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Hello everyone! As I´ve mentioned, we´re in stage two of the story, and well, I think this chapter took a little longer than it should in some parts, but, I brought a characeter back from the first chapters, wanna guess who it is?

I hope you like the chapter and I promise the next one will be far more exciting.

Nick just sat on the couch, waiting for time to fly and discover who was coming. He tried to guess, but it wasn´t that easy. As far as he knew, all of Maddy´s friends worked at these hours, so neither of them could be the one. And she didn´t sound as if she had hired someone, which will actually be very embarrassing for him.

Nick was trying to think of someone, what if it wasn´t someone she knew but someone he knew? That will make things easier, maybe.

“Ok, first of all, is it a he or a she?” Nick wondered as he laid his head back on the couch. At his current size, the couch was actually very comfortable, he had much more space, even if he wouldn´t like to admit it.

Eventually, Nick got up of the couch, making a small hop to get down from it. He was thirsty, so he headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. His head barely cleared the counter, but his eyes were below the counter top level, so he wouldn´t be able to reach any glass on the upper cabinets.

“FUCK” He thought.

He decided to grab a water bottle from the fridge, at least he could reach those. He pulled the door open, applying much more force than what he was used to and pulled a bottle out. He turned for a second to check on the time, according to the microwave´s watch, it was already 9:30.

He opened the bottle and took a sip of water. As he swallowed, he just stood there, looking at everything, he hated it, every single thing on the room seemed now too big. As if he was sitting on the floor and checking his new perspective, but the thing was, he wasn´t sitting.

He was standing as straight as he could, just looking at everything from a new and reduced perspective. He disliked it very much, he couldn´t even pick a glass by himself. He could´ve grabbed a stool, but that wasn´t it, he shouldn´t need a stool to reach, what he needed was his shrinking to stop.

How long will it take anyways? He was really close to 3´ tall, a man who used to be over 6´ tall was now fearing to shrink further. Nick ignored the reasons for his shrinking, but he knew it wasn´t his fault.

“Poor Maddy, what if, ugh, what if Cynthia´s right?” he hated to admit it but if this kept going, he´ll end up being a load. He wanted to help his girlfriend, not depend on her for everything. Each passing day, he felt less of a man and more like a burden.

He took another sip of water and, sadly, stepped out of the kitchen. “And how will work be?” he wondered, so far, he had done nothing during his vacations. But what could he do once he went back to work? He couldn´t carry big boxes of papers, and there were things on Rachel´s office that he would be way out of reach.

He started to panic, it was Thursday, only three days separated him from finding out how truly useful he still is. It made him feel kind of sick. What if he´s fired? If he´s unable to work, then they´ll let him go, as easy as that. Maybe they will call it something else but the truth is, he won´t have a job.

With no income he will now depend fully on Maddy. He swallowed as he just realized how lame this all was, he couldn´t do anything to stop it, it wasn´t his fault, why should he be punished for something like this?

Nick felt really sad, suddenly, he could feel his eyes filling with tears. He didn´t wanted to but he needed to cry, release all the exasperation and pain he was now feeling. He was still very conscious about it, should he cry? He could allow himself that, right? He wasn´t selfish at having those thoughts, sometimes, it´s ok to cry.

He was about to sob when someone knocked at the door. He freaked out, was it his door? He waited for a second before he heard a second knock. And yes, they were knocking at his apartment door.

Nick tried to compose himself, rubbed his eyes to dry the tears and headed to the main entrance. It´s bad enough to have someone coming, and it will be much worse if that person finds you crying, feeling sorry for yourself.

Nick took a deep breath, calm himself down and turn the knob. In his mind, he still had the doubt of who it was. A man, a woman? A friend of his? And why didn´t Maddy said something? She only had to say a name, it wasn´t that hard.

He opened the door and turned up to see, he couldn´t believe it, but it was Ashley. He blinked a couple times, but it was really her. He had the idea that Maddy disliked her, but maybe she was her last option, or the only one she could find.

Ashley was looking straight up, looking for Nick, the last time she saw him, he was way taller than now. Currently, she was confused. As a sense of intrigue filled her thoughts, she turned to the sides, and before calling for anyone, she turned down. She was shocked by what she saw, or whom she saw.

“Oh my… NICK?!” a feeling of shock woke her up all of a sudden as she was looking down at him. He just waved and said nothing, allowing her to take it in.

“What the… is that really you?” she asked now bending down.

Ashley wasn´t such a tall woman, she stood at 5´5”, but still, she was over two feet taller than him now.

Before she bent down, Nick was looking straight at her navel, the top of his head was about the same height as her belly button. He could notice because she was wearing a crop top. Mildly loose, but he could see her feminine waist. Underneath, more at his level, she was wearing some oversized pants.

He figured out she was still wearing her pajamas, which will be very logical, Ashley wasn´t the type of person who will wake up early in the morning, most likely, she will still be sleeping by now.

As she got closer, he said, “H-hi there, Ash… long time no see, heh.” He felt weird, not because the once petit Ashley was now a giant compared to him, but because of her looks.

He knew she was looking at him with close attention, as if she was supposed to examine him and take notes. She watched him from heat to toes, she couldn´t believe it.

“So, your small issue just… well, made you smaller.” She declared now rising back up and putting a small smile on her face.

She wasn´t trying to be rude, but he hated those comments.

“Yes, I´m smaller… did Maddy ask you to come?” he said feeling kind of annoyed by her previous comment.

“Yes, she did. And I must say, if you wanted me to come, you could´ve called with at least one day in advance, I know you miss me but, it´s not polite to wake up someone at these hours. You know, she called me at 8, in the morning. You do know I work the night shift, right?” she spoke, kind of bothered.

“Hey, it wasn´t my idea, up until a minute ago, I had no idea you were coming. Besides, you could´ve said no.” he replied.

“Pfff, why would I. You needed a favor and I had some free time, I mean, isn´t that what friends are for?” she said now placing her hand over his head. He turned up feeling happy, but her hand obstructed most part of his view.

Ashley was right, she was his friend, but there was another thing. When she received the call, first, she wanted to hung up, her eyes felt heavy and she wasn´t in full consciousness. But then, a spark of thought hit her. Nick was shrinking!

She had forgotten about it. Well, not precisely forgotten, but she had her own life with her own problems, besides, she saw him just a few days ago, how would she know he had shrunk so much? She accepted, in part because she wanted to see his current “situation”.

She figured out that, if he was smaller, teasing him will be much more fun. Never before she thought she´d be able to look down at his 26-year-old neighbor. Much less when he was over six foot tall, but now, she was sure that he´ll be butt height if she wore heels.

She was smiling, partially, because she was going to have fun. Not the mean type of fun, but still, a joke or two will not hurt anyone.

“Also,” she added, “Maddy mentioned her mother couldn´t come anymore, something about a small conflict. I´m curious, what does that mean?” she asked.

Nick felt shy about it, and part of his butt still hurt from that “conflict”, “I… uhm, can I tell you later?” he spoke.

“Sure, no worries.” She said now stepping in. “Ok, I don´t wanna sound rude or anything, but, as you may notice, I just woke up. DO you have anything I can eat?” she asked.

“Oh uhmm, sure, I guess there should be something on the kitchen.” He replied.

“Sweet.” She said as he guided him to the kitchen. She wasn´t over the fact that he was so small now, she felt like a giant behind him. She wondered if her foot steps sounded louder for him.

Once in the kitchen, she just fixed herself a bowl of cereal. He envied her because she could easily reach everything. Then, she sat on the kitchen table, but as she pulled her chair, she said: “Would you like to join me?”

“Oh, no thank you, I already had breakfast.” He said as he pulled his chair.

Ashley just watched him as he hopped up the chair, part of her was wondering if he could or if it was one of those things she´ll have to do for him. Once he sat, she turned at her plate, just thinking. It was really weird, something like this had never happened before, and if it did, she figured out it will be in another country, not in her same building.

She didn´t want this to be awkward, so she decided to let out a small joke, something simple to break the silence, and she had come with the perfect idea.

“So, Nick, now that I´m your babysitter, what am I supposed to do?” she asked as she guided a spoon full of cereal to her mouth.

Nick was bothered by her question, but he needed to reply, part of it was true, she needed to do some things, just a few. But, was it a real question or did Maddy forgot to tell her?

“Ok, but first of all, you´re not my babysitter, neither a nanny, ok? Let´s just say, you´re my friend who came here to, ehm, help me with… certain activities.” He said.

“Sure boss… so, which activities?” he knew she was sort of sarcastic, but she couldn´t help it, it was really fun… for her.

“Well, I guess, taking care of lunch, maybe… I don´t know…” he wasn´t sure what she was supposed to do.

“Ok, cooking, what else?” she asked, not letting him think. She didn´t want to be mean, but she kind of liked it when he got mad.

“What else?” he wondered in silence as she kept eating her cereal.

She turned at him, he had no idea. So, she decided to speak, going back to the first thing he said.

“Ok, but just… back at your first point, the food… am I supposed to feed you? Like, in the mouth?” she asked, trying her best to say it in a serious tone, but she couldn´t stop a small smile from showing.

Nick was pissed now, he decided to walk out, “Ok Ash, if you´re not going to take this seriously, then I´m leaving… to my bedroom.”

Ashley couldn´t take him seriously, he literally gave a small jump to get off the chair. As he walked out of the kitchen, she was just thinking that this will be something funnier that she thought.

She didn´t want to treat him bad, but it kind of felt necessary to bother the small man. Besides, he had proved to have a really short temper.

Nick felt sad, he hated the fact that he was getting shorter each day, and now Ashley, who was supposed to be his friend, was only making fun of him. He closed the bedroom´s door behind him and took a deep breath. Maybe walking away wasn´t the best solution, but he had no other idea what to do. Besides, he was feeling really weird, not ill, but his mind was giving him some weird thoughts.

He didn´t dare to say it out loud but the moment he saw Ashley standing outside his door, he was dumbfounded. She was so tall now, he was very sure he was not the type of men into taller women, but, part of him was amazed by her larger proportions.

Looking way up to her made him have some feelings. Not the type of feelings that will make him cheat on Maddy, not love feelings, or either arousal. This was different, a little while ago, he realized one thing, women had a different effect on him.

Not like with Cynthia, most of what happened was her trying to tease him in a very inappropriate way. But Ashley, she didn´t even spoke and he was already frozen. So far, Nick thought it was only because they were over two feet taller than him, but giving it a second thought, there was something else, something he couldn´t quite get.

The more he shrank, the more he felt like he needed Maddy; not only because she was his girlfriend, but there was something inside him, deep inside, that craved for her company, her presence. But, could that happen with other women? He had his doubts.

After a while, he decided to step out of his room, he cooled off and decided to see what was Ashley doing. She wasn´t on the kitchen, so he checked on the living room, where she was laying scrolling thru her phone.

“Hey Ash… what´s up.” He spoke.

“Oh, hi, my LITTLE friend. Not much really… what about you?” he was immediately annoyed by her emphasis on the word little, but he decided to ignore it, maybe if he didn´t gave her what she wanted, she´ll just stop.

“Well, I´ve been better… so… do you want to do anything in particular?” he was trying to push the conversation, and her mind, into another thing.

“I don´t know, you´re on vacations, right? Hmmm, well, I can´t really think of anything, what were you doing like, these past days, you know, with Maddy´s mother?” she asked, of course she wasn´t aware of it, besides of cleaning the whole day, yesterday he got his ass beaten by her; quite literally.

He lied, well, excluded some details on his reply, “Well, I, cleaning and… that´s pretty much it.” He also let aside the fact that he did some hot yoga with her, although, it was more like he watched her do yoga with tight clothes. Part of him was still aroused by it.

“Ok, the house´s pretty clean so, I don´t think we should do so… unless you want to…” she said, the truth is that she was really lazy when it came to cleaning.

“Nope, not at all” he immediately replied.

They stood there for a couple minutes until she turned on the TV. “Why don´t you hop here, let´s watch some TV until we find something better to do… or lunch time arrives.” He liked the sound of that.

Ashley moved to the side, giving him a place to sit, right next to her. He figured out it will be just two friends watching TV, so it will be ok. But let´s remember Maddy´s slightly jealous when it comes to Ashley.

They spent the first couple minutes looking for something to watch. Eventually, Ashley found a movie she liked, “Hey, I know this one… let´s watch it.” She said putting the remote to the side.

He had already seen the movie too, but, for him, it wasn´t that good. Although, it was better than spending more time searching for something else. He just laid back on the couch and kept watching the movie, it was half way done so it wouldn´t be so bad.

He was looking at the TV, remembering the most of every scene on the movie. He laughed a bit since it was kind of funny, there were also some things he had forgotten. As he watched the movie, he couldn´t help but to turn at Ashley from time to time.

Even sitting down, his head didn´t even reached her shoulder. He was mesmerized by it all. How come he was now looking way up to a woman who was almost a foot shorter than him? His current situation felt more like a movie than the one they were currently watching.

Nick just watched how her head stood so high above, it made him feel slightly too self-conscious. Then he turned down, passed her boobs and looked straight at her navel, looking at her belly button beneath the fabric of her short top; but he was too curious, so he returned his gaze at her boobs. She didn´t have the biggest boobs he´s seen, Maddy´s were much bigger; at his size, they seemed big.

At his current height, Nick was sure he´ll need two hands to be able to hold one of her boobs. Now, he was kind of picturing the whole thing. How will her breasts feel? How big were her nipples?

Ashley made a small move, to accommodate herself on the couch, Nick turned immediately. He supposed she had seen him luring at her breasts while he was spaced out thinking of them. He felt bad, what he was doing was wrong.

He took a deep breath and thought that as long as he doesn´t go any further than just thinking of it, then it will not be so bad. But it was, having that type of thoughts about women who were not his girlfriend was wrong. Maybe not as bad as cheating but, could just staring be allowed? Did anyone else do this? He wasn´t sure, but what Maddy doesn´t know won´t hurt her.

He stood there, trying his best to look straight at the movie. He resigned on the fact that he won´t look at Ashley again, at least not in such a way. But then, she placed one leg over her other one.

The slight movement she made was enough to make him feel it, feel as if the whole couch had moved. It felt odd, how much could Ashley weight, maybe 120? He ignored how weight worked with women, how much was too much or how much was too little. What he knew was that he wasn´t aware of his own weight.

It´s normal that an object with greater weight makes one with least weight move. The heavier object applies more force, therefore, the other one, in case they´re on the same surface, moves. On Nick´s case, his surface was the couch, and the heavier object was Ashley.

He couldn´t help it, he had to turn, but not at her boobs, to her legs. She was wearing oversized sweat pants, which only made her legs seem larger. Still, he wasn´t focusing on their thickness, but their length.

Nick´s legs were not long enough so that his knees could clear the edge of the couch, instead, his legs were almost at a 90-degree angle; he could see his toes while sitting. But Ashley, well, she was still normal, so her legs were much longer than his. He was sure that his legs, compared to hers, were barely long enough to clear her knees.

On top of that, he was sure that he could fit both of his legs on one of the pants legs. He was just feeling down. Everything and everyone were now much bigger than him, and he couldn´t do anything. He just stared at his lap, feeling sad.

“Hey, come on, aren´t you watching the movie?” asked Ashley as she placed her big hand on his shoulder. She noticed he had been turning, but it was ok, maybe he hasn´t gone out of the apartment in days. Maddy told her she should stay on the apartment at all times, so it made sense.

She knew Nick might feel a little depressed for his current situation, so she decided to be empathetic for once. She pulled him into her and said: “Are you ok, Nick? For real, you can talk to me, come on, don´t be shy.”

As she pulled him, he turned red, he was both, embarrassed and in a way overexcited. He was embarrassed by the fact that she pulled him so easy. She seemed stronger than ever. And as his body fell into hers, well, he found that his head fell in a soft spot, her boob.

It was just as he thought, soft. He was now embraced by the enormous woman and his head landed right where he would´ve wanted. But he was wondering, should he open up to her? Was he supposed to tell her all about how the world was for a guy like him? Besides, should he talk about the incident with Cynthia? He wasn´t sure.


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