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For the first time in a long time, he felt vulnerable, weak even. He was shrinking, losing height and now, people were noticing.

Both Violet and Mrs. Davis were now aware of his shrinking. He had only explained them, lied, because Evangeline told him what to say. And they believed it. What he said made sort of sense, barely.

He wondered if Evangeline was actually good at lying, which shouldn´t be because she´s an angel. Aren´t they supposed to be pure and completely honest? Either she was good at lying or she used her powers to make them believe.

Whatever it was, it worked. She had saved him, although, she´s the one who caused him this. All of this was her fault, the shrinking, the embarrassment; the explanation he gave would´ve been unnecessary if she hadn´t appeared in the first place. Everything turned down when she showed up that night.

And now, she was standing next to him, smiling. How could she be so happy when she´s clearly ruining his life. And the worst part is, she doesn´t seem to be going anywhere. Like a shadow on a sunny day, attached to him.

“I can tell you´re mad. Is it because of me?” Evangeline asked.

“Well of course it is! If not you, then who´s fault could it be?” he fumed. “Besides, can´t you read my mind… also, stop doing it! It´s a… private space.”

Evangeline let out a soft laugh. He seemed silly to her.

“Don´t laugh, I´m serious.” He protested.

“Hey, calm down. Listen, I can read your mind, and of course I don´t need your permission for it, but I´m just asking based on your body language. Remember I´m a woman, we can sense these things.” She stood closer to him.

He had forgotten that she was now the same height as him. But that was only because of the two-inch heels she was wearing. Barefoot, he´d be taller. At least by an inch.

“Fine.” He grunted. “But that doesn´t change the fact that you´re annoying. Also, do you help people? Like, at all? Cause so far, you´ve done nothing but torturing me.” He asked.

“Well, we´ve got a different meaning for torture then… but yes, I do help people.”

“Are you sure, cause I haven´t seen you helping anyone.” He replied.

“Listen, you humans will never see an angel while she´s helping someone. Remember you can only see me now because I´m allowing you to. Also, what do you mean by “haven´t seen you helping…” Haven´t I just got you out of trouble up there. You know, explaining your shrinking…” she had a point.

“Well… you… yeah but…” Even if he won´t accept it, she had helped him.

She chuckled again, but louder this time. “Aww, you´re blushing… you look so cute.”

“Shut it you bitch!” He got tired of her laughing at his expenses.

“Excuse me?” said Evangeline, switching from a smile for an insulted look. Then, she snapped her fingers and drove her hands to her hips. “I don´t think that´s a way to call a woman.”

He earned it. The words just slipped out of his mouth. Once again, she had shrunk him. But by an inch only. But that was enough.

Now, she was exactly as tall as her. 5´7”, standing on their bare feet. But she wasn´t on her bare feet, she was wearing heels. His shoes only gave him an inch in boost. He found himself looking up to Evangeline now.

She was standing an inch taller than him, but that was enough to make him tremble on the inside. This was awful. Mrs. Davis and now her. He was starting to look up to every woman he knew. Wasn´t it enough to have Violet as his new assistant. The amazon will be working close to him starting tomorrow.

“So… what were you saying… cuttie?” she asked, now looming taller than him. She approached to him and stood as tall as she could, to accentuate their height difference. She was taking the lead now.

Evangeline was now taller, it wasn´t enough that she had complete control in him, now she was taller too.

Larry swallowed. He even backed up a little, but there was not enough room on the elevator to get away from her.

“I…” he was speechless.

“Listen, I try my best to be kind… but you´re making this very hard for me. Either, you behave or… I´ll have to take some more inches away from you, ok?” she said, rising her hand and menacing with snapping her fingers again.

“Ok ok… you win.” He said, fearing he´ll lose more inches.

“Apologize.” She said dryly.


“You heard me, apologize to me, calling a woman a “bitch” isn´t right. No matter what.”

“Fine, I´m sorry.”

“For?” she was just teasing him now.

“Ugh! I´m sorry for calling you a bitch… I was wrong.” He wondered if she was happy now, cause he wasn´t.

“Apology accepted.” She said.

He took a deep breath. He hated her more than ever. Now, he was a man standing even smaller. And just by saying “bitch”? How far could she take things? Was he allowed to curse or would there be any other consequences if he does.

Nick scattered to his office, no one saw him. And when he arrived, Lexie was gone. Of course, she asked for permission to leave early, but he ignored she´ll be leaving so soon. He had to tell her about the changes on her duties.

“I´ll send her an e-mail…” he thought as he grabbed his things and left.

He had to adjust the seat on his car, the mirror. His clothes felt extremely oversized. He just drove off, of course, Evangeline was still with him, sitting on the passenger seat.

He turned at her and then sighed. Of course, “Mrs. Omnipotent” doesn’t have to leave if she doesn´t want to.

Larry drove off and headed back home. Mrs. Davis said he needed to rest; he knew very well he didn´t. But he could use that free time to relax. For once in a long time, he´ll have a free Sunday evening.

He parked on his drive way and turned off the engine. Then, Evangeline, who had been quiet the whole rise said: “I hope you haven´t forgotten about your appointment.”

“Appointment?” what was she talking about. His appointment with Mrs. Davis was hours ago. She was there.

“Yes, your appointment, with your neighbor.” He had forgotten about it.

His neighbor Grace was not precisely someone he frequently talked to. He knew she lived alone and… that´s it. The rest he could recall were constant insinuations from her. She wanted to get laid. He could tell.

“Sure, that appointment. Listen, I´ll knock, and if she´s not there, well, then…” he was getting off the car when he heard her.

“Larry, hi. You´re home early.” It was Grace calling him from her patio.

“Shit!” was the first thing that came to his mind. He just turned and waved at her. “Hi there…” Maybe Evangeline had somehow summoned her to her patio. He couldn´t tell.

“So, are you free to check on my pipes, dear?” she took a quick look at his body. That “pipe” really needed a check.

“Sure… why not.” He muttered as he closed the car´s door and walked all the way there.

He knew that Evangeline will shrink him if he refused or if he tried to get away from it. It would be for the best to go now that he´s still taller than her. He´s still taller, right?

He made it all the way to her door, then, she noticed something off in him.

“Honey, you seem… thin, have you lost weight?” she asked.

“N… actually, I think I have…” he said, if he was getting shorter, then he was getting lighter too.

When he stood right in front of her, standing on even ground, she noticed. “OH! Larry, you´re… smaller!” she said, pointing out the obvious truth.

“Yeah, I know…” then, he tried his best to explain what Evangeline told him to say. He could remember the genetic issue and that his metabolism was messed up? He managed to explain it, even if he had forgotten half of what he said at the office.

“That´s terrible.” Said Grace.

“Yeah, it is.” He knew Evangeline was the one to blame, he wasn´t ill.

“But, how do you feel? Are you tired? Do you need to rest? Cause you can take a nap here if you want…” having him lying down on her couch, or even her bed would make things easier for her.

“No, thank you. I´m fine. I feel as good as ever, just…”

“Smaller?” she said.

“Yeah, sure, smaller.” He muttered.

This was bad, the hunky guy next door was shrinking. Now, he was barely two inches taller than her, and that was because of his shoes. But, was this so bad? He was still handsome, and he had rejected her many times before. Maybe, if she was taller, then things could be easier.

She had some ideas on her mind. However, it was time to explain the issues with he pipes, more like fake the issues.

Larry followed her inside. As she walked in front of him, he couldn´t help but to stare at her ass. Her wide hips, swaying from one side to the other. He couldn´t lie, his member felt kind of stimulated now.

She wasn´t one of the young women he usually dates. But she wasn´t that old, right? Besides, her boobs had a nice size, they were actually bigger now. But wasn´t all in her bigger? Just like every other thing around him.

Still, he wondered. She wanted to fuck with him, that was a fact now. Was it so bad to comply?

“Fuck, no, don´t think about it Larry, just focus. Check the pipe, and if you can´t fix it, then she can call someone. I´m not a damn plumber. And normally not this kind, but if this keeps me from shrinking… then so be it.”

“Ok, it´s down the kitchen, under the sink…” she said as she walked in and opened the cabinets doors. She bent over, giving him a full view of her ass.

Her big butt seemed so much bigger now. Round majestic flesh. He wondered if he could grab it, they seemed soft. He swallowed. Restraining for it. But when she started swaying it, obviously on purpose, he almost broke in sweat.

“Why is she so hot all of a sudden? Is it cause she´s taller? Or maybe… bigger?” he was talking about her round ass.

“Hmmm… I thought I had seen a leak the other day… but that´s fine. The problem is… there´s no water coming out.”

“Really?” he asked, he had taken his eyes off her ass right on time, now, he was looking straight to her eyes. Trying to avoid looking at her boobs.

She had always worn some provocative outfits. Her tight pants were one thing, but the tank top she was wearing, it revealed a creamy line of flesh.

“Let me… take a look.” He said as he approached to the sink. He opened one of the taps, nothing came out, then the other, nothing. This was weird.

“And the thing is, there´s water on the shower, and the bathroom, everywhere else, but here… funny right?” she lied. She had closed the faucets behind the sink, cutting the water flow for it.

“This seems weird…” Larry said.

He closed the tap and then opened it again, then went to check on the bathroom and on the outside faucets. Everything was fine.

He was no handy man, he was just improvising. “Why didn´t she called someone who actually knows how to do this…” he wondered as he tired his best to find a solution.

Larry just turned at Grace and smiled, hiding the fact that he knew nothing about what he was doing. She smiled back, but with a sensuous look on her face.

The tab water was no problem, she was the one who messed with it. She was only looking for an excuse to have some alone time with him. She had always thought of his as a stud. Maybe he was shorter, but for her, he was still hot.

Eventually, he gave up. It took him around thirty minutes to finally give. She thought he´d figure out easily, she thought the solution was obvious, but he was not fully into it.

Fixing things was never his forte. Besides, he couldn´t quite focus when a curvy woman´s looking straight at you. He felt as is she was taking note of his every move; in reality, he was luring at him. She could still see some muscles thru his baggy shirt.

“That butt of his still fills those pants…” she bit her lower lip with her luscious thoughts.

“I don´t know…” he confessed. “I´m sorry Grace, but… there´s not much I can do here, maybe you can call a plumber…” He checked and tired, but he failed. Now, it was time to leave.

He thought: “At least Evangeline can´t say I didn´t tried…”

“Well, I´m sure you gave it your best…” said Grace as she approached and caressed his shoulder with her hand, in a slow sensuous way.

She was standing close, very close. The only thing that came to him was how tall she seemed. Before, she was just his average height neighbor with a few extra pounds. Now, she was a tall voluptuous woman.

Her breasts seemed bigger, her legs, longer and thicker. He regretted this a bit but, he could feel some things down there. She was kind of turning him on.

“I´m sure you deserve a small reward… don´t you think?” she said, with a sexy tone in her voice.

“Oh, well, I… I mean, I didn´t fixed it…” he said, stepping back.

“But you tried, honey. That deserves something…” she stretched her hand and reached for her purse.

“Money? Is she going to give me a tip or something?” he wondered as she seemed to look for something inside it.

“You know, Grace, I think…” he was going to tell her he didn´t need any money. That it was no problem. Besides, this stopped Evangeline from shrinking him any further.

“It´s empty…” she said, although, she was lying. “I´ve got nothing in here…” then she turned at him and with a foxy look she said: “But, is there any other way we can get even… let´s say, is there anything I can do for you…” she moved her shoulders forward to accentuate her boobs.

Larry could see where she was going. What she was doing. Her intentions were clear as glass. She wanted sex, simple. Now, she was trying to seduce him.

“Well…” he said.

She just closed the gap between them and kissed him. He just followed her lead and kissed her back.

Grace was making out with him in her kitchen. Kissing him deeply, throwing her arms over his shoulders. He did the same, but he guided his hands down under, and squeezed her butt.

She jumped a little. “hey… someone´s naughty… maybe I should show you some manners, mister…” she didn´t care, her teasing words just confirmed he was into it.

The kissing continued for a while. He must admit she was a good kisser. Eventually, they took things somewhere else. Her bedroom.

He followed her into her room, luring at her robust butt cheeks as she walked. He was turned on by her now bigger body. Once in the room, she laid backwards in bed, waiting for him. She looked at him with a sensuous grin and asked him for a favor.

“Can you be a dear and pulled my pants off…” he liked this. She wanted him to strip her. She didn´t need to ask twice.

Larry pulled her tight pants all the way down, revealing her voluptuous legs. They seemed enormous. He knew they were thick, but at his current height, they seemed bigger. He caressed her smooth legs with his hands. The touch, her softness turned him on. And his firm hands turned her on more.

Finally, she had seduced the young neighbor. She was thrilled, but more than that, she was horny.

“Come on…” she said as she removed her top. Her body was sensuous still. She had a nice plump body, firm, sexy. She was a total milf. Now, she was laying there in nothing more than her underwear.

He lost no time and took his shirt off. It was easy, his clothes were baggy, he didn’t even have to lose all of the buttons to take it off. And when he set his belt lose, his pants fell.

He felt short, slender. He was still muscular, but his frame was slimmer. His waist had lost some inches, so did his shoulders. The clothes he was wearing, which once fit tight over his muscles, were now falling from him. He felt gaunt.

He knew he had to set his mind into something else, and when he looked down, there she was. He never though he´ll be there, in the neighbor´s room wearing nothing but his underwear. But he was.

He couldn´t lie. Now that she seemed bigger, he liked it. Her large boobs, her thicker legs, her wide hips. He could only focus on her flesh.

He went for it. He decided not to think too much and just give her what she wanted. Sex.

He laid gently over her, placing his hardening member over her sex. He was about to get laid with the mature neighbor. He kissed her once more, slowly, gently, passionately.

She used this time to caress his body, feel his chest, touch his arms, his abs. Since he lost his shirt, she was just waiting for the time to have a touch of that chiseled body of his. She was craving for it.

In no time, they both lost the few clothes they were still wearing. Now, he was using his hard member to please her. Fucking her sex with his manly cock as he thrusted his hips forwards. Her moan only confirmed he was still big down there.

He grabbed her protruding hips; his fingers sank on her mature flesh. His heart was beating faster, pumping more blood thru his body and thru his hard dick. Meanwhile, she stood there encaging his pelvis with her thick thighs, locking him in place.

She moaned, satisfied. This was all she had wanted. A stud giving her the pleasure she so much craved for.

He just did his thing, trying to forget about the shrinking, about Evangeline, about the fact that tomorrow, his life will be worse from today´s.

There seemed to be a consequence for almost anything he did. He thought that when he squeezed her butt in the kitchen, Evangeline would emerge and snap another inch away from him. But she didn´t. He needed no permission, Grace wanted this, he could proceed.

With that in mind, he kept going. Grabbing her breasts, compressing her large soft breasts with his hands. He could feel her hard nipples in his palm. She was excited. As much as he was, or maybe even more.

He kissed her neck, teased her ears, all. He gave her some real pleasure. But she was no strange to this. She had much more experience than he did.

Before he came, she pulled his cock out and took it inside her mouth. She teased his hard member with her tongue. Licking her sex juices from it. She ran her fingers thru his inner thighs, sending quivers all over him. He moaned in pleasure.

After that she filled her mouth with his hard member and sucked on it. He just laid back and threw his head over the bed. Enjoying their alone time. He never thought this could feel so good. She wasn´t young, but she knew exactly what she was doing.

Her tongue, her lips, he could feel it all. His member reached full mast before he came right on her mouth. His fluids just filled her cheeks; she turned her eyes to the back of her head, tasting his manly juices.

“Mmmm…” she moaned. “I hope we can call this even…” she said. He was smiling, it sure was. Ecstasy, she gave him pure pleasure. Who would´ve thought, and all this time he avoided her so much. Perhaps, he could “visit” her more often.

He just laid there and she joined him. Laying right next to him. Both got what they wanted. Even if he wasn´t looking for anything in particular.

He was about to get up, pick his clothes and leave, but then, Evangeline showed up.

“Of course…” he thought as he turned dryly at her, with an annoyed look in the eyes.

“Well, did you have fun?” she asked, smiling and putting her hands on her hips.

Was she really asking that? Did she really want to know?

“I hope so, cause someone forgot to check on something…” she said.

Grace couldn´t listen to her, she didn´t notice she was there. She just enjoyed having a hunk next to her in bed, for the first time in years. Meanwhile, Larry wondered, “what is she talking about?”

Evangeline gave a step forward and whispered, even if no one but him could listen: “Did you even ask if she was married? Or in a relationship? A man can´t just step in and do what he pleases with someone else´s couple…”

No, no way, Grace was single. That was a fact. He had never seen anyone in the last years he´s living there. He turned just to find her hand over his abdomen. There it was, a ring. A wedding ring.

“No…” his eyes widened as he noticed what she was talking about.

“Yes…” whispered Evangeline as she snapped her fingers.

There it goes, another of Larry´s inches. Lost. Just an inch, but he could feel it all over his body. Now, he was 5´6”.

“This makes me…” he turned at Grace, who was smiling at him.

“What´s the matter handsome, do you wanna go again?” she asked.

The same height as her. Now, on his bare feet, he was the same height as she was. This was insane. He wouldn´t need to look down at her anymore. The small victory he just had was washed away by the worry that he was even shorter.

“No! I… it´s fine, you know… but I´m actually feeling kind of tired…” he said as she stood up and grabbed his pants. He pulled them on and then grabbed his shirt.

“I´ll… see you later…” he said, shy, scared.

Grace noticed his weird behavior, he seemed worried. Had she done something wrong?

He ran thru the stairs and walked out of the house. He´s not a coward, but he can´t be found there by another man. Much less when he has just lost another inch.

“I gotta get back home…” he said as he ran thru her front yard and went straight inside his house. Closed the door and locked it behind him.


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