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Larry hoped into his car. But when he closed the door, he found out that Evangeline was already in.

“Don´t think about it, if you told her you´re coming, then you are.” she declared in a nagging tone.

In a way, she could read his mind, so there was no use in trying to evade this thing he just compromised to.

He just hardened his grip on the steering wheel and let out a grunt. She knew he couldn´t get out of this, even if he could, she´ll find the way to arrange things. She could do it so easily.

Larry just drove off and head to work. He wasn´t looking forward to meet anyone right now. He had lost five inches in height. Maybe he could´ve got out with it with an inch, but five? There´s no way no one will notice. He had to find a way to sneak into his office without being caught.

“So… Evangeline…” he spoke to the lady on the passenger seat of his expensive sports car. “Is there a way to, you know, help me get into my office without being… spot?” he asked.

“Sure, if you can climb the wall from outside, I think you´ll be good.” She declared, obviously avoiding the obvious answer.

“Come on, ok, you´re funny. But seriously,” he smiled, “Can you help me with this?”

“No.” she said.

“What?” He couldn´t believe it.

“You heard me, I won´t do anything to avoid people seeing you, it´s silly.” She replied.

“But I´m shrinking… YOU´RE shrinking me.” He protested.

“Come on, you know very well that you caused this yourself. Any consequences are because of YOUR mistakes. Besides, you should start telling people this before you end up shorter, like four or three feet tall.” Evangeline was not going to comply in any way. Whatever he wanted her to do, will be just a mere thought unless she agreed. And so far, she won´t.

“FINE.” He said stopping before the red light. “But what am I supposed to say? An angel´s shrinking me because of the way I am?”

“Well, you got a point there… let´s see, what to say this time…” she had already done this, hundredths of times, in different ways, but she always found a perfect excuse for these things. After a little thinking, she said: “An illness.”

“Illness? He asked, “What kind of illness makes you shrink?”

“Believe me, they will fall for it. Listen, I´ll tell you what to say and things will come up great, believe me. It always does.” Said the optimistic angel as she proudly laid back on her seat.

He knew this wouldn´t work. He feared ending up in the news or something like that. He kept driving, now he was just a few minutes away from work. But the idea of meeting acquainted people there made his stomach grumble with nervousness.

He parked his car on his designed spot and sneaked out of it. He didn´t want to be seen. If they spot him from far away, then there was no chance they could tell he was shorter, but he didn´t want to greet anyone he already knew.

HE entered the building, rushed thru the reception without saying a word and made his way to the elevator. Lucky him, there was no one else but him inside.

The doors closed and he was finally safe.

“Hahaha.” Chuckled Evangeline.

“What´s so funny?” he asked with a mad tone.

“You. Hiding from everyone so that no one can see you. You know, I think you´re making this a bigger deal than it already is.” She said.

“But I´m shrinking, loosing inches in height, I think this is MUCH of a deal.” He claimed.

“Yeah, but not right now, you should worry about it when you´re smaller.” She didn´t even believed he could change; she was so sure that he´ll end up smaller. It sucks when your angel has no hope on you.

The elevator stopped on his floor and he rushed to his office, not looking at anyone and just focusing on his main goal. Be alone. He walked thru the multiple cubicules of people working, passed some desks and even passed her assistants one.

He took a peek at her empty desk and said: “Huh? She´s still not here… why am I not surprised…” turns out his assistant, Lexie, was kind of… lazy. But what can he expect, he hired her because of her boobs, not her curriculum.

He just walked into his office and closed the door behind him.

“Finally, safe here… on your lair.” Spoke Evangeline who was sitting over his desk.

“Can you give me a break. It´s too early to deal with your nonsense.” He spoke.

“Nonsense? Hey, I´m just trying to keep you company,” she said as she stood up and started walking toward him.

Larry shut once he spotted Evangeline´s form approaching, he freaked out. “Is she…? No, that can´t be…” he thought as she approached and stopped a few steps away from him.

Evangeline stopped right in front of him, putting her hands on her hips. He didn´t notice before, but now, they were about the same height.

“Are you… taller?” he asked.

“No, I´m just wearing two-inch heels, but sure, this makes me about the same height as you with those shoes of yours.” She replied.

Heels, that was it. He found a small relieve as she gave him the answer. But it was no relieve at all. She was only an inch away from being the same height as him, or was he an inch away from being her height? This felt awful, demeaning.

There was no point on denying it, soon, he´ll be shorter than his coworkers. Even the small women that worked there. Then he thought. “Lexie…” as he turned at the still empty desk outside his office.

“She´s… short.” She was, she stood at 5´3” on her bare feet, but she always made sure to wear heels, giving her some boost to look taller. Two-inch heels like Evangeline, but some other days, she went for the four-inch ones.

He just walked into his desk, ignoring Evangeline, and walking right passed her. Then, he sat on his desk and laid back on his chair. Worried about the outcome of his current predicament.

The worse part was, the cause, Evangeline, who was standing right in front of him. But she wasn´t a stain that you can clean, or something you can wash away. She´ll stay, tormenting him until he understood.

Things were awful, he felt angry, desperate, weak. All at the same time. How was it possible that such thing as an angel was his personal punisher?

And she seemed so cheerful, walking from side to side inside his office. As if it was her right to be there.

“Don´t you have anything else to do?” said Larry desperate by her.

“Sure, I have a ton of things to do…” she said.

“So… you´re not gonna do that instead of just fooling around in my office?” he protested, wanting her to leave.

She chuckled and approached. “I told you, I can do all at once, even if I´m here with you, that doesn´t mean I´m not doing anything else…” she replied leaning over his desk, pushing her breasts together without noticing.

He peered at them, but he was too annoyed to enjoy the sensuousness of her round bosom. “Ughhh!” he grunted as he turned on his computer and decided to put his mind into something else.

Evangeline was not going to be easy with him. She kind of enjoyed how easy he got mad. He seemed to be frustrated all the time, but that may be her fault.

“You know what… I think I´ll leave you alone for a while… but you know, I won´t exactly leave you, but you won´t see me, if that´s what you´re looking for…” she declared, knowing for sure she was pissing him off with her mere presence.

“Sure, go ahead, do whatever you need…” he said without taking his eyes off the computer´s monitor.

She simply waved at him, without him noticing, and then disappeared.

Finally, Larry was alone. It didn´t took long before Lexie finally arrived. But he paid no attention to her, he was busy.

He was working, checking all the things to do on his list, but then, he remembered something, the meeting.

“Fuck, why today…” he thought as he rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, as if he was trying to relieve a migraine.

He didn´t want anyone to see him in his current… state. But there were so much things he could avoid. Going to that meeting was not one of them.

*knock* *knock* It was Lexie on the door, knocking before she opened and said: “Morning… I just wanted to remind you of your meeting.” She declared.

“Right, the meeting… thanks.” He said soberly, not needing to be reminded.

Lexie stepped in, wearing the two-inch heels he was sure she´ll be wearing, and said: “I know I was a little late today, but the thing is… my cat, he´s ill and…” he just waved his hand, cutting her off, he didn´t need any excuses. He didn´t care right now.

“It´s fine, whatever the reason was, I´m sure it was important… just make sure to be here on time, ok?” he spoke.

“Yes sir, thank you…” she said.

“No problem, and please, call me Larry.” He smiled at her. He never wasted a chance to get down with some of the hot chicks he knew. Lexie may be short, but she´s got her thing, a nice body and some nice boobs.

“Ok… Larry…” she spoke with a certain emphasis in his name. She was not into him, but if she could score some points with him to make her job easier, then she will take them. Besides, she wouldn´t mind if she needed to get her hands dirty in the process.

The meeting was an hour away. Something Lexie forgot to mention. But he knew the time. His main concern was how to evade the obvious questions. How to hide the fact that he´s… shorter. He decided to stop thinking about it and let time solve things. Maybe no one asks about it.

Time flew by, before he knew it, he was waiting right in front of the elevator. He was heading to the top floor, where his boss was. Mrs. Davis. She was the head of the building, a position he was very much looking for.

“Someday…” he thought as the door opened, revealing someone who was already in. Cathy, the HR manager.

“Well, hello there…” he said as he walked in.

“Ugh, it´s you…” she spoke.

They didn´t have the best relationship as coworkers. She knew he was kind of lazy, and that pissed her off, together with his constant flirting to her. But who could blame him? She had good looks.

Bright blue eyes, a nice physique, and she was around his age. He decided to take a shot with her, but she always declined his proposals. Mainly cause she caught him staring at her, eating her up with his eyes.

“This idiot, just cause he´s… not that ugly, he thinks everyone wants to get laid with him…” she thought as he stepped in.

“So… heading to the meeting?” he asked.

“Sure, what else…” she said, not wanting to have any small talk with him. It was enough to share an elevator with him, there was no need to chat as if they were friends.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, but Larry knew she disliked him. Maybe she found his little tease annoying instead of gallant, perhaps, he got too drunk on the last party and said things he couldn´t quite remember.

But that wasn´t in his mind now, his main thought was that Cathy, a woman who used to stand seven inches shorter than him, was amazingly tall now.

He was still taller, but not by much, now, 5´6” Cathy stood taller than his eyebrows. She didn´t like to wear heels, she always used flats. Still, she was almost as tall as him.

He felt awkward, and at the same time intimidated by it. At first, he had a hard time stepping inside the elevator when he spotted her, but he kept things cool. He didn´t want her attention in any way.

He just greeted her in an attempt to make her turn and ignore him. Because deep down, he knew she´ll be asking questions about why he´s only two inches taller than her.

The newly tall Cathy was making him sweat. Not because of her nice curves; at any time, she could speak up and point the obvious, he was shorter.

He knew she won´t pay attention to it, or him. But he was terrified to find out what will the rest of the people at the meeting say.

The meeting was with the main boss, Mrs. Davis, and the other heads of each floor. Asides of Cathy, the rest were men. They won´t say a thing about him. He didn´t mess with any of them, and neither did they. Most only had their minds on keeping things working. Some only thought about their finances, others about how to improve the productivity, and some, Like Cathy, wanted to promote a healthy environment. Something Larry didn´t much cared for.

The elevator finally stopped at the top floor, and she lost no time on stepping out without turning at him; she just walked straight to the meeting room. On the other hand, Larry was nervous. He cleaned the sweat of his forehead before he stepped out and walked towards the room.

He just walked in, embracing himself for when anyone said: “He´s shrunk!” He knew it was silly, but it could happen.

Lucky him, it wasn´t the case, each of them was busy with their respective cell phones. Except for Cathy who was just looking at the board in front of the oval-shaped table where they were all sitting.

He felt relieved, he lost no time and rushed to take his spot. Next to the guy from accounting.

“What´s up Trevor…” he greeted him, to what he responded with a “hey” without taking his eyes off his phone´s screen.

He took a seat, relieved by the lack of interest each of them had to start a conversation. But everyone was busy in their own things, most only wanted the meeting to end so they could return to their respective floors.

Within a minute, someone stepped in, the boss.

“Good morning, I´m glad you´re already here… so punctual…” she chuckled.

Mrs. Davis was a woman on her late 40s. She had a nice shape, mature woman curves and a pair of big breasts contained on her DD bra. Her round butt swayed as she made herself into the room.

But she wasn´t alone. Behind her, came in her assistant. Violet. Larry laid way back on his chair, wanting to be swallowed by it.

Turns out, Cathy´s not the only woman he asked out. A couple months ago, he had the nerve to ask Violet out, he literally told her: “I haven´t been with a such a hottie who´s as tall as you… would you make my day and share a drink with me…” obviously, she rejected his proposal.

Violet was tall, taller than him back then. She stood at 6´2”, a whole inch taller than his original form. He asked her out because of two things; the first one, he was curious about how will sex be with a woman about the same height as him; and number two, she had a nice butt.

Her hips were wider, proportional to her height, and it all caused her ass cheeks to be bigger too. He was sure that she worked out because her swaying butt was firm and thick. Some nice muscles beneath that smooth flesh of hers. But she got annoyed by the fact that he immediately pointed put her height and treated her like a random chick with whom he´ll get laid and never call back.

She immediately spotted him, but he turned away playing dumb. Maybe, asides of asking her out that one time, he always ogled at her butt whenever he went to Mrs. Davis office.

“Ok people, let´s begin with this meeting, I know you´re all eager to go back to your desks and continue with the great job you all do, so we´ll make this quick…” said Mrs. Davis who now stood in between the table and the big white board in front of it.

She wasn´t lying, the meeting was short. Around fifteen minutes. And during all that time he could feel two things. The rest of his coworkers were paying attention to it, or at least looking at the board. Even Cathy, who was sitting right in front of him, focused all of her attention at it, mainly because she always got mad when she was in the same room as him; she needed to forget he was there.

But someone else, Violet, didn´t pay any attention to it. Of course, she had done the presentation Mrs. Davis used for the meeting. During her “free” time, she turned her attention to Larry. He knew she was looking at him, but he didn´t dare to turn.

He didn´t knew what was it with all women there. Of course, he asked them out, but he didn´t have any worse intention that any other man could. He just walked away when either said “no”. Although, the way he asked things, as if he was the big deal, maybe that pissed women.

It didn´t help when he asked some other women out in front of those who he already asked out. Much less when they agreed, and after the date… and sex, never called back. Perhaps, there could be a certain club at the office, one with the name the “fuck Larry” club.

He´s sure he had dated at least a dozen of women from work. Most outside his floor, he didn´t want to see the lady everyday after he never called back.

Right now, he was regretting those decisions as Violet turned at him, with sharp eyes. He didn´t want to see her while standing. He felt short with that inch difference, there´s no need to explain how he´ll feel once he looks way up at her, standing five inches taller than him. And that was taking in count the inch his shoe sole added to him.

Inside Violet´s mind, she was thinking: “Is there something different with him? Did he cut his hair? IS he wearing a different shirt? Did he lose weight?” she was trying to catch what was it with him.

The meeting ended, now he could walk away from Violet´s intense stare. He waited for everyone to leave before he did. He didn´t want anyone to see him so… short. If no one could see him while standing, then he´ll be fine. But when he was about to stand, he listened a voice that said:

“Lawrence… dear, can you hold on a sec… I´d like to speak with you.” It was Mrs. Davis voice.

He swallowed and while turning, he replied: “Sure.”

Right then, his boss´s form began to approach. Walk towards him. He had a hard time processing how tall she was now. She was wearing some two-inch heels, that made her the exact same height as him.

He smiled, but it was only a mask that covered the insecurity he felt as he watched his boss coming closer. Getting taller and taller by the second. When she stopped, just a few feet away from him, she smiled and said:

“You know, Lawrence, I´d like to discuss some things with you during the day. Maybe in…” then, she stopped for a moment, and took a good look at him.

He kept smiling, but inside he was terrified by it. She narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing him before she added: “Sorry but, there´s something different with you… have you lost weight?” she asked.

“Well…” he started. He had sure lost weight, but the height was what mattered the most to him right now. How was it possible for her not to notice that a man, who used to stand five inches taller than her, was her same height?

“Never mind, the thing is, we need to talk about some of the paperwork you sent last night.” She spoke, leaving his “condition” on the side.

“Ok… what about it?” he asked, turning his attention into something other than his height.

“Well, there´s a few things missing, but I´d like to discuss it in my office.” She declared.

“Oh… like, right now?” he asked, not wanting to be there right now. Because if he did, then he´ll be at the same room as the towering Violet, and he didn´t want that. He knew she was more perceptive. She will definitely notice he shrunk if she got closer to him.

“No, not right now. I´ve got some things to work on. But, let me see… you know what, I´ll send you an email letting you know when to come, ok?” she declared.

“Sure.” He replied, feeling odd by the fact that he was eye-level with her. Now everyone seemed bigger for him, this wasn´t right.

As he walked away, on his way to the elevator, he just didn´t felt good. He knew it would be just a matter of time before someone pointed out his shrinking. And the more he interacted with people, the faster they will find out. Now, there was a meeting about to come. One alone with Mrs. Davis, and Violet. She was her assistant, so it was just logical that she´d be in the room at the time.

He stepped inside the elevator, alone. Worried about the near future. He had a worried look on his face, and what´s more, he was actually getting a stomachache because of it. How were things going to be when he shrank even more? When he reached the five-foot mark? Or even, when he passed that?

He felt as if he was about to vomit.


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