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Hello! Sorry for the delay delivering these chapters, the thing is... I got a little busy.

I wasn´t doing much, but one thing popped up here, another one there, the truth is I couldn´t manage to get time enough to post this new chapters... until now.

I know I usually make my post a little earlier; and way back they were delivered waaaay earler than that. But the updates are still on Friday, so that´s the good thing. A small victory if I may say so.

Anyways, thank you all for your patience, here´s the new chapter, I hope you like it!

Jonathan was alone. Finally.

“Out, I need to get out.” He needed to find a way to escape.

When he first met her, Lillian seemed to be a kind woman, attentive. But now, he thought she was crazy.

The plan she confessed seemed nothing but a nightmare to him. Was he supposed to accept this woman´s proposal and become his property? She wanted to trap him, in a maternal prison.

He had no idea what she meant by love and caring, but he didn´t want to find out what was her meaning for that. Right now, the only thing he wanted was to run, step outside and run away with his shortened legs. And never turn back.

But first, he needs to get down of the enormous bed. He stood on the edge and looked down, that bed must be at tall as he is, even taller.

He took hold of the covers and climbed down of it. He was partially ashamed and partially mad at Lillian for causing him this.

She seemed so kind, but every time he found himself standing smaller, it was her fault. Every single time she walked into the room and saw his new shrunken form, she was the cause for it. Those gallons she brought to his house were nothing but jugs of shrinking milk. Her milk.

“Augh…” the idea that he had been drinking milk from her, coming out of her swollen breasts, thru her nipples and then poured into an empty gallon of milk. It felt weird, kind of gross.

Although, taking the milk out of a cow is not much different from it. It comes out of the cow and then it´s poured into a gallon. Aside of the whole process of pasteurization, the hygiene rules behind it and much other things, it´s kind of the same.

Jonathan felt nauseous for a second. Not because the milk was hers, but she lied to him. All this time he believed Lillian was a friend, an ally. But she just watched him shrink as her plan was fulfilled.

“That was mean.” He thought as he looked for a way out. He tried the window, but he was on the second floor. He wouldn´t had made it, not even on his old height.

After a while, he realized his only way out will be thru the main door. He had to sneak out of Lillian´s room, make it all the way thru the stairs and then open the front door and set himself free. All the while, he must avoid being spotted by her.

His captor was a giantess. In reality she was super tall, but to him, at his two-foot height, she was a complete giantess, standing over three times his height. He didn´t want to find out what will happen if she finds out the whole “betrayed” thing was just an excuse to be left alone.

She was intimidating only by her size, he didn´t want to meet her at a moment of rage, not even if she was just upset. She was several times taller, several times heavier, and much stronger. He could end up turned into pulp. Or wacked, he´s not sure what she´s capable of, or if there´s a gentle punishment for him.

The only gentle thing in a punishment coming from an amazon like Lillian is that he won´t end up dead. But the pain, it will sure be there.

He took a moment to think things thru. But what was there to think? He needed to get out, as simple as that. But the way he´ll do it, and if he will succeed, that´s what´s creeping his mind.

“Come on Jonathan, you can do it…” he encouraged himself as he was looking up at the room´s door. Never before he thought he´d be looking so up at a regular door. But he was, and what´s more, he was afraid of it.

He walked closer to it, now his head was below the knob. He had to look up at the door know, and by a good deal! He took a deep breath, trying to fill himself with courage. Brave.

He had to do it, he had to escape. Lillian was not a good woman, he thought she was but she wasn´t. She was just nice to pull him to her trap. Bring him close just to snap him when he was close enough.

He stretched his arm, but stopped right before his fingers reached the knob. He was worried, his main question was, was he really going for it?

While he was making his mind. Or so thought Lillian. She was busy downstairs, or at least looking for a way to get busy.

“The dishes are clean, the floor´s clean… no laundry… UGHHHH! How long has it been?” ten minutes, tops. She left the room less than ten minutes ago.

The desire to listening him saying “yes” made her anxious, and the growing pain in her breasts made it hard for her not to get desperate.

Lillian was not a patient woman. She doesn´t even know how she made it this far without confessing. Every time she went to Jonathan´s place and found him smaller, the only thing she wanted was to pamper him. Take him in her arms and carry him home, with her.

“Your new home. Jonathan. This will be your new home, with your new mommy… but please, hurry…” she was so close, in less than an hour, he´ll be hers. That´s if he agrees.

She thought that by now he´ll be more than eager to be with her, under her care. But when he rejected her, for a second, her blood boiled.

When his lips made out the word “no” instead of a total “yes”, she felt sad, but that was just for a second. After all she´s done, all she had gone thru, he had the nerve to say no? She was mad, for a second she only had the desire to put hands on him and force the right words out of his mouth. But that was not a good idea.

If he finds the wrong set of emotions in her, then he won´t agree, never. That´s why she needed to calm down, take a deep breath and maintain her composure. She doesn´t need to force him, she only needs to persuade him, letting him know all the good things that will come if he chooses her.

“I thought these huge boobs will be enough…” she grabbed her breasts with her hands, gigantic mounds of milking flesh ready for him to nurse on them. “But I guess he´s too shocked… aww, poor thing, I wonder if he needs a hug?” her intentions were good, but her ways not.

Shrinking a man and taking his life away from him is not exactly the best deal. Maybe if she had searched for a man willing to, then it would´ve been easier, and maybe faster. But Jonathan, he was not aware of it.

Someone else who wasn´t aware of it was Melissa. Who´s currently walking down the hall, pulling her skirt down, her long legs were too long for her now tiny skirt. But it was that or extra short pants. She hadn´t had the time to find new clothes.

“I gotta let Jonathan know this milk´s not the cause…” Melissa said as she pulled out her phone and dialed.

She woke up in the morning, same height. No changes in her newly 6´6” stature. Even after she drank the whole gallon. She needed to let Jonathan know the milk was not it. She thought he hadn´t read his last message, so she decided to call.

*ring* *ring*

Jonathan´s phone was left down on the living room the night before. Lillian didn´t see it when she came last night to collect him from the couch. But now, she could hear it.

The gigantesque woman approached to the sound. Sort of confused, that wasn´t the sound of her phone, but it was definitely a phone.

“I wonder who it is…” spoke the woman as she swayed her meaty hips thru the kitchen and then thru the living room. She was massive, a giant mount of curves making her way to the phone.

Her thick things trembled as she walked, her enormous breasts bounced with each step. And her ass, the gigantic ass moving from one side to the other as her long legs walked her to Jonathan´s phone.

“Melissa…” she whispered as she read the name on the phone. Of course, who else could it be.

She knew this was the lady who almost ruined her plan, but now that Jonathan wasn´t there, there´s no one to answer her call.

“Sorry honey, our little men won´t be able to take your call…” she grabbed the phone and hung up.

Melissa was sent to voicemail on the other line. She found it strange. But she could call again, only that, no one will receive that call.

As soon as Lillian hung up, she turned off the phone. Completely.

“No more interruptions.” For a second, a shadow was casted on her face, an evil smile showed on her kind face. This wasn´t normal.

Turns out, Lillian has a not so good side. Of course, she´ll be all hugs and kisses with Jonathan, but for everyone else, she won´t. Specially towards Melissa, who according to her, had done nothing but to step between her and her cutie.

“I´m gonna keep this with me…” said Lillian as she wedged his phone inside her pocket. Her clothes were so tight on her that the phone made a miracle fitting in, now it was caged in a thick fleshy prison.

“Out… the only way is out…” said Jonathan as he looked up at the knob.

Several minutes went by as he decided whether or not to open the door. He had his doubts. What if Lillian was out there? What if she was standing right in front of the door?

He trembled as an image of Lillian appeared inside his head. He could picture her standing outside, and with her hands on her wide hips she says: “Well well well, where do you think you´re going… honey?” She was scary, her size was very intimidating.

He didn´t know what to do. He could try his luck and open the door. There´s a fifty-percent chance she´s not there. He could test the odds.

But he couldn´t.

He stood there, wondering if he should accept her offer. Could that be so bad?

He wouldn´t need to worry about work. Paying bills. Running errands. She´ll take care of everything, she even said so. He could spend the rest of his time pampered by the humongous lady. Even lure at her curvaceous body.

“Are you hungry, Jonathan? Cause momma´s got plenty for you right here…” he pictured Lillian squeezing her enormous rack, milk dripping from her nipples.

He shivered. That image was enough to make him aware of the consequences. Her offer was not meant to make things easier for him, but to her. She was the one getting what she wanted. By now, there was no choice for him. She made that clear.

“But… what is she going to do to me?” he feared the outcome of his choices. To him, rejecting her offer was the right choice, but what will she do about it?

“Patience… you must be patient Lillian…” she said to herself as she waited in the kitchen. So far, thirty minutes had gone by. Not fast enough, if you ask her.

“Half way there… we´re half way there.” She didn´t want to step inside the room and interrupt his “meditation” time. He had to decide, she granted him that.

An hour, she gave him an hour to think. Make up his mind and decide. Of course, she thought he was only convincing himself this was the right thing to do, to comply with her.

“Come on dear, you don´t need all this time to think…” she whispered. By now, she had two wet stains on her shirt, right on top of her nipples. Her breasts were getting filled with milk. She could feel their heavy weight pulling her down.

The feeling was unbearable, annoying. She hated that part of the deal here. But she was not the one to complaint, she made the choice. The only thing Jonathan was doing now was making her wait.

Little does he know, by the time she goes upstairs, his mouth will be pinned around her thick hard nipple.

Tic tac.

He touched the knob. Finally. He encouraged himself and now he was about to turn the knob. The only problem is that it was too high.

“Fuck… I need to stand on my tiptoes to reach… it´s humiliating.” The first stage of his plan was done. Turning the knob. But how was something so simple to do so hard to achieve?

He stepped out of her room and turned at both sides. She wasn´t there. He felt relieved, now, time to get out of there.

If he could still reach the knob in her room, then he could as well reach the main entrance´s door. It might be heavier, but he´ll manage.

With each step, his heart beat quickened. The air felt heavier, the room felt larger.

He had shrunk more, he lost seven more inches overnight. The cause was the milk, but not any milk, Lillian´s milk. He feared what this woman could be capable of. What if he turns down her offer and she decides to dispose him and start over? She couldn’t, right? She just said she was the one.

He walked, slowly, trying to make the least of noise. The floors didn´t creak under his diminutive weight. At least that was a good side of it.

As he walked, he wondered, all the while he was thinking, worried. She was kind, right? This was no lie, not fake, she was a kind person. She may not understand why he decides to run away, but she won´t chase him, right? She won´t look after him with nothing but rage in her side.

“She… she´ll understand…” he thought that when she found him gone, she´ll see this was not meant for him. But that was just an idea he had; an idea he held into to appease his mind.

One, two, three… he went down all the steps on the stairs. Looking everywhere as he did. His hands were shaking and a cold sweat filled his forehead. He was nervous, scared. He feared the second the giantess will appear and shove him clean off the floor and drag him back into her room. This time, he won´t have it that easy.

He could see the main door, the way out; his way out. He was a few feet away from freedom. More like a few yards to him. Out, his only way was out. Out of the house, out of… Lillian. He may want to say goodbye, but how will she take it?

“No, it´s better this way…” he thought. But he forgot about one thing.

He stopped; he was so worried that he forgot one thing. What to do after? He couldn´t go back home, that will be the first place in which she´d look for him. Then, he remembered, Melissa. He could look for shelter with her.

And then, something else came to his mind… his phone. “Shit.” He left it on the living room, where he was supposed to wake up. Not in Lillian´s bed several inches shorter.

Now, he turned to the side, at the couch where he fell asleep last night. He had to get there and pick his phone. He swallowed. Was she there?

He sneaked into the room; he needed his phone. That´s his only way to get a hold of Melissa. He didn´t know how to get where she lived. He needed her to meet him somewhere, not the other way around.

Now, as he walked into the living room, his legs trembled. His heart was racing inside his chest. He felt hot and cold at the same time.

He was crouching now. Was there any use in it? He was already too short to be seen from a normal height, there was a bigger chance a woman as tall as Lillian will miss him. Still, he felt safe that way.

When he reached over the table, trying to find his phone, he couldn´t. He ran his fingers thru the whole table, nothing, his phone wasn´t there. He stood straight and, barely being able to see above, he found nothing.

“M-maybe the other table…” he thought as he walked to the other side of the couch.

When he got there, nothing. He found the same empty spot there too.

“The couch!” Maybe his phone sand between the cushions. He looked for it, between, above, then on the floor. Nothing. Gone, his cell phone was gone.

He crawled, looking for it thru the whole living room´s floor.

“Looking for something?” said a voice from above.

“NO…” he whispered as he stood up and slowly turned.

Caught, she caught him. That was her, her unmistakable voice. Maybe he should´ve ran out without thinking, perhaps, he´ll be safe.

Right now, as he turned back and then up and up at the giantess, he was scared. Fully.

There she was, Lillian was standing right in front of him. And she didn´t seem happy. He could see his phone on her hand. It seemed so small when she held it.

“I thought you needed some time ALONE to think, what? Does that girl Melissa help you think? Hmm? Did you wanted to call her, cause SHE just called YOU.” Her tone seemed aggravated. She was mad, he could tell.

The way she was standing, the slight frown, the tone of her voice. Her sheering stature just made her look more intimidating as she looked down at him. She wasn´t pleased by finding him there.

“I was… just…” he thought he was so clever when he made his last excuse, now there was no way out of this. What could he say? He sneaked out of the room and made it half way to the door.

She felt insulted. She just threw the phone into the middle of the couch. He turned at it and then back at her.

“WHAT? Wasn´t that the thing you were looking for? GO ahead, grab it.” She commanded as she placed both of her hands on her hips. She seemed so pissed.

He just turned and held it in his hands, looking up to her. Was he waiting for some sort of permission? She was mesmerizing. Standing so tall and so mad, she was an authority now.

“So… why did you wanted that phone for? What made you step out of the room, where I clearly said I´ll look for you after an hour? I should´ve said you were supposed to stay there.” She sounded mad. “But I guess I should´ve been clear about it. But trust me, dear, from now on, I´ll be crystal clear.”

He was shaking now.

She knew it, she held some kind of power over him. Being so big meant most people would fear her, but to him, she was a goddess. A gigantic sexy goddess. Now, it´s time to test that authority.

“I think you got more than enough time to think, honey… have you decided already?” she asked.

“I… do… no, I… I´m still…”

“Thinking? Are you still thinking?” He just nodded.

She let a generous amount of air escape her nostrils. He could listen, that was frustration leaving her body. He swallowed once more.

“Ok… I think you still have like twenty more minutes.” He felt relieved for a second. “But…” he hated “but´s”. “I think someone disobeyed me, and that´s not allowed. Whether you accept or not, you´re in MY house, which means, I´M in charge.” Worried, he was worried again.

“S-sorry…” he said, trying to appeal to her gentle side.

“I know you are… but, there will be a small punishment for you… that´s if you can call it a punishment.” She calmed down a little, but that only meant she had an idea.

Jonathan turned at his phone, he wanted to call Melissa, but this sudden punishment, it will interfere with his plans. “W-what is… is it?” he stuttered.

“Simple. You have twenty more minutes to think, but I can´t wait for that long, that´s why… I have an idea.” And just like that, she guided her hands to the bottom of her top and pulled it up.

He wondered why he didn´t see the stains of milk on her before. The underside of her top, right below her boobs, was wet. Now, she pulled it off, revealing her monstruous tits.

He had to crane his neck so high to look at them. They were perfect, huge, firm, heavy. Her nipples seemed so large and hard. Part of him wanted to put his hands on them, and he also wanted to run away from her.

Those gigantic breasts had done one thing, and one thing only, shrink him. They produced the milk that got him this small. That made her so big.

“Listen, sweetheart, I can´t wait any longer, I´ll give you time to think, but your punishment will be that…” she bent over and whispered to him: “You´re going to have to suck on my boobies while you think.” He dropped his phone.



Great chapter - she crazy, it’s all becoming clear. I like it!


One of the best stories I've ever read. 10/10 Always ends with you wanting more.