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Hi everyone! I hope you´re doing great!

Here´s the new chapter I worked on, although, I must admit this isn´t what I planned at first. But I think this is better than what I had in mind before. I hope you like it.

Chapter 25

Frustration, that was all Jonathan could feel as he stood there, standing, looking around. The place was huge, and strange. He felt as if he was somewhere he had never been before. Like a place made from scrap, a new place built with things from places he´s already been to.

He can recall the stairs from Lillian´s place, but the furniture seemed off. He turned, analyzing the whole place. Then, he heard steps. Someone was coming.

He turned back, to where the steps appeared to come. Stumps, they sounded like huge stomps coming his way. For a second, a shadow appeared on the hallway, growing bigger as that person was coming closer.

“W-who´s there?!” he yelled. Trembling to the core.

Then, that someone approaching finally appeared. Emerging from the shadows, it was Melissa. She was finally there.

“Jonathan?” she asked, looking around, searching for him.

“Melissa! I´m here…” he said, he was amazed.

He ran towards her, with his arms wide open, it didn´t matter that he was barely above her knee level, she was finally there. That person who he thought will be his savior.

“Jonathan! Oh my, I´ve been looking everywhere for you… come here…” she said, looking down at him, walking towards him with open arms.

He couldn´t believe his joy. There she was, Melissa, finally someone to protect him from Lillian.

“I´m so glad you´re here. Lillian, she´s… she´s crazy, she has a plan, you were right, someone messed up with the milk, but it wasn´t just milk, it was from…” He felt relieved, she was his way out of there.

“Shh, it´s ok Jonathan, I´m here, it´s fine…” she cooed, hugging him, kneeling on the floor and embracing the man´s shrunken form.

Jonathan was calm, safe. He hugged Melissa, feeling her enormity. She seemed huge, but that´s because of his shrinking. But his perception of her was kind of, odd. He knew he was hugging her, but how come he couldn´t feel her skin? Her soft flesh? Not even her arms above him.

“It´s fine, Jonathan, mommy´s here…” suddenly, her voice began to sound off. Distorted.

Jonathan panicked. He tried to pull away, but she pinned him into her. He felt as if he was sinking on her flesh, but he wasn´t. She was growing.

“Melissa, what the…” her words were strange, but then, her big bust, that was right on his face, began to expand.

He knew her arms were behind him, but now, they were pressing him hard against the expansive mounds of flesh her breasts were.

She was inflating. He noticed that even her body seemed fuller. Wider, fleshier. Melissa´s hot and newly curvaceous body was expanding, becoming much more massive. She was filling his whole view now.

“Don´t worry, sweetheart, mommy´s here to protect you, no one will hurt you as long as you´re under MY care…” her voice, it wasn´t Melissa´s anymore, it was Lillian´s voice, coming from above him.

How was it possible? Wasn´t that Melissa just a second ago? He squirmed, pulled himself out of the flesh-cage. Her breast´s flesh bouncing around him. He was trapped between breasts as big as him.

When he finally turned up, he could see Lillian´s face, with a huge grin on her face. She was looking down at the man trapped between her breasts.

“L-lillian, w-hat are you…?” he was beyond confused.

“Shh, it´s ok, Jonathan, just calm down, you´re about to shrink, but that´s ok, I´m here for you…” Did she said, shrink?

“What are you?” but just as she said, he began to shrink, fast. How big was he? Two feet tall? He may as well be smaller, but now, he could see his surroundings, which were Lillian´s breasts, growing. Expanding.

Everything was getting darker as he could see the walls of boob flesh rising higher and higher. He was falling deep inside Lillian´s cleavage.

“What´s going on?!” he alarmed.

“Shh shh, it´s ok, honey. Just let go and rest in mommy´s boobs…” just like that, she pushed him deeper between her breasts.

She wasn´t holding him anymore, he had shrunk all the way and was now caged only by her boob flesh. Pinned between those huge mounds of milky flesh.

“Noooo! Wait!” he tried to pull himself up, but it was hard. He rose his arms but was finally sank between her monstruous tits. He may as well be six inches tall now.

He could see nothing. Where was he? But then, he could see something, something big and round, right in front of his face.

“What is this?” he wondered as he reached for it with his hands. And once he touched the enormous thing. He heard a laugh.

“Hahahahaha, oh Jonathan. So eager to touch mommy´s nipple…” a nipple! That thing seemed as big as a basketball´s ball!

Now, she was holding him, using only one hand. She had trapped him, and he fitted so perfectly in just one of her hands. How huge was she? How small was he?

She seemed to be fifty feet tall. And her breasts were as big as buildings. Huge zeppelins, full of milk.

“There you go honey…” with that said, she pinched her nipple with her free hand, and then, a huge stream of milk began to fall all over him.

She was washing him completely only with milk from one tit. He could see nothing but the creamy-whiteness of her milk. He was drowning in breast milk.

“There there, this will be your last spurt, honey. You´re almost there…” By spurt, she meant shrinking.

Her hand seemed to be growing over him. The milk was shrinking him. He was covered with that sweet nectar that did nothing but to shrink him. He knew he was too small now, but he was shrinking so fast.

He felt as if he was vanishing in her hand, and when he turned up, he could only see her face. Happy, joyfully watching him shrinking into nothing.

“Lillian, no… please, you can´t… Lillian… Lillian… LILLIAAAAAAAAAN!” Everything disappeared in a second.

“Noooooo!!!” he rose, but not from a huge hand, and not covered with milk. He was in a huge bed, covered with sheets.

“Am I… w-where am I?” he turned at his sides. Looking at the room. This was definitely Lillian´s house, in what appeared to be her room. He was shocked, but he felt relieved.

It was a nightmare, only a nightmare. He wasn´t disappearing into nothing. He was just sleeping. Safe. Or as safe as he can be, he did yell at last.

“Jonathan? Honey, are you ok?” it was Lillian, calling him from somewhere. But then, he could listen to her coming closer. Her heavy footsteps clumping at the floor.

“Jonathan, did you fall from bed? Are you hurt? It´s ok, mommy´s coming!” she rushed to the door.

He panicked. His reality wasn´t too distant from his dream. He was still trapped, not in her bosom, but in her house.

Her caring words didn´t seem as soothing as she thought. His heart was racing inside his chest once more. He needed to escape. He pulled the sheets, but when he uncovered his body, he found something. He was naked.

“What the?” He turned down, where were his clothes? But while he was thinking, the door made a sound. Someone was about to come in.

“Jonathan?” came Lillian´s voice as she entered the room, fast. He covered himself back. His plans to escape were frustrated by the fact that he was naked.

He blushed. He didn´t want her to see him naked. All happened so fast, but he wondered, did she see anything?

If he was naked and his clothes were nowhere to be seen, then she must have already seen his body naked. She was the one who put him there, cause the last thing he remembers was to be laying on her lap as she breastfed him.

She spotted him, he was just laying there. So, she spoke. “What´s the matter, honey? Did you have a bad dream?” Of course he did, and she was the main reason for his fear.

“N-no…” he lied.

“Then? Why were you…? Oh, did you miss me? Did you miss mommy?” she asked.

This mature woman wanted to encage him, a 26-year-old-man, and so easily call herself that way? Seriously, what´s in her mind?

“I… well… I was just… wondering where… where are my clothes?” he said, trying to turn things in a different direction.

“Oh, I threw them away.” She said, as simple as that.

“What? But, why?”

“Because, they don´t fit, duh… but don´t worry, I´ve got you covered…” she winked at him and then walked into the room and pulled one of the drawers.

She had all of his attention, even if he didn´t wanted to see her. Now, she was standing, turning her back at him. And when she bent, her ass. He could fix his eyes nowhere but to her ass.

Her gargantuan butt seemed so huge now. He almost drooled. This thick woman was too much for him. He knew it was his fault, luring at her was all his decision. But not one he will regret.

As she searched thru the drawer´s content, she swayed from one side to the other. Her flesh bouncing from one side to the other. Her much full figure was so sensuous. She was wearing a skirt, a really tight skirt.

“Here it is!” she said as she stood back up.

Jonathan rose his eyes, and craned his neck, to see this huge woman´s form. He was smaller, wasn´t he?

“I think this will fit you just riiiight…” she said as she turned back, revealing something he wasn´t prepared to see.

“No! that can´t… is that… a onesie?” A red, buttoned, onesie.

“Mhmm, I think this is the only thing that fits, but don´t you like it? I made it myself.” She admitted, kind of proud.

“I can´t wear that.” He claimed.

“Of course you can, I think it´s just the perfect size. Before, I thought this could be a bit small, but now, it should be a perfect fit.” She smiled, and stretched her arms to him, presenting the demeaning set of clothes, just a piece, all he needed resumed in a single, lame, thing.

“No, not in a million years. You can put that thing back in the drawer cause there´s no way I´m…”


She put her foot firmly on the ground, shutting him just like that. How simple. But now, she seemed pissed.

“Listen, honey. You better put this on, cause I put a lot of effort into it. And, unless you want to give me the answer, cause you know I´m waiting for it since you fell asleep, you must put it on. I´m only going to say this once.” Her tone was firm and her look stern.

He just swallowed and tried to cover himself even more with the sheets.

“Now, mommy doesn´t want to be mean, just put it on, dear. I can help you if you need me to. Just stand up and…”

“I got it!” he said. He didn´t need her to see him naked.

“Oh, very well. Here you go.” She handed the piece of clothing to him.

He just looked at it. It was so… demeaning. Now he was wearing clothes confectioned by her? Was this really happening?

“Ok, whenever you´re ready…” she spoke as she held her hands together, right next to her face. With an adoring look too.

“Uhm… can you… not see…” he asked, well, kind of asked.

“Oh, haha, you´re shy, how cute. Ok, I´ll turn, let me know whenever you´re ready. Her massive tits trembled as she rapidly turned.

Jonathan wasted no time and stood on his feet. He unbuttoned the thing and just placed one leg in.

“You know, I have already seen you naked, there´s nothing to be ashamed of, but f you wanna be a little silly, that´s fine…” she said, this was even more embarrassing now.

“Ok, I´m done…” he said after he finally dressed up.

“Oh my… so cute, and it fits perfectly. Who would´ve thought…” she admired a well-done job. “Don´t you think it´s quite unique…” she asked, referring to the onesie.

“Sure, it´s… comfortable, but why a… a onesie?” he asked, still insecure.

“Because, it will keep you warm, also, it´s surprisingly easy to make. Plus, you won´t have to worry if your pants match…”

“Ok… but what is this… this thing right here?” he turned, revealing the backside of his outfit.

Turns out, that onesie, had some buttons on the back, placed right over his butt. He wasn´t sure at first, but now he was sure that was meant to be there.

“Oh, that´s in case you need some discipline, honey.” She spoke, with a surprisingly calm and cheerful tone.

“D-discipline?” he asked.

“Yes, you know, when you misbehave and mommy needs to give you a good ol´ spanking…” she didn´t seem bothered by that.

“A… a what?” he freaked out.

“Relax, that won´t be necessary… at least I hope not. But don´t worry…” she winked at him. But that didn´t made him any less scared.

He was a prisoner. Trapped under the same roof as this, maniac. And now, she just confessed she will spank him? Is that allowed? Can a grown man be spanked?

“Ok now… time to answer. Tell me, Jonathan, what´s your response?” she leaned forward, he can tell she´s been waiting for his answer for a long time now.

“I… m-my answer?” he asked, of course he knew what she meant.

“Yes, silly, do you want to stay here with me?”

“I… I…” he wasn´t sure. Her body, he could lure at her curves all day long. But, was this something he actually wanted? Part of him wanted to say yes, but he knew he shouldn´t. So, he changed the subject, with another question.

“Uhmm, f-first… can you tell me, how tall am I?” he wanted to know. He was still sitting in bed, but even so, he knew he was smaller.

Lillian´s head seemed to loom higher than he could remember. And the entire bed seemed much bigger too. He knew he didn´t want to hear her words, but he just asked because he wanted to get some time, even if they were just a few seconds.

“Well, I didn´t measure you because, you were not shrinking when I put you here, but… if I had to guess… I´d say, you´re 1´6”… yes, that sounds about right.”

“O-one…f-foot?” he asked.

“Six.” She corrected. “One and a half feet tall.”

Suddenly, breathing was hard to him. He fell over the bed; his eyes were fixed into nowhere. Nothing. His jaw dropped and he couldn´t even react. He felt anxious, and numb at the same time. He couldn´t express a thing. He stood there, not even blinking.

He was barely the fourth part of the man he once was. Was his existence reduced to this? Does he actually have a choice to take? Will Lillian listen to his words or is she going to say something like: “I don´t care if you don´t want. You´re trapped here…”

He felt as if his life had ended. The fear, the panic. The worries. What´s going to happen with his life? Will someone notice he´s gone? Is anyone going to miss him?

Then, he could listen to Lillian´s words and her huge hands lift him off the bed.

“Jonathan, it´s ok, don´t panic. I´m here… don´t be afraid. No one´s going to hurt you, just calm down, just breathe, ok, take a deep breath and listen to my heart´s sound…” she was trying to bring him back to reality. Take him out of that fear trance he was.

He could feel his head being pinned against the mammoth flesh of her bosom, so big, so warm. Soft. And her heart, he could listen to her beating from behind the huge wall of flesh of her tits.

He let himself sink into it. Sink into her. For a moment, give in. It was easy, it was soothing, it was, peaceful. Can this be one of those times when she´s kind? When she´s good? Is she really that bad.

Now, it only seems she´s worried. Truly preoccupied for him. Does she really want to imprison him or, does she want someone to care for?

He was shocked, all of those things once in his mind, now… they were gone. They were still there, but they were not the main thing in his head. It was Lillian.

Lillian´s care, her warmth, her kindness. What was happening? Why does this feel so… nice. He wasn´t sure if it was her enormity or if she had already gotten into his mind but, this felt nice.

He was lost, but not worried lost, but soothed lost. She had actually helped him. The only thing he could perceive now was her gigantic body and her good vibes. Now, she did had a maternal aura in her. And the worst part is, he actually liked it!

Was this because of the lack of love he had? The need for a maternal figure in his life? Was he finally giving in on what she said? That she could give him the love his mother couldn’t? Could he truly find that in his mature and amazonic neighbor?

“Come on, Jonathan, don´t be scared, just take it easy, count with me. One… two… three…” She was actually panicking, but she had to maintain calm.

She ignored the effects this shrinking could have on him. The final result was the one she was looking for but… what else? Was he dumber because his brain had shrunk? Were his bones more fragile? Could there be a possibility that his mind has problems with processing his current reality? Was this too much for him to take? Was he an obsolete computer trying to process the immense data of a new program?

“Jonathan… please, just answer me…” she said, not able to hide her worries no more.

“I…” he turned up, now he was looking at her, actualy responding.

“Yes…?” this minor show of recognition, a prove of life, this was heaven for her.

“I think…” he wasn´t sure if he should let go into the moment, but what could he lose? “ I think… I want to try it…” he said.

“Really?” she smiled. Finally, he accepted. Her proposal, her love… her.

“I do… as a… trial? Maybe we can, you know, try this… like for a few days before I give my final answer?” he needed options, he couldn´t just give his life away just because.

“Awww, look at you, negotiating… you look so cute…” he felt as if she wasn´t taking him any serious.

“But… I mean it, we… I… I accept, but you need to prove to me that, you´ll be… good.” He exclaimed.

“Hey, when have I not? I invited you over, fed you… then breastfed you… and I just got you clothes that fit, honey, you´ve been pampered since the second you entered that door…” she admitted.

“Yes, but you left out the fact that it was all a part of your plan to shrink me…” that was very true.

“Yes, but still, it´s all for your own good, or what? Don´t you agree I´m much more suited to be your mommy at this size? Tell me, at your current height, you´re more than suited for the job…”

“Don´t… I…” she was right, her size, her shape, her wide hips and those titanic breasts. She was suited for it, a giant mommy. But he just couldn´t say that yet.

“Ok, I´ll give you your “trial”. But once you feel all the love and care I´ll give you, you won´t say no. In fact, I think you´ll fall in love with me.” She declared, feeling proud of her achievement.

“Sure…” he said.

“Hey, what´s with that attitude?” she asked, looking down to him.

“What? I just said “sure”, there was no attitude in that.” He protested.

“Hmmm, I can´t tell. But, now that you agreed to live in my house, under my roof, and more important, under my care. I´m gonna need you to say something first…” she turned at him. The giantess wanted him to say something.

“Oh, right… uhm, thank you…” he said it, but those were not the words she wanted to hear.

“What? Oh, well, I appreciate all the effort…” it wasn´t that either.

“You don´t want me to suck again, right? Cause, I think I´m still kind of…” she placed her huge finger over his lips, and with a lullaby tone, she spoke.

“None of that, to seal our deal, I want you to say something, something really important to me, then I´ll know you´ve accepted and that this is not just a lie and that you´ll try to escape once more.” She frowned, but not in a severe way.

He didn´t like it. He felt a knot in his throat. She was about to say something, and he was sure he won´t like the outcome of this.

She bent over, coming closer to him, and to his ear, she whispered: “I´m gonna need you to call me “mommy” first…”



Loved it. That moment of acceptance after all this time: sweet.


I don’t even know if it goes with the theme of it anymore. But I’ve been waiting for Lillian to just mount what’s left of him and go to town on him. Still holding out hope though.


Haha, it will be interesting reading how she manages not to crush him beneath her... I´ll think about it. Thx for the comment :D


Thank you, I´m glad you liked it. I was really hoping it didn´t seem kind of... forced. But making it sweet is making it right :D