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Hello! It´s been truly a while since I made a one-shot. In this case, the things are really simple, a woman meets a man, and things happen in an apartment.

As always, the woman´s tall... well, maybe beyond tall, but it´s all explained here in the story.

Hope you like it :D

“All right team, that was a great meeting, I´ll se you next Friday, keep it up with the great work!” Said the supervisor with a cheering and energetic voice.

“See ya´…”


“Have a nice weekend…”

Everyone said their goodbye´s through the virtual meeting. As usual, some of them just waved at the camera, or simply smiled. Just like Mark. Our main guy here´s Mark. He´s attending the meeting, as every Friday evening. At the very end of the shift, or the beginning for those who work the night shift, they save thirty minutes for the weekly meeting.

Normally, the meeting´s main topics were performance, some news about the updates done, ways to maintain productivity, and some other random stuff. Regular stuff to be honest. But Mark wasn´t paying much attention.

He was focused in one of his coworkers, Bridgette. He had a crush on her. Her big green eyes, her Havana brown hair, the nearly pale skin she had. He was just a full for her.

She was his crush, together with some TV stars and so on, but from the people he knew, she was the one who he dreamt about. Not literally, but still, she was a frequent thought in his mind. And giving the lack of interaction he had with real people, his crush for her was much bigger.

Nowadays, things are sort of… easier to get. And by get, I mean that there´s a large number of things that can be delivered to your door. Starting with food deliveries all the way to whatever you can find online. Therefore, it´s easier for someone to order food from the supermarket, have it delivered to your door and avoid the trip.

Now, Mark here has, to say, overused that advantage. He´s been living on his apartment, without stepping out for over two years. In reality, everyone got locked down… but once things settled down, he chose to stay in his apartment.

Was he precautious? Too lazy to get out? Paranoic? Whatever the reason he had, he didn´t want to leave to safe and cosines of his apartment.

How lucky he was to have a way to get groceries, clothes and much more stuff online. As easy as clicking what you want, pay for it and then wait for the items to be delivered. He resumed his full necessities in buying things online.

He just stepped outside to meet the delivery guy, sign a paper or just peered through the window. He even worked from home. Something pretty convenient.

They had physical instalments, a main building where people actually went to work. But not him, together with the rest of the people on that virtual meeting that just ended. And among all of them, there was Bridgette.

Mark couldn´t get her out of his mind. She sent him a message not so long ago, a simple “Hi” that then turned into a conversation, then, they exchanged phone numbers and, eventually, became friends.

He thought he was very lucky cause he thought of himself as an average man. He was young, around 26-year-old, stood at 5´10”, not much of a hunk or a handsome man, just average. He felt shivers when she called him cute. Mildly elated.

He didn´t know much about her, only that he met her while they were both at virtual training and she seemed to be around his age. She also worked from home, she was single, had no pets… not much. Other that some things in common they liked, such as series they watched, food they liked, books they´ve red. Little things in common, but that meant so much to him.

The pretty girl at the “office” was his friend. Then, a crush, a huge crush. He completely fell for her. And all she did was being polite, friendly. But to someone who had always seen those things as a sign of something bigger, he couldn´t help but to feel butterflied up his stomach when he saw her.

He had an issue; he fell in love too easy. He had no idea why. Maybe he was just an over affective person, but that would mean he had strong bonds with all of the people around him. Then he thought he was just… really single. Lonely.

Right after he logged out of the meeting, he received a message, from Bridgette. He almost jumped when he saw the notification in his computer.

“That was so boring, did you pay any attention? Cause I was half was sleep when he started talking about the new norms” They had been chatting for a while too, she told him to download an app on is computer, and he just did.

The app was pretty cool. It had a ton of funny emoji´s, funny images, short videos, animated emoji´s, etc. He knew there was a ton of users on that app, but he only chatted with her. She was the only one he wanted to talk to.

Not that he was obsessed with her, but she was by far the one with whom he interacted the most. Even if it´s just through electronic devices.

“No, hehe, I was kind of bored too, but everything´s on the Emails they sent us.” He didn´t want to admit she was the reason why he paid no attention.

“Haha, I don´t know what would I do without all that. I mean, paying attention to the meetings is SO hard.” She replied.

Mark just smiled as he read her messages. He had been to shy to ask her out, besides, he didn´t want to go out. Maybe he was too used to being isolated to really want to hang out in the real world. And there he was, trapped in a bubble he built himself. It was safe to go out, but he just didn´t felt ready.

“When Mark… when?” he thought as he was about to type his reply for Bridgette. He wanted to see her, actually meet her and not just see her face through the screen.

He wonders, would she be prettier in person? Is she… sexy? Would she accept?!

He was worried, excited and sad, all at the same time. He had no idea how things will come up. What if he ruins the friendship they currently have? He couldn´t afford losing her… even if they were not really a thing.

Then, he received another message from her:

“I´m just so bored, in fact, I´ve got nothing to do today… I wonder what series I can watch, any suggestions?” That was it, a sign. She was literally telling him she was free today.

It was early, around 5:00, he could as her out and meet her somewhere, maybe by 7:00 or 8:00? He had no idea, he hadn´t been in a date since ages ago.

“Where to go… where to go?” he wondered as he started writing his reply.

A theater? The lake? A park? What about a food truck park? He was terrible at picking places. And he felt kind of, odd to step outside once more. So, he did the best thing he could think on.

“Yeah, today´s kind of a pretty regular day. But I have an idea, wanna come to my place and watch some series? Like, together?” he wrote and sent the message before he regrets.

A simple, friendly and casual message. He was too excited; he could feel his heart beating inside his chest. He couldn´t recall the last time he was so thrilled about something.

Seconds became minutes, and minutes felt like ages. Wasn´t she just writing a second ago? Did she left? Was he too straight with her?

“Oh no, did I mess up again? Shit, I knew I should´ve waited longer…” But then, a message popped in his screen.

“Sound great! But, wouldn´t you preffer if we could meet at my place?”

No, he didn´t want to step outside. He couldn´t admit it but, he felt overwhelmed by the outside world nowadays. Two years locked in his apartment had done one thing, make him a stay-at-home guy.

He tried to convince himself that he thought it was easier to just stay inside. Why getting out if he could get anything he wanted delivered? But the truth is, he liked the safety of his apartment. No idea why, he wasn’t afraid of the outside world, but he just couldn´t walk passed two feet outside his door.

He felt kind of anxious. Odd. As if he no longer belonged outside.

“Cool but, I have no car.” He said, making up excuses.

“You could take a bus, or a cab.” She wrote.

“Well, there´s no cabs where I live, and I think there´s no bus that leaves me close to you.” He lied.

“Come on, Mark. I haven´t given you my address yet. How come there´s no buses that leave you here?” she caught him.

“You did…” he lied once more, “don´t you remember? You gave me your address a couple weeks ago.”

“No, I didn´t. I´ll remember that. You don´t want to cancel, do you?” Now it seemed as if he wanted to back down on her, and he didn´t, he just wanted to take things to his place.

“No, of course not, haha. I just, I think it would be a better idea if you come to my place. I got snacks.” He needed to save this.

“Snacks? So you wanna drag me to your place by offering snacks? Haha, come on, it´ll be fine if we meet at my place. I promise there´s nothing weird here. Other than my dungeon ;D” The last part seemed funny, he knew she was a normal girl, not a psycho. But he just couldn´t.

“Well…” he wrote, but didn´t know how to take things to his place. He didn´t want to admit the real reason. He just left those words there for a moment. Trying to think on something.

“Are you still there?” she wrote. As you write, the app displays a little banner about the blank space to write, it says: “User x is currently writing…” how clever, but it does the trick.

“Crap!” he said, of course she knew he was there, but it seemed as if he didn´t know what to do. She was starting to think we was about to leave without saying a word. So, she gave.

“Listen, if you want I can go to your place. I´ll give you this one time. But only cause I´m willing to, next time, you´ll be the one coming, ok?” she accepted.

He deleted his words and wrote: “SURE! Thank you, Bridgette, you´re awesome. So… at what time would you like to come? Maybe at 7?”

“Hahaha, 7? Pfff, how about 9? Is that ok?” He was thinking on meeting her earlier, but nine will do.

“Sure thing. 9 it is.” He replied.

It was settled. He sent her his address and waited there. Four hours was the only time he had to wait to meet her. He couldn´t wait. Finally, he´ll get to meet his crush, ehem, friend in person. He was so excited.

“What to do? Dinner? What to cook? What series to watch? Oh and…” then, he was really thoughtful. He had invited a woman to his place. A real woman.

“Oh fuck… does this mean… are we having sex?” he thought. It wasn´t a must. Not that it was a date or anything. But what if it was? How casual could things be nowadays?

Are drinks necessary? Does he have to get some wine? Fancy cheese? Candles? This wasn´t a real date, just two friends meeting for the first time. Still, he felt the urge to buy something liquorish.

“Whine… that´s it, just get a fancy bottle of whine from some place near… a place with deliveries.” And so, he did.

He ordered whine, a bottle was enough. But then, he thought about where to drink it. He went to the kitchen and got out some of the fancy cups he had. Now, some food.

He never thought it will be so hard to receive someone at his place. Now that he really thinks about it. His house´s empty. Except for some left overs, a few groceries, and water. It´s amazing how little ONE person, like him, needs compared with how much two or three people would. He lived by the day. Ordering food or making some quick meals. But this was completely outside of his comfort zone.

It took him nearly three hours to get everything done. He cleaned up, prepared some appetizers. Placed some chips on the table. And if she wanted to eat something, they´ll order out. This was no date. There´s no need to be romantic.

“Ok…” he said as he sighed in relieve. The wine had been delivered half an hour ago and everything was clean… except for him.

“Oh… I guess I need something more… elaborate?” he was wearing a plain shirt and some shorts. Bare foot, since he was in his apartment. Being alone means you can wear anything you like, of course, comfortable. He had to check if he had decent clean clothes.

“Done…” he said as he stepped out of the bathroom. He was wearing a navy-blue T-shirt, kakis, and he even put some cologne on. Some old cologne, but still, much more than he usually does.

“Ok, now let´s get some shoes on and…” suddenly, he was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of the doorbell.

*ding* *dong*

“Shit! Is it nine already?” he said as he turned at the watch he had put on. To get a bit more style. But the clock had no batteries. It was frozen at 12:04.

“Great, this doesn´t help…” so he took his phone out of his pocked and checked. 8:57. A little earlier.

“Coming…” he said from his room as he stepped out and headed to the door. But on his way there, he was curious. How is she?

He knew how her face looked. As pretty as an angel, or a Greek goddess. Even more. But he had no idea how she truly was.

He knew she wasn´t some old lady with a fake profile pic. He had seen her. Virtually but still, he knew she was real. As he walked to the door, a short distance that now seemed longer due to his thought. He wondered, is she thin or maybe a bit husky?

Is she top heavy? Bottom heavy? Both? None? Then, he set his mind in a particular aspect. Height. He knew that, at 5´10” he wasn´t like the tallest man there is. Not on the short side, but still, nothing outstanding.

But how tall was she? Maybe a petit 5´ woman. If not exactly 5´ maybe something close. 5´2”? 5´3”? He´d be comfortable if he could be the tall one there, settling for 5´6”, but he knew he wasn´t that lucky.

Bridgette didn´t seem as a six-footer either. Not that someone could tell how tall a person really is through the screen. He was expecting a woman from 5´7” to 5´11”. An inch taller than him, but he hadn´t seen such tall women in town. At least not when he used to walk downtown.

The tallest woman he met was a 6´3” woman in the line of a convenience store. Other than that, maybe some 6´ tall women every now and then, well, back then. But what were the odds? Could he be wrong and about to open the door to a 6´1” woman? He was fine if she was a bit taller.

“Who knows, maybe she´s a long-legged hottie?” he chuckled as he grabbed the knob and turned it.

“Hi, Bridgette, it´s so nice to finally… meet,” When he opened the door, he didn´t see anyone, well not precisely anyone.

He was expecting to meet his friend, not sure whether to look straight, a little down or, up. But up was the right choice. Once the door was opened, a pair of long legs were displayed (at least he wasn´t wrong about her being long-legged).

A belly button, looking straight his eyes were leveled with a woman´s belly button. He could tell because of the feminine flesh of her ventral region and the wide hips that stood right below. About his chin level.

He had to turn down because, at first, he was in awestruck. Was this really a person? A living person and not some sort of giant cardboard with an incredible buxom woman printed. He had a hard time processing how thick her legs were.

The flesh on her thigs was so big, so immense and voluptuous. He knew very well that those thighs must be twice the length of his shoulders. He quickly glimpsed at her legs, first to see if they were at even ground and that she was not over some sort of ladder or booster step. She wasn´t.

Not even heels, she wasn´t wearing any sort of anything that could make her taller. Or stilts. He´s never seen a woman, during his adult life, that was so tall. The top of his head is not even close to reach her lower ribs.

When he finally found the strength to look up, he passed the incredible curve of her hips. So round and enormous, for sure she´ll have problems fitting through the doorframe.

For a second he wondered, a woman this big, is she wearing a crop top? Or, are all tops crop tops to her? How tall was she even? Everything seemed to happen so slowly, but that was because of the deep concern he had. Who was this giantess ringing his bell?

As he craned his neck, looking up and up, he found two enormously big breasts. They seemed like giant mounds of flesh. Those gigantic boobs must be the biggest among any he´s seen. Not even the women on the internet videos under “huge boobs” had tits that big. Each breast must weight nearly as much as he does.

But what really left him out of breath was when she spoke. The giantess bowed her head, just enough to meet his face. There she was, Bridgette´s angelical face. Her big pretty eyes staring at him, saying:

“Hi, Mark. It really is. Finally, we meet.” She had a smile on. Aside of him, who seemed nearly terrified by her gigantesque stature. She was excited. Finally, she met his friend face to face. Well, face to belly.

Of course, she could tell he was concerned. She knew it, she was freakishly tall. There´s no man, or woman, who has been able to stand in front of him and not tremble before her. She had no intentions on being intimidating, but at her height, it was impossible.

“Oh fuck, he´s just looking at me… I knew this would happen…” she thought, but she didn´t stop smiling. Trying to sooth him a little. But the light didn´t help much. The light was hitting her from behind and above, which means, there was a shadow casted on her face, giving her kind smile a bit more of a scary look.

What was going on? Mark was expecting to meet Bridgette, a regular height woman. But being in the presence of this over voluptuous amazon was fretting him. Was this really her? How come she never said anything about being the tallest human there is? Did she fit inside his house? Of course she´ll have to duck to walk in.

He had a hundredth questions and a thousand concerns. First of all, he felt as if his nearly six foot height was insignificant next to this amazon, whose legs were as tall as his chest.

“D-do… do you wanna come in?” he asked, finally speaking, still with a dumb expression in his face. He was nearly about to scream, or run? He didn´t felt too comfortable.

“Sure. Thank you.” She said cheerfully, finally listening to the sound of his voice once again. Barely maintaining composure, but still, it was better than nothing.

He wasn´t wrong, she definitely had to duck to walk in, and her hips were not exactly fitting through the door´s frame.

Bridgette was wearing a pair of what seemed short pants, that may as well be XXXXL pants, but they seemed closer to shorts on her. He could see the flesh of her thigs pressing against the edges of the frame, and when she realized she wouldn´t fit, she turned, trying to enter sideways.

He couldn´t believe how huge her butt was. With hips that wide, it was logical to believe there was a massive ass behind. The flesh of her ass giggled as she struggled to fir through the door. This was insane, he was worried if she´ll make it in, and also, excited. The majestic flesh of her voluptuous ass, contracting, tensing, bouncing, trying to squeeze her enormous mass through the tiny whole in the wall. He swallowed.

“Fuck, I knew it, he should´ve come to my place. Or at least somewhere I can fit. UGH, why is everything… so… damn… small…” And finally, she made it. She squeezed her enormity through and came in.

She was amazing, she stood back up, standing taller and taller. Her head was an inch away from the ceiling. He couldn’t believe it. How was this possible? Genetics? Was she natural? She seemed as some sort of giant evolved human being, with a giant body.

She was and will always be the closest thing to a goddess he´ll meet in his life. Should he preaise her? Well, maybe at least offer her some food, right?

“Do you wanna… eat or maybe drink something?” he asked.

“Thank you, I wouldn´t mind a drink.”

He walked into the kitchen and then back, carrying the bottle of wine he bought.

“H-here…” he said, handing her over the bottle.

She just grabbed it from his hands, the bottle was so tiny in her hands. More like hand. She only needed one hands to hold the bottle, and then, she just pulled the cork with her giant fingers. He couldn´t believe how strong she was.

Right after, she placed the bottle in her lips and drank the whole thing in one go. He was amazed, but he should´ve seen this coming. A woman that big must eat, or drink, large quantities of food. That bottle must be nothing to her. Maybe a gallon it´s closer to a glass for her.

“Ahhh, thank you… wait, was this for me…? Or both?” he said nothings, he just stood there looking up to her, “Shit, it was for both, wasn´t it? Sorry, Mark. I thought it was just for me, you know, the way you hand it over, like an offer for the big lady, hehe…” she chuckled, trying to make a joke on her own height, breaking the ice. But it didn´t work so well.

Mark´s face and actions showed only one thing to her. He had no idea what to do or say. He was completely mesmerized by her. Meeting a giantess isn´t something very common.

But why was this so hard? They had met before, chatted, by message and through the phone. They were no strangers, they knew each other, they had known each other for a while now.

She knew that if she didn´t do anything, this wouldn´t work. So, as always, she decided to take the lead. Handle the current situation and try to make this less awkward. Uncomfortable for her and, well, she´s not sure how this feels to him. But maybe he´s scared.

“Ok, listen, Mark. I know I´m tall, I should´ve said it before, but… I thought we could go over this easily. We work together, we´ve known each other for a while. So what if I´m 9´2”, I´m still the same girl you´ve talked about series before.” She was waiting for him to say something like, “It´s true…” or “Let´s forget about the awkwardness…” or anything, but he said:

“N-nine foot… two?” he seemed perplexed to finally know how tall she is.

“Ugh, yeah, that tall…” This didn´t work as she expected. But he´s the one who asked her to come. What was in his mind? Dinner? Series? Something?

Of course, right now the only thing in his mind was her. The enormity of the gigantic lady on his apartment. She was annoyed by the lack of conversation they were having. But she couldn´t blame him at all, she would be totally amazed if some woman over three foot taller than her appeared.

In her case, that will be a giantess of a whole different level. Maybe a friend with whom to share the lonely thoughts she´s had on being so tall.

“So… wanna watch something? Order something? Talk?! Anything, Mark, just get over it, so what if I´m tall, isn´t there anything else you can say?”

“You have huge tits…” he spoke, without thinking.

They both opened their eyes widely as he spoke. Yes, being alone for so long caused him to… speak his thoughts out loud from time to time. He was always on his own, no one would mind or pay attention if he did. But this time, he wasn´t alone. And those words were not exactly nothing.

“Excuse me?” she asked, putting a hand over her hip, but blushing.

“S-sorry, I… I didn´t mean to say so, it´s just, you know, you´re big and… you asked me to… well not asked but, you said something else so… I… I don´t know, I wasn´t thinking, I… I…”

“Shhhh” came a large finger that rested over his lip, shutting him. Stopping the constant flow of concerned coming from his mouth. “Relax…” she liked it.

A woman her height has some… issues in dating. That´s why she worked from home, it´s easier to avoid people´s staring when they can´t see how big you are. However, this also made her kind of… lonely.

She looked for ways to be alone, avoid people noticing how gigantic she was. That´s why, like Mark, she wasn´t much of a social person. And that´s also why she thought of his words more like a compliment to her femineity. Still, she had to play her part and seem upset.

“Ok, first, those are not the words a woman, ehem, likes to hear…” she did like it. “Second, there´s no need to apologize that much. Just say, sorry. Ok?” her tone was easy, she wasn´t truly mad, but then, “And third… do you really think they´re that big?” she asked, blushing a little.

They were equally bad when it comes to this kind of stuff. He´s to shy and had never dated anyone before. Or even tried to seduce anyone. And she´s too big, no one had dared to ask her out. The idea of a boyfriend was something she thought long gone. But now, maybe both can work on this.

“Y-yes… uhm, they´re big…” he replied, wondering if this wasn´t what she said she didn´t liked to hear.

“H-how big?” she asked, feeling the urge to know.

“Well… big… I mean, huge! Enormous…” he wondered if she did want to hear it. By the look on her face, she seemed… pleased?

Bridgette liked it. She couldn´t hide the fact that her lips drew a thin smile and her eyes showed the desire she had to listen to his words. That wasn´t very romantic, but this was turning her on, although, she ignored the reasons for it.

“Mhmm…” she cooed, “And how about… the rest of me?” she asked.

“You mean…?” he said looking up at the giantess.

“I mean, the rest, just look at me, Mark. Tell me… is there anything else… you like?” she wanted to listen to his words. Telling her how hot she was, how sext, how big. This was teasing her.

“Y-your…” he wondered what to say to her. First, he thought about telling her that the thinnest part of her waist was much wider than his chest. But maybe that wasn´t it. Perhaps, he could bring out the fact that her boobs were so big, and her hips so colossal that they gave her a wasp-like waist. The most defined hourglass figure he´s seen.

But what to do? What to say? He knew one thing, and one thing for sure, his words could decide where this was going. Was he going to be polite and just have dinner with her. Compliment her as a friend would. OR, could he get a little more… intimate.

“Your glutes. I mean, your ass, it´s…” She looked at him with expectant eyes, waiting. “Gigantic. By far the biggest set of cheeks I´ve seen…” he said, encouraged to take things to a certain place.

“Is that so…?” She said with a teasing tone.

He nodded. “You´re just… so big, all of you. Your thighs are thick, your legs are incredibly long… you´re just… tremendous.”

“And… do you like it?” she asked, biting her lower lip.

“I… I…” she was turned on, he could definitely tell that. And this was a chance he couldn´t waste. “I do.”

She bent, coming closer to him. “So… could we say you like, BIG girls?” she asked, putting her hands on her knees and pressing her boobs forward, making them come closer to his face.

“Y-yes…” he had never thought on that, but by “girls” she meant her. As in, do you like ME? He couldn´t say no. Now, things have spiced up a bit.

“Well, Mark. How about… we do a little something. I hope you don´t mind.” She was turned on, completely. His words, the way he talked about how big she was, for some reason it turned her on. Was this giving her some sort of power? Authority? Or just, making her hotter. Whatever it was, she wanted something, sex.

She stood back up, looming high above him, grabbed the bottom of her blouse and pulled it up. Slowly, teasingly. This was such a turn on to him. Things were going faster than he thought, and now, she was losing her top. A top that stood out of his reach. He wouldn´t be able to lift that off if she was standing.

She threw her top away, revealing the vast flesh of her gigantic tits, compressed in a bra. What size was it? Was her size even on the alphabet still? Or was this some sort of special-made bra? He didn´t know, and he didn´t care, cause the next thing she did was taking her pants off.

She kicked her shoes off and then unbuttoned her pants, sexily with her large hands. Then she pulled them off. Little by little, he could see the tight fabric of her pants lowering, taken off of her fleshy hips. That was at his eye level, at least. He could glare at her flesh as it spread out of her clothes. So smooth, as if it was expanding a little when her pants went off.

She turned, giving him a good look of her butt before she took the pants off. The first thing he saw was the sexy line between her cheeks. As the pants went down, he could see more and more ass flesh. It seemed as if it was going to fall over him.

Then, her pants went off her powerful thighs. So sexy, so teasing. He wanted to reach out and touch her feminine flesh. It was unbelievable. Every single part of this woman was huge, large, she was like a woman taken off of a billboard. Only a huge billboard could contain her size.

The pants finally met her calves, so round and defined, and then, they went completely off. “Here…” she said as she placed the pants over him. He could smell the musky scent of her sex. This only confirmed her lust. She wanted action.

He couldn´t believe how large those pants felt. It was as if he was covered with a large blanket. A heavy one. And now, he had a muse, a goddess wearing nothing but underwear, stripping for him. He was hard, since the moment she lost her top, his dick was getting harder by the second. Pointing at the woman of his desires.

“Well… now I guess I should undo my bra…” she turned once more, allowing him to see how she unclipped the bra, then, without removing it, she turned back. She held the bra in place with her hands. “Are you ready?” she asked.

Mark simply nodded, quickly, strongly. Allowing her to see how much he was int this.

Her hands began to get down. Slowly removing the bra from her mammoth breasts. So slow, so hot. The first thing he noticed was a fraction of her areola. Then, a bigger fraction, and finally, nipples. Perky erect nipples, pointing at the air.

This was just so much to him. It even hurt a little to be so hard. She was teasing him so much only by stripping. Finally, the bra was off, and she also threw it over him. It was insane. He could fit his whole head, no, he was sure that he could use that bra as a swing. She was insanely big.

Then, she placed her thumbs on each sides of the thong she was wearing. And slowly pulled it off. Revealing nothing but her sex. He didn´t have to look down too much to see, it was practically leveled with his collar bone.

Now, there she was, a gigantic, naked woman. All of her only for him. What does he have to do now? Where does he start?

“Now… I think it´s time for you to… lose your clothes…” she pointed at him.

“S-sure…” he said as he threw her clothes off him and then began with his. He nearly ripped everything off. He was eager, more like excited. His heart was beating so fast, elated about the action that was about to take place.

When he finished, she could see his throbbing member, hard in front of him, pointing at her. She liked it, the power she had. Well, more like the things she could do. This only made her feel pretty as fuck, sexy as hell. She wanted it.

She took his head with her enormous hand. She could easily engulf his whole skull with a hand. Then, she pulled him closer. Pushing him a little down, to her pussy.

Mark had no control on what she was doing. He couldn´t back away, not even if he tried. But he wasn´t pulling, in fact, he was easy, allowing her to do as she pleased. Anything she does will turn him on, she why resist?

He could smell it. Her sex. He was then pinned against her intimacy. His whole face was squashed against the lips of her vagina. She rubbed him a little first, teasing herself, turning him on.

“Ok now, you know what to do… eat it!” she declared, inpatient for the pleasure this would give her.

He said nothing and just dug in. Eating her large pussy. Licking her clit, rubbing her huge thighs with his hands. He wasn´t sure what he was doing or if he was doing it right. But the loud moans coming from above proved he was doing things well, at least.

She pinned him to her, almost sinking his head inside her. He was voracious. Ravenous. There was just so much of her, and he was, well, smaller. He considered himself average, but among her, his tongue seemed too small to do the job. But he didn´t have to worry about that for too long.

Right after, she pulled him up. Placed her hands on his sides and lift him off the ground. He rose, parring her enormous rack. And then, she placed him right in front of her. She licked her lips, and then kissed him.

Her mouth was large, her huge, thick lips were engulfing his. But he worked on it. Then, she pushed her tongue in. Filling his mouth. His jaw drop, her tongue was too big to fit inside his mouth. Everything was huge about this woman. For a moment, he could smell her perfume, so aromatic. But he was lost when she started making out with him.

“You like my titties, don´t you?” she asked.

“Yes…” he said, catching his breath a little.

“Well, then, how about, we do this…” and so, she inserted his penis right in the middle of her gigantic boobs.

He couldn´t get over it, it felt like… the softness, her hugeness. Everything seemed to be meant for those breasts to give him a satisfaction he had never felt before.

She rested him over her cleavage and put her hands behind him, pressing him against her. Then, a little back, and finally back forward. He was fucking her tits, over and over.

He could feel his member, harder than ever, craving only for more. The pleasure, the tease, this was beyond anything he had dreamt about.

He thought he´ll cum right there. But, right before he could, she pulled him back and then placed him in the floor.

He wondered; does she want to take things ti my room? Get a more comfortable spot? He was sweating all over, and she seemed too, but much less than him. He was getting exhausted of the physical effort, while she was sweating only by her lusts on sex.

He was about to speak when she came down on him, more like a slow fall. Things were going to happen, right then, right there. In the floor.

He fell to the floor, pushed by her enormous tits. He landed on his butt, which hurt, but he could take it. She put her hands on the ground, holding her cheering weight, cushioning her fall. Now, she was over him.

Pinning him to the ground with her heavy weight. A woman her size with all of her sexy flesh must weight a ton. He wouldn´t move. Part of him was anxious, but he was so turned on to care.

She made out with him once more, but for a shorter amount of time. Then, she stood up, sitting on the floor, still on top of him.

He could feel the cool floor heating by their warmth. More like the warmth of her. Her long hot legs felt like furnaces now. She was turned on, heated. A large hot woman in front of him, her heavy flesh felt so soft.

She came down, smothering him with her tits. Giant jugs, he grabbed them, trying to squeeze them, but the best he could do was to sink his fingers on her flesh. It would be impossible, even using both hands, to grab those tits fully.

Mark was so turned on now. A giantess was right on top of him. And he loved it! With the lack of human interaction in his life, even a simple caress would´ve get him so far. But this! He was not expecting this. And all he had to do was to mention her boobs size.

Was this that easy or was she just… as hot for him as he was for her? Was he irresistible? Had a woman´s standards decayed while he was home?

The truth is, she was like him. Speaking about their love life, cause she was really a gigantic woman with a goddesses body. Every man who was into woman towering above them would fall for her. But none had shown, until now.

He was pinned beneath her. He could feel the warmth of her soft gigantic body over him. Her weight, she weighted a ton, still, he loved the closeness.

“Ok now, let´s get a bit more intimate, shall we?”

With that said, she reached for his cock with her fingers. She grabbed his member with her index and thumb, and then accommodated herself so that his vagina was right in front of his pulsating member.

She preceded to insert his hard member inside her. He squirmed a little beneath her. The feeling, it was surreal. She was hot, definitely hot. The heat emanating from her was incredible. This was definitely the proof that she was turned on, as much as he was.

After that, she spread her legs wide. Both of his legs were trapped beneath this woman´s sex. But this was just the beginning. Now, it was time for the ride.

Before he could speak, or think, she started thrusting her pelvis forward and then backwards. Over and over. He just followed her as the amazoness motioned his body as if it was part of him.

From behind, you could see her gigantic ass bouncing on it´s place. As if she was twerking on the ground. Her massive ass cheeks trembling, quaking. He wasn´t sure if the whole apartment was shaking or if it was just him.

She was so massive, from beneath her, he could see how her immense breasts bouncing like jelly. The firm flesh of her round tits was moving in the air above him, shaking.

He couldn´t help but to moan, he was aroused, excited, and so easily manhandled. She was in total control now. Her actions will define his faith. He was just hoping that she won´t kill him, or squash him.

She proved to have complete control, her motion was doing nothing but giving him the real pleasure he had been missing since he locked himself in. A real interaction with another person. A goddess. She was beyond any other woman he had met before.

She was riding him, pumping all the possible blood to his member. He ignored how long he could last. Or how long it will take for her to make him cum. This was beyond sex; this experience was unlike anything he had ever thought or even dreamt about.

The pleasure, her softness. Even with her enormity, he could feel the smooth flesh of her plump thighs; he was trying to hold on to something, and her thighs were the closest thing.

He tried to reach out for her boobs, but she was too far away. Maybe one of the disadvantages of her height. But he didn´t care. The giantess with her voluptuous flesh bouncing as they fucked, it was totally worth not reaching her tits.

He was a mere mortal in the presence of a goddess. A sensuous, gigantic and erotic sex goddess.

His sweat, her sweat, it was all combined in the passion of their bodies joined together, thrusting their bodies through the floor. She seemed voracious, greedy. When he came, she didn´t stop. She kept going, looking for her own climax.

She kept going, even as his legs trembled beneath her. He came once, and struggled to maintain his composure as he moaned the pleasure out of his body. But she kept going, sweating, tensing her huge body over him. Her long hair flying in the air.

For a moment, he feared this would go on forever. But the feeling of her on top of him, it was worth every second of it. Even if he wouldn´t be able to walk by the next day. Was this safe even? A woman four or five times heavier than him? Was his body able to take it?

So far, his bones hadn´t broke, so this was safe… so far.

A loud moan filled the air, louder than he would´ve thought. Perhaps, the whole block could tell they were having some intimacy. But who cares. He was too aroused and too exhausted when the giantess decided to get off.

He felt a relieve, he was able to breath again, well, breath normally. She laid right next to him. Her tits bouncing as she fell to the ground. He turned, he wasn´t over the fact that she was so gigantic, so hot, so naughty.

She didn´t even asked, she just… did it. By the time he realized they were about to get laid, she was already half naked. But he liked it, she took complete control and he just allowed her.

She just smiled at him and he just smiled at her. Her size was impressive, and her features were breath taking. Getting to meet her has had it´s benefits. She just turned and kissed him once more. Maybe this was the beginning of something.



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