first time they met. She was… smiling.

Hannah took a sit on her desk, her fancy, expensive desk. She accommodated herself, adopted a business-like pose where she sat straight, made eye contact and joined her hands together over the table. Clenching her hands in a middle position. Her posture was powerful, ensured, intimidating.

Matt could do nothing but to smile at her. Looking way up. His chair was kind of crafted to adjust to men. Which means, when they adjusted to get it up, it wet UP. Like some sort of elevator chair.

“Once more, I apologize for the behavior of that lady. Like I said before, she no longer works here. She not only wasted my time, but yours too. Our time. If we become a couple in the future, I´d like you to know that you´re just as important as I am.” Did she really say that? Matt felt good, was she thinking of them as equals?

“Although, I´m wealthy and you´re… unemployed. I´m a big woman and you´re… well let´s not talk about sizes here.” Ouch, she smacked him back to reality. “But my point is, if you become my boyfriend, you´ll have access to this whole building, you´ll become an important person, plus, you´ll get to live a life of luxury. If you haven´t yet, of course.” That didn´t sound bad.

“Ok…” he said.

“Ok? Oh, no, no, no. We´re going to have to work on your responses too. I´m important here, which means, you´re going to have to work on your language, the phrases you use. Etiquette, the way you express yourself. Whenever an important woman, like myself, talks to you, or asks you a question, you´re supposed to reply like this: “Yes, ma´am” or, “No, ma´am.” Ok?” Her tone was serious. Imposing.

“Yes… ma´am.” He answered, following her immediate orders.

“Good…” she seemed strict, just like the other day. But today, she had other things in mind.

Hannah has been a very professional woman her whole life. Acting as such the whole day. A big, clean house. An expensive car, a fancy office, even her pajamas were made up of silk. She had been professional in every possible aspect.

She never went out with anyone. She spent most of her time working on her company. Looking for ways to improve, checking on the market. Possible investors, where to invest. She had dedicated her life to her work ever since she got employed on an office.

But that had been decades ago. She started at the bottom, in another company. And now she´s here, working at her own company. She learned, applied it and now, she´s here. But that´s just one aspect of life. She´s not as young as she was.

Even if she´s got the skin of a woman on her twenties, she´s already on her forties, and not her early ones. But a woman won´t share her age. Much less now that women look much younger than they really are. The perks of being forever young giantesses.

However, she´s spent all of her time working, she never hang out with anyone, much less searched for a man to… make her full. It wasn´t really the case, at least not for most women, but to her, she believed she needed something in life. Could a man be that something she needed?

She needed to know, and she may as well give it a try. But she was not going to be business-like with him. Yes, he needed to work, he wouldn´t pay for a lazy man´s expenses. But he´ll work for her, with her. Always on her side.

Hannah made a pause, turned at the door and then looked at her watch. By now, no one should be at her floor. By now, no one should be interrupting this important meeting she has, this date. Hannah had always given everyone the impression that she´s the most professional, most qualified, smartest, coldest, robot-like woman even. But she didn´t want that. She wasn´t born for that.

Just like anyone, she wanted love, to be herself with someone else, someone she loved. She knew that this may be hard, she´s not even sure who she is anymore. But, just as every other decision she has made the past years. She made a plan.

She searched through dozens of profiles until she found Matt´s. Young, handsome, “tall”, and he just went out of his first relationship. He was kind of the perfect candidate there was. So, she took the risk.

When he asked her out after their first date, she felt good. In fact, she was thrilled. For the first time in years, she was excited about something. Not worried, not mad, not stressed. Excited, happy.

When she finally made sure they were alone, her stone-cold look changed. Her eyebrows untensed and her smile came back to her face. She turned at Matt, knowing she could let herself go. Not completely, but enough.

She bent forward on her desk, approaching to him and added: “Of course, that´s ONLY if you´re talking with some other woman… with me, I don´t mind.” She winked at him.

Hannah felt so good, allowing someone to treat her in a way that was not treating her as the powerful woman she was, just a casual chat with someone. She was letting herself go there, and it felt nice.

Matt blinked, didn´t she just said that he must say the “ma´am” thing? She was an important woman, wasn’t she? CEO is a HUGE deal, right?

“I thought you wanted me to…” he started.

“Not now. Listen, I´m… trying to reinvent myself here. Therefore, I need to start acting in a… different way. With you, only if this works. If you chose to become my couple, the first thing you need to understand is, I´d like to take it easy. IN the intimacy of my house, of course. If this date goes well, then you´re going to have to live kind of a double life. Like me. You´ll act professional on the office, calling me ma´am, asking for my permission, standing by my side; although, the last part applies at all times. BUT, when we´re home, which could be OUR home, if you do good I repeat, there we´ll take it easy, ok? Be a lovely, Sunday-like, couple. Just relax, enjoy our company. Have a good time. Sound good?” she asked.

Apparently, Hannah was… a little weird. Maybe weird´s not the word, but she wanted him to pretend, while she pretended too, in front of everyone. That was weird. However, they will both love each other. And that´s what matters in the end, right?

Yes, she wants to keep love a secret, and kind of keep him as his personal assistant in front of everyone. But there would be love in the end, right? However, this was, it was sure better than his last relationship.

“It… yes, it sounds good… ma´am.” He said.

“Now, I just said you can leave the “ma´am” thing aside, do I need to repeat myself?” she rose an eyebrow, she wanted to say things once and that it was clear.

Matt moved his head, denying that she had to. He seemed a bit intimidated. And this was not what Hannah wanted.

“Oops, here I go again. Sorry. I just said we´re going to take things easy. Lok dear, I´ll chill from now on, no more business Hannah, I´ll be… kind Hannah? Or maybe, Lazy Hannah? That doesn´t sound right. What do you think? Any name ideas?” she asked.

“Well… what about, home Hannah? You know, since you´ll be kind and… relaxed at home.” He shrugged, waiting for her to say something.

“Home Hannah… sound good. Hey, I like it. See? I may need your advice for certain matters. And that´s a part of what you´ll be doing here. Well, not here HERE, since we´re at the office and I´m sure you don´t know much about investments and the marked, but please, correct me if I´m wrong. Do you?” she asked.

“I… don´t. No, I don´t know.” What was this whole building even for? What did she work on?

“So cute, and honest. That´s also a really important matter. Honesty.” She said as she reached for him and caressed his cheek with her hand. She knows that this kind of approach is good whenever you want to prove someone you´re kind, gentle. A good match, per se.

They moved on. Hannah, who said he should treat her as “house Hannah” will show him what some of her duties will be if he chose to accept her as his couple. Nothing hard, given the fact that he had no experience, or any sort of preparation for it.

Hannah made it clear that she had an assistant already. A woman, capable, punctual, sharp. Therefore, he didn´t need to worry about anything important. At least for the company.

“And, this is the app you would use to take notes. Sometimes I like to brainstorm some ideas while I walk around the office. At those times, I like my ideas to be written down, Normally, I ask my assistant to come and write them down, but it can speed up the process if you do so.” She said.

Right now, they were looking at her computer´s monitor. And how could both look at it? Was he sitting on a chair next to her? No, he was sitting on her lap. When she first suggested it, he blushed. He did not like the idea, but at this point, he had done more embarrassing things.

Within a few minutes, he forgot he was sitting over her thick, soft thighs, and that her huge, heavy breasts were supporting his back. He soft, smooth body behind, beneath, surrounding him completely, it was forgotten now. Partially. He tried to focus in the monitor and not on the giantess supporting him.

“It´s really easy, you only have to write down what I say and… how fast can you write?” she asked.

Matt turned at the keyboard, the thing was huge. This thing was designed for women from fourteen to twenty feet tall, he was five-foot-tall. Each key was the size of his palm.

Hannah noticed, “Don´t worry, we´ll get you a man-sized computer, it´s ok.” She said, but she remembered something, time.

Hannah turned at the clock on her screen and asked Matt. “Well, it seems our date time is almost over, do you want to extend it? I mean, you don´t have anything else planned for today?” she asked.

“I… actually I don´t. I´m free. Totally free.” He replied,

“Great! I´ll send you the extension request and you can accept it.

This went on for hours. By the time they were finished with this sort of training. It was eight already. The building was empty, except for the night guards. And it was completely dark outside.

“I think we´re done here. Would you like to go to my house?” she asked. Seriously.

“What? Your… your house?” Honestly, he got a bit bored there, she was basically describing a job. But now, HER HOUSE. What could be the possibilities there?

“Sure, I mean, we´re basically working here. Would you like to meet the real HOUSE Hannah?” her tone shifted, she had no idea what to do, but she chose to make a sexy tone there.

“I… I… I´d love to ma´am. I MEAN, Hannah. I… I… yes.” He got nervous, the sudden shift on her tone, it caught him off guard.

“How cute, you´re nervous. Well, don´t be. Ok?” Understanding the other person´s feelings is important in a relationship, and so is to comfort them. Comfort him.

In no time, they were at her place. She drove a sports car, silver-colored. But that, which astounded him, was not the main thing. When they got to her place, he felt like going into a mansion. The main entrance had a code to get in, and a huge, stone wall outside. Inside, after the long way to her actual house, it was a huge garden, a fountain, lights, a statue, more statues. She had money that´s for sure.

But her money´s not what matters here. She had made a point, she said something that got him interested, she asked him. His opinion seemed to care. What´s more, she was sincere enough to reveal what her true intentions were. If that wasn´t a lie.

The fact that such a wealthy, powerful, important woman treated him that way and not like some sort of inferior being, it meant something. It demonstrated that she was kind. And that´s what he cared for the most.

But he also had the doubt that this all could be a lie and she´d fuck his brains out at her house, or cage him in some sort of dungeon. Her house was basically a fortress, and she was powerful enough, apparently, to keep any Dame out of her business. No one will be able to go help him if he got in trouble.

“Here we are, home, possibly yours too, home.” Hannah liked him, she really did.

Her interactions with men were scarce. She really didn´t need to deal with men at her job. She wasn´t even sure if they employed men there; she had more important things to do than to focus on that. HR should take care of it.

Now, she had invited a man over. She made it clear that Matt had done a great job while she showed him which his duties will be as her personal assistant. Her very personal one.

Now, she was looming above him, she turned down, she couldn´t believe how he was taking this. He was looking everywhere. He couldn´t believe where he was. She knew this was possibly too much for him to take in. To her, all of that expensive, luxurious, designer-made stuff was common. She earned it. But to him, it was too much.

“How funny, wouldn´t it be fun if he thought of me as some sort of sophisticated woman out of his league… or maybe a sugar mommy… NO, I won´t sustain a lazy man who does nothing but to ask for things and hope I´ll pay them because I´m rich.” She didn´t know what to think, she was just fantasizing about the outcome of their relationship, even if this was just a trial.

“Your… your place is… nice.” Matt said as he looked way up at the giant woman. He was 5-foot-tall, and she was over eighteen-feet-tall. 18´7”, precisely. He was barely taller than her knee. Standing next to her, right next to her, in her luxurious place, he felt shy, small, out of place even.

“Thank you.” She replied.

Hannah wasn´t sure what to do, she wanted this to be some sort of “Everything in one date”, so far, the office stuff was done, now, it was time for home stuff. But she wasn´t sure. She´s been single her whole life, what´s she supposed to do?

“I… I think this is a good time to, you know, explain you what it would be like when we get home, you know, after work.” She said, with something already in her mind.

“For sure… where would you like to start?” he said, showing enthusiasm, or at least appearing to follow her lead.

“Well… I think… dinner would be a good idea.” She declared, it was, she was starving. She wasn´t sure how he managed to hold it this far, but she, Hannah was used to having dinner by 6:00, right now, it was passed 8:00. She was a being of habits, and this was messing them up, really bad. But it was all for a good reason.

“Sounds good.” He said.

Before a brief explanation, Hannah was gone. She said she´ll go get something more “comfortable”. He was left on the living room, sitting on a fancy couch she had. Her place was nice; clean, organized, nice combination of colors, great palette´s of wall painting. Of course she hired someone to built up everything there, she could pay for it, and she really didn´t have the time.

“I wonder… how long will she take?” Right now, it was 8:30 pm, he had been waiting for her during fifteen minutes. But he couldn´t blame her, a body that big must take some big time to get ready.

“Ok, here I am…” Said Hannah, with some change on her tone. Her voice was a bit deeper, slow, was she trying to be sexy?

Matt turned, but he couldn´t believe what he was looking at. His heart started beating faster inside his chest.

Hannah had made a point that she wanted to reinvent herself. Therefore, she needed new clothes. All of her attire was kind of… strict looking. Very professional, yes, but not something “Home Hannah” would wear. She wanted to be sexy at home, get home with her man and just let herself go.

Right now, she was leaning on the wall, one hand high on the wall while the other was placed on her hips. Her fleshy hips.

Matt couldn´t really tell much because of her office clothing. He could tell her waist was slim, but right now, she was showing herself off.

Starting from above, her hair was kind of messy now; her brushed, combed hair was now falling over her shoulders, sexy, glossy, undone. He followed her intense look, and immediately went down, he noticed her red lipstick, was she wearing lipstick before? He had no idea.

He immediately got distracted because of her top, her tiny top. Of course, that top may as well be a tent for him, but to her, it was barely fitting those tremendous breasts. Had they been that big before? Her round, heavy chest was taking over all of the space inside her crop top. Tight on the boobs, tight on the arms; Hannah wasn´t sure if this was a sexy tight fit or maybe she should´ve gone one size up. But apparently, she was dragging all of his attention to her boobs. Nailed it!

Right below her goddess tits, her slim, bare waist was teasing him, her stomach seemed tense, worked out even. And she did, she worked out to maintain a healthy, fit body. Mainly working out her lower, soon to be seen, body.

Her hips were wide, making her waist look much thinner. And the shorts she was wearing, if they could be described as shorts, they looked more like big panties to him. Her tight, diminutive shorts were far beyond revealing. He could see, if he focused, her tight pussy. But he turned.

What caught his attention next were her thighs. Her thick, strong, fleshy thighs. Those shorts were really sinking on her flesh, and her powerful thighs just tried to make their way out. Her legs were so long, so smooth, so sexy. Thick pillars of soft-looking flesh that simply teased him with their mere existence.

Matt was in trouble; he was getting hard! How could he miss the voluptuous, sexy woman Hannah was? Was it because he was too intimidated by her position? He had no idea, but now, he couldn´t even remember what he was thinking before.

“Ok, precious, time for dinner…” she teased as she walked his way. Matt swallowed, was dinner actually dinner?

To his surprise, it was. Hannah went straight to the kitchen, and asked him to follow her. From above, she made a gesture with her index finger, for him to follow her. He swallowed, but did as he was told.

The next few minutes, that became actually an hour, were all about Hannah cooking. She had no idea what she was doing. She tried to appear as if she knew what she was doing, but she had no idea. She paid a chef to cook her dinner, prepare something for her next days lunch and put it on the fridge. For breakfast, cereal, yogurt, fruit, anything that didn´t needed to be cooked. She really had no idea how to cook. That may be one of her flaws.

She managed to prepare/ semi-burn something on the stove. Put a pre-chopped, supermarket salad. Grabbed some wine, and voila! Dinner was served.

As soon as she put a piece of meat on her mouth, she knew it, this was bad. Too salty, hard to bite, insipid. She ruined a nice, expensive, piece of steak. The salad was good, though. And the wine, well it was wine.

She was amazed by the fact that Matt didn´t complaint. He just ate, not looking too happy, but not displeased either.

“Is he… does he like it!” She felt so good now, he was eating. Her heart beat inside her chest by this new feeling of achievement. But this seemed too good to be true. “Maybe men have no sense of taste… or maybe, aww, is he pretending to make me feel good? How cute!” she smiled, if he was eating, she could do it too.

But as soon as she took another piece of meat in, she wanted to spill it. TOO SALTY!

Meanwhile, Matt was having some thoughts of his own. “Is this pork? NO, chicken… or maybe beef? Which part of the cow is it, steak? Ribs? Or is it pig?” he had no idea what he was eating, but he didn´t mind the taste.

He knew what a tasty meal tasted like. What fine, good cooking was. But he wasn´t picky. His previous girlfriend didn´t lost any time cooking for him. He ate whatever she gave him, and yes, she was a terrible cook too. But she appreciated that Hannah made an effort. That´s what really counts for him.

The next thing that happened really caught him by surprise. After dinner, they went back to the living room. Hannah was sitting next to him, immense, tall, big. He felt really shy now.

She was just looking at him, what could she want? She was safe, right? Lisa said she was safe. But he was worried, he didn´t feel so secure now. She was sitting there, smiling. For how long? Five minutes? It was feeling like forever.

The truth is, she had no idea what to say. Small talk was not her forte, she pretty much just greeted people and order them. She had no idea how to be social, chatty, she was getting antsy.

“Thank you for… having me over.” Matt said, breaking the awkward silence.

Hannah sighed, “Wow, that was uncomfortable. I´m so glad you spoke.” She directly admitted she felt as if she was screwing things up.

“You… are?” He asked. Peeking at her boobs for a second, then back to her face.

“Yes. I… I´m sorry, Matt, but I really am not one to be… normal. Casual. I´m more like… businesslike, at all times. I don´t know how to talk to normal people. That´s why I´ve been looking for someone to… I don´t know, someone with who I can… chill, relax, let myself go and just be a normal person, for once…” she opened up to him.

Hannah was sincere, she spoke her truth to Matt. And he could tell she was real, this was not acted, planned, pretender; it just happened. She said it before, she had told him why she wanted to have a couple.

But what first seemed as a job, a straightly professional relationship, may not be it. Matt could tell what she really wanted. Hannah wanted to know what it was like to be free, for once in her life, at least after work, she wanted to feel what it was like to live a regular life. To come home and have someone there with her. Someone she didn´t paid to, someone she didn´t employed, a friend, a couple, love.

Matt approached to Hannah, placed his hand on her thigh and turned up to her. Touching her was not his best idea. Feeling her warm, huge thigh in his hand, he was turned on, aroused, regretful, yet turned on.

Hannah knew what he was doing, proving he was a friend. Comforting her. She was messing things up, for starters, the first part of the date was working. Then, a long, silent drive to her place. After that, she messed up dinner. And now, she had no idea what to say.

But she could fix it, now that he approached, she´ll show her what the good thing of being with her is. And no, it´s not her money.

“Come here…” she said as she placed her huge hands on him and lifted him up.

Matt was confused, his first thought was, that´s it, I´m screwed. But she proved him wrong. She kissed him, softly, gently. She was careful because she knew she was much bigger than him.

For a moment, he couldn´t think. She was making out with him, lifting him in the air, holding him in her arms. Engulfing his lips in her huge ones. In fact, her lips covered almost all of his face.

She had rushed to take this decision, but it felt so good. He wasn´t complaining, at all, and she felt so powerful. Holding him in hands, taking control, she was dominating him tenderly. Hannah had just found something new she liked, and this was just the beginning.

She was getting hot, this kissing had turned the torch of passion. Now, it was time to move forward. Her bedroom, she was taking him to her bedroom. Stripping, stripping him next. And then, she´ll just follow her recently awaken carnal instincts. She had struggled to put them away back then, and then they were completely gone, but now, they were back, and she´ll take advantage of this.


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