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HELLOOOOO, I hope you´re doing great! Here´s the lastest chapter of my first story. I know I´ve mentioned quite a few times that we´re in the second phase of the story and well... we are hehe. 

The story may have turned a bit slow in a certain aspect, well, aspects. The truth is that there´s a lot of things I would like to elaborate before moving forward. BUT, we´re done with that, and I´m also thankful for it. 

Now, I can officially say that this chapter´s the one where Nick realices something... about Maddy.

I hope you like the chapter and I assure you things will get much more interesting on the next chapter. 

Ashley didn´t seem to mind the fact that Nick had his face pinned to her boob. Part of him wondered if she did it un purpose. Probably he´s just being paranoic again. Maybe, this could be like the other day with Cynthia. A large woman teasing him with her luscious body.

He couldn´t be right, his friendship with Ashley was merely platonic, and he wasn´t even sure if she considered him a friend or more like a neighbor. Still, he felt extremely nervous as he sensed the soft flesh of her breast pressing against him. He could even smell the aroma of her clothes as he stood there. Sweet.

“Check that out Nick, this is my favorite part…” she said pointing at the TV, what he ignored was that she did notice his head landing in her boob, but she had her reasons.

As she tried to distract Nick, dragging his attention at the TV and not her breast, she turned down at him thinking: “Oh my, his head´s smaller than my boob… wow.” She mused. Turns out, she wanted to compare sizes, compare Nick to her. She wasn´t top heavy, and her boob wasn´t that much bigger than his head, still, she was trying to measure Nick, using herself as a reference point.

Neither of them was watching the movie as the other thought. Each of them focused their minds into other things, the other one. For instance, Nick felt puzzled by the sudden affection she was showing; she had never hugged him, or even greet him with a hand shake. Now, she was pinning him to her body like a teddy bear. Nick felt as if he could break in sweat in any moment, he was feeling overwhelmed.

Meanwhile, Ashley couldn´t take her eyes off him. She was checking how her thigh was almost as long as his whole leg. Paying close attention at the thickness of both. She knew she wasn´t the tallest or curviest woman there is, she considered herself a little skinny, but next to Nick, she felt bigger.

She felt taller, stronger, overall, she felt confident. She wasn´t outstanding anywhere she went, she didn´t have big boobs or a huge swaying butt; she didn´t drag any attention to her. Even during the three years she´s been working as a waiter, no one had tried anything; except for that one time someone asked for her number.

She didn´t feel so pretty, of course, she knew she wasn´t ugly either. Maybe people just miss-judged her by her outfit, she wasn´t sure. What she knew for sure was that, next to Nick, she was imposing, he didn´t even dare to say a thing as she pinned his head on her boob.

She thought this whole thing will be a waste of time. The truth is, it wasn´t. So far, she had been nothing but curious since she spotted Nick, trying to guess how tall he was, maybe how much he weighted. She knew there were several hours before Maddy came back, which means, there´s still time to compare heights. She smiled at that thought.

Time went by, Ashley allowed Nick to lay back. She removed her arm from around him and he immediately accommodated himself away from her. Not in a repulsive way, but he could already feel an erection bursting on his pants.

Every second he spent next to Ashley made him feel anxious. Will Maddy get mad? Did she asked her to do that just to prove he was weak? Wasn´t Ashley aware of where his head was?

He felt relieved to move away. He was trying to look straight at the movie, focus on what´s happening and not on Ashley. He couldn´t help it but his mind had noticed some things. First, she wasn´t wearing a bra.

Nick knew how a woman´s breast feels when they wear bra´s. More like, he knew how Maddy´s breasts felt, but he knew. He was sure it felt as if the only thing between his cheek and her boob was the thin layer of fabric from her shirt, nothing else. Not the seams of a bra, or a thick sport´s bra. He was sure that if he´d wanted, he could drive his hand and touch her nipple from over her shirt. But he couldn´t.

That will be disrespectful and too low, for him. She was the one who placed him there, and he was more than sure that she did it on purpose. He had his doubts. Still, it wasn´t an excuse to touch her however he wanted. Besides, part of him feared what she´ll do if she got mad.

Ashley was nice, but he knew she had her temper. Of course, when he was like a foot and around forty pounds heavier, she was like a light weight. But now, a simple slap from her will be enough to take him straight to the ground. Even the small force she applied to pull him to her seemed like a lot. He tried to resist, but she didn´t even notice his resistance.

Nick had the impression that she was teasing him, like always, but this time, showing him how strong she was. Show him how weak he had turned. He had the idea that she wanted to show him who was in charge. But he was wrong.

Nick was thinking and so was Ashley. She stared at him for a moment, still looking for a way to say something, she spoke: “Hey Nick, I´m curious, what can you do with those small hands.”

He turned not sure what she meant, so he just blinked and said: “M-my hands?”

“Yes,” she said, “I mean, they seem too small to me. I know you cannot carry heavy things the way you used to but, can you hold them? Like, are your fingers long enough to grab anything?” she only asked to do something else, she didn´t care if he could hold a glass with one hand or anything, but she had another idea on her mind.

“I, I don´t… I´m not sure.” He said as he turned at his hands.

“Let´s see…” she said stretching her arm and grabbing one of Nick´s hands. Then, she placed his hand over hers.

Nick found himself speechless when he witnessed the fact that Ashley´s hand was so much bigger than his. Her hands seemed huge; her fingers were so much longer. He knew for sure that if she closed her hand, she´ll be able to entrap his entire hand easily.

Ashley smiled, the question she made was just an excuse to measure their hands. It was so funny. The fact that nick was so puny now made her feel so much bigger, so… in control. She was aware that he was a nice guy, but if she wanted, she could force him to do whatever she wanted.

“No, hold on Ashley…” she thought to herself, “he hasn´t been anything but nice to you. He doesn´t deserve any mistreat or abuse in any way.” She knew she was supposed to look for him, even if Maddy said she´ll just give him company.

She removed her hand from under his and drove it all the way to the top of his head. She placed it there and said: “May I say, your hands are cute.” She smiled, but he knew it was just another way to make fun of him.

Time flew by and now, it was lunch time. Nick could listen to his stomach grumble, trying to digest itself. Of course, Ashley heard it too.

“Haha, is that… was that your stomach?” she asked, amazed by the small sound his stomach made.

“Yes.” He replied, both embarrassed and annoyed by her unnecessary laugh.

“Well, I guess that means it´s lunch time… my question is, what should we lunch?” she wondered.

Nick was wondering if that was a question, so he started thinking of dishes he´ll like, maybe a steak, with fries, he was hungry and any idea sounded delicious.

“I got it.” She declared as she walked into the kitchen.

Of course, she wasn´t thinking on what he wanted, but what she´ll be able or willing to make. He just turned at her as she entered the kitchen. The idea of having her cook what he wanted seemed a little stupid now. He just stayed there, feeling unimportant.

“I´ll make sandwiches.” She yelled from the kitchen.

Nick stayed on the living room, mostly because Ashley´s enormous size unsettled him. She didn´t change at all, it was him, but deep inside he had a feeling of annoyance. She wasted no chance on pointing out how small he was or comparing their heights. He knew he was small, he didn´t need her to remind him every minute.

He couldn´t hide his sorrow. Everywhere he looked, everyone he saw, even regular things were now huge! It all made him realize the fact that, each passing day, he was more vulnerable than the previous one. Even if Ashley didn´t measure him, and he was thankful for that, he knew he was smaller.

He was becoming aware of it. Each morning, his perspective changed. He found himself craning his neck higher, loosing sight of certain objects, he even felt his clothes baggier than last night. He was tired. His only question was when will it stop.

Right now, anyone could take advantage of him. He knew Ashley wouldn´t. She could be annoying sometimes, but she was not the type of person who´ll abuse their power. But, how wright could he be? As far as he knew, Cynthia would maintain a certain treat against him, just throwing hostile comments and hating him in silence.

Nick was completely unaware of the actions Cynthia could take. She took all those years of hating him and turned them into a complete beating, more precisely, of his ass.

Nick rubbed his buttocks as he had flashbacks of the moment when Cynthia beating him as she pleased.

“Ok Nick, they´re ready!” Said Ashley from the kitchen, apparently lunch was ready.

He walked all the way to the kitchen. He couldn´t complaint, a meal was a meal, it didn´t matter if it was a sandwich or a steak. Although, he´d love a steak.

“Hey there…” said Ashley as he stepped into the kitchen.

He sat on the opposite side of the table; she could only see his face from the top of his head to his nose. She wasn´t sure how he´ll be able to eat, but if he had managed to do it so far, then he would be fine, she hoped.

Nick only ate half of the sandwich, lucky for him, she sliced his in two. At first, he found it sort of denigrating, but now it made sense. He disliked the fact that she already knew he wouldn´t be able to eat the whole thing. Besides, it was easier to hold.

She took the dishes away and washed them while he stayed there in silence. Nick was Looking at her from behind. He was thinking that he could no longer complete a simple task like that. He wasn´t tall enough to wash the dishes, how pathetic was that? He used to be a man over six feet tall and now he depended on everyone for anything, this couldn´t be happening.

He couldn´t stay there and feel sorry for himself forever, he got up and left. Ashely noticed, but she just thought he had something else to do.

Nick laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling, trying to imagine how things will be if he wasn´t shrinking. He never thought he´ll miss doing small chores so much. How could life take something from him so fast and so easy. He wasn´t ill as far as he knew, and still, his body was acting in a very unnatural way. Things were not supposed to be that way for a man on his twenties.

He couldn´t take it, his eyes turned teary and before he knew it, he started to sob. He drove his hands to his face and tried to cover his eyes as tears began to ran thru his face. He couldn´t take it anymore, things were too hard now. What could he possibly do now? He couldn´t even wash the dishes, how will he work? The first thing that will happen on Monday is that they´ll fire him.

“W-why… why me?” said Nick with a broken teasy tone as he sobbed once again.

He was alone in his bed, but Ashley could listen to him from the hall, his apartment wasn´t so big either, and the door was open. She felt sorry for him, but she was not the type of person who knows what to do in this type of situations. The whole thing was too awkward.

Part of her wanted to walk away and pretend she didn´t notice, but she knew better what she had to do.

*Knock* Knock*

“Nick, may I come in?” she said from his bedroom´s door.

Nick sat on his bed and tried to dry his tears. “S-sure” he replied.

Ashely sat down next to him, he needed a friend to listen and she was willing to be that friend. “Ok Nick, come on, tell me what´s bothering you.”

He craned his neck to look up to her, his head barely made it to her shoulder. With Nick covered in tears, Ashley wasn´t sure if this was the best idea, but she had to do it.

He looked at her with red teary eyes and decided it was time for him to speak with someone. Ashley could be the one, she was impartial and hopefully she won´t make fun of him. He spoke, letting out all his insecurities and problems. She listened, knowing that´s all he needed.

While they were talking, Maddy was busy at work. They just gave her some more news. Now, she had to get everything ready for tomorrow. While she was doing so, she couldn´t help but to think of Nick.

“Aww, when I get home I´ll tell you all about it, Nick. I´m sure you´ll be excited…” she thought to herself, “But I´m a little sad too.” Turns out, they´ll start her training on Saturday, this Saturday, but she needed to get out of town for a while, at least for the weekend.

“Poor Nick, will he miss me? Haha, how silly, of course he will, and I´ll miss him too.”  She was picking everything from her desk, it was time to move to a new one. It seemed to her that life was giving her what she deserved, the job she wanted, a raise, even Nick.

Since she met him, she knew she´ll be the one taking care of everything, including him, and now, she will. He could no longer take care of himself in any way, he always depended on her. She loved it.

She didn´t mind being the one in charge, the one paying the bills or the busy one; all she cared for was to take care of Nick. At first, when he started shrinking, she thought it was an illness, now, she knew it was just how things should be.

She took her phone out, wondering if she should call him, let him know she will be home earlier. But she decided not to. “I´ll surprise him, my lovely boyfriend, or should I say… little?” Maddy couldn´t hide it, at least not anymore. The fact that Nick was shrinking made her happy.

She smiled every time she thought of Nick and realized she´ll arrive home just to find out he´s smaller. She had a record of his shrinking; she knew he shrank about 3-4 inches per day. He lost a foot every three days or so.

She didn´t enjoy it or got any personal satisfaction by knowing he´ll be smaller. She knew it must be awful for him. On the other hand, the more he shrank, the more he depended on her. She didn´t want to be mean about it but, his new size will allow her to have a new role.

“Ok Nick, I´m coming home, ready or not, here comes mommy.” She declared on her mind as she hopped in the elevator. She had a big smile, some great news and a question. Who will look for Nick while she´s gone?

Back at Maddy´s place, Nick was telling Ashley all about his life during the last few days.

“Mommy? Are you sure?” Ashley asked.

“Yes, well, I think so, it´s not very common to misunderstand that word…” he spoke.

Nick told Ashley all about his unpleasant experience with Cynthia, well, he let out the fact that he lured at her doing yoga. What he told her was that she spanked him. He hated to admit it but that´s what happened. After that, he told him about Maddy, how she comforted him, proving she was there for him.

“I… well… are you sure she said “mommy” and not “Maddy”? Cause they sound very similar to me.” She said.

“Sure, she said, you know… why would she?” he asked.

“Hmmm, well, can I say it?” he nodded at her, “Ok Nick, at first, I thought Maddy was the jealous type, don´t get me wrong but she acts a little weird when it comes to you. But now that you mention this… I guess… more than jealous, I think she´s one of those women who are, you know, very maternal.”

Nick was confused, what does she mean.

“Listen, all women have their respective treats towards men, some want to find a big strong man to protect them, some want a man to support them, some others just want to find a man to love… but, there´s some women who are, you know, sort of… mommies. They talk to their men in squeaky tones, always look for them, they put too much love into everything if you ask me, but yeah, that´s what I think.” She declared.

“Wait, so, do you think Maddy´s like, like that?” he asked.

“I wouldn´t say sure but… you´re her boyfriend, can´t you recall any time where she was acting sort of over affective or maybe looking way too much for you? I mean, right now she does, because of…” she meant his shrinking, “before this, ehmm, condition of yours, wasn´t she like… like that?” she asked.

Nick had his doubts, if Maddy was like that, then he would´ve noticed. Or was he so distracted?

Nick stood there for a while, thinking. He tried to remember every moment when Maddy was “too” loving and carrying. It was hard for him, he didn´t pay much attention to minor details. After a while, he could recall some times when she acted, let´s say, awkward.

She had been always on his side, helping him with some other things. But there was something else, she forgave him easily, very easy. Every time he knew he fucked up, she just let it slip, forgave him in the moment telling him she didn’t mind. Always carrying, always gentle, maybe too gentle.

Then, he focused on recent times. On the other day when she kicked out Cynthia. Nick could feel her rage from the distance, he had never seen her that way before. That moment, when Maddy appeared as his savior, he felt relieved. He felt happy, but that feeling didn´t last long.

Maddy seemed to be acting in a very different way, not her usual loving and nice way. He could see a dark aura above her. She was protecting him, of course, her mother was twice his size, but there was something else, something he couldn´t quite catch at that moment.

Now, he realized it, she was protecting him, but not in the regular way a girlfriend will stand for his boyfriend. No. The rage she felt at that moment, it was the one that´s only shown by…

“Oh no…” he spoke as he turned at Ashley. How was he so blind, even the way she comforted him, weeping his tears away. Nick felt his heart beating as he just realized it, Maddy wanted to be his… mommy?

He stood speechless for a moment, then, they talked about it. Ashley was not the right person for that, she was no therapist at all. But she could listen.

They discussed the whole thing. Nick was worried, but he shouldn´t be. Ashley assured him that he was fine. Maddy won´t hurt him, it will be the other way, she will only look after him. As weird as it sounds. But he should not be afraid, all that will come from her should be well intentioned.

Nick couldn´t help it but to feel strange. His relationship with Maddy was great, but was it that way only because she wanted? He wasn´t sure.

As they were speaking, the door knob turned, they both turned only to watch Maddy stepping in.

“Hey, hello there… “ she said as she walked in.

Nick froze. Wasn´t she supposed to be at work? Did she skipped work just to come home with him? He was too paranoic now, but who wouldn´t. He had a new perspective of his girlfriend, and only time will tell how this all goes. For now, Maddy had her eyes on him, smiling as always.


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