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One day, someday, Mike will be capable of forgetting the fear he´s got towards Kate. He knew that she was kind, caring, but he couldn´t get rid of the mental pictures of her beating him up.

But leaving that on the side, he was happy. It was no torment for him to have her there. But he didn´t like to be left alone with Kate. He still had some trust issues with her.

Now that Diana finally let him go, she could really feel when he was feeling down, or scared. For some reason, she had the need to keep him close until she felt he was fine. He could tell she was overprotective, and so did Abby.

During all this time the five of them had been living under the same roof. He could tell each of the girls had something in particular. Aside of really long legs and big boobs or butt; Kate had both. But the way they acted around him was not of much help in his journey to become an independent man.

Diana´s overprotectiveness was the main issue, how could he become a man if she´s constantly pampering him? Is that normal? For a man who´s 22 to be treated in such way by a big boobed giantess?

His only “savior”, to call it in some way, was Abby. She was the only one who treated him like an equal. He could have a nice chat with her, from time to time. She had her mood. Sometimes she was not in the mood to talk, or she was sleeping. But he really liked her advices.

However, it was not easy to notice what was on each of the girl’s minds. Of course, Kate was bossy sometimes, Diana and Tessa always wanted to comply with him and Abby always questioned his actions.

Abby said things like: “If you don´t want Diana to hug you that much, then tell her you´re uncomfortable… what do you mean she´ll feel bad? Stop worrying about how everyone else feels. Start thinking about how YOU feel. Else, everyone will have their way with you.”

He could catch the obvious, but he couldn´t focus that much since, well, they were all very attractive women and he was a man. His mind stopped working whenever any of them wore revealing clothes. And they didn´t have to be so revealing.

“Ok, let´s go get a glass of water before Diana thinks I´m sad or something and starts…” he went right to the kitchen, but when he got there, Tessa was in. Bent over searching for something inside the freezer.

His eyes were almost leveled with her tremendous butt. And now, she had changed into some really short shorts. While standing, they barely covered past her butt, but now that she was bending. They rose all the way up, sinking between the flesh of her butt cheeks.

He found himself stupefied by the roundness of her enormous ass. He got a great view of her firm butt.

“Let´s see, chocolate… chocolate…” she was looking for some chocolate ice cream. But she was not aware that Abby just ate the whole thing last night.

In the meantime, Mike was getting a show to his own. He could already feel his member tensing.

There he was, luring at Tessa´s thick long legs. Each leg was almost as tall as he was, but they were so thick. He regularly worked out with her, he knew that beneath that soft looking skin, there were some real muscles. Maybe some fat too, she was not one of those extra fit women who wanted to maintain a thin fat-free body.

Tessa had a slim waist and overall, a thin figure. But her butt and legs, they were another story. Her thighs were thicker than his chest, easily. The perfect legs, as he could say.

But that butt of hers, standing so big and proud. He couldn´t waste a chance like this and not stare at it. If he had a phone, he would´ve taken a picture. But that may leave some evidence.

“I know it´s here somewhere…” whispered Tessa as she kept looking on the freezer.

She was moving from one side to the other, searching for her sweet ice cream thru the bottom of the freezer. But Mike, he could see how her butt swayed from one side to the other.

Her so light movements made the flesh of her butt tremble, quake. Even her thighs had some motion as she moved. He couldn´t turn away, he was mesmerized.

His heart was beating, right? He wasn´t sure, not even if he was breathing. All he cared for was the immense pair of cheeks turning at him. So big, so round, so perfect. So much flesh exposed only made his member harder and harder.

Before Mike knew it, his dick was hard, poking a tent on his clothes. But for how long will the moment last?

“Ugh, someone ate it. Fine, vanilla will do.” Said Tessa as she grabbed a bucked of vanilla ice cream and closed the freezer.

Then she stood up, making her butt bounce on its place. Finally, she turned back, now, looking straight into Mike´s direction, but much higher.

Before she opened the bucket, she turned down at him. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, he was hard to miss.

“Oh, hi Mike, I didn´t hear you coming. Want some ice cream?” said the woman who thankfully ignored his erection.

He blushed, she had caught him, but he was not doing anything wrong, was he?

“I… sure.” Said Mike as he put his hands in his pockets, trying to hide his boner. If he agreed to her offer, then she´ll turn back and grab a cup for him.

“Ok, I got two spoons right here, we can eat straight from the bucket. But…” she approached and bent down to whisper at him, “don´t tell Kate, she doesn´t like it.” She laughed.

“Ok, no problem.” He replied, trying not to look too worried.

Of course, everyone knew he was a man, and that he´d sometimes wake up with a morning wood, or feel some manly desires. But they thought he was too shy to get a hard on when looking at them. At least, when they were fully clothed.

To Tessa, her clothes were fine. Fine to walk around the house or run some casual errands. But the truth is, they were tiny.

Her tiny spandex shorts revealed much more flesh than he could take. And she had a tight crop top too. Lucky him, she was not busty, else, he´d be looking up to a vixenous woman with a hourglass shape. And that would´ve made him burst.

Usually, he´s able to hold this kind of thing. But the first thing he spot when he came in was a big butt teasing him. What else could he do if not having some naughty ideas.

Grabbing her ass was the first thing that came to his mind. Sinking his fingers in that soft flesh of hers. Looking how tiny his hands were compared to the enormity of her butt. Touching her creamy flesh. But those thoughts backfired on him. Now, he has to walk around with an erection that doesn´t seem to go.

Both walked into the living room, he felt nervous. But maybe once he sits, the erection will go away.

But it was hard, walking side by side with a woman with legs like Tessa´s. The curve of her thighs was something really hard to miss. He peeked at her legs every step or two. He couldn´t help it.

With each of her steps, her flesh bounced a little. Teasing his mind with some lustful thoughts. He wanted to touch her legs, feel them, rub them. Whatever got him closer to her. But he shouldn´t.

Finally, both sat on the couch. Seeing how she bent over to take a seat was a total show to him. Her butt stoking out behind her as she squatted to accommodate herself in the couch. It was as if she was moving in slow motion. All he could do was to look as she landed on the couch. Her thighs spreading over the cushion. Looking much wider.

“Here you go.” Said Tessa with a smile as she handed Mike a spoon.

He swallowed and just smiled up to her. Had she noticed? He wondered if she had seen him ogling at her, he was too obvious.

Another thing he had noticed, which was something that was currently happening, was that no matter how obvious he is, none of the girls seem to notice his constant ogling at them.

He wondered, could it be that they´re so high above that they can´t spot what his eyes are looking at? Are they all so careless around him? Could they secretly like it?

Or even some minor theories that he was so harmless that they didn´t even care. Or that deep down, they felt kind of sorry for him, isolated during most of his life.

But the truth is, he´s not aware of what they think. The thoughts on each of the girl´s minds are a complete mystery to him. They are nice to him, and that´s all he could ask for. That and the fact that he´s got away with all the luring during all this time.

He won´t be able to avoid it. Living in a house surrounded by women who look like sexy amazons to him, it´s not something a man can deal with. Much less a man who´s urges come hard to handle.

Right now, as he´s sharing the ice cream bucket with Tessa. He can barely manage to eat while he gawps at her. The tanned skin of her thick creamy legs. He can feel his erection as hard as ever. And she´s so close to him that he can smell the fragrance of her sweet body. Coconut maybe?

He didn´t want to, but she pulled him close so that he had an easier access to the ice cream bucket. But she ignored she was giving him a great view of her overly exposed legs. With her butt out of the picture, her legs were the next hottest part on her.

Yes, he did enjoy her company and he was not only with her because he wanted to lure at her for a long time. But Tessa was the one who wore the tightest and more revealing clothes. Sometimes she walked around the house only wearing a sports bra. But when she wore the kind of tight stretch shorts like the ones she was wearing now, he had a hard time thinking.

She turned on the TV before she took a seat, but what were they watching? He had no idea, he couldn´t even listen to it. His mind was focused on the fact that his dick was hard and that the cause was sitting next to him, eating ice cream.

The worst part was when she said: “I think this is not working…”

He freaked out. What wasn´t working? Had she found out about his member. Did she meant that the fact that he was a man having a hard on was not working for her?

“W-what´s not… working?” he asked looking up to the giantess next to him. He was worried.

“This, I mean, you seem a bit uncomfortable, I think it´s hard for you to reach, so…” the ice cream, she meant he had a hard time reaching for it.

She had the ice cream bucket between her legs. Easy access to her, but to him, he had to stretch his arm all the way to reach. What she ignored was that he did so to stay away from her thigh. He had the idea that if he touched her fleshy thigh, he´d burst in his pants.

So, she decided to change her position. She stretched her left arm and placed it on his shoulder. Her touch sent quivers thru his spine; it caught him off guard. Then, she started pulling. He could feel his body coming closer to hers, little by little, he could feel the warmth of her body next to his.

He wanted to avoid contact, and now, she was pulling him into her. He pulled his legs closer, bending them over to hide his stiffened member.

She only pulled him closer to put the ice cream bucket on his lap and eat from there. He thought the coolness of the bucket will make his member flacid again. Like taking a cold shower. But when the bucket landed on his lap, it hit the very tip of his dick.

Her proximity and the “stimulation” he just received made him jump on his place.

“Sorry, is it too cold?” she sincerely asked.

“N-no not at all…” he said, the truth is he could feel a small load of cum threatening to shot.

He took a deep breath. He didn´t want to come in his pants next to Tessa. She´d think he´s a perv. Or at least mock him. He tried his best and, somehow, succeeded on holding back. Maybe a little pre cum went out, but he could handle it.

He´ll have to change, but the amount was too little to be noticed.

Now, there they were, He was pinned to her as she had her long arm over his shoulder while she held the bucket with her hand; she used her right hand to shove the ice cream to her mouth using her spoon.

He felt weird, turned on, but weird. He was in fact enjoying their proximity, a bit disappointed of him because he couldn´t get rid of that hard on caused by her. But what could he do?

“Hey, what are you watching?” said a voice from behind. Diana´s voice.

“Oh, it´s an old movie, a bit of a sketchy romance where the man´s not so good looking and he ends up with the pretty girl. It´s pretty simple, but very entertaining.” Said Tessa.

“So we´re watching a movie…” Thought Mike. He had no idea what was going on outside that couch.

“Can I join you guys?” Asked Diana.

“Sure, you can take a seat next to Mike.” Tessa answered.

“Oh crap…” he thought.

Now he was in a real problem. To his right, Tessa´s sensuous legs, and to his left, Diana´s big boobs.

While sitting, Diana´s breasts were directly next to his face. His vision will be filled by her enormous rack. Her round side-boob will be next to him during the whole time. Now he could say goodbye to his hopes of losing his hard on.

“Want some ice cream?” asked Tessa politely.

“Sure… just let me get a spoon.” She said back.

Fantastic, this was great for him. Now both of them will eat from the bucket located over his hard penis. If it wasn´t enough with having a threat on each side, their constant poking at the bucket will make his member stir every time they shove some ice cream.

It didn´t help that Diana was so over affective towards him. Every time she sat next to him, she got excessively close. Now, she was unnecessarily jammed to him.

From time to time, when she stretched her arm to reach for ice cream, her boob rubbed him on the face. She apologized, and he was too overwhelmed to say anything.

She knew her boobs were huge, and this was something really common for her. To hit things with her breasts. But he was not used to it.

How did this happen? He was pinned between Tessa´s hulking thighs and Diana´s huge knockers. All he could think of was this goddesses bodies naked. He had no idea how they looked, but he had no problem in picturing it.

He was trapped on a teasing sandwich. How could they be so careless? He was a man, didn´t they know that a man gets some feelings when he´s pinned between the sensuousness of two enormous women.

He couldn´t even focus on the movie, which seemed kind of funny by the laughs each of the girls dropped every now and then.

His penis, her boobs, her thighs. Those three were the primary thoughts on his mind. How to get rid of his boner and ignore their bodies, those were his main concerns.

He was eating ice cream unconsciously, like an involuntary reflex. Was he stress eating? Or maybe, he was eating to ignore his surroundings. Whatever it was, the ice cream was almost over.

He took a little break to think. Tessa could eat all she wanted and, well, it all seemed to go, if she didn´t burn it out on her work out, to her butt and thighs.

For a second, he imagined Tessa stuffing her face on endless buckets of ice cream, and they all did nothing but to make her butt grow, bigger, rounder, mightier. An expanding butt growing bigger with more and more ice cream. He had to forget it because he was about to burst.

But then, he turned at Diana. She was gaining weight, that was her main concern now. Below her huge tits, there was new bulge, her tummy. Sticking out, while sitting her belly did show, it was fascinating.

Could the flesh of her stomach be as soft as the one on her boobs? And how would it feel if he sank his fingers on those gargantuan tits?

Those and many more fantasies went thru his mind. What if Tessa grew boobs as big as Diana´s, and what if Diana got a butt as mesmerizing as Tessa´s. What if the ice cream had some sort of power and it shape shift her bodies?

For a second, he forgot about them both and just started thinking about the ice cream. A radioactive ice cream. Factory malfunction that delivers power granting ice cream. A genie inside the ice cream. A lot of sci-fi and some other just stupid ideas on the ice cream helped him forget about things for a while.

And now, finally, his member is losing it´s stiffness. Settling on his pants.

“Finally…” he whispered in relieve.

“What was it? Did you say anything, Mike?” Asked Diana, who was always attentive to what he said.

“Nothing… I said nothing…” he panicked for a moment.

“What?” asked Tessa, who was putting all of her attention to the movie.

“Oh, I thought Mike wanted to speak.” Diana said.

Now, the attention of both women was focused on him. He had both girl´s eyes looking straight at him. That was some attention he didn´t wanted.

He felt shy, nervous, uneasy. From deep down, he felt tiny while looking up at both.

His head was located right in the middle of Diana´s huge bosom and below Tessa´s shoulder. He was looking to one another while he wanted to find out if they were waiting for an answer of his.

Of course they were. Why else would they be looking at him during all this time? But, how long has it been, five, ten seconds? To him, it felt like forever.

Finally, they looked at each other and just laughed.

He wondered why were they laughing.

“Relax, you seem a bit overwhelmed there, Mike.” Said Tessa.

“Yeah, just calm down, we´re not going to hurt you, Mike. There´s no need to be so tense.” Diana cooed.

He was a bit disappointed; how could he be so weak? He thought this was just some way to show them he was vulnerable. But he didn´t want to be vulnerable. He was a man, he must be self-ensured all the time. At least inside his house.

He needed confidence. That´s it. He needed to be capable of keeping it cool whenever things like this happened. He would have a hard time not being hard next to them, or Kate, or even Abby sometimes. But he could at least be calm whenever they ask him something.

Trying to picture everybody on their underwear when giving a public speech is something people often suggest whenever you´re feeling nervous. But this was of no help for him. If he tried to apply that theory to his daily life, he´d end up aroused by the mental image of the giantesses standing in front of him.

And if they were already on their underwear, why not trying to picture them naked? Trying to imagine a naked Diana, with her enormous breasts and some hard nipples; or Tessa, her bare bottom, so round and hot. It won´t work for him.

“Hey! Are you two trying to squish him?” Said another voice, Abby´s voice.

She appeared from nowhere, and like every time, she seemed to save him.

“We´re not squishing him, he´s just close to us… that´s it.” Said Tessa.

“Sure, close, why don´t you sit him on your lap instead, there´s enough room there for him, even I can be comfortable there.” Abby replied.

Tessa just frowned at her.

“She´s right, he´s totally fine.” Said Diana, agreeing with Tessa.

“Sure, “fine” You do know he can´t move, right?” she asked.

“Can´t move…” he thought, and she was right, all he could do was move his arm forward to get more ice cream, but besides that, he could barely move anywhere else. How could he not notice this?

“I told you, he´s easy to miss. If you don´t want to squash him up, move to the side.” She pointed.

Both of them did what she said. They were too big for him to notice his smaller frame being compressed between theirs. Tessa wasn´t much aware of it, but Diana was pressing herself closer and closer since she got there.

She instinctively leaned close to him, wanting to embrace him with her body, but she went a bit too far now.

He thought he was having problems breathing because he was excited, but the truth is, they were in fact squashing him.

“I swear, if I wasn´t here, you would´ve killed him by now.” Abby said.

When Abby moved it, it was really great. Things became a tat easier to him. In fact, Abby was the only one of them he personally invited to move in. And she almost said no, but he somehow managed to convince her.

As she takes a sit on the couch next to the one the three of them were sitting, he could remember that time when he asked her to move in with them. He felt nervous when he did, it felt as if he was asking her out, but it all came out pretty well.