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Matt was worried. “GYM partner? What is that supposed to mean?” He knows nothing about working out. Or routines, diets, anything.

How is he supposed to be her partner if he doesn´t even know the name of the equipment they use. He knows some men work out, barely. One in every hundredth men works out. But their equipment is not even close to what women use to work out.

Nowadays, the big companies in charge of producing equipment and exercise merchandise are focused only on women. If a man would like to buy something, then he´ll need to look for an antiquity store where they have old fashioned equipment.

Nowadays, everything´s bigger, heavier, designed for women. Even the warm up equipment women use weights twice what he does, and that´s the stuff they say weights nothing! And that´s not it, as he walks with Rina, into the GYM. He can´t help but to feel the eyes of women on him.

Staring, stopping their sets just to take a look at the tiny man entering the woman´s realm. It feels awful. He would prefer to be invisible or something like it.

He crossed the whole GYM, passing the giantess sweaty bodies of women. Lifting, cardio, and many more things they did on machines he had never seen before. The only thing he knew for sure was that they all stopped for a second to take a look at him. He was the only man there. And he hated it.

“Hey there… you didn´t announce any man´s visit on the board, Rina…” said a woman´s voice.

When Matt turned, he could spot the person talking. She was huge. A head taller than Rina, who herself was around 18 feet tall. But her muscles, they were bigger.

She was swollen all over, with veins all over her tanned body. She was wearing a pink sports bra and some matching tiny stretch-shorts. But those breasts of her, they were gigantic, with noticeable muscle under them. He wasn´t into muscular women, but if he had to say something, then he´d call her the clear winner among them.

“Oh, sorry Trixie, but he´s just here cause he´s my date…” she said.

“A date? At the GYM? Well, you sure didn´t plan anything romantic, haha.” She replied.

Matt was just waiting in silence beneath these huge women. All he could see was their bulking legs muscles. How much tons can each of them carry? He just wondered when he could walk away from there. It was all so strangely intimidating.

Ok then, I gotta go, my rest time´s up.” Said the tanned giantess as she jogged away.

Lucky him, she didn´t say anything, but the looks she gave him while talking to Rina, those were the eyes of a woman looking for a tiny man to play with. He didn´t felt good, or safe.

“Ok Matt, now follow me, I´ll explain you what we´ll be doing…” she said as she started walking again.

He was thankful for one thing, from behind, he could spot Rina´s ass. It was enormous. He knew that beneath that smooth flesh, there were a set of large muscles she´d worked on during a while. Her butt was so firm, so round. How long had she been working on it? Or was it that women gained muscle faster?

He didn´t care much, he just rolled his eyes over that butt and those long legs of hers. Her calves flexed as she walked, displaying the firm muscles she had on. He felt like a spaghetti following a huge round meatball.

“Ok, we´re here…” said Rina as they both arrived to a large room where there were no women but them.

“Here…?” he said.

“Oh, sorry, this is the “no-weights room”, in this room you can only do stretching, yoga, and other stuff where you use no weights or equipment. Just an empty space to use.” She said with a smile.

She seemed nice, her hulking body and those large muscles where very intimidating, but she seemed like a kind soul.

“Now,” she continued. “Before I explain you my… plans. I´d like to see what I´m working with. We can start with simple push-ups.” She said.

He was confused. “So, you´re gonna do push-ups while I… spot you?” he asked.

“Haha, no, how silly, I already worked out this morning. I want to see how athletic you are. I think 20 reps will be enough.” She said, waiting for him.

He swallowed, exercise? This whole date was about exercise? He was inside a GYM so… it seemed logical.

“So… you want me to, like, work out while you´re… watching?” he asked.

“Kind of, but I want to see how strong you are. I mean, I know there´s no way you can keep up with me…” and just like that, she approached, standing a few inches away from him. “You´re leveled with my lower thigh,” she flexed her thigh a little, showing the clear muscles of her quads, he was both amazed and intimidated by it.

Lucky him, she meant no harm. Else, she would´ve been crushing him between her legs, or with a single leg. She was a mountain of muscle, if not fully ripped, when she flexed, he could have a clear look of her worked out muscles.

“Let´s begin…” she stepped back, “whenever you´re ready…” she said with an expecting look as he bent and decided to go for it. He couldn´t reject her proposal, he really had a hard time saying no to women.

He wasn´t sure if it was because they were huge. Or imposing. Or basically high above on the mandatory chain. There was also the possibility that, like many men nowadays, he was a simp. But he didn´t have time to focus on it. Now, it was time to get things done, 20 push-ups. It sounded like a lot for a man who never worked out, but he was handling his own weight, how hard can it be?

“Come on, one more, you can do it!” cheered Rina as she was on her knees, counting Matt´s reps. He was right red, holding his body off the ground. His arms were almost fully stretched, he was about to finish this rep, almost done. Just a little push. He trembled as he forced his muscle arms to do more that he was used to.

“And…” said Rina as then he let out a small yell and then… fell on the ground. “Ok… I guess we´re done then…” she said as she stood back up.

“How… huff, how much was it… again?” he asked, turning and laying over his back on the floor.

“Well, if I count the last one you did… ten, ten push-ups.” She declared.

“W-what?!” he said in alarm as he rose. 10 push-ups? He was almost dying and he wasn´t even half way done?

“Yeah, but don´t feel bad, most men only come up to six or seven. You should be happy. And maybe I over estimated you a little, probably it´s my fault.”

“But… just out of curiosity, how much can you do?” he asked, trying to feel better, maybe she also did…

“One hundredth.” She declared.

“One… one hu… hundredth?” he said almost losing the little air that he kept on his lungs.

“Yup. But I´m working on it. I know it isn´t much, but I wasn´t working on my stamina…” she said as if doing ten times more than him wasn´t enough.

“So… what is this for?” he said, referring to the exercise.

“Well, this is for the triceps…” she turned and extended her arm, applying force on the back of it, making her big triceps’ swell and bulge.

He swallowed again, he had never seen that muscle on his arm, and this gigantic lady seemed to have an arm so much thicker than his torso almost exploding with muscle.

“Ok… next exercise.” She declared.

He sighed, he was still recovering from the pain of doing ten push-ups, but he had to keep going. If he was lucky then there was not much more to do.

“Let´s give your arms some time to rest. I know you´re not exactly… active. Now, I want you to do twenty sit-ups this time.” She said.

Matt thought this could be easier. He walked all day, so a leg work out couldn´t be so hard, right?

But he was proven wrong. There´s a huge difference between using a muscle and working out a specific area of the body. All of the stress and weight you put on the specific area once you´re working out often prove to be harder than it seems. She knows it, but he doesn´t.

“Twelve…” she said before he fell on the ground. “At least you did better than with the push-ups…” declared the muscular amazon trying to make him feel better.

He couldn´t take it anymore. His legs were already shaking, and he was starting to get some cramps. He ignored how was it that she did all of those reps. He didn´t dare to ask how much she could do.

It´s obvious for him that women are more qualified for this than men. But this wasn´t done.

“Ok, now the core…” she said as she fell on her knees and waited for him to accommodate himself for the crunches.

She placed her gigantic hands over his feet and started counting as he go. “One… two… three…” it was his lone weight. He didn´t wore any vest with weights, or carried any dumbbells like she used to.

“A plank?” she asked. But he fell on the first ten seconds.

She tried to find an exercise that he could do. But it was useless, he couldn´t even reach the lowest of the lowest on each of them.

She didn´t want to lose the hope, but he was no GYM material. She just gave up and decided to qualify him as a “0”, the lowest level. But maybe she could turn him into a “1” if things worked.

“Enough.” He declared, covered in sweat and feeling his limbs burning in pain. “I think we´re done.”

“Yeah, me too.” She spoke.

“Really?” he said amazed.

“Yes. Let´s just leave it like that and now go for the real thing. Your work as my partner.”

“Oh, ok.” He said thinking it will be easy. All she did with him was to count. It shouldn´t be that hard. But the truth is, it was.

She started with the push-ups. But he couldn´t get over the fact that her gigantic breasts hit the floor every time she lowered herself. The massive orbs on her chest impacted the ground so heavily that it made their full mass quiver, he only went as far as the number three before he got lost on her massive tits.

She got a bit mad, but she couldn´t really blame him, maybe she could use baggier tops next time.

Then, they went for the sit-ups. But when he spotted her from behind, he got lost on the flexing muscles of her butt. Looking at how her gluts came down to him and then back up. Her thick legs didn´t help at all.

He was lost on her, on every small part of her. Her muscles amazed him, the thick feminine parts of her turned him on. Even her enormous form aroused him just because she was muscular. And to think he wasn´t into that type of women.

There´s no need to say that he forgot to tell her when the five minutes ended on the treadmill. He just witnessed how her flesh bounced in the air with her every long and explosive step. She was running faster than he ever did. But it was mainly because of her legs that were so much taller than him.

Her butt quaked, her breasts jolted, even her abs were trembling a little. He couldn´t focus on anything that wasn´t this woman´s ripped bouncing body. It was too much.

“That´s it.” She declared, feeling mad. “I really, reeeeally can´t believe how, sorry but, how useless you are. This is basic work out and you´ve done nothing but slacking around and proving to me that you´re good for… nothing.” Her words kind of hurt, but what could he say, he messed up.

“Sorry but…” he wanted to apologize, to say it wasn´t really his fault. It was hard for him to maintain his attention while she just moved her barely covered body over and over. He turned at her legs, trying to excuse himself by saying it, but he was distracted by her long thick legs.

It didn´t matter if there was pure muscle beneath her smooth skin, those legs were feet taller than him. Like pillars of flesh that attracted his attention. But when he stopped and said nothing, Rina lost it.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!” she exclaimed. Turns out, women who work out have much less patience than regular women. Maybe it´s the exercise, the rush of hormones, or the fact that some think they´re superior. But whatever the reason was, Rina´s patience was finally over.

She tried her best to keep it cool at first, but now, she was done with it.

Matt tried to back away as he then realized the giantess was turning red on the face. But he was too slow, because right after she spoke, she bent and reached for him, picking him up by the collar of his shirt. Needless to say, she only needed one hand and very little effort to do so.

Before he realized, he was already being lifted in the air, he involuntarily started to kick, but when he passed her breasts and stopped right at her face, he knew it was useless.

“You… you´re done. You are completely useless for this. I thought men could have a part here, maybe delivering towels, counting reps, or some sort of minuscule job. But you wouldn´t even be able to deliver water to any of us.” Declared a mad Rina, and she wasn´t wrong, he would not be able to carry the 6 gallon water bottles they used there.

“I… I…” he had no excuse, but who could blame him? He thought it was a date, not some sort of GYM interview.

“QUIET!” she said dryly. “So… you like my body, don´t you? Well, how about getting you a little closer.” She declared causing some confusion in him. But his doubts were clear by the sudden movement that drove his body right over her chest.

Rina pinned his body in between her boobs, squishing his head right in the middle. He would´ve enjoyed it, but she was using so much force. Besides, passed the semi-soft layer of fat on her tits, her chest muscles were rock hard. It was as if he was pinned to the wall.

He tried to push back, but she was a lot of times stronger than him.

“Come on, you´re right over my tits, I thought you liked it. But it´s ok… there´s more of me to enjoy.” She added with a maleficent tone as she pulled him away and placed him in between her thighs.

She proceeded to squash him between her powerful thighs, as if she was trying to pull the juices out of him.

Her thighs were a lit thicker than his torso, he was pinned between two large walls of muscle, who´s only purpose was to make him suffer. After very little struggle, he lacked air. She had pushed the air out of his lungs during the first twenty seconds. And she wasn´t even trying.

He started to kick his legs, and there´s when she let him go. Spreading her legs and allowing him to fall on the ground. Falling from the eight feet tall distance of her thighs was not something pleasant.

The first seconds he was thankful by the air he was now getting, but then he realized he was falling. The worse part is, this wasn´t done.

When he fell, Rina wasted no time and placed one of her feet on him. Her foot was longer than his torso, and she didn´t even had to let all of her weight fall on him.

Matt tried to push, but she was much heavier than he could carry.

“What? Wanna do push-ups now? I think we´re more than done with that.” She spoke as she let more of her weight fall on him.

He couldn´t speak, he couldn´t yell. He was tired, he almost suffocated before. There was nothing else he could do but to try and lift that gigantic foot on his back. Avoiding to be stepped on. It was all very much useless.

He was at the mercy of this enraged muscular giantess. She could´ve already ripped him in half, but she wanted him to suffer, not to kill him. But she wasn´t too far from the second thing.

She let him go for a second. But his relieve didn´t last long, she bent over and reached for him. Then, she walked into one of the walls on the room.

“I can really tell you liked my butt, wanna hang out with it for a while?” she was sarcastic, and still pissed.

She held him to the wall for a second before she turned and then filled his vision with her ample butt.

Her ass was gigantic. She pinned him to the wall using only that worked out ass of hers. He hated the fact that it was kind of turning him on, but the idea of surviving kept his mind away from those erotic thoughts.

She began to push harder, then lose, then hard again. She was completely torturing the man with her phat ass.

He grabbed her titanic ass with his hands, in an attempt to pull himself out, but when she pressed his body harder to the wall, he lost his grip. He panicked, she was manhandling him so easily. He was a mere toy for this woman.

She was just letting her rage fall on him. Of course, there were some huge punching bags at the GYM for that, but since he was the cause of all her anger, she decided to take it out on him.

“Ugh, you know what, you ain´t worth more of my time.” She said dryly, knowing she won´t get the relieve she was trying to by torturing the man.

He was thankful by those words, but then she stepped away and he fell to the floor. He coughed once he finally got up.

Besides of being physically damaged, she had made him work out, his muscles ached from the pain of the exercise and the posterior damage.

Rina just walked away, leaving the beaten man on the floor. He tried to sit up, but it hurt. His whole body hurt. He stood there for a second, recovering his breath. But it wasn´t easy.

The “little” force she used, not even close to her full strength, felt as if his bones were braking. He felt his ribs like shredding. Splinters. Broken bones. He was sure that this was the feeling you got with it. But it wasn´t the case. Even if his body felt like falling into pieces, he was still in a single one.

No broken bones, no permanent damage. Only the feeling of suffering a beating can give you. But at least she didn´t punch him, else, he would´ve flown in the air.

Matt stood there for a moment, he needed a rest, so he decided to close his eyes and just lay there in silence as he recovered his strength.

His phone rang, waking him up. He wasn´t sure for how long he was gone. The only thing he could see was that he was still in the same room.

“I guess no one really uses this space…” he thought as he tried to get a hold of his phone. But it hurt.

Sleeping over the pain didn´t help at all. Of course, part of the pain was gone, and he was breathing normally, but his muscles were so sore. Was it because he over used them or because of the beating Rina gave him? Whatever it was, he had to move slowly to prevent the pain.

“Hello…?” he answered with a low tone.

“Matt? Is everything ok? You don´t sound so good.” Said the woman´s voice on the other end. Zoey´s voice, his only friend.

“Well, I… ouch, I had a not so good day today…” he complained as he tried to straighten.

“Not so good? What do you mean? Are you hurt? Matt, did someone hurt you?” she asked with a worried tone.

“I´m, no, it´s… yes.” He admitted.

“But who? Where? Do you need help? Have you called someone yet?” she asked.

“I… no.” he said not being able to think straight.

“I´ll go pick you up. Just send me the address and I´ll be there.” She said before he agreed and hung up.

He sent the address and waited there, moments later, Zoey will arrive to collect him. Right now, it was around 8:00 pm, a long time had passed before his last date ended. He just stood up, reeling, and decided to make his way out of the GYM, at this time there shouldn´t be many women around.



Marvelous. She really put him in his place, both with her foot and by telling him how useless men are.