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Well... I finally made it, the second chapter of the story. At first, I must admit I wasn´t sure where to take it, but now... let´s say I´ve got it sort of planned.

Hope you like the chapter. 

Claire was laying in bed, just looking at the ceiling while she kept thinking about Dave´s visit. Three days had gone by and she couldn´t help but to wonder what else could´ve happened. After dinner, they just sat on the couch and talked. They got to know each other better, but there was something else.

Claire was no fool, she noticed Dave looking at her boobs from time to time, but she was fine with that, besides, it´s hard not to stare when they are almost eyelevel with you. The main reason why she didn´t mind was because, she kind of liked it.

She´s been stared at by a ton of people, mainly because of her great stature, but there´s another thing, for example the fact that she´s got an extremely curvaceous body. Her huge jugs and round ass didn´t help at all, she could feel the eyes of strangers staring at her. She hated it, that´s why she spent most of her time at home, and only went out at really late hours, when no one was awake.

She was annoyed by it, she felt like a huge billboard. But she knew it was time to change that, she couldn´t isolate herself forever, she needed a friend. Maybe someone more than just a friend. That´s why she decided to find someone, and lucky for her, she found Dave. Of course, he ogled at her, but almost everyone did, so she didn´t mind. What she liked was the fact that he seemed to be shy around her, which was perfect because she´s not very used to talking to people.

She found him attractive, so she decided to give it a try, and lucky she, it worked. Never before she had expected that someone will visit her house. She felt great, confident. Now, her question was, did he like it?

Her house was designed for someone her height, so things were bigger than usual. Much bigger for Dave who´s below average. Claire was wondering if he felt kind of small around the house. “Haha, the poor little guy, he must´ve felt tiny around here… but, will he come again?” His mere company made her happy, but there were other things she wanted to try, so she needed another date, or however she wanted to call it.

She made her mind and decided to text him, it was around 1 am, but he was working, so he should be able to see the message, the message said:

“Hey Dave, long time no see, LOL. I was wondering, when´s your next free day?”

She sent it. But she wasn´t sure if it was the best thing to say, or write. She read the message once again, it wasn´t so bad, was it? She had a funny feeling on her stomach, it was a simple question, but still, she was worried.

She panicked a little, “Oh no, what if he thinks I´m desperate, or worse, could he think I´m sort of obsessed? Crap! Should I send another message?” she was falling in despair, but she had no time to correct or send anything, because a message had arrived, one from Dave.


She read it, and it said: “Hi there. Well, I´m free next Sunday. Wanna hang out?” she didn´t know, but Dave also had some second thoughts on his message, for instance, he considered adding “I´ve missed you” but he found it kind of lame, besides, what if she just laughs about him, so he skipped that part.

Claire turned her worried look into a big smile when she read the message. “Ok, he´s cool with it… I mean, it´s a pretty regular message… hehe… let´s reply.”

She wrote: “Great! Let´s meet then, wanna come to my place again, you know the address.”

She sent it and he agreed. Now, there was another visit scheduled. Her only question was, what to do? Dave seemed like a great guy, but he was so shy when she was around; of course, she knew she was the cause for his shyness. But other than shy, he was turned on.

“Maybe… I can use that,” she thought. “What if, I don´t know, we move things to a different level.” She smiled at that, the other day, she only got him to crash with her boobs, which made her feel nice, even great. She needed some action, and finding it was really hard, but she was already friends with Dave, at least that´s what she thought. What if she gave him some benefits?

Claire decided to schedule a date, for Sunday. Dave was excited about it, but he didn´t want her to know, so he just wrote, “Sure, I´ll be there.” He ignored she was as excited as him. Dave wouldn´t admit it, but he was looking forward for Sunday. Ever since he received her text, he´s been counting the hours to meet her again.

“I can´t wait!” he thought as he was sitting on the counter, “It´s Friday already, just two days apart from our date.” He didn´t care if he called it a date, what better way for it? Besides, she wouldn´t know.

He was eager to meet her, she was really friendly, smart and overall, kind. The other day, she seemed like a great host. Attentive, polite, hot. He couldn´t help it, but every time he thought of her, his mind was filled with images of her big curvaceous body. Like a set of screenshots, images of her boobs appeared on his thoughts, her ass, her legs, everything.

He swallowed as he felt his member getting hard on his pants. Even a mental image of her made him feel uneasy, and lusty. He needed to get his mind into something else as soon as he felt his member rising on his pants. He wasn´t sure how she didn´t notice it the other day at her place.

“Come on, why would she?” he thought. “A woman like her wouldn´t dare to be intimate with a guy like me, what will she do? I mean, I´ll hit the jackpot, but her? Pfff, I´ll be friend zoned before I can notice it.” He had the idea that she only wanted him as a friend, and for him, it made sense. Which woman would like to be with a guy over two feet shorter than her?

On Saturday, Claire was getting everything settled, she had searched thru her garderobe in the looks for something “special”. The other day, she wore some regular clothes, which were maybe tight in some places. She noticed he really stuck his gaze on those places, so, if she wanted to make sure to get into another level, she needed more of it.

“Ok, let´s see…” she said as she stood in front of her closet and scanned it from side to side. She was looking for some more revealing clothes, which will allow more of her luscious flesh to come out. She even searched for some tips online, on how to dress to impress. She seemed happy, she was enjoying every second of it, unable to hold herself until the next day. But she managed to do it.

Now, as she pulled out a bunch of tops and bottoms, she removed her shirt. She pulled it off, revealing her immense cleavage, she was wearing a white bra that was big enough to hold her massive boobs in place. She was sure that if Dave had gotten a look of her right now, he´ll pass out.

She giggled at her thought, “Ok, for now, I think we´ll go a little slow… but soon, I´ll allow him to have a look.” She thought as she looked herself in the mirror. She knew she had an outstanding body; the problem is, it was too outstanding. Enough to get the wrong kind of looks.

Claire grabbed a cardigan, placed it in front of her and said: “Maybe, I can wear this, with only a bra underneath? No, too empowering… Maybe a shirt… no, too baggy…” she will grab her clothes one by one and decide what to wear. She´ll leave Dave dumbfounded with whatever she wore, but she wanted to have him speechless. She needed to get the perfect outfit.

Finally, Sunday came, Dave woke up late as always, but he had an excuse, he had been working all night on the store, doing some inventory. Claire knew he wouldn´t be up until late morning, at best, so she decided to schedule their date by dinner time.

Now, at 5:30 pm, Dave found himself walking the same path to Claire´s place, as he walked you could notice a big smile on his face; he couldn´t hide the fact that he was over excited. He could already picture Claire smiling at him.

The other day, he felt sort of out of place with his clothes, while Claire seemed a bit too fancy, he decided to get a better outfit this time, instead of jeans he wore some elegant black pants, with a pair of Chelsea boots. On top, a navy-blue shirt. But the final touch were the flowers he was carrying, he wasn’t sure if it will be a great idea, but she´ll cook for him, the least he could do will be giving her roses.

He went and bought the prettiest roses bouquet he found, but, as he got closer to Claire´s house, he wondered: “Crap, what if it´s too small?” It was nice and it looked really good, but one thing´s for sure, on her hands, the bouquet will appear as small as ever. It had the right size for him, but she was in another level.

He resigned on thinking she wasn´t that type of person and that she´ll be grateful no matter what. Now, Dave´s finally there, ringing the bell on Claire´s main entrance. Last time, he had a funny feeling before stepping in, now, with the roses and the outfit, he could literally feel butterflies on his stomach. He took a deep breath to settle his mind.

Before he noticed, the door cracked open, he smiled and was about to speak when he found out one thing, well, more than finding it was glancing. The moment his eyes spot Claire, his mind stopped working, he couldn´t process what he was seeing.

“Hello there…” Spoke Claire with a sexy tone. In a second, she noticed her outfit worked, she smiled in joy. She´d done what she planned, leave Dave speechless on her porch. And why wouldn´t he, her outfit was too foxy.

Claire had done things right. Since Dave wasn´t very tall, he began by looking straight into her mid area, where he could notice she was wearing a short skirt, really short. Her thick shapely legs were only covered all the way to her mid-thigh, if not less. If he´d wanted to, he could´ve glared at her long curvaceous legs all evening.

On top, she was wearing a tight flounce top, which accentuated her slim waist and augmented her gargantuan breasts. He could´ve swear her boobs were big enough to pop out of that top in any minute. Those types of clothes were not designed for a woman of her, well, proportions. Her round breasts were pressing against the fabric, keeping it from falling, while he could see her broad shoulders above it.

He couldn´t lie, she looked great, but, not on the cute way; her outfit was a really high turn on. He decided to look at her face only, but her hair was done in a way that so much complimented the whole thing. She was wearing her hair loose and with much more volume than the other day. So shiny, so thick, so silky. She was too much for him right now.

“Well, are you coming in or… do I need to pick you up and take you to the table?” she asked placing one hand on her hip.

Dave´s eyes opened widely, a part of him would´ve liked it for her to carry him, being closer to her soft gigantic boobs will be everything now, but he couldn´t. If he allowed her, then he´ll be unable to stop the massive erection he´ll get. So, he spoke.

“I… uh, there´s no, you know… here, they´re for you.” He said stretching his arm and placing the flowers right in the middle of both.

“Aww, you didn´t have to, they´re so pretty.” He was surprised by the fact that she didn´t call it a “small gesture”, she grabbed them, and just as he thought, they looked utterly small in her hands, but what could he do.

“Now, come here…” she said as she bent towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Dave was nervous, not only by her outfit, but by Claire alone. Her imposing size was a bit too much for a normal person, much more a short guy like Dave, to take in. It was like in slow motion; he saw her leaning as she puckered her lips towards him. He knew what she was aiming for, him.

He stood still as her large body just lowered itself to his level. Part of him felt ridiculous, he´ll need a ladder to kiss her cheek while she needed to bent. And not a little, she had to bent a freaking lot.

After that, he could feel her larger lips leaving a red lipstick mark on his cheek. So far, this is the only thing he dislikes, not the affection, but the size gap. He didn´t want to compare heights, but she was huge. The thickest part of her leg must be the same size as his waist; that´s right, she´d be able to wear his pants in one leg.

“Why don´t you come it, dinner´s served.” She said as she stepped back and turned.

When she did, Dave´s eyes turned down immediately, not on purpose but maybe his body knew better than him and was already prepared for this moment; but he wasn´t. As she turned, he could spot her colossal butt. Her wide hips were wide to be able to manage the round gargantuan flesh of her butt cheeks. So round, so firm. They swayed with each step she gave, but that wasn´t the “worst” part. Her skirt was so tight and short that, if her bend a little, he´ll be able to see the underside of her naked butt.

He got red in a second, blushing with embarrassment and excitement. He couldn´t even look away, right now, his main focus was if he should bend to have a better view. He lured at her from butt to ankles, her swaying butt, her extremely thick thighs, even her round calves. He hated to admit it but, part of him was thankful for Claire´s sheering size.

“Let me close the door for you…” said Claire as she turned back. Dave turned in an instant, trying his best not to be spotted salivating at her derriere. Of course, that was her main goal tonight, but he didn´t know.

Dave just felt how her elbow came in sight as she passed him by and closed the door behind him. Once again, he was on the place that made him feel the smallest, and with the person that totally towered the most over him. But he couldn´t lie, part of him liked it.

So far, he had proved that taller women are more attractive than shorter women. Women his height always said they were looking for a taller man, a six-footer or so, but Claire, she wasn´t one of those. She had accepted him, short and all, it didn´t matter that she was so much taller than him, or bigger in every other aspect. By the looks of her house, she even made much more money than him, but he was cool with it. He shouldn´t feel less of a man just because she´s much more woman than he´s seen.

Besides, she´s the one who invited him over, and not once, but twice. Part of him liked to think that there will be something more between them in the future, hopefully.

But he wasn´t wrong, as Claire closed the door, a big smile was drawn on her face, she was more than sure that he´d been staring at her since the moment she turned, of course, everything was planned. Now, it was time for dinner, they´ll eat, sure, but maybe, there could be some other things done while doing so.

“Ok now…” Claire said, “let´s head to the kitchen” they walked side by side, which seemed uncommon, their pace was the same; of course, she took care of that. He could see how her boobs bounced with each of her steps. The fabric of her top did nothing to avoid the sensuous movement of her breasts. Dave wasn’t staring directly, he just peeked with the corner of his eye.

Once on the kitchen, Dave accommodated himself in the oversized chair. As Claire had said, dinner was already served, and it smelled delicious. The moment he sat; he could feel the tasty aroma of the meat getting in his nostrils. It was amazing.

He turned at Claire to tell her, but when he turned, she was about to take a seat. She cut him off without noticing but, as she was sitting, she just let her body fall into the chair. Of course, she sat on this exaggerate way on purpose. As she fell, the massive flesh on her chest bounced up and down, her breasts giggled, forcing her to fix her top as they did. Dave was speechless, he had to blink a couple times, quivers of excitement ran thru his spine. That was a major turn on for him, and she knew.

“Tasty, huh?” said Claire.

“Sorry… what?” spoke Dave, fearing the fact that he may´ve stared too much.

“The food, doesn´t it look tasty?” she said.

Dave felt relieved. “Oh, yes, and it smells great too!” he added.

They said nothing more and dug into their plates. The food was delicious, just as he expected. But there was something else. Even during the meal, Dave couldn´t get his eyes off her, the way her boobs giggled a bit with her subtle movements.

He also focused on the fact that, once again, she seemed to eat way more than he did. It was just logical, but he couldn´t help but to feel smaller. He felt kind of weird, the huge furniture, big meal portions, even the fork he was holding was way bigger than the ones he´s used to.

And of course, Claire, she´s by far the tallest woman, more like person, he has met; and he was having dinner at her place. During the rest of the meal, he just tried to think straight, ignoring her luscious body, he tried to think straight. Was this what he wanted?

He had been exploring the fact that maybe he should date taller women. Maybe, he was into it. And looking at Claire just confirm it, her huge boobs, her outstanding butt, everything in her was much bigger than what he´s used to, but the question was, is he into that or he just likes big boobs and ass?

Of course, if he was into tall girls, it meant that the height gap was also a turn on for him, but, was it? Whenever he turned at Claire, he focused on either her boobs or her butt, never before he had felt quivers just by craning his neck. Maybe he should think this straight. Later. Now, it was time to enjoy a meal with his tall friend.

Dave finished his meal, he wasn´t sure how since it was a lot; but not for Claire, she actually served herself another plate. As he laid back on the chair, Claire got up, rising and rising in front of him. He found himself looking way higher than he expected, then, she spoke.

“I hope you´re not full yet, cause there´s something I have for you…” she said as she walked to the fridge.

Dave turned, just to witness the fact that she was way taller than the fridge, and it was a very huge one. She opened the door and then bent. Dave´s eyes opened in shock as she did.

When she bent her knees, her skirt began to rise, allowing more thigh flesh to be displayed, then, she stretched her arms and bent even further; from behind, he couldn´t see what she wanted to grab, but one thing was for sure, as she bent, her skirt rose even higher.

Now, he could see the underside of her butt clearly. Even her underwear was in display, a red lusty thong. He swallowed as her butt cheeks were not showing. So big, so round, so… forbidden. He knew he shouldn´t stare, but he couldn´t help it, it was glorious.

Then, she rose back up, he just set his gaze higher, without taking his eyes off her. He set his attention on her hands. In front of her gargantuan cleavage, she was carrying a cake, a chocolate one.

“Ok, I hope you have room for dessert.” She said with a smile.


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