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Time alone with Lisa, Zoey´s friend. Matt´s wondering, so he asks why they seem to get along so… weird.

Lisa makes a small confession, she´s not like Zoey, overprotecting when it comes to men. She´s serene, careless. She´s not a mean giantess either, but she knows men are not weak.

“She treats men like… well, you already know.” She said, but he didn´t.

Now that he thinks more about it, he knows very little of Zoey. She´s got men clothes in her house, which seemed new. And she said she hasn´t been dating in the last five years ago.

He´s confused. However, it´s time to get busy, she´ll be back in an hour, they have to check on his dating options.

“Ok so, what are we going to do?” Matt asked.

“First, we´ll need my computer. Cause everything we need´s right there.” She smiled at him.

Lisa seemed nice. And hot. He stared at her long legs every time he could. She was wearing a skirt, revealing all of their curviness. Needless to say, he barely cleared her knee cap. Lisa´s legs were long and thick. For every stride she gave, he had to jog a good five steps. Thankfully she was slowing down.

“Here we are.” She said as she opened a large door and revealed her office. Everything seemed so clean and well organized. The chairs, her desk, and the computer they´ll be working on.

“Ok now…” she said as she walked all the way to her desk and pulled out her chair. “Come here.”

“Ok…” he answered as he followed her all the way there. Her office had a normal size, but to him, it was a huge distance he needed to cover.

He stopped right next to her. He just blinked as he turned up to meet the giantess’s gaze. Was she going to hand him something? Bring out a screen at his level?

She just smiled as she reached for him and rose him off the ground. He felt odd. He just stood still as she picked him up without any warning.

“I hope you don´t mind, but things here are not precisely men friendly yet. Everything´s designed for women. That´s why, I´ll sit you on my lap while we work on this, ok?”

Matt nodded looking up at Lisa. He didn´t like the idea of sitting on her lap, over her thick thighs. It seemed kind of demeaning. But he had no other choice than to do as she says.

“There we go, can you see my monitor?” she asked as she logged into the computer.

“Sure.” He replied. He could definitely see, but he´s not sure if he´ll be able to focus. Beneath him, he could feel Lisa´s massive thighs, the firmness of her flesh supporting him. He could feel his butt sinking in her soft flesh.

And her big breasts were so close to him. He could feel their enormity above him. He was aroused, uncomfortable and so elated. He´ll have to focus all of his attention on her monitor to avoid thinking on how he´s resting right in the middle of her sensuous body.

This is a new kind of tease he had yet to meet. And now, he could experience it. The warmth of her body made him feel, nice. Good even. She was his huge cushion right now. An eighteen feet tall woman he was using as a chair.

“Let´s begin. First, I´d like you to know the reason why Zoey wanted you to come here. It´s cause, I have a special account.” She declared.

“What do you mean by special?” he asked.

“Well, you know how you can use your account to check on profiles and request dates, and all that. Let´s just say, I have a wider reach when it comes to profiles information.”

“You mean like, hacking accounts?”

“What? No, haha, this is completely legal. I have an executive level account. Something very few people has. They gave me this account because of the agency I´m running. But let me tell you what´s it for. I´ll keep it simple. I have the ability to check people´s status, know for how long they´ve been single, how long they´ve been dating, and so on.” He was surprised by that.

“Also, I know what to look for on the profiles. I´m sure you´re not aware of all of the info there is in a profile. Tell me, do you read their profiles or just check on their pics?” she asked from above.

“W-well, I…” he only checked the photos.

“Ok, there´s no need to answer if you´re not comfortable. But, let me tell you that there´s a lot of information you can use while looking thru women´s profile. Also, I can check on their particular data. For example, do you prefer tall women or shorter women?” By short she meant 14-feet tall, but he got her point.

This seemed good. And really helpful. He could get to chose who to date, and get to know who he´s really dating. At least physically.

“And, the main reason why Zoey ask me to help you out its cause. Well, let´s just say she´s a bit worried about who you date. I know, it´s your life and your decisions, that´s what I told her, but she wants to make sure you´re ok.”

It seems Zoey wanted to take part on deciding who he dated. Or at least make sure he doesn´t go out with some gigantic psycho and disappear. Many men had gone thru that nowadays.

“So… let me show you something. Do you fill out that small survey, at the end of a date, the one that says: “How would you describe the interaction you had with…” and then her name pops up. Do you check on that?” she asked.

“Well, I don´t… usually not.” He found a way to block that particular question. He´s not sure why there´s the need to evaluate the last person he dated. Like, what´s the difference?

“I´m sure you don´t. But let me tell you something, that´s done to help us collect information on the dates. And get to know a bit more on how they use the app for.

That made sense to him. He thought this was some way to classify people by how good their dates where.

“Let me show you…” she said as she opened a random profile and then, went to a screen he´s never seen before. A feature apparently only she had access to. She and many others, but not everyone.

“Ok so, this is Cassy. She´s been single for… two years. And her dating shows that… she´s… ok.” She was reading her profile really fast. And she found the “reviews” she had.

He didn´t like that aspect of the app cause it feels more as if you were evaluating something you purchased. This were people they were talking about, why do they need a number? What if that was just a random date that went wrong.

He ignored that this was used to identify which people are using the app in a not so good way. And to check, if there´s the case someone disappeared, who was the last person they dated. Normally, to find out if a woman was imprisoning men. Sadly, but true in this new world.

“Ok, so, according to her info, she´s… kind of boring. And she likes butt stuff. Nothing amazing here.” It seemed to him this dating app collects a ton of information. She read like ten reviews and was able to tell that just like that? Luckily, a few people had that power.

Moments later, they went into his account. Lisa opened his profile on her computer, mainly because his phone was too small for her much bigger hands. He logged in on the computer and then she started checking thru his profile. She went for the people who had the best, let´s say date references, and also applied a filter to know who was interested in a serious relationship rather than just a casual encounter.

“You can check that?” he asked.

“Yeah, there´s an option that allows you to decide… well, there´s an option for women. I guess that man have to always look for a serious relationship…” Apparently, he had no choice, but he wasn´t aware of those options before, so he felt the same.

Finally, after a while, around thirty minutes, Lisa displayed five women he could date among his proposals.

“Ok, here they are, the best, and safest, candidates. You want to start with anyone in particular?” he´d rather decide on his own, it was kind of a personal matter. But he had some more questions.

“Well, actually, uhm, there´s someone I dated before who told me I could send her a new request… I wonder, how is she?” he said.

“Previous dates… ok.” And she went to his dating history. “Who´s she?” she said pointing at the monitor where each of the women he had dated showed up.

“Oh, it´s… Hannah.” He said.

“Let´s see, Hannah…” and she opened up her profile. “Wow, she seems… too nice. According to this, she´s only dated you in a while… a very long while… but she seems ok. Wanna send her a request?” she asked looking down at him.

“No, ehm, not right now, I just want to know if she´s… safe to date.” He didn´t want to fall into a trap like he did before.

“Well, sure, she seems ok. I mean, there´s not much dating here. But her past dates, which were ages ago, seemed pretty calm.” Ok, she seemed as a safe option. Now it was time to decide which of the five other women she selected will be his next date.

“Oh, Beth´s here…” The lady from the coffee shop. She seemed so nice before, and she was among the options Lisa had. He figured, why not?

“Her? Ok. Let me just pick her up and… what do you want to tell her?” she asked, about to write the invitation message.

“Uhm, I don´t know, just like… Hi, I´m Matt, the guy from the other day… I´d like to know if you´re up for a date, I was thinking, today?”

Lisa laughed. “Is THAT your message? Wow, I forgot how careless men´s messages are. It´s as if you just wanna hang out, not date.” She said.

“Ok, what should I say?” he had managed to get a date with every one of his messages. He wasn´t sure what she was talking about.

“Let´s see… I got it.” And she wrote.

“Hi Beth, I´m Matt, remember me from the other day? I was looking thru my proposals when I met yours. And I was so happy to see it. Would you like to go out today?”

He couldn´t lie. It seemed nice, and not so desperate. She even brought up the fact that he had other proposals. His question was, would she be interested in a serious relationship?

“According to this… She´s up to a serious relationship. But her last relationship, about a year ago, lasted only three months.” He was good with that. A three-month period without having to worry about finding a new couple seemed better than the few days he had.

“Ok, sent.” She said as she sent her the message. Now, it was time to look for someone else. They still had twenty more minutes. Why not fixing his schedule while he´s already here.

He was amazed by how little he really knew about the app. But Lisa was there to make things easy for him. It helps, the service she was offering really helped. Even if this was first intended to guide women on how to use the app´s full potential, men could really use the advices too.

“Ok, now… why haven´t you accepted your first request?” she asked, scrutinizing thru the dates of his proposals.

“What?” he asked.

“This girl, Mindy, why haven´t you accepted her request? You know a woman´s interest only last for so long…” she said as she opened her profile.

He opened his eyes in amazement. It´s true, that girl who escorted him back to his apartment on his first day as a single man. She seemed nice, or that´s how she appeared to be. He can´t forget that she´s the one who uploaded him in her profile and tagged him as a single man. Which led to several requests been sent.

“Well… maybe I… forgot?” he shrugged.

“Well, that´s not something you can afford to do, can you?” she said as she pinched his cheek with her index finger and thumb. She was gentle, but she was too strong, it did hurt.

“Sorry…” he said trying to set her gigantic hand away.

“Ok, I´ll send all of these five girls a message. And you can schedule them as you like whenever they reply, ok? I don´t think they´ll check on this within the next ten minutes…”

After that, Zoey picked him up and then dropped him at the apartment complex.

“Well, here you are, safe in your unit.” Said Zoey from high above.

“Thank you, Zoey, you know, for everything. I´m sorry if I caused you any trouble.” Matt replied.

“Hey, it´s no problem, trust me. That´s what friends are for. Now, if you need any help, or if any of your dates seem to be… a bit too much, please call me. I wouldn´t like it for you to get hurt one more time.” She cared for him, and really got worried too.

“Relax, Lisa said us men heal faster.”

She frowned. “Sure, and since when is Lisa a doctor? She´s not even a biologist. She´s based only in things she´s heard and maybe personal experiences. But trust me, she´s no expert in men, ok.” She seemed a bit upset.

Matt was in his unit. Finally. Back to his… place. The unit was kind of borrowed. He didn´t pay any rent for it, so it was hard to call it “his”. And there was also the fact that he had only a few days more before he “checked out”. If he had no couple within the next few days, he´ll be doomed.

*buzz* *buzz*

That was his phone, the unmistakable sound of the app´s notifications. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and checked.

“Cool, someone replied. Let´s see who she is…”

Beth, she was the first one to reply. And he couldn´t help but to smile. She was nice, kind and joyful. He could picture himself on a relationship with her.

“Hi Matt, it´s nice hearing from you. How have you been…” so far so good, but then: “I´m sorry, I can´t go out today, I´m busy. But tomorrow´s my free day. We can do something then, would you like it?” He had to admit that, other than women looking for casual sex alone, other´s had things to do, like work.

“Well, at least I got a date with her. It´s ok if today or tomorrow.” He wrote:

“Sure, tomorrow´s fine. Would it be ok if it´s early? You tell me, I´m free all day, heh.” He had no job, his only duty now was to find a couple.

And right when he sent it, he received a message, from Mindy.

“Wow, that was quick. A second reply.

“Hey Mattie. How have you been. It took you quite a while to accept my proposal, huh? But it´s ok, I can wait for a cute guy like you. I´m free today, wanna come to my place?” Well, Mindy was fast, and available. He needed to use his time wisely, but not too much.

He still had time, and with Lisa´s help, he could focus on the important dates, and not waste time with the one´s with no chance of finding a couple.

He wrote: “Sure, just send me the address and I´ll be there. At what time?”

Mindy´s reply was immediate: “Right now? Haha, I´m not doing anything and I´d love to see you. LOL” Her message was unexpected, and nice.

“Sounds good, just send me your address and I´ll meet you there… at what time do you think we should schedule the date, in an hour…?” he wrote.

Her location was the first thing that popped back, and then she wrote: “Don´t worry, we can start the date on the app when you get here.”

Her message seemed logical, but, suspicious. He knew nothing about Mindy, but Lisa chose her as one of the possible candidates, so he could feel safe; still, he had a weird feeling. But he was going for it.

It was still pretty early, around 11:00 am. He got off the bus and started walking to her place.

“Let´s see, this is it, house number 354…” He walked into her front door, just to realize her door bell was way out of reach.

“One would think that all houses should be men friendly… but I guess I´ll call her…” he called her from the app.

“You´re here?” she asked, she sounded kind of anxious, in the good way.

“Oh, hey, yeah, I´m right out of your door.” He said.

“Give me a sec.” she said and then hung up.

“Well… that was… fast?” he said.

He stood there for no more than a second before he heard huge steps approaching. It was Mindy, rushing to the door.

He couldn´t deny it, even after living his whole life among giantesses, he couldn´t get over the fact that her huge steps rumbled inside him. He couldn´t say that women were not intimidating to him. Mindy was about seventeen feet tall. Around ten feet taller than him.

When the door open, he could see her long shapely legs right in front of him. He knew what to expect, she was wearing a short skirt, but when he turned up to meet her gaze, he noticed something.

“S-she… she´s not wearing… underwear…” he turned back at the floor, embarrassed by the sight he got. Beneath her skirt, he could see her sex. Her vagina was at full display.

She was at her house, and she was wearing something on top, not that she was half-naked. But knowing he was on his way, she should´ve covered. OR at least wore a pair of pants, or shorts.

“Matt, HI, welcome to my place… huh? What´s the matter? You lost something?” she felt strange by the fact that he was looking at the floor.

“No, I… it´s just…” he wouldn´t dare looking up. He was not afraid of seeing a woman naked, but she just caught him off guard.

“What´s the matter then?” She asked.

“Well, your… ehm, I can… it´s just that you are not… wearing, uhm… underwear.” He said feeling deeply ashamed.

“What? I´m not? Haha, well, I guess I forgot to, but it´s fine, you can look up. I don´t mind if you get a glimpse of my pussy. I´m not afraid of showing off a little.” She was either too careless or she did want him to see her feminine parts.

This didn´t feel right. If he knew they´ll be having sex, then he´d be fine with it. Maybe even eager. But he wasn´t expecting this. Lisa said Mindy was thirty. Which means she´s a bit more mature than him. But letting him have a look of her sex is not something a woman her age usually does. Normally, women are a bit more discrete about sex whenever they have a causal date like the one they are about to have.

Matt turned up, avoiding any type of eye contact with her vagina. He had to give a few steps back to meet her gaze. He had forgotten about her big breasts. So pronounced over her chest.

“Hi…” he smiled.

“Hey.” She said.

He had to trust her, Lisa said she was safe to date, so there´s no reason why to be afraid. Even if she´s not wearing any underwear, that doesn´t mean a bad thing.

“Why don´t you come in.” she said stepping to the side. Her motion and the light breeze moved her skirt and exposed her pussy lips once more. He set his gaze straight to the front, and just walked in thanking her.

She was making him feel really awkward. This was supposed to be a normal date. But it seems that sex is everywhere he turns. But once he stepped in, he could see she had a nice house. Of course, everything seemed huge to him, so it seemed as if he was stepping into a mansion.

“So… do you want to start our date now?” he asked, meaning if they should start the timer on their phones.

“Well, we could do it, but, you just got here, do you really want to start the timer right now? We could wait a bit, don´t you think?” she said.

“Uhm, sure, but you know we can also add extra time to the…”

“Great! We´ll check on that later. Now, are you thirsty? You want some water… maybe a snack?” it seemed to him she was really excited.

“Uhm, I think water will be fine.” He said.

“Gotcha´, I´ll be right back.” And just like that, she walked above him. Giving a large step above his head and just walking over him as if he was some sort of bump. It felt weird. And for some reason, he had the urge to look up, meeting her pussy and then her butt as she passed him by.

He had a nice look of all of her flesh beneath her skirt. A little unnecessary, but very arousing. He couldn´t deny the bulge that was starting to get hard inside his pants.

Little does he know, she was teasing him on purpose. She had some plans for their date. A bit naughty, but nothing that could hurt him. He was her first date in months, she Mindy wanted to do everything with him. A little chat, a mild tease, and then, sex.

That´s why she didn´t want to start the timer. She wanted things to go slowly. Maybe she could become his boyfriend, but that´s something she´ll decide after seeing his performance.

“You want some ice on your drink?” she said from the kitchen.

“Uhm, however you like it is ok.” He replied. She just smiled, it seems he was leaving it all in her hands, and she had pretty big hands.



“…and she had some pretty big hands.” Great quote to end it, and nice chapter.